Nigerian National Assembly delegation from Akwa Ibom

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The Nigerian National Assembly delegation from Akwa Ibom comprises three Senators representing Akwa Ibom North-East, Akwa Ibom North-West, and Akwa Ibom South and ten Representatives representing Ukanafun/Orukanam, Etinan, Itu/Ibiono Ibom, Eket, Ikot Ekpene/ Essien Udim/ Ubot Akara, Abak, Ikono/ Ini, Oron/Mbo/Okobo/UrueOffong Oruko/Udung-Uko, Ikot Abasi, Uyo/Uruan/Nsit Atai/Ibesikpo Asutan.


Fourth Republic

The 4th Parliament (1999–2003)

Senator Akpanudo-Edehe John James PDP Akwa Ibom North-East 19992003
Senator Emmanuel Ibok Essien PDP Akwa Ibom North-West 19992003
Senator Udo Udoma PDP Akwa Ibom South 19992003
Representative Akpan Eno Sampson PDP Ukanafun/Orukanam19992003
Representative Bassey AsuquoEmah PDP Etinan19992003
Representative Enang Ita Solomon PDP Itu/Ibiono Ibom19992003
Representative Nduese Essien PDP Eket19992003
Representative Esu Tony Ibana ANPP Ikot Ekpene/ Essien Udim/ Ubot Akara19992003
Representative Eyo Akaninyene Eno ANPP Abak19992003
Representative Minimah Iquo-Inyang PDP Ikono/ Ini19992003
Representative Udoh Esio Oquong PDP Oron, Mbo, Okobo, UrueOffong/Oruko, Udung-Uko.19992003
Representative Udoh Bernard Ambrose PDP Ikot Abasi19992003
Representative Ukpong Emaeyak Nkana PDP Uyo/Uruan/Nsit Ata/Ibeskip Asutan19992003

5th Parliament (2003–2007)

6th Parliament (2007–2011)

Senate Aloysius Akpan Etok PDP Akwa Ibom North West 20072011
Senate Effiong Bob PDP Akwa Ibom North East 20072011
Senate Eme Ufot Ekaette PDP Akwa Ibom South 20072011
House of Representatives Aniedi Ikpong King PDP Etinan/Nsit ibom/Nsit Ubim 20072011
House of Representatives Bassey Effiong Etim PDP Uyo/Uruan/Nsit Atai
House of Representatives Bernard Udoh PDP Ikot Abasi/Mkpat Enin/Eastern Obolo 20072011
House of Representatives Ekperikpe Ekpo PDP Abak/Etim ekpo/Ika20072011
House of Representatives Enang Ita Solomon PDP Itu/Ibiono Ibom20072011
House of Representatives Eseme Sunday Eyiboh PDP Eket20072011
House of Representatives Ini Akpan Udoka PDP Ikono/Ini
House of Representatives Patty Etete Ineme PDP Ikot Ekpene/Essien Udim/Obot Akara20072011
House of Representatives Peter Linus Umoh PDP Oron, Mbo, Okobo, Urue Offong/Oruko, Udung Uko 20072011
House of Representatives Sabbath Sandy Obot PDP Ukanafun/Orukaanam 20072011

7th Parliament (2011–2015)

Senate Aloysius Akpan Etok PDP Akwa Ibom North West 20112015
Senate Ita Enang PDP Akwa Ibom North East 20112015
Senate Helen Esuene PDP Akwa Ibom South 20112015
House of Representatives Effiong Akpan PDP Etinan/Nsit ibom/Nsit Ubim 20112015
House of Representatives Ekpenyong Etim PDP Uyo/Uruan/Nsit Ata/Ibesip Asutan 20112015
House of Representatives Udoh Micah PDP Ikot Abasi/Mkpat Enin/Eastern Obolo 20112015
House of Representatives Ekon Bartholomew PDP Abak/Etim Ekpo/Ika20112015
House of Representatives Archibong Edet PDP Itu/Ibiono Ibom20112015
House of Representatives Dan-Abia Bassey PDP Eket/Onna/Esit Eket/Ibeno20112015
House of Representatives Ini Akpan Udoka PDP Ikono/Ini20112015
House of Representatives Francis Udoh PDP Ikot Ekpene/Essien Udim/Obot Akara20112015
House of Representatives Uwak Edet PDP Oron, Mbo, Okobo, Urue Offong/Oruko,Udung Uko 20112015
House of Representatives Ukoette Isaac PDP Ukanafun/Orukanam 20112015

8th Parliament (2015–2019)

Senate Godswill Akpabio APC Akwa Ibom North West20152019
Senate Bassey Albert PDP Akwa Ibom North East20152019
SenateNelson Asuquo EffiongAPCAkwa Ibom South20152019
House of RepresentativesSamuel OkonPDPEtinan/Nsit ibom/Nsit Ubim20152019
House of RepresentativesDr. Michael Okon EnyongPDPUyo/Uruan/Nsit Ata/Ibesikpo Asutan20152019
House of RepresentativesFrancis Charles UdoyukPDPIkot Abasi/Mkpat Enin/Eastern Obolo20152019
House of RepresentativesEmmanuel IkonPDPAbak/Etim Ekpo/Ika20152019
House of Representatives Henry Okon Archibong PDPItu/Ibiono Ibom20152019
House of RepresentativesOwoidighe EkpoataiPDPEket/Onna/Esit Eket/Ibeno20152019
House of RepresentativesIboro Asuquo EkanemPDPIkono/Ini20152019
House of RepresentativesEmmanuel S. Asian,PDPIkot Ekpene/Essien Udim/Obot Akara20152019
House of RepresentativesNse Bassey EkpenyongPDP Oron, Mbo, Okobo, Urue Offong/Oruko , Udung Uko 20152019
House of RepresentativesEmmanuel Ukoette IsaacPDPUkanafun/Orukanam20152019

9th Parliament (2019–2023)

Senate Christopher Stephen Ekpenyong PDP Akwa Ibom North West20192023
Senate Bassey Albert PDP Akwa Ibom North East20192023
Senate Akon Etim Eyakenyi PDP Akwa Ibom South20192023
House of Representatives Onofiok Akpan Luke PDPEtinan/Nsit ibom/Nsit Ubim20192023
House of RepresentativesDr. Michael Okon EnyongPDPUyo/Uruan/Nsit Ata/Ibesikpo Asutan20192023
House of Representatives Francis Charles Udoyuk PDPIkot Abasi/Mkpat Enin/Eastern Obolo20192023
House of Representatives Aniekan John Umanah PDPAbak/Etim Ekpo/Ika20192023
House of Representatives Henry Okon Archibong PDPItu/Ibiono Ibom20192023
House of RepresentativesPatrick Nathan IfonPDPEket/Onna/Esit Eket/Ibeno20192023
House of Representatives Emmanuel Effiong Ukpong-udo PDPIkono/Ini20192023
House of RepresentativesFrancis Charles UduyokPDPIkot Ekpene/Essien Udim/Obot Akara20192023
House of RepresentativesNse Bassey EkpenyongPDPOron, Mbo, Okobo, Urue Offong/Oruko, Udung Uko20192023
House of RepresentativesUnyime Josiah IdemPDPUkanafun/Orukanam20192023
