Orders, decorations, and medals of East Germany

Last updated

Following the 1949 establishment of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) the new state prohibited the wearing of all pre-1945 German decorations and created a new system of awards inspired in part by those of the USSR. [1] [2] 1954-05-21 After German reunification in 1990, former NVA Soldiers transferring into the new unified Bundeswehr could wear NVA award but list of approved East German decorations were limited and in the eyes of the new Bundeswehr fell under regulations for "foreign decorations". Awards associated with some state agencies or Communist organizations were considered to be in breach of public order and not allowed to be worn. Those were such as decorations issued by the Ministry for State Security, Border troops, Volkspolizei , Combat Groups, GST and the FDJ.


In total, there were 142 state decorations and medals and over 10.000 by non-state mass organisations. Every GDR citizen received on average ten awards in their lifetime. The inflationary use of awards increased from the 1970s onwards, most even mid-level Socialist Unity Party functionaries receiving multiple variants of the same award. [3]

Honorary titles

Name (English/ German )Date of
Held der DDR.png
GDR Hero of GDR BAR.png
Hero of the GDR
Held der DDR
28th October 1975Awarded for heroic feats in service to the East German state and society.
Held der Arbeit.jpg
GDR Hero of Labor BAR.png
Hero of Labour
Held der Arbeit
19th April 1950
Us redribbon rib.png

Meritorious Member of State Security
(Ehrentitel Verdienter Mitarbeiter der Staatssicherheit)

16th December 1969Awarded for outstanding contributions to the protection of the state from foreign intelligence services

Medaille zum Ehrentitel Verdienter Militaerflieger der DDR.jpg

Meritorious Military Pilot of the GDR ribbon.png

Meritorious Military Pilot of the GDR
(Verdienter Militärflieger der DDR)

1st August 1974
GDR Meritorious Policeman BAR.png Honoured People's Policeman
(Verdienter Volkspolizist)
15th June 1966The medal was awarded in a single class for special achievements and personal dedication in the protection of the GDR. Also, for exemplary initiative that have contributed to increasing public safety and order.
GDR Meritorious Member of National People's Army BAR.png Honoured Member of the National People's Army
(Verdienter Angehöriger der Nationalen Volksarmee)
20th February 1976The medal was awarded in a single class for outstanding achievements and merit leading to an increase in combat readiness and effectiveness.
GDR Meritorious Member of Border Troops BAR.png Honoured Member of the Border Troops
(Verdienter Angehöriger der Grenztruppen)
14th November 1975The medal was awarded in a single class for outstanding achievements and merit leading.
GDR Meritorious Member of Civil Defense BAR.png Honoured Member of Civil Defense
(Verdienter Angehöriger der Zivilverteidigung)
25th October 1977The medal was awarded in a single class for outstanding achievements and special merit over many years of exemplary duty fulfillment of duties in increasing operational readiness.
GDR Honoured Activist.jpg Medal' Zasluzhennyi aktivist (GDR) lenta.png Honoured Activist
(Verdienter Aktivist)
1st November 1953The medal was awarded in a single class for outstanding improvements in production, in technology or in occupational safety.
Verdienter Arzt des Volkes.jpg
DDR Verdienter Arzt des Volkes rib.png Honoured Doctor of the People
(Verdienter Arzt des Volkes)
31st March 1949The medal was awarded for significant and outstanding achievements in scientific research, in medical practice, in the organization of health protection, in teaching at universities and in medical colleges and in the training of the medical cadre.

State prizes

Name (English/ German )Date of
GDR National Prize of GDR BAR.png National Prize of East Germany
Nationalpreis der DDR
1949Awarded for scientific, artistic, and other meritorious achievement.
Heinrich Greif Prize
1951Awarded for contribution to the state cinema and television industry.
Lessing Prize
1954Awarded for outstanding work in the field of the stage and the arts.
Prize for artistic folk art
Preis für künstlerisches Volksschaffen
1955Awarded for outstanding new creations or artistic interpretations.
Heinrich Heine Prize
1956Awarded for outstanding lyrical works and works of literary journalism.
Carl Blechen Prize
1956Awarded for the Arts, Literature and Artistic Folk Creations.
Johannes R. Becher Medal
1961Awarded for the development of "socialist national culture in the GDR". [4]
Art Prize of the German Democratic Republic
Kunstpreis der DDR
1959Awarded for outstanding creative and interpretive achievements in visual arts, applied arts, cinema, television, radio and entertainment.
Rudolf Virchow Prize
1960Awarded for special achievements in the field of medical literature, medical technology and medical production.
Medaille zum GutsMuths-Preis.jpg
Guts Muths Prize
1961Awarded for scientific achievements in the field of sports science and sports medicine.
Friedrich-Engels-Preis, Stufe Gold.jpg

GDR Engels Prize bar-G.png GDR Engels-Prize bar S.png GDR Engels Prize bar-G.png

Friedrich Engels Prize
1970Awarded in 3 classes for outstanding scientific and organizational achievements to strengthen national defense.
Theodor Körner Prize
1970Awarded for outstanding achievements in the creation or interpretation of works of art that contribute to strengthening the defense forces of the GDR.
Architecture Prize of the GDR
Architekturpreis der DDR
1976Awarded for achievements in the field of architecture.
Gutes Design klein vorne.png Design Prize of the GDR
Designpreis der DDR
1978Awarded for significant contribution in increasing economic productivity.
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Prize
1978Awarded for the promotion of the German language and German studies abroad.

