Battle Allies Opponents Outcome Battle of Kabul (1992–96) (April 30, 1992 – September 27, 1996) Al-Qaeda Taliban Islamic State of Afghanistan Hezb-i Islami
Partial Victory Battle of Mogadishu (1993) (3–4 October 1993) Al-Qaeda (Only strategist help by supreme strategist of Al-Qaeda Saif al-Adel ) Somali National Alliance (SNA) UNOSOM II Victory Battles of Mazar-i-Sharif (1997–98) (25 May 25, 1997 – 14 August 1998) Al-Qaeda Taliban Junbishi Forces Forces loyal to Ismail Khan [ citation needed ] Victory Siege of Kunduz (11 November 2001 – 23 November 2001) Taliban Al-Qaeda IMU Northern Alliance United States Defeat Battle of Kandahar (2001) (7 October 2001) Taliban Al-Qaeda Gul Sharzai-led militia Eastern Alliance United States Australia Partial Defeat Fall of Kandahar (22 November – 7 December 2001) Taliban Al-Qaeda Gul Sharzai-led militia Eastern Alliance United States Australia Defeat Battle of Qala-i-Jangi (25 November 2001 – 1 December 2001) Taliban Al-Qaeda IMU Northern Alliance United States United Kingdom Defeat Battle of Tora Bora (December 6, 2001 – December 17, 2001) Taliban Al-Qaeda United States United Kingdom Germany Northern Alliance Partial Defeat Operation Anaconda (March 1–18, 2002) Taliban insurgents Al-Qaeda Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan Coalition: United States Australia Afghan Army United Kingdom Canada Germany France Norway Denmark Turkey New Zealand Defeat Battle of Takur Ghar (4–5 March 2002) Taliban Al-Qaeda United States Australia Afghanistan United Kingdom Defeat Operation Harpoon (2002) (March 13–19, 2002) Taliban Al-Qaeda United States Canada Defeat Operation Jacana (April, 2002–July, 2002) Taliban Al-Qaeda United Kingdom , United States , Australia , Norway Defeat Battle of Wana (March 16–23, 2004) al-Qaeda Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan State of Pakistan Defeat First Battle of Fallujah (4 April – 1 May 2004) al-Qaeda Ba'athists Other Sunni insurgents
United States Poland (GROM ) Blackwater Victory 2004 Iraq KBR convoy ambush (April 9, 2004) al-Qaeda Badr Organization Mahdi Army
United States Victory Houthi insurgency in Yemen (18 June 2004 – 6 February 2015) al-Qaeda Houthis Yemen Victory Battle of Samarra (2004) (October 1–3, 2004) al-Qaeda United States Iraq Defeat Second Battle of Fallujah (7 November – 23 December 2004) al-Qaeda Islamic Army of Iraq Ansar al-Sunna 1920 Revolution Brigade Army of Mohammed Army of the Mujahedeen Secret Islamic Army of Iraq Other insurgents
United States Republic of Iraq United Kingdom Defeat Battle of Mosul (2004) (November 8–16, 2004) al-Qaeda Ansar ul-Islam
United States Republic of Iraq Defeat Battle of Abu Ghraib (2 April 2005) al-Qaeda United States Defeat Battle of Al Qaim (8 May 2005 – 19 May 2005) al-Qaeda United States Defeat Operation Sayeed (July 2005–22 December 2005) al-Qaeda Ba'ath Party Loyalists
United States Republic of Iraq Defeat Operation Steel Curtain (5–22 November 2005) al-Qaeda United States Republic of Iraq Defeat Operation Swarmer (16 March 2006 – 22 March 2006) al-Qaeda Other Iraqi insurgents
United States Republic of Iraq Indecisive Operation Scorpion (24 March 2006 – 25 March 2006) al-Qaeda Other Iraqi insurgents
