Octet rule

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The bonding in carbon dioxide (CO2): all atoms are surrounded by 8 electrons, fulfilling the octet rule. Carbon-dioxide-octet-Lewis-2D.png
The bonding in carbon dioxide (CO2): all atoms are surrounded by 8 electrons, fulfilling the octet rule.

The octet rule is a chemical rule of thumb that reflects the theory that main-group elements tend to bond in such a way that each atom has eight electrons in its valence shell, giving it the same electronic configuration as a noble gas. The rule is especially applicable to carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and the halogens; although more generally the rule is applicable for the s-block and p-block of the periodic table. Other rules exist for other elements, such as the duplet rule for hydrogen and helium, and the 18-electron rule for transition metals.


The valence electrons can be counted using a Lewis electron dot diagram as shown at the right for carbon dioxide. The electrons shared by the two atoms in a covalent bond are counted twice, once for each atom. In carbon dioxide each oxygen shares four electrons with the central carbon, two (shown in red) from the oxygen itself and two (shown in black) from the carbon. All four of these electrons are counted in both the carbon octet and the oxygen octet, so that both atoms are considered to obey the octet rule.

Example: sodium chloride (NaCl)

Ionic bonding animation.gif

Ionic bonding is common between pairs of atoms, where one of the pair is a metal of low electronegativity (such as sodium) and the second a nonmetal of high electronegativity (such as chlorine).

A chlorine atom has seven electrons in its third and outer electron shell, the first and second shells being filled with two and eight electrons respectively. The first electron affinity of chlorine (the energy release when chlorine gains an electron to form Cl) is 349 kJ per mole of chlorine atoms. [1] Adding a second electron to form a hypothetical Cl2- would require energy, energy that cannot be recovered by the formation of a chemical bond. The result is that chlorine will very often form a compound in which it has eight electrons in its outer shell (a complete octet), as in Cl.

A sodium atom has a single electron in its outermost electron shell, the first and second shells again being full with two and eight electrons respectively. To remove this outer electron requires only the first ionization energy, which is +495.8 kJ per mole of sodium atoms, a small amount of energy. By contrast, the second electron resides in the deeper second electron shell, and the second ionization energy required for its removal is much larger: +4562 kJ per mole. [2] Thus sodium will, in most cases, form a compound in which it has lost a single electron and have a full outer shell of eight electrons, or octet.

The energy required to transfer an electron from a sodium atom to a chlorine atom (the difference of the 1st ionization energy of sodium and the electron affinity of chlorine) is small: +495.8 − 349 = +147 kJ mol−1. This energy is easily offset by the lattice energy of sodium chloride: −783 kJ mol−1. [3] This completes the explanation of the octet rule in this case.


Newlands' law of octaves Newlands periodiska system 1866.png
Newlands' law of octaves

In 1864, the English chemist John Newlands classified the sixty-two known elements into eight groups, based on their physical properties. [4] [5] [6] [7]

In the late 19th century, it was known that coordination compounds (formerly called "molecular compounds") were formed by the combination of atoms or molecules in such a manner that the valencies of the atoms involved apparently became satisfied. In 1893, Alfred Werner showed that the number of atoms or groups associated with a central atom (the "coordination number") is often 4 or 6; other coordination numbers up to a maximum of 8 were known, but less frequent. [8] In 1904, Richard Abegg was one of the first to extend the concept of coordination number to a concept of valence in which he distinguished atoms as electron donors or acceptors, leading to positive and negative valence states that greatly resemble the modern concept of oxidation states. Abegg noted that the difference between the maximum positive and negative valences of an element under his model is frequently eight. [9] In 1916, Gilbert N. Lewis referred to this insight as Abegg's rule and used it to help formulate his cubical atom model and the "rule of eight", which began to distinguish between valence and valence electrons. [10] In 1919, Irving Langmuir refined these concepts further and renamed them the "cubical octet atom" and "octet theory". [11] The "octet theory" evolved into what is now known as the "octet rule".