State orders

Name (English/ German )Date of
Order of Karl Marx ribbon bar.png Order of Karl Marx
Karl Marx Orden
5th May 1953Awarded for exceptional merit in relation to ideology, culture, economy, and other designations. Additionally, citizens of other countries could also be awarded the order.
GDR Patriotic Order of Merit all 3 classes.jpg

Ehrenspange.png Zloty Order Za Zaslugi dla Narodu i Ojczyzny.png Ribbon bars of the Fatherland's Orde of Merit.png Ribbon bars of the Fatherland's Orde of Merit Brons.png

Patriotic Order of Merit
Vaterländischer Verdienstorden
21st May 1954Awarded for special services to the state and to society
GDR Banner of Labour 3 classes.jpg

GDR Order of Banner of Labor 1Class BAR.png GDR Order of Banner of Labor 2Class BAR.png GDR Order of Banner of Labor 3Class BAR.png

Banner of Labour
Banner der Arbeit
4th August 1954Awarded for outstanding achievements over many years which stabilised and strengthened the country, and in particular for high results in work in the national economy.
De grote gouden ster van de Orde van de Volkerenvriendschap 2.png
GDR Star of Friendship of Nations - Grand Star (formal ribbon) BAR.png
GDR Star of Friendship of Nations - Gold BAR.png
GDR Star of Friendship of Nations - Silver BAR.png
Star of People's Friendship
Stern der Völkerfreundschaft
20th August 1959Awarded for exceptional merit in contributing to the "understanding and friendship between nations and preservation of peace".
GDR Blucher Order for Gallantry - Gold BAR.png
GDR Blucher Order for Gallantry - Silver BAR.png
GDR Blucher Order for Gallantry - Bronze BAR.png
Blücher Order
Blücher Orden
13th October 1965Awarded for valour in time of war (never awarded).
GDR Scharnhorst-Order bar.png
Scharnhorst Order
17th February 1966Awarded for major contributions to the improvement principles of ideology of the GDR
GDR Combat Order of Merit for the People and Fatherland.jpg

GDR Combat-Order for Merit for the Nation and Fatherland - Bronze BAR.png
GDR Combat-Order for Merit for the Nation and Fatherland - Silver BAR.png
GDR Combat-Order for Merit for the Nation and Fatherland - Gold BAR.png

Combat Order of Merit for the People and the Fatherland
Kampforden für Verdienste um Volk und Vaterland
17th February 1966The medal was awarded in three classes:
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold

State medals

Military and para-military decorations

Name (English/ German )Date of
GDR Decoration of the German Peoples Police.jpg GDR Decoration of German Police BAR.png Decoration of the German People's Police
(Ehrenzeichen der Deutschen Volkspolizei)
1st June 1949The medal was awarded in a single class for outstanding achievements, for personal bravery and selfless dedication.
GDR Decoration of Honour for Excellent Performance in Fire Protection.jpg GDR Decoration of honor for excellent performance in fire protection ribbon.png Decoration of Honour for Excellent Performance in Fire Protection
(Ehrenzeichen für hervorragende Leistungen im Brandschutz)
10th February 1983The medal was awarded in a single class for exemplary performances in ensuring fire protection, for great bravery in fighting fires in the protection of the lives of citizens of the GDR, in preventing major damage, for significant results in the development of fire protection in the GDR, for international cooperation of bodies of fire protection.
GDR Medal for Exemplary Border Service BAR.png Medal for Exemplary Border Service
(Medaille für vorbildlichen Grenzdienst der Grenztruppen der DDR)
28th May 1954The medal was awarded in a single class for exemplary performance and personal commitment in securing the state border of the GDR
GDR Medal for Excellence in the Armed Organs of the Interior Ministry.jpg
Medal for excellence in the armed forces of the Ministry of the Interior ribbon.png Medal for Excellence in the Armed Organs of the Interior Ministry
(Medaille für ausgezeichnete Leistungen in den bewaffneten Organen des Ministeriums des Innern)
4th June 1959The medal was awarded in a single class for excellent performance of tasks, in particular in the strengthening and consolidation of the GDR.
GDR Medal for excellent performance in the fighting groups of the working class.jpg
GDR Medal for excellent performance in the fighting groups of the working class ribbon.png Medal for excellent performance in the fighting groups of the working class
(Medaille für ausgezeichnete Leistungen in den Kampfgruppen der Arbeiterklasse)
6th October 1965The medal was awarded in a single class for special merit in the deployment, development and consolidation of combat groups, for excellent performance in leadership and training, for the care and maintenance of equipment and armament.
GDR Medal of Merit in Fire Protection.jpg
GDR Medal of Merit in Fire Protection ribbon.png Medal of Merit in Fire Protection
(Medaille für Verdienste im Brandschutz)
24th August 1968The medal was awarded in a single class for outstanding achievements as well as personal bravery and selfless dedication in the fulfillment of fire protection duties in the safeguarding of the national economy as well as the life, health and protection of the personal property of the citizens of the GDR.