United States Republic of Iraq Indecisive Operation Larchwood 4 (16 April 2006) al-Qaeda United Kingdom United States Iraq Defeat Operation Mountain Thrust (15 May 2006 – 31 July 2006) Al-Qaeda Taliban United States Canada Afghan National Army United Kingdom Australia Romania Netherlands Czech Republic Partial Defeat Operation Together Forward (14 June 2006 – 24 October 2006) al-Qaeda al-Mahdi Army
United States Republic of Iraq Victory Battle of Ramadi (2006) (17 June 2006 – 15 November 2006) al-Qaeda United States Republic of Iraq Indecisive Islamic Army–al-Qaeda conflict (Summer 2006 – 6 June 2007) al-Qaeda Islamic Army of Iraq 1920 Revolution Brigade Jamaat Ansar al-Sunna Hamas of Iraq Indecisive Operation Mountain Fury (16 September 2006 – 15 January 2007) al-Qaeda Taliban Afghan National Army Canada United States United Kingdom Netherlands Italy Estonia Defeat 2006 Ramadan Offensive (23 September 2006 – 22 October 2006) al-Qaeda United States Victory Battle of Turki (15 November 2006 - 16 November 2006) al-Qaeda United States Defeat Diyala campaign (25 December 2006 – 1 October 2007) al-Qaeda Other Iraqi Insurgents
United States New Iraqi Army Peshmerga Defeat Operation Enduring Freedom – Trans Sahara (18 years, 1 week and 2 days ) al-Qaeda Morocco Mauritania Tunisia Burkina Faso Chad Mali Niger Nigeria United States Canada Ongoing Operation Murfreesboro (18 February 2007 – 2 March 2007) al-Qaeda United States Iraq Defeat Operation Shurta Nasir (15 February 2007) al-Qaeda United States New Iraqi Army Defeat Battle of Ras Kamboni (5 January 2007 – 12 January 2007) Islamic Courts Union Pro-Islamist militias Foreign fighters al-Qaeda Transitional Federal Government (TFG) Ethiopia United States Defeat Battle of Baqubah (10 March – 19 August 2007) al-Qaeda United States New Iraqi Army Defeat Operation Alljah (16 June 2007 – 14 August 2007) al-Qaeda Other Iraqi Insurgents
United States New Iraqi Army Defeat Operation Phantom Thunder (16 June 2007 – 14 August 2007) al-Qaeda Other Iraqi Insurgents
United States Iraqi Army Revolution Brigade Peshmerga
Defeat Operation Commando Eagle (21 June 2007 – 14 August 2007) al-Qaeda Other Iraqi Insurgents
United States New Iraqi Army Defeat Operation Bull Run (24 June 2007 – 26 June 2007) al-Qaeda Other Iraqi Insurgents
United States New Iraqi Army Defeat Battle of Donkey Island (30 June 2007 – 1 July 2007) al-Qaeda United States Defeat Operation Phantom Strike (15 August 2007 – January 2008) al-Qaeda Other Iraqi Insurgents
United States Defeat Operation Phantom Phoenix (8 January 2008, – 28 July 2008) al-Qaeda Other Iraqi Insurgents
United States Iraq Georgia United Kingdom Partial Defeat Ninawa campaign (23 January 2008 – 28 July 2008) al-Qaeda Other Iraqi Insurgents
United States Iraq Indecisive 2008 al-Qaeda offensive in Iraq (15 April 2008 - 19 May 2008) al-Qaeda United States Iraq Indecisive Operation Sirat-e-Mustaqeem (28 June 2008 - 9 July 2008) Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi Al Qaeda Lashkar-e-Islam
State of Pakistan Defeat Battle of Mogadishu (2009) (7 May 2009 – 1 October 2009) Al-Shabaab Hizbul Islam Foreign Mujahideen Al-Qaeda
Somalia : ARS-D -TFG coalition AMISOM
Partial victory Operation Augurs of Prosperity (29 July 2008 – 11 August 2008) al-Qaeda Other Iraqi Insurgents