Walther Kossel [12] and Gilbert N. Lewis saw that noble gases did not have the tendency of taking part in chemical reactions under ordinary conditions. On the basis of this observation, they concluded that atoms of noble gases are stable and on the basis of this conclusion they proposed a theory of valency known as "electronic theory of valency" in 1916:

During the formation of a chemical bond, atoms combine together by gaining, losing or sharing electrons in such a way that they acquire nearest noble gas configuration. [13]

Explanation in quantum theory

The quantum theory of the atom explains the eight electrons as a closed shell with an s2p6 electron configuration. A closed-shell configuration is one in which low-lying energy levels are full and higher energy levels are empty. For example, the neon atom ground state has a full n = 2 shell (2s22p6) and an empty n = 3 shell. According to the octet rule, the atoms immediately before and after neon in the periodic table (i.e. C, N, O, F, Na, Mg and Al), tend to attain a similar configuration by gaining, losing, or sharing electrons.

The argon atom has an analogous 3s23p6 configuration. There is also an empty 3d level, but it is at considerably higher energy than 3s and 3p (unlike in the hydrogen atom), so that 3s23p6 is still considered a closed shell for chemical purposes. The atoms immediately before and after argon tend to attain this configuration in compounds. There are, however, some hypervalent molecules in which the 3d level may play a part in the bonding, although this is controversial (see below).

For helium there is no 1p level according to the quantum theory, so that 1s2 is a closed shell with no p electrons. The atoms before and after helium (H and Li) follow a duet rule and tend to have the same 1s2 configuration as helium.


Many reactive intermediates are unstable and do not obey the octet rule. This includes species such as carbenes, as well as free radicals and the methyl radical (CH3) which has an unpaired electron in a non-bonding orbital on the carbon atom and no electron of opposite spin in the same orbital. Another example is the radical chlorine monoxide (ClO) which is involved in ozone depletion. These molecules often react so as to complete their octet. Electron deficient molecules such as boranes also do not obey the octet rule but share delocalized electrons in a manner similar to metallic bonding.

Although stable odd-electron molecules and hypervalent molecules are commonly taught as violating the octet rule, ab initio molecular orbital calculations show that they largely obey the octet rule (see three-electron bonds and hypervalent molecules sections below).

Three-electron bonds

Lewis and MO diagrams of an individual 2e bond and 3e bond Graphical comparison of bonds.svg
Lewis and MO diagrams of an individual 2e bond and 3e bond

Some stable molecular radicals (e.g. nitric oxide, NO) obtain octet configurations by means of a three-electron bond which contributes one shared and one unshared electron to the octet of each bonded atom. [14] In NO, the octet on each atom consists of two electrons from the three-electron bond, plus four electrons from two two-electron bonds and two electrons from a lone pair of non-bonding electrons on that atom alone. The bond order is 2.5, since each two-electron bond counts as one bond while the three-electron bond has only one shared electron and therefore corresponds to a half-bond.

Dioxygen is sometimes represented as obeying the octet rule with a double bond (O=O) containing two pairs of shared electrons. [15] However the ground state of this molecule is paramagnetic, indicating the presence of unpaired electrons. Pauling proposed that this molecule actually contains two three-electron bonds and one normal covalent (two-electron) bond. [16] The octet on each atom then consists of two electrons from each three-electron bond, plus the two electrons of the covalent bond, plus one lone pair of non-bonding electrons. The bond order is 1+0.5+0.5=2.

Modified Lewis structures with 3e bonds
Nitric oxide.svg
Nitric oxide

Hypervalent molecules

Main-group elements in the third and later rows of the periodic table can form hypercoordinate or hypervalent molecules in which the central main-group atom is bonded to more than four other atoms, such as phosphorus pentafluoride, PF5, and sulfur hexafluoride, SF6. For example, in PF5, if it is supposed that there are five true covalent bonds in which five distinct electron pairs are shared, then the phosphorus would be surrounded by 10 valence electrons in violation of the octet rule. In the early days of quantum mechanics, Pauling proposed that third-row atoms can form five bonds by using one s, three p and one d orbitals, or six bonds by using one s, three p and two d orbitals. [17] To form five bonds, the one s, three p and one d orbitals combine to form five sp3d hybrid orbitals which each share an electron pair with a halogen atom, for a total of 10 shared electrons, two more than the octet rule predicts. Similarly to form six bonds, the six sp3d2 hybrid orbitals form six bonds with 12 shared electrons. [18] In this model the availability of empty d orbitals is used to explain the fact that third-row atoms such as phosphorus and sulfur can form more than four covalent bonds, whereas second-row atoms such as nitrogen and oxygen are strictly limited by the octet rule. [19]