GDR Medal of Merit of the National People's Army.jpg

GDR Verdienstmedaille NVA 3 BAR.png
GDR Verdienstmedaille NVA 2 BAR.png
GDR Verdienstmedaille NVA 1 BAR.png

Medal of Merit of the National People's Army
(Verdienstmedaille der Nationalen Volksarmee)
1st June 1956The medal was awarded in three classes for outstanding merit and personal readiness in support of increases in combat capabilities and readiness of the National People's Army:
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
GDR Medal of Merit of Organs of the Ministry of the Interior.jpg

GDR Organs of Ministry of Interior Medal of Merit - Bronze BAR.png
GDR Organs of Ministry of Interior Medal of Merit - Silver BAR.png
GDR Organs of Ministry of Interior Medal of Merit - Gold BAR.png

Medal of Merit of Organs of the Ministry of the Interior
(Verdienstmedaille der Organe des Ministeriums des Innern)
15th June 1966The medal was awarded in three classes for merit and personal commitment in increasing public order and security; for the protection of the structure of socialism in the GDR and the consolidation of the German People's Police and the Ministry of the Interior:
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
Medal of Merit of the Border Troops of the GDR.jpg

Medal of Merit of the Border Troops of the GDR bronze ribbon.png Medal of Merit of the Border Troops of the GDR silver ribbon.png Medal of Merit of the Border Troops of the GDR ribbon.png

Medal of Merit of the Border Troops of the GDR
(Verdienstmedaille der Grenztruppen der DDR)
25th October 1977The medal was awarded in 3 classes for outstanding achievements and personal dedication in maintaining the security of the borders of the GDR. Also for political and military leadership as well as for education and training.
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
GDR Medal of Merit of the Combat Groups of the Working-Class.jpg

GDR Medal of merit for combat groups of the working-class in bronze ribbon.png
GDR Medal of merit for combat groups of the working-class in silver ribbon.png
GDR Medal of merit for combat groups of the working-class in gold ribbon.png

Medal of Merit of the Combat Groups of the Working-Class
(Verdienstmedaille der Kampfgruppen der Arbeiterklasse)
25th September 1961The medal was awarded in three classes for faithful fulfillment of duties and recognition of exemplary achievements in the ranks of the combat groups of the GDR:
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
Medal of Merit of the Customs Administration of the GDR.jpg

GDR Medal of Merit of the Customs Administration lvl 1 ribbon.png
GDR Medal of Merit of the Customs Administration lvl 2 ribbon.png
GDR Medal of Merit of the Customs Administration lvl 3 ribbon.png

Medal of Merit of the Customs Administration of the GDR
(Verdienstmedaille der Zollverwaltung der DDR)
12th May 1967The medal was awarded in three classes to individuals or collectives of the GDR or other socialist states, for services in fulfilling duties in the customs administration that contributed to strengthening and securing the GDR:
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
Medal of Merit of Civil Defense of the GDR.jpg

GDR Medal of Merit of Civil Defense in bronze ribbon.png
GDR Medal of Merit of Civil Defense in silver ribbon.png
GDR Medal of Merit of Civil Defense in gold ribbon.png

Medal of Merit of Civil Defense
(Verdienstmedaille der Zivilverteidigung)
16th September 1970The medal was awarded in three classes to members and collectives of the Civil Defense of the GDR, to citizens of the GDR as well as to foreign nationals of socialist brother states, companies and institutions; for special merit in increasing the operational readiness, the education and training, the maintenance of and development of technical equipment of civil defense:
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
GDR Brotherhood in Arms Medal.jpg

GDR Brotherhood in Arms Medal - Bronze BAR.png
GDR Brotherhood in Arms Medal - Silver BAR.png
GDR Brotherhood in Arms Medal - Gold BAR.png