United States Iraq Defeat Battle of Wanat (July 13, 2008) al-Qaeda Taliban United States State of Pakistan Defeat Operation Rah-e-Nijat (19 June 2009 – 12 December 2009) Tehrik-i-Taliban Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan Jama'at al-Jihad al-Islami (IMU splinter faction) Al Qaeda Foreign Mujahideen State of Pakistan Defeat Battle of Bajaur (7 August 2008 – 28 February 2009) al-Qaeda TTP Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi State of Pakistan Defeat Counterinsurgency in Northern Afghanistan (April 2009 – December 2014) al-Qaeda Taliban United States Germany Afghanistan Belgium Sweden Defeat Second Battle of Swat (16 May 2009 – 15 July 2009) al-Qaeda TTP Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi Lashkar-e-Islam State of Pakistan Defeat Operation Blow to the Head (13 January 2010 – 12 February 2010) al-Qaeda Yemen Houthis Indecisive Operation Moshtarak (13 February 2010 – 7 December 2010) al-Qaeda Taliban United States United Kingdom France Canada Afghanistan Defeat Battle of Mogadishu (2010–11) (23 August 2010 – 6 August 2011) Harakat al-Shabaab Mujahideen Hizbul Islam * Foreign mujahideen al-Qaeda
Republic of Somalia : ARS-D -TFG coalition AMISOM Ahlu Sunna Waljama'a [ 2] limited involvement United States [ citation needed ] European Union [ citation needed ]
Defeat Battle of Gedo al-Qaeda Federal Government of Somalia Ahlu Sunna Waljama'a Ethiopia Kenya Defence Forces
Ongoing Operation Neptune Spear (2 May 2011) al-Qaeda United States Defeat Siege of Homs (6 May 2011 – 9 May 2014) al-Qaeda Syria Hezbollah [ 3] SSNP [ 4] Defeat PNS Mehran attack (22 May 2011 – 23 May 2011) TTP Al-Qaeda Pakistan Defeat Battle of Zinjibar (27 May 2011 – 10 September 2011) al-Qaeda Yemen Victory Idlib Governorate clashes (September 2011–March 2012) (8 September 2011 – 27 March 2012) al-Qaeda Syria Partial victory Siege of Dammaj (15 October 2011 – 22 December 2011) al-Qaeda Houthis Defeat Battle of Aguelhok (17 January 2012 – 25 January 2012) al-Qaeda National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad Mali Victory Battle of Tessalit (18 January 2012 – 11 March 2012) al-Qaeda Azawad Victory Battle of Dofas (4 March 2012 – 5 March 2012) al-Qaeda Yemen Victory Battle of Yurkud (2012) (10 March 2012) al-Qaeda Ethiopia Defeat 2012 Abyan offensive (12 May 2012 – 15 June 2012) al-Qaeda Yemen Defeat Battles of Gao and Timbuktu (26 June 2012 – 27 June 2012) al-Qaeda Azawad Victory Siege of Nubl and Al-Zahraa (19 July 2012 – 3 February 2016) al-Qaeda Syrian Arab Republic Hezbollah
Defeat 2012–2017 Lebanon–Syria border clashes (12 years, 8 months and 2 weeks ) al-Qaeda Hezbollah Lebanon Ongoing Rojava conflict (12 years, 6 months, 3 weeks and 6 days ) al-Qaeda Rojava [ 8] Ongoing Siege of Menagh Air Base (2 August 2012 – 6 August 2013) al-Qaeda Syria Victory Siege of Abu al-Duhur Airbase (23 September 2012 – 9 September 2015) al-Qaeda Free Syrian Army (until late 2014)
Syria Victory Battle of Kismayo (2012) (28 September 2012 – 1 October 2012) al-Qaeda AMISOM Raskamboni movement
Defeat Battle of Maarat al-Numan (2012) (8 October 2012 – 13 October 2012) al-Qaeda Free Syrian Army
Syria Victory Battle of Ras al-Ayn (8 November 2012 – 17 July 2013) al-Qaeda Free Syrian Army Ghuraba al-Sham
Syria Rojava Defeat Battle of Menaka (16 November 2012 – 20 November 2012) al-Qaeda Azawad Victory Battle of Darayya (November 2012–March 2013) (15 November 2012 – 14 February 2013) al-Qaeda Ahrar al-Sham Free Syrian Army