5 resonance structures of phosphorus pentafluoride Penta phos.svg
5 resonance structures of phosphorus pentafluoride

However other models describe the bonding using only s and p orbitals in agreement with the octet rule. A valence bond description of PF5 uses resonance between different PF4+ F structures, so that each F is bonded by a covalent bond in four structures and an ionic bond in one structure. Each resonance structure has eight valence electrons on P. [20] A molecular orbital theory description considers the highest occupied molecular orbital to be a non-bonding orbital localized on the five fluorine atoms, in addition to four occupied bonding orbitals, so again there are only eight valence electrons on the phosphorus.[ citation needed ] The validity of the octet rule for hypervalent molecules is further supported by ab initio molecular orbital calculations, which show that the contribution of d functions to the bonding orbitals is small. [21] [22]

Nevertheless, for historical reasons, structures implying more than eight electrons around elements like P, S, Se, or I are still common in textbooks and research articles. In spite of the unimportance of d shell expansion in chemical bonding, this practice allows structures to be shown without using a large number of formal charges or using partial bonds and is recommended by the IUPAC as a convenient formalism in preference to depictions that better reflect the bonding. On the other hand, showing more than eight electrons around Be, B, C, N, O, or F (or more than two around H, He, or Li) is considered an error by most authorities.

Other rules

The octet rule is only applicable to main-group elements. Other elements follow other electron counting rules as their valence electron configurations are different from main-group elements. These other rules are shown below:

Element typeFirst shellp-block
(Main group)
(Transition metal)
Electron counting rulesDuet/Duplet ruleOctet rule18-electron rule
Full valence configurations2s2p6d10s2p6

See also

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Chemistry is the scientific study of the properties and behavior of matter. It is a physical science within the natural sciences that studies the chemical elements that make up matter and compounds made of atoms, molecules and ions: their composition, structure, properties, behavior and the changes they undergo during reactions with other substances. Chemistry also addresses the nature of chemical bonds in chemical compounds.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chemical bond</span> Association of atoms to form chemical compounds

A chemical bond is the association of atoms or ions to form molecules, crystals, and other structures. The bond may result from the electrostatic force between oppositely charged ions as in ionic bonds or through the sharing of electrons as in covalent bonds, or some combination of these effects. Chemical bonds are described as having different strengths: there are "strong bonds" or "primary bonds" such as covalent, ionic and metallic bonds, and "weak bonds" or "secondary bonds" such as dipole–dipole interactions, the London dispersion force, and hydrogen bonding.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Covalent bond</span> Chemical bond by sharing of electron pairs

A covalent bond is a chemical bond that involves the sharing of electrons to form electron pairs between atoms. These electron pairs are known as shared pairs or bonding pairs. The stable balance of attractive and repulsive forces between atoms, when they share electrons, is known as covalent bonding. For many molecules, the sharing of electrons allows each atom to attain the equivalent of a full valence shell, corresponding to a stable electronic configuration. In organic chemistry, covalent bonding is much more common than ionic bonding.

Electronegativity, symbolized as χ, is the tendency for an atom of a given chemical element to attract shared electrons when forming a chemical bond. An atom's electronegativity is affected by both its atomic number and the distance at which its valence electrons reside from the charged nucleus. The higher the associated electronegativity, the more an atom or a substituent group attracts electrons. Electronegativity serves as a simple way to quantitatively estimate the bond energy, and the sign and magnitude of a bond's chemical polarity, which characterizes a bond along the continuous scale from covalent to ionic bonding. The loosely defined term electropositivity is the opposite of electronegativity: it characterizes an element's tendency to donate valence electrons.