Medal Brotherhood in Arms
(Medaille der Waffenbrüderschaft)
17th February 1966The medal was awarded in three classes for achievements and merit in the consolidation of the relationships between the fraternal socialist armies and the development of mutual cooperation:
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
GDR Medal for loyal service in the barracked People's Police.jpg Meda ribbonl for loyal service in the barracked People's Police GDR.png Medal for Faithful Service in the Barracked People's Police
(Medaille für treue Dienste in der Kasernierten Volkspolizei)
28th April 1954The medal was awarded in a single class for 5 years of honest, conscientious and faithful service in the armed organs of the GDR. It was replaced by the Medal For Faithful Service in the National People’s Army in 1956.
GDR Medal For Faithful Service in the National Peoples Army.jpg

GDR Med-Faithfol-Serv-NPA bar-5y.pdf
GDR Med-Faithfol-Serv-NPA bar-10y.pdf
GDR Med-Faithfol-Serv-NPA bar-15y.pdf
GDR Med-Faithful-Serv-NPA bar-20y.pdf

Medal For Faithful Service in the National People’s Army
(Medaille für treue Dienste in der Nationalen Volksarmee)
1st June 1956The medal was awarded in four classes:
  • 5 years service (bronze)
  • 10 years service (silver)
  • 15 years service (gold)
  • 20 years service (gold) with colored flags on the medal and Roman numerals XX on the ribbon
GDR Medal For Faithful Service in the Border Guards of the GDR.jpg

GDR Med-Faithfol-Serv-NPA bar-5y.pdf
GDR Med-Faithfol-Serv-NPA bar-10y.pdf
GDR Med-Faithfol-Serv-NPA bar-15y.pdf
GDR Med-Faithful-Serv-NPA bar-20y.pdf

Medal For Faithful Service in the Border Guards of the GDR
(Medaille für treue Dienste in den Grenztruppen der DDR)
25th October 1977The medal was awarded in four classes:
  • 5 years service (bronze)
  • 10 years service (silver)
  • 15 years service (gold)
  • 20 years service (gold) with colored flags on the medal and Roman numerals XX on the ribbon

GDR Med-Faithfol-Serv-NPA bar-5y.pdf
GDR Med-Faithfol-Serv-NPA bar-10y.pdf
GDR Med-Faithfol-Serv-NPA bar-15y.pdf
GDR Med-Faithful-Serv-NPA bar-20y.pdf

Medal for Faithful Service in the Civil Defense of the GDR
(Medaille für treue Dienste in der Zivilverteidigung der DDR)
25th October 1977The medal was awarded to personnel of the Civil Defense in four classes:
  • 5 years service (bronze)
  • 10 years service (silver)
  • 15 years service (gold)
  • 20 years service (gold) with Roman numerals XX on the ribbon
GDR Medals for faithful service in the armed organs of the Ministry of the Interior.jpg

GDR Medal for Long Service in Militarized Organs of Ministry of Interior - 5 Years ribbon.png
GDR Medal for Long Service in Militarized Organs of Ministry of Interior - 10 Years ribbon.png
GDR Medal for Long Service in Militarized Organs of Ministry of Interior - 15 Years ribbon.png
GDR Medal for Long Service in Militarized Organs of Ministry of Interior - 20 Years ribbon.png
GDR Medal for Long Service in Militarized Organs of Ministry of Interior - 25 Years ribbon.png
GDR Medal for Long Service in Militarized Organs of Ministry of Interior - 30 Years ribbon.png

Medal for Faithful Service in Militarised Organs of the Interior Ministry
(Medaille für Treue Dienste in den bewaffneten Organen des Ministeriums des Innern)
22nd January 1959The medal was awarded in six classes:
  • 5 years service (bronze)
  • 10 years service (silver)
  • 15 years service (gold)
  • 20 years service (gold)
  • 25 years service (gold)
  • 30 years service (gold)
Medal for Loyal Service in the Customs Administration of the GDR.jpg

GDR Medal for loyal service in the customs administration 3rd lvl ribbon.png
GDR Medal for loyal service in the customs administration 2nd lvl ribbon.png
GDR Medal for loyal service in the customs administration 1st lvl ribbon.png
GDR Medal for loyal service in the customs administration lvl 4 cl ribbon.png
GDR Medal for loyal service in the customs administration lvl 5 cl ribbon.png
GDR Medal for loyal service in the customs administration lvl 6 cl ribbon.png

Medal for Loyal Service in the Customs Administration of the GDR
(Medaille für treue Dienste in der Zollverwaltung der DDR)
12th May 1967The medal was awarded in six classes to all employees of the customs administration upon reaching a fixed, uninterrupted period of honest, conscientious and faithful service:
  • 5 years service (bronze)
  • 10 years service (silver)
  • 15 years service (gold)
  • 20 years service (gold + 1 oak leaf)
  • 25 years service (gold + 2 oak leaves)
  • 30 years service (gold + 3 oak leaves)
GDR Medal for Long Service in Fighting Groups of Working Class.jpg