Syria Victory Battle of Konna (10–18 January 2013) al-Qaeda Mali France Defeat Bulo Marer hostage rescue attempt (11 January 2013) al-Qaeda France Victory Battle of Diabaly (14–21 January 2013) al-Qaeda Mali France Partial Defeat Battle of Safira (6 February 2013 – 19 February 2013) al-Qaeda Syria Victory Battle of Safira (6 February 2013 – 19 February 2013) al-Qaeda Syrian government PFLP – GC Liwa Abu al-Fadhal al-Abbas
Partial Victory Battle of Ifoghas (22 February 2013) al-Qaeda Chad France Defeat Battle of Shadadeh (12–14 February 2013) al-Qaeda Syria Victory Akashat ambush (4 March 2013) al-Qaeda Syria Iraq Victory 2013 Daraa offensive (3 March – 10 April 2013) al-Qaeda Syrian Arab Republic Partial Victory Battle of Raqqa (3 March 2013 – 6 March 2013) al-Qaeda Syrian Arab Republic Victory Battle of Tigharghar (12 March 2013) al-Qaeda Chad Defeat Second Battle of Timbuktu (20 March 2013 - 1 April 2013) al-Qaeda Mali France Defeat Battle of Radda (29 March 2013 - 27 April 2013) al-Qaeda Yemen Indecisive Al-Qusayr offensive (2013) (4 April 2013 – 8 June 2013) al-Qaeda Syrian Arab Republic Hezbollah Supported by:
Defeat 2013 Hawija clashes (23 April 2013 – 26 April 2013) al-Qaeda Iraqi Government Peshmerga Sahwa militia
Victory Battle of al-Qusayr (2013) (19 May 2013 – 5 June 2013) al-Qaeda Syrian Arab Republic Hezbollah Far-right volunteers (Black Lily) Supported by:
Defeat Operation al-Shabah (20 May 2013 – 14 July 2013) al-Qaeda Iraqi Government Indecisive 2013 Sidon clash (23–25 June 2013) al-Qaeda Lebanese Army Hezbollah Defeat Syrian Kurdish–Islamist conflict (2013–present) (11 years, 6 months, 4 weeks and 2 days ) al-Qaeda Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
Rojava [ 19] Free Syrian Army (since September 2014) [ 6] Kurdistan Workers' Party [ 21] Iraqi Kurdistan [ 22] Syriac Union Party
Arab tribesmen
Ongoing 2013 Latakia offensive (4–19 August 2013) al-Qaeda Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Resistance Defeat Battle of Ma'loula (4 September 2013 – 15 September 2013) al-Qaeda Ahrar al-Sham Qalamoun Liberation front
Syrian Arab Republic : Hezbollah
Defeat Rif Dimashq offensive (September–November 2013) (10 September 2013 – 28 November 2013) al-Qaeda Ahrar al-Sham Syrian Islamic Liberation Front Syrian Islamic Front
Syrian Arab Republic : Hezbollah [ 27] Liwa Abu al-Fadhal al-Abbas [ 28] Arab Nationalist Guard [ 29]
Defeat Aleppo offensive (October–December 2013) (1 October 2013 – 1 December 2013) al-Qaeda Ahrar al-Sham Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki
Syrian Arab Republic Hezbollah
Defeat Battle of Sadad (21 October 2013 – 28 October 2013) al-Qaeda Syrian Arab Republic : Defeat Battle of Qalamoun (2013) (15 November 2013 – 26 April 2014) al-Qaeda Free Syrian Army Islamic Front Green Battalion
Syrian Arab Republic Hezbollah Arab Nationalist Guard Liwa Abu al-Fadhal al-Abbas (Iraqi militia)
Defeat Battle of Murak (1 February – 23 October 2014) al-Qaeda Syrian Arab Republic Defeat Daraa offensive (February–May 2014) (3 February 2014 – 27 May 2014) al-Qaeda Islamic Front Ahrar al-Sham
Syrian Arab Republic Hezbollah Arab Nationalist Guard
Indecisive Al-Otaiba ambush (26 February 2014) al-Qaeda Syrian Arab Republic Hezbollah Defeat 2014 Idlib offensive (5 March 2014 – 25 May 2014) al-Qaeda Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Resistance Victory Battle of Hosn (20 March 2014) al-Qaeda Syrian Arab Republic Hezbollah Defeat 2014 Latakia offensive (21 March 2014 – 15 June 2014) al-Qaeda Islamic Front