In chemistry, electron counting is a formalism for assigning a number of valence electrons to individual atoms in a molecule. It is used for classifying compounds and for explaining or predicting their electronic structure and bonding. Many rules in chemistry rely on electron-counting:

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ionic bonding</span> Chemical bonding involving attraction between ions

Ionic bonding is a type of chemical bonding that involves the electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions, or between two atoms with sharply different electronegativities, and is the primary interaction occurring in ionic compounds. It is one of the main types of bonding, along with covalent bonding and metallic bonding. Ions are atoms with an electrostatic charge. Atoms that gain electrons make negatively charged ions. Atoms that lose electrons make positively charged ions. This transfer of electrons is known as electrovalence in contrast to covalence. In the simplest case, the cation is a metal atom and the anion is a nonmetal atom, but these ions can be more complex, e.g. molecular ions like NH+
or SO2−
. In simpler words, an ionic bond results from the transfer of electrons from a metal to a non-metal to obtain a full valence shell for both atoms.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Periodic table</span> Tabular arrangement of the chemical elements ordered by atomic number

The periodic table, also known as the periodic table of the elements, is an ordered arrangement of the chemical elements into rows ("periods") and columns ("groups"). It is an icon of chemistry and is widely used in physics and other sciences. It is a depiction of the periodic law, which states that when the elements are arranged in order of their atomic numbers an approximate recurrence of their properties is evident. The table is divided into four roughly rectangular areas called blocks. Elements in the same group tend to show similar chemical characteristics.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Electron configuration</span> Mode of arrangement of electrons in different shells of an atom

In atomic physics and quantum chemistry, the electron configuration is the distribution of electrons of an atom or molecule in atomic or molecular orbitals. For example, the electron configuration of the neon atom is 1s2 2s2 2p6, meaning that the 1s, 2s, and 2p subshells are occupied by two, two, and six electrons, respectively.

In chemistry, resonance, also called mesomerism, is a way of describing bonding in certain molecules or polyatomic ions by the combination of several contributing structures into a resonance hybrid in valence bond theory. It has particular value for analyzing delocalized electrons where the bonding cannot be expressed by one single Lewis structure. The resonance hybrid is the accurate structure for a molecule or ion; it is an average of the theoretical contributing structures.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lewis structure</span> Diagrams for the bonding between atoms of a molecule and lone pairs of electrons

Lewis structures – also called Lewis dot formulas, Lewis dot structures, electron dot structures, or Lewis electron dot structures (LEDs) – are diagrams that show the bonding between atoms of a molecule, as well as the lone pairs of electrons that may exist in the molecule. A Lewis structure can be drawn for any covalently bonded molecule, as well as coordination compounds. The Lewis structure was named after Gilbert N. Lewis, who introduced it in his 1916 article The Atom and the Molecule. Lewis structures extend the concept of the electron dot diagram by adding lines between atoms to represent shared pairs in a chemical bond.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Valence electron</span> Electron in the outer shell of an atoms energy levels

In chemistry and physics, valence electrons are electrons in the outermost shell of an atom, and that can participate in the formation of a chemical bond if the outermost shell is not closed. In a single covalent bond, a shared pair forms with both atoms in the bond each contributing one valence electron.

In chemistry, valence bond (VB) theory is one of the two basic theories, along with molecular orbital (MO) theory, that were developed to use the methods of quantum mechanics to explain chemical bonding. It focuses on how the atomic orbitals of the dissociated atoms combine to give individual chemical bonds when a molecule is formed. In contrast, molecular orbital theory has orbitals that cover the whole molecule.

In chemistry, a hypervalent molecule is a molecule that contains one or more main group elements apparently bearing more than eight electrons in their valence shells. Phosphorus pentachloride, sulfur hexafluoride, chlorine trifluoride, the chlorite ion in chlorous acid and the triiodide ion are examples of hypervalent molecules.

In chemistry, orbital hybridisation is the concept of mixing atomic orbitals to form new hybrid orbitals suitable for the pairing of electrons to form chemical bonds in valence bond theory. For example, in a carbon atom which forms four single bonds, the valence-shell s orbital combines with three valence-shell p orbitals to form four equivalent sp3 mixtures in a tetrahedral arrangement around the carbon to bond to four different atoms. Hybrid orbitals are useful in the explanation of molecular geometry and atomic bonding properties and are symmetrically disposed in space. Usually hybrid orbitals are formed by mixing atomic orbitals of comparable energies.