GDR Medaille treue Dienste Kampfgruppen Arbeiterklasse Bronze ribbon.png
GDR Medaille treue Dienste Kampfgruppen Arbeiterklasse Silber ribbon.png
GDR Medaille treue Dienste Kampfgruppen Arbeiterklasse Gold ribbon.png
GDR Medaille treue Dienste Kampfgruppen Arbeiterklasse Special ribbon.png

Medal for Faithful Service in Fighting Groups of the Working Class
(Medaille für Treue Dienste in den Kampfgruppen der Arbeiterklasse)
6th October 1965The medal was awarded in four classes:
  • 5 years service (bronze)
  • 10 years service (silver)
  • 15 years service (gold)
  • 20 years service (gold) with gold circular ribbon device (post 1978)
Medal for Faithful Fulfillment of Duties in the Civil Defense of the GDR.jpg

Ribbon for the Medal for loyal fulfillment of duties in the civil defense of the GDR bronze grade.png
Ribbon for the Medal for loyal fulfillment of duties in the civil defense of the GDR silver grade.png
Ribbon for the Medal for loyal fulfillment of duties in the civil defense of the GDR gold grade.png

Medal for Faithful Fulfillment of Duties in the Civil Defense of the GDR
(Medaille für treue Pflichterfüllung in der Zivilverteidigung der DDR)
25th October 1977The medal was awarded in three classes to volunteers:
  • 10 years service (bronze)
  • 20 years service (silver)
  • 30 years service (gold)

Civilian decorations

Name (English/ German )Date of
GDR Medal of Merit.jpg
GDR Medal of Merit ribbon.png

Medal of Merit of the GDR
(Verdienstmedaille der DDR)

1959-06-04Awarded for distinction through special achievements and faithful fulfillment of duties in the construction of socialism.
Hans-Beimler Medal-Ribbon.gif

Hans Beimler Medal
(Hans Beimler Medaille)

1956-05-17Awarded for fighting in the Spanish Civil War on the side of the Republicans.
GDR Medal for Fighters Against Fascism.jpg
GDR Medal for Fighters against Fascism BAR.png

Medal for Fighters Against Fascism
(Medaille für Kämpfer gegen den Faschismus)

1958-02-22Awarded for involvement in the resistance against the Nazi regime 1933–45.
DDR Lebensrettungsmedaille ribbon.png

Lifesaving Medal of the GDR
(Lebensrettungsmedaille der DDR)

1954-05-28Awarded for the salvation of people while in mortal danger to the rescuer.
GDR Medal for Selfless Action in the Fight Against Disasters ribbon.png

Medal for Fighting the Flood Disaster in July 1954
(Medaille für die Bekämpfung der Hochwasserkatastrophe im Juli 1954)

1954-08-05Awarded for selfless commitment, exemplary work and self-sacrifice in combating the floods and in the subsequent repairs of damages in Saxony, the Ore Mountains and the Elster Mountains in July 1954.
GDR Medal for Selfless Action in the Fight Against Disasters.jpg
GDR Medal for Selfless Action in the Fight Against Disasters ribbon.png

Medal for Selfless Action in the Fight Against Disasters
(Medaille für selbstlosen Einsatz bei der Bekämpfung von Katastrophen)

1957-08-15Awarded for selfless dedication, exemplary assistance and personal sacrifice, as well as other outstanding services in preventing or combating disasters and eliminating their aftermath.
Medal for excellent performance in the water management of the GDR.jpg
Medal for excellent performance in the water management of the GDR ribbon.png

Medal for excellent performance in the water management of the GDR
(Medaille für hervorragende Leistungen in der Wasserwirtschaft der DDR)

1975-01-30Awarded for excellent performance in the socialist competition as well as the fulfillment of, or zeal in the tasks set by the water management of the GDR, in connection with many years of activity in this field.
GDR Commemorative medal 20th anniversary of land reform.jpg
GDR Commemorative medal 20th anniversary of land reform ribbon.png

Commemorative medal 20th anniversary of land reform - democratic land reform
(Erinnerungsmedaille 20. Jahrestag der Bodenreform – demokratische Bodenreform)

1965-07-27Awarded for a special contribution to the implementation of land reform, the founding of agricultural cooperatives or to the socialist transformation of agriculture.
Medal of Honor for the 40th anniversary of the GDR.jpg
GDR Medal of Honour for the 40th anniversary of the GDR ribbon.png

Medal of Honour for the 40th anniversary of the GDR
(Ehrenmedaille zum 40. Jahrestag der GDR)

1988-10-14Awarded for outstanding achievements in the emergence and overall strengthening of the GDR and for the active participation in the design of the socialist society.
GDR Hufeland Medal.jpg