Supported by:
Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Resistance Ba'ath Brigades [ 42] Hezbollah [ 35]
Defeat Battle of Markada (21–31 March 2014) al-Qaeda Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Defeat Battle of Al-Malihah (4 April 2014 – 14 December 2014) al-Qaeda Syrian Arab Republic Hezbollah
Defeat Second siege of Wadi Deif (4 April 2014 – 14 December 2014) al-Qaeda Syrian Arab Republic Victory Battle of Dayet in Maharat (16 2014 –17 April 2014) al-Qaeda France Defeat Operation Zarb-e-Azb (15 June 2014 – 3 April 2016) al-Qaeda Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Turkistan Islamic Party Haqqani network Islamic Republic of Pakistan Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant [ 44] Defeat Operation Inherent Resolve (10 years and 8 months ) al-Qaeda Ahrar al-Sham
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant United States of America Ongoing 2014 Hama offensive (26 July 2014 – 19 September 2014) al-Qaeda Syria Defeat 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict (8 July 2014 – 26 August 2014) al-Qaeda Gazan militant groups
Armament support: Iran
Israel Indecisive Battle of Arsal (2014) (2 August 2014 – 7 August 2014) al-Qaeda Syria Lebanon
Defeat Operation Indian Ocean (16 August 2014 – 2015) al-Qaeda Federal Government of Somalia AMISOM United States Supported by : EUTM Somalia
Defeat 2014 Quneitra offensive (27 August 2014 – 23 September 2014) al-Qaeda UNDOF
Syria Victory American-led intervention in Syria (10 years, 4 months, 3 weeks and 3 days ) al-Qaeda Ahrar al-Sham Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
United States of America Ongoing Al-Nusra Front–SRF/Hazzm Movement conflict (26 October 2014 – 1 March 2015) al-Qaeda Free Syrian Army Victory 2014 Idlib city raid (27 October 2014) al-Qaeda Syrian Arab Republic National Defense Force Defeat Battle of Al-Shaykh Maskin (1 November 2014 – 15 December 2014) al-Qaeda Syrian Armed Forces Hezbollah Iraqi Kata'ib Sayyid al-Shuhada [ 52] [ 53] Supported by:
Victory 2014 hostage rescue operations in Yemen ( 26 November 2014 and 6 December 2014) al-Qaeda Yemen United States Indecisive Daraa offensive (January 2015) (24 January 2015 – 31 January 2015) al-Qaeda Syrian Armed Forces Hezbollah Iraqi Kata'ib Sayyid al-Shuhada Supported by:
Victory Battle of Bosra (2015) (21 March 2015 – 24 March 2015) al-Qaeda Syrian Arab Republic Hezbollah [ 55] Iranian IRGC [ 55] Imam al-Hussein Brigade [ 56]
Victory Second Battle of Idlib (24 March 2015 – 28 March 2015) al-Qaeda Syria Hezbollah Victory 2015 Idlib offensive (24 March 2015 – 5 April 2015) al-Qaeda Syria Hezbollah Partial Victory Siege of Al-Fu'ah-Kafriya (2015) (9 years, 10 months and 3 weeks ) al-Qaeda Syria Hezbollah Ongoing Abyan campaign (March–August 2015) (26 March 2015 – 11 August 2015) al-Qaeda Yemen Army
Houthi fighters Partial Defeat Shabwah campaign (March–August 2015) (29 March 2015 – 15 April 2015) al-Qaeda Houthi fighters Yemen Army
Defeat Battle of Nasib Border Crossing (1 April 2015) al-Qaeda Syrian Arab Republic Victory Battle of Yarmouk Camp (2015) (1 April 2015 – 20 April 2015) al-Qaeda Syrian Armed Forces Palestine Liberation Army PFLP-GC Fatah al-Intifada [ 57] Partial Victory Battle of Mukalla (2 April 2015 – 16 April 2015) al-Qaeda Hadhramaut Tribal Alliance Yemen Army Victory Battle of Taiz (2015-2016) (15 April 2015 – 17 April 2016) al-Qaeda Hadi government