In chemistry, the valence or valency of an atom is a measure of its combining capacity with other atoms when it forms chemical compounds or molecules. Valence is generally understood to be the number of chemical bonds that each atom of a given chemical element typically forms. Double bonds are considered to be two bonds, triple bonds to be three, quadruple bonds to be four, quintuple bonds to be five and sextuple bonds to be six. In most compounds, the valence of hydrogen is 1, of oxygen is 2, of nitrogen is 3, and of carbon is 4. Valence is not to be confused with the related concepts of the coordination number, the oxidation state, or the number of valence electrons for a given atom.

The 3-center 4-electron (3c–4e) bond is a model used to explain bonding in certain hypervalent molecules such as tetratomic and hexatomic interhalogen compounds, sulfur tetrafluoride, the xenon fluorides, and the bifluoride ion. It is also known as the Pimentel–Rundle three-center model after the work published by George C. Pimentel in 1951, which built on concepts developed earlier by Robert E. Rundle for electron-deficient bonding. An extended version of this model is used to describe the whole class of hypervalent molecules such as phosphorus pentafluoride and sulfur hexafluoride as well as multi-center π-bonding such as ozone and sulfur trioxide.

An intramolecular force is any force that binds together the atoms making up a molecule or compound, not to be confused with intermolecular forces, which are the forces present between molecules. The subtle difference in the name comes from the Latin roots of English with inter meaning between or among and intra meaning inside. Chemical bonds are considered to be intramolecular forces which are often stronger than intermolecular forces present between non-bonding atoms or molecules.

The covalent radius of fluorine is a measure of the size of a fluorine atom; it is approximated at about 60 picometres.

In theoretical chemistry, the charge-shift bond is a proposed new class of chemical bonds that sits alongside the three familiar families of covalent, ionic, and metallic bonds where electrons are shared or transferred respectively. The charge shift bond derives its stability from the resonance of ionic forms rather than the covalent sharing of electrons which are often depicted as having electron density between the bonded atoms. A feature of the charge shift bond is that the predicted electron density between the bonded atoms is low. It has long been known from experiment that the accumulation of electric charge between the bonded atoms is not necessarily a feature of covalent bonds.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Linnett double-quartet theory</span> Scientific theory

Linnett double-quartet theory (LDQ) is a method of describing the bonding in molecules which involves separating the electrons depending on their spin, placing them into separate 'spin tetrahedra' to minimise the Pauli repulsions between electrons of the same spin. Introduced by J. W. Linnett in his 1961 monograph and 1964 book, this method expands on the electron dot structures pioneered by G. N. Lewis. While the theory retains the requirement for fulfilling the octet rule, it dispenses with the need to force electrons into coincident pairs. Instead, the theory stipulates that the four electrons of a given spin should maximise the distances between each other, resulting in a net tetrahedral electronic arrangement that is the fundamental molecular building block of the theory.