GDR Hufeland medal in bronze ribbon.png
GDR Hufeland medal in silver ribbon.png
GDR Hufeland medal in gold ribbon.png

Hufeland Medal
1958-09-13The medal was awarded in three classes for special merit, exemplary initiative in socialist competition and the fulfillment of prescribed tasks in health and social services of the GDR. Also for many years of meritorious work in these areas as well as in administration and in the medical professions:
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
GDR Dr Theodor Neubauer Medal.jpg

GDR Dr Theodor Neubauer Medal ribbon bronze.png
GDR Dr Theodor Neubauer Medal ribbon silver.png
GDR Dr Theodor Neubauer Medal ribbon gold.png

Dr. Theodor Neubauer Medal
(Dr. Theodor Neubauer Medaille)
1959-08-20The medal was awarded in three classes both to individuals and collectives for extraordinary contributions and achievements in the development of socialist education in the GDR:
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold

GDR Medal of Merit of the Maritime Industry in bronze ribbon.png
GDR Medal of Merit of the Maritime Industry in silver ribbon.png
GDR Medal of Merit of the Maritime Industry in gold ribbon.png

Medal of Merit of the Maritime Industry
(Verdienstmedaille der Seeverkehrswirtschaft)
1965-07-01The medal was awarded in three classes for exemplary work successes through active and selfless commitment or longstanding meritorious activities in the field of maritime transport:
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold

GDR German Post Medal of Merit in bronze ribbon.png
GDR German Post Medal of Merit in silver ribbon.png
GDR German Post Medal of Merit in gold ribbon.png

Medal of Merit of the German Post
(Verdienstmedaille der Deutschen Post)
1970-11-19The medal was awarded to individuals in three classes for outstanding achievements in the development of the postal and telecommunications system. Also for services in ensuring the constant operational readiness of the telecommunication systems:
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
GDR Medal of Merit of the German Railroads.jpg

GDR Medal for Merit for German Railroads 3rd Class BAR.png
GDR Medal for Merit for German Railroads 2nd Class BAR.png
GDR Medal for Merit for German Railroads 1st Class BAR.png

Medal of Merit of the German Railroads
(Verdienstmedaille der Deutschen Reichsbahn)
1956-10-18The medal was awarded in three classes for selfless service, for high achievements or for courage:
  • 3rd class
  • 2nd class
  • 1st class
GDR Medal for Merit in the Peoples Control.jpg

GDR Medal for Merit in the Peoples Control ribbon 1st level.png
GDR Medal for Merit in the Peoples Control ribbon 2nd level.png
GDR Medal for Merit in the Peoples Control ribbon 3rd level.png

Medal of Merit in the People's Control of the GDR
(Medaille für Verdienste in der Volkskontrolle der DDR)
1973-02-12The medal was awarded in three classes for many years of exemplary work in the People's Control of the GDR and for excellent results in the control of the implementation of the resolutions of the SED and the government of the GDR:
  • 3rd class
  • 2nd class
  • 1st class
GDR Pestalozzi Medal for Faithful Services.jpg

GDR Pestalozzi Medal for Faithful Services ribbon bronze.png
GDR Pestalozzi Medal for Faithful Services ribbon silver.png
GDR Pestalozzi Medal for Faithful Services ribbon gold.png

Pestalozzi Medal for Faithful Services
(Pestalozzi-Medaille für treue Dienste)
1956-11-15The medal was awarded in three classes to teachers and educators of vacational and educational institutions of the GDR.
  • 10 years (Bronze)
  • 20 years (Silver)
  • 30 years (Gold)
Medal for Long Service for Voluntary Helpers in Guarding State Borders.jpg

GDR Medal for Long Service for Voluntary Helpers in Guarding State Borders ribbon 5.png
GDR Medal for Long Service for Voluntary Helpers in Guarding State Borders ribbon 10.png
GDR Medal for Long Service for Voluntary Helpers in Guarding State Borders ribbon 15.png
GDR Medal for Long Service for Voluntary Helpers in Guarding State Borders ribbon 20.png
GDR Medal for Long Service for Voluntary Helpers in Guarding State Borders ribbon 25.png
GDR Medal for Long Service for Voluntary Helpers in Guarding State Borders ribbon 30.png

Medal for Faithful Service for Voluntary Helpers in Guarding State Borders
(Medaille für Treue Dienste freiwilliger Helfer beim Schutz der Staatsgrenze der DDR)
1986-12-05The medal was awarded in six classes:
  • 5 years service (bronze)
  • 10 years service (bronze)
  • 15 years service (silver)
  • 20 years service (silver)
  • 25 years service (gold)
  • 30 years service (gold)
GDR Medal for Faithful Service in Civil Aviation 40 year spange.jpg

