Main-group element

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The periodic table of the chemical elements. The columns represent the groups. Groups 1, 2 and 13 to 18 constitute the main group. Sometimes groups 3 and 12, as well as the lanthanides and actinides (the two rows at the bottom), are also included in the main group. Simple Periodic Table Chart-blocks.svg
The periodic table of the chemical elements. The columns represent the groups. Groups 1, 2 and 13 to 18 constitute the main group. Sometimes groups 3 and 12, as well as the lanthanides and actinides (the two rows at the bottom), are also included in the main group.

In chemistry and atomic physics, the main group is the group of elements (sometimes called the representative elements) whose lightest members are represented by helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and fluorine as arranged in the periodic table of the elements. The main group includes the elements (except hydrogen, which is sometimes not included[ citation needed ]) in groups 1 and 2 (s-block), and groups 13 to 18 (p-block). The s-block elements are primarily characterised by one main oxidation state, and the p-block elements, when they have multiple oxidation states, often have common oxidation states separated by two units.

Main-group elements (with some of the lighter transition metals) are the most abundant elements on Earth, in the Solar System, and in the universe. Group 12 elements are often considered to be transition metals; however, zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), and mercury (Hg) share some properties of both groups, and some scientists believe they should be included in the main group. [1] [2]

Occasionally, even the group 3 elements as well as the lanthanides and actinides have been included, because especially the group 3 elements and many lanthanides are electropositive elements with only one main oxidation state like the group 1 and 2 elements. The position of the actinides is more questionable, but the most common and stable of them, thorium (Th) and uranium (U), are similar to main-group elements as thorium is an electropositive element with only one main oxidation state (+4), and uranium has two main ones separated by two oxidation units (+4 and +6). [3]

In older nomenclature, the main-group elements are groups IA and IIA, and groups IIIB to 0 (CAS groups IIIA to VIIIA). Group 12 is labelled as group IIB in both systems. Group 3 is labelled as group IIIA in the older nomenclature (CAS group IIIB).

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Thorium compounds</span> Chemical compounds

Many compounds of thorium are known: this is because thorium and uranium are the most stable and accessible actinides and are the only actinides that can be studied safely and legally in bulk in a normal laboratory. As such, they have the best-known chemistry of the actinides, along with that of plutonium, as the self-heating and radiation from them is not enough to cause radiolysis of chemical bonds as it is for the other actinides. While the later actinides from americium onwards are predominantly trivalent and behave more similarly to the corresponding lanthanides, as one would expect from periodic trends, the early actinides up to plutonium have relativistically destabilised and hence delocalised 5f and 6d electrons that participate in chemistry in a similar way to the early transition metals of group 3 through 8: thus, all their valence electrons can participate in chemical reactions, although this is not common for neptunium and plutonium.


  1. "Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry". International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry . Retrieved 27 September 2011.
  2. Jensen, William B. (2003). "The Place of Zinc, Cadmium, and Mercury in the Periodic Table" (PDF). Journal of Chemical Education . 80 (8): 952. Bibcode:2003JChEd..80..952J. doi:10.1021/ed080p952.
  3. King, R. Bruce (1995). Inorganic Chemistry of Main Group Elements. Wiley-VCH. ISBN   0-471-18602-3.