  1. Housecroft, Catherine E.; Sharpe, Alan G. (2005). Inorganic Chemistry (2nd ed.). Pearson Education Limited. p. 883. ISBN   0130-39913-2. Source gives enthalpy change -349 kJ corresponding to energy release +349 kJ
  2. Housecroft, Catherine E.; Sharpe, Alan G. (2005). Inorganic Chemistry (2nd ed.). Pearson Education Limited. p. 880. ISBN   0130-39913-2.
  3. Housecroft, Catherine E.; Sharpe, Alan G. (2005). Inorganic Chemistry (2nd ed.). Pearson Education Limited. p. 156. ISBN   0130-39913-2.
  4. See:
  5. in a letter published in Chemistry News in February 1863, according to the Notable Names Data Base
  6. Newlands on classification of elements
  7. Ley, Willy (October 1966). "For Your Information: The Delayed Discovery". Galaxy Science Fiction. 25 (1): 116–127.
  8. See:
    • Werner, Alfred (1893). "Beitrag zur Konstitution anorganischer Verbindungen" [Contribution to the constitution of inorganic compounds]. Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie (in German). 3: 267–330. doi:10.1002/zaac.18930030136.
    • English translation: Werner, Alfred; Kauffman, G.B., trans. & ed. (1968). Classics in Coordination Chemistry, Part I: The selected papers of Alfred Werner. New York City, New York, USA: Dover Publications. pp. 5–88.{{cite book}}: |first2= has generic name (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  9. Abegg, R. (1904). "Die Valenz und das periodische System. Versuch einer Theorie der Molekularverbindungen" [Valency and the periodic system. Attempt at a theory of molecular compounds]. Zeitschrift für Anorganische Chemie. 39 (1): 330–380. doi:10.1002/zaac.19040390125.
  10. Lewis, Gilbert N. (1916). "The Atom and the Molecule". Journal of the American Chemical Society. 38 (4): 762–785. doi:10.1021/ja02261a002. S2CID   95865413.
  11. Langmuir, Irving (1919). "The Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms and Molecules". Journal of the American Chemical Society. 41 (6): 868–934. doi:10.1021/ja02227a002.
  12. Kossel, W. (1916). "Über Molekülbildung als Frage des Atombaus" [On the formation of molecules as a question of atomic structure]. Annalen der Physik (in German). 354 (3): 229–362. Bibcode:1916AnP...354..229K. doi:10.1002/andp.19163540302.
  13. "The Atom and the Molecule. April 1916. - Published Papers and Official Documents - Linus Pauling and The Nature of the Chemical Bond: A Documentary History". Osulibrary.oregonstate.edu. Archived from the original on November 25, 2013. Retrieved 2014-01-03.
  14. Harcourt, Richard D., ed. (2015). "Chapter 2: Pauling "3-Electron Bonds", 4-Electron 3-Centre Bonding, and the Need for an "Increased-Valence" Theory". Bonding in Electron-Rich Molecules: Qualitative Valence-Bond Approach via Increased-Valence Structures. Springer. ISBN   9783319166766.
  15. For example, General chemistry by R.H.Petrucci, W.S.Harwood and F.G.Herring (8th ed., Prentice-Hall 2002, ISBN   0-13-014329-4, p.395) writes the Lewis structure with a double bond, but adds a question mark with the explanation that there is some doubt about the validity of this structure because it fails to account for the observed paramagnetism.
  16. L. Pauling The Nature of the Chemical Bond (3rd ed., Oxford University Press 1960) chapter 10.
  17. L. Pauling The Nature of the Chemical Bond (3rd ed., Oxford University Press 1960) p.63. In this source Pauling considers as examples PCl5 and the PF6 ion. ISBN   0-8014-0333-2
  18. R.H. Petrucci, W.S. Harwood and F.G. Herring, General Chemistry (8th ed., Prentice-Hall 2002) p.408 and p.445 ISBN   0-13-014329-4
  19. Douglas B.E., McDaniel D.H. and Alexander J.J. Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry (2nd ed., John Wiley 1983) pp.45-47 ISBN   0-471-21984-3
  20. Housecroft C.E. and Sharpe A.G., Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd ed. (Pearson Education Ltd. 2005), p.390-1
  21. Miessler D.L. and Tarr G.A., Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd ed. (Prentice-Hall 1999), p.48
  22. Magnusson, E., J.Am.Chem.Soc. (1990), v.112, p.7940-51 Hypercoordinate Molecules of Second-Row Elements: d Functions or d Orbitals?
  23. Frenking, Gernot; Shaik, Sason, eds. (May 2014). "Chapter 7: Chemical bonding in Transition Metal Compounds". The Chemical Bond: Chemical Bonding Across the Periodic Table. Wiley -VCH. ISBN   978-3-527-33315-8.
  24. Frenking, Gernot; Fröhlich, Nikolaus (2000). "The Nature of the Bonding in Transition-Metal Compounds". Chem. Rev. 100 (2): 717–774. doi:10.1021/cr980401l. PMID   11749249.
  25. Bayse, Craig; Hall, Michael (1999). "Prediction of the Geometries of Simple Transition Metal Polyhydride Complexes by Symmetry Analysis". J. Am. Chem. Soc. 121 (6): 1348–1358. doi:10.1021/ja981965+.
  26. King, R.B. (2000). "Structure and bonding in homoleptic transition metal hydride anions". Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 200–202: 813–829. doi:10.1016/S0010-8545(00)00263-0.