GDR Medal for Faithful Service in Civil Aviation.jpg

GDR Medal for Faithful Service in Civil Aviation in bronze ribbon.png
GDR Medal for Faithful Service in Civil Aviation in silver ribbon.png
GDR Medal for Faithful Service in Civil Aviation in gold level 1 ribbon.png
GDR Medal for Faithful Service in Civil Aviation in gold level 2 ribbon.png
GDR Medal for Faithful Service in Civil Aviation in gold level 3 ribbon.png
GDR Medal for Faithful Service in Civil Aviation clasp ribbon.png

Medal for Faithful Service in Civil Aviation
(Medaille für treue Dienste in der zivilen Luftfahrt)
1962-09-13The medal was awarded in seven classes:
  • 5 years service (bronze)
  • 10 years service (silver)
  • 15 years service (gold level 1)
  • 20 years service (gold level 2)
  • 30 years service (gold level 3)
  • 35 years service (gold with honour clasp for women)
  • 40 years service (gold with honour clasp for men)
GDR Medals for loyal service in the German railroads 40 year clasp.jpg

GDR Medals for loyal service in the German railroads.jpg

GDR Medals for Loyal Service in the German Railroads 10 yrs ribbon.png
GDR Medals for Loyal Service in the German Railroads 20 yrs ribbon.png
GDR Medals for Loyal Service in the German Railroads 30 yrs ribbon.png
GDR Medals for Loyal Service in the German Railroads honor clasp ribbon.png

Medal for Faithful Service in the German Railroads
(Medaille für Treue Dienste bei der Deutschen Reichsbahn)
1956-03-18The medal was originally awarded in three classes increased to five in 1973:
  • 10 years service (bronze)
  • 20 years service (silver)
  • 30 years service (gold)
  • 35 years service (gold with honour clasp for women)
  • 40 years service (gold with honour clasp for men)
GDR Medals for Long Service in Health and Social Services.jpg

GDR Medals for Long Service in Health and Social Services 10 years ribbon.png
GDR Medals for Long Service in Health and Social Services 20 years ribbon.png
GDR Medals for Long Service in Health and Social Services 30 years ribbon.png

Medal for Faithful Service in Health and Social Services
(Medaille für Treue Dienste im Gesundheits und Sozialwesens)
1973-11-15The medal was awarded in three classes:
  • 10 years service (bronze)
  • 20 years service (silver)
  • 30 years service (gold)
GDR Medal for Faithful Service in the German Post.jpg

GDR Medal for Loyal Service in the German Post Grade 1 ribbon.png
GDR Medal for Loyal Service in the German Post Grade 2 ribbon.png
GDR Medal for Loyal Service in the German Post Grade 3 ribbon.png
GDR Medal for Loyal Service in the German Post gold clasp ribbon.png

Medal for Faithful Service in the German Post
(Treuedienstmedaille der Deutschen Post)
1960-10-13The medal was awarded in five classes:
  • 10 years service (bronze)
  • 20 years service (silver)
  • 30 years service (gold)
  • 35 years service (gold with honour clasp for women)
  • 40 years service (gold with honour clasp for men)
GDR Medal for Faithful Service in the Volunteer Fire Department.jpg

GDR Medal for Loyal Service in the Voluntary Fire Department Grade 4 ribbon.png
GDR Medal for Loyal Service in the Voluntary Fire Department Grade 3 ribbon.png
GDR Medal for Loyal Service in the Voluntary Fire Department Grade 2 ribbon.png
GDR Medal for Loyal Service in the Voluntary Fire Department Grade 1 ribbon.png

Medal for Faithful Service in the Volunteer Fire Department
(Medaille für Treue Dienste in der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr)
1959-01-22The medal was awarded in four classes:
  • 10 years service (bronze)
  • 20 years service (silver)
  • 30 years service (gold)
  • 40 years service (gold with ribbon device)
GDR Medal for Faithful Service in the Maritime Industry 40 year spange.jpg
GDR Medal for Faithful Service in the Maritime Industry.jpg

GDR Medal for Loyal Service in the Shipping Industry Grade 3 ribbon.png
GDR Medal for Loyal Service in the Shipping Industry Grade 2 ribbon.png
GDR Medal for Loyal Service in the Shipping Industry Grade 1 ribbon.png

Medal for Faithful Service in the Maritime Industry
(Medaille für Treue Dienste in der Seeverkehrswirtschaft)
Amended 1981-09-21
The medal was awarded in three classes:
  • 10 years service (bronze)
  • 20 years service (silver)
  • 30 years service (gold)
  • 35 years service (gold with honour clasp for women)
  • 40 years service (gold with honour clasp for men)
Medal for Many Years of Duty to Strengthen the National Defense of the GDR.jpg

Medal for many years of duty to strengthen the national defense of the GDR bronze ribbon.png
Medal for many years of duty to strengthen the national defense of the GDR silver ribbon.png
Medal for many years of duty to strengthen the national defense of the GDR gold ribbon.png
Medal for many years of duty to strengthen the national defense of the GDR gold special ribbon.png