Foreign intervention
Houthi government Stalemate Battle of Leego (2015) (26 June 2015) al-Qaeda AMISOM Strategical Victory Aleppo offensive (July 2015) (2–7 July 2015) al-Qaeda Fatah Halab [ 58]
Syrian Arab Republic Hezbollah
Partial Victory Battle of Zabadani (2015) (3 July – 24 September 2015) al-Qaeda Islamic Front
Free Syrian Army
Al-Zabadani Hawks Brigade Syrian Arab Republic Palestine Liberation Army Hezbollah Islamic Republic of Iran
Ceasefire Al-Ghab offensive (July–August 2015) (28 July – 28 August 2015) al-Qaeda Army of Conquest
Jabhat Ansar al-Din [ 64] [ 65] [ 66] Katibat Tawhid wa Jihad (Uzbeks) [ 67] [ 68] [ 69] Supported by: Republic of Turkey Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Qatar
Syrian Arab Republic Hezbollah Syrian Social Nationalist Party Syrian Resistance [ 70] Liwa Fatemiyoun Islamic Republic of Iran
Victory Russian military intervention in the Syrian Civil War (30 September 2015 – present (9 years, 4 months, 2 weeks and 2 days )) al-Qaeda Army of Conquest : [ 71]
Supported by : Kingdom of Saudi Arabia [ 74] [ 75] Republic of Turkey [ 76] [ 77] Qatar [ 75] Free Syrian Army [ 78]
Levant Front [ 79] Islamic Front Supported by : Kingdom of Saudi Arabia [ 74] [ 82] Republic of Turkey [ 83] United States of America [ 84] [ 85] [ 86] [a]
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
Aerial combat Russian Federation Syrian Arab Republic
Ground forces OSM (Russian security contractors ) [ 87] Syrian Arab Republic Islamic Republic of Iran Supported by : Iraq [ 88] Syrian Democratic Forces [ 89] [ 90] [ 91] [ 92] Supported by :
Ongoing Northwestern Syria offensive (October–November 2015) (7 October – 10 November 2015) al-Qaeda SRCC
Free Syrian Army [ 62] [ 63]
Islamic Front [ 63]
Jabhat Ansar al-Din Supported by: Republic of Turkey Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Qatar
Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Social Nationalist Party [ 93] Syrian Resistance [ 70] Liwa Fatemiyoun Hezbollah [ 94] Islamic Republic of Iran
Air strikes : Russian Federation
Indecisive Aleppo offensive (October–December 2015) (16 October – 21 December 2015) al-Qaeda SRCC
Sultan Murad Brigade Alwiya al-Furqan
Support Republic of Turkey Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Qatar United States of America
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
Syrian Arab Republic Islamic Republic of Iran
IRGC Iranian-backed Shi'ite Militias Hezbollah Liwa Al-Quds [ 103]
Air strikes : Russian Federation
Defeat 2015 Latakia offensive (15 October 2015 – 12 March 2016) al-Qaeda Free Syrian Army
Islamic Front
Support Republic of Turkey (border shelling) United States of America (Armament for FSA )
Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Social Nationalist Party Hezbollah
Air strikes : Russian Federation
Defeat 2015 Hama offensive (28 November – 15 December 2015) al-Qaeda Army of Conquest
Free Syrian Army
Syrian Arab Republic Air strikes : Russian Federation
Defeat Fall of Zinjibar and Jaar (2–3 December 2015) al-Qaeda Hadi government Victory Southern Abyan Offensive (2016) (20 February 2016) al-Qaeda Hadi government Victory