List of elements by atomic properties

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This is a list of chemical elements and their atomic properties, ordered by atomic number (Z).

Since valence electrons are not clearly defined for the d-block and f-block elements, there not being a clear point at which further ionisation becomes unprofitable, a purely formal definition as number of electrons in the outermost shell has been used.


Z [1] NameSymbol Average
atomic mass
First Ionization
Radii (pm) Valence
Atomic Van der Waals Covalent
1 Hydrogen H1.008 [2] 2.213.5984425120381
2 Helium He4.002602(2)24.5874131140322
3 Lithium Li6.941(2)0.985.391721451821341
4 Beryllium Be9.012182(3)1.579.3227105902
5 Boron B10.811(7)2.048.2980385823
6 Carbon C12.0107(8)2.5511.260370170774
7 Nitrogen N14.0067(2)3.0414.5341465155755
8 Oxygen O15.9994(3)3.4413.6180660152736
9 Fluorine F18.9984032(5)3.9817.4228250147717
10 Neon Ne20.1797(6)21.564638154698
11 Sodium Na22.98976928(2)0.935.139081802271541
12 Magnesium Mg24.3050(6)1.317.646241501731302
13 Aluminium Al26.9815386(8)1.615.985771251183
14 Silicon Si28.0855(3)1.98.151691102101114
15 Phosphorus P30.973762(2)2.1910.486691001801065
16 Sulfur S32.065(5)2.5810.360011001801026
17 Chlorine Cl35.453(2)3.1612.96764100175997
18 Argon Ar39.948(1)15.7596271188978
19 Potassium K39.0983(1)0.824.340662202751961
20 Calcium Ca40.078(4)16.113161801742
21 Scandium Sc44.955912(6)1.366.56151601442
22 Titanium Ti47.867(1)1.546.82811401362
23 Vanadium V50.9415(1)1.636.74621351252
24 Chromium Cr51.9961(6)1.666.76651401271
25 Manganese Mn54.938045(5)1.557.434021401392
26 Iron Fe55.845(2)1.837.90241401252
27 Cobalt Co58.933195(5)1.917.63981351631212
28 Nickel Ni58.6934(4)1.887.8811351262
29 Copper Cu63.546(3)1.97.726381351401381
30 Zinc Zn65.38(2)1.659.39421351391312
31 Gallium Ga69.723(1)1.815.99931301871263
32 Germanium Ge72.63(1)2.017.89941251224
33 Arsenic As74.92160(2)2.189.78861151851195
34 Selenium Se78.96(3)2.559.752381151901166
35 Bromine Br79.904(1)2.9611.813811151851147
36 Krypton Kr83.798(2)313.99961882021108
37 Rubidium Rb85.4678(3)0.824.177132352111
38 Strontium Sr87.62(1)0.955.69492001922
39 Yttrium Y88.90585(2)1.226.21711801622
40 Zirconium Zr91.224(2)1.336.63391551482
41 Niobium Nb92.90638(2)1.66.758851451371
42 Molybdenum Mo95.96(2)2.167.092431451451
43 Technetium Tc[98]1.97.281351561
44 Ruthenium Ru101.07(2)2.27.36051301261
45 Rhodium Rh102.90550(2)2.287.45891351351
46 Palladium Pd106.42(1)2.28.3369140163131
47 Silver Ag107.8682(2)1.937.57621601721531
48 Cadmium Cd112.411(8)1.698.99381551581482
49 Indium In114.818(3)1.785.786361551931443
50 Tin Sn118.710(7)1.967.34391452171414
51 Antimony Sb121.760(1)2.058.60841451385
52 Tellurium Te127.60(3)2.19.00961402061356
53 Iodine I126.90447(3)2.6610.451261401981337
54 Xenon Xe131.293(6)2.612.12981082161308
55 Caesium Cs132.9054519(2)0.793.89392602251
56 Barium Ba137.327(7)0.895.21172151982
57 Lanthanum La138.90547(7)1.15.57691951692
58 Cerium Ce140.116(1)1.125.53871852
59 Praseodymium Pr140.90765(2)1.135.4731852
60 Neodymium Nd144.242(3)1.145.5251852
61 Promethium Pm[145]5.5821852
62 Samarium Sm150.36(2)1.175.64361852
63 Europium Eu151.964(1)5.67041852
64 Gadolinium Gd157.25(3)1.26.15011802
65 Terbium Tb158.92535(2)5.86381752
66 Dysprosium Dy162.500(1)1.225.93891752
67 Holmium Ho164.93032(2)1.236.02151752
68 Erbium Er167.259(3)1.246.10771752
69 Thulium Tm168.93421(2)1.256.184311752
70 Ytterbium Yb173.054(5)6.254161752
71 Lutetium Lu174.9668(1)1.275.42591751602
72 Hafnium Hf178.49(2)1.36.825071551502
73 Tantalum Ta180.94788(2)1.57.54961451382
74 Tungsten W183.84(1)2.367.8641351462
75 Rhenium Re186.207(1)1.97.83351351592
76 Osmium Os190.23(3)2.28.43821301282
77 Iridium Ir192.217(3)2.28.9671351372
78 Platinum Pt195.084(9)2.288.95871351751281
79 Gold Au196.966569(4)2.549.22551351661441
80 Mercury Hg200.59(2)210.43751501551492
81 Thallium Tl204.3833(2)1.626.10821901961483
82 Lead Pb207.2(1)2.337.416661802021474
83 Bismuth Bi208.98040(1)2.027.28561601465
84 Polonium Po[209]28.4171906
85 Astatine At[210]2.27
86 Radon Rn[222]10.74851201458
87 Francium Fr[223]0.74.07271
88 Radium Ra[226]0.95.27842152
89 Actinium Ac[227]1.15.171952
90 Thorium Th232.03806(2)1.36.30671802
91 Protactinium Pa231.03588(2)1.55.891802
92 Uranium U238.02891(3)1.386.194051751862
93 Neptunium Np[237]1.366.26571752
94 Plutonium Pu[244]1.286.02621752
95 Americium Am[243]1.35.97381752
96 Curium Cm[247]1.35.99152
97 Berkelium Bk[247]1.36.19792
98 Californium Cf[251]1.36.28172
99 Einsteinium Es[252]1.36.422
100 Fermium Fm[257]1.36.52
101 Mendelevium Md[258]1.36.582
102 Nobelium No[259]1.36.652
103 Lawrencium Lr[266]1.34.93
104 Rutherfordium Rf[267]62
105 Dubnium Db[268]2
106 Seaborgium Sg[269]2
107 Bohrium Bh[270]2
108 Hassium Hs[277]2
109 Meitnerium Mt[278]
110 Darmstadtium Ds[281]
111 Roentgenium Rg[282]
112 Copernicium Cn[285]
113 Nihonium Nh[286]
114 Flerovium Fl[289]
115 Moscovium Mc[290]
116 Livermorium Lv[293]
117 Tennessine Ts[294]
118 Oganesson Og[294]
[*] a few atomic radii are calculated, not experimental
[—] a long dash marks properties for which there is no data available
[ ] a blank marks properties for which no data has been found

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  1. PubChem. "Periodic Table of Elements". Retrieved 2024-05-31.