Medal for Many Years of Duty to Strengthen the National Defense of the GDR
(Medaille für langjährige Pflichterfüllung zur Stärkung der Landesverteidigung der DDR)
1974-08-08The medal was awarded in four classes to employees of the Defense Industry:
  • 10 years service (bronze)
  • 20 years service (silver)
  • 30 years service (gold)
  • 35 years service for women, 40 for men (special gold)

GDR Humboldts Medal - Higher Education - Bronze BAR.png
GDR Humboldts Medal - Higher Education - Silver BAR.png
GDR Humboldts Medal - Higher Education - Gold BAR.png

Humboldt Medal
1975-02-13The medal was awarded in three classes for exemplary fulfillment of tasks at higher and technical colleges, also for many years of loyal service.
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold

Ministerial and associative awards

Ministry of National Defence

Name (English/ German )Date of
GDR Medal for Merit in Reservist Work.jpg

GDR medal for merit in reservist work lvl 1 ribbon.png
GDR medal for merit in reservist work lvl 2 ribbon.png
GDR medal for merit in reservist work lvl 3 ribbon.png

Medal for Merit in Reservist Work
(Medaille für Verdienste in der Reservistenarbeit)
1985-05-28The medal was awarded in three classes to reservists or veterans of military service, for outstanding services in the development and management of reservist work while not on reservist military service:
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
GDR Medal For Faithful Service in the National Peoples Army Reserve.jpg
Medal For Faithful Service in the National People's Army Reserve
1969The medal was awarded in three classes:
  • 18 to 24 months service (bronze)
  • 2 to 10 years service (silver)
  • More than 10 years service (gold)
GDR Jubilee Medal 30 Years of the National Peoples Army.jpg
GDR Ehrenmedaille 30 Jahre National Volksarmee BAR.png
Jubilee Medal 30 Years of the National People's Army
(Jubiläumsmedaille 30 Jahre Nationale Volksarmee)
1986-03-01The medal was awarded to a select group of people from the NVA, others receiving a related badge.

Ministry of Education

Name (English/ German )Date of
GDR Lessing Medal.jpg

GDR Lessing medal in silver ribbon.png
GDR Lessing medal in gold ribbon.png

Lessing Medal
(Lessing Medaille)

1950-04-28Awarded in 2 classes for excellent performance and very good social and extra-curricular work in senior high school.
  • Silver
  • Gold

Combat Groups of the Working Class of the GDR

Name (English/ German )Date of
Commemorative Medal 20 Years of Combat Groups of the Working Class.jpg
Commemorative medal 20 years of fighting groups of the working class ribbon.png

Commemorative Medal 20 Years of Combat Groups of the Working Class
(Erinnerungsmedaille 20 Jahre Kampfgruppen der Arbeiterklasse)

September 1973The medal was awarded in a single class to deserving members of the combat groups of the working class.

Society for Sports and Technology

Name (English/German)Date of
GDR Ernst Schneller Medals Bronze & Silver.jpg
GDR Ernst Schneller Medal ribbon bronze.png
GDR Ernst Schneller Medal ribbon silver.png
GDR Ernst Schneller Medal ribbon gold.png

Ernst Schneller Medal

1961The medal was awarded in three classes for outstanding services in the education of youth in defense readiness:
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold

Free German Youth Society

These were awarded to Free German Youth (F.D.J.) members;

Name (English/ German )Date of
GDR Artur Becker Medaille.jpg

Artur Becker bronc rib.png
Artur Becker silver rib.png
Artur Becker gold rib.png

Artur Becker Medal
1959The medal was awarded in three classes for outstanding achievements in the socialist youth association:
  • Awarded by city leadership (bronze)
  • Awarded by county leadership (silver)
  • Awarded by district leadership (gold)
Thalmann-Medaille,Bereit zur Verteidigung der Heimat.jpg

GDR Thalmann medal ribbon.png

Thalmann medal
1951-08-15The medal was awarded to all participants of the peace demonstration of the Free German Youth.

Socialist Unity Party

These were conferred by the Socialist Unity Party (S.E.D.);

Name (English/ German )Date of
Medal of Honor for the 20th anniversary of the GDR.jpg
Medal of Honor for the 20th anniversary of the GDR ribbon.png
Medal of the 20th anniversary of the GDR
(Medaille zum 20. Jahrestag der DDR)
1969The medal was awarded in a single class to members of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany and to honoured dignitaries.

See also

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  1. Medals of East Germany
  2. East German Medals
  3. mdr.de. "Medaillen und Orden in der DDR | MDR.DE". www.mdr.de (in German). Retrieved 2024-10-28.
  4. Johannes-R.-Becher-Medaille