Orders, decorations, and medals of Ukraine

Last updated

Awards and decorations of Ukraine are medals and orders granted by the President of Ukraine for meritorious achievements in national defense, state improvement, and the development of democracy and human rights. Awards may also be issued to military personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and worn in conjunction with awards and decorations of the Ukrainian military.


The following is a selection of civilian awards which are presently issued by the Ukrainian government.

All recipients qualify for the special merits status for Ukraine.


Highest distinction

RibbonName (English/Ukrainian)Date of creation
Date of approval
Award Criteria
Hero of Ukraine.png

Hero of Ukraine ribbon bar.png
Hero of Ukraine
Герой України
1998Highest national title that can be conferred upon an individual citizen by the President of Ukraine. The title is supported by two orders: one for heroism and the other for achievement in labor.

Honorary title

RibbonName (English/Ukrainian)Date of creation
Date of approval
Award Criteria
Narodni artist.png
People's Artist of Ukraine
Народний артист України
1922Special title to performing artists for outstanding performing mastery, creating of highly artistic images, plays, featured films that earned international recognition, for special merits in development of national cultural and artistic heritage
Narodni architect.png
People's Architect of Ukraine
Народний архітектор України
Special title to architects and architect restoration specialists for outstanding merits in development of architecture and urban planning
Narodnij vschitel.jpg
People's Teacher of Ukraine
Народний вчитель України
2006Special title to teachers, instructors and other pedagogic workers of educational institutions in a system of general secondary education of all types for outstanding achievements in teaching and raising of pupils and students
Narodnii khudozhnik Ukrayini.png
People's Painter of Ukraine
Народний художник України
1934Special title to workers of visual, monumental and decorative arts for creation of highly artistic works in the field of painting, graphic, sculptural, decorative and applied arts that achieved a wide national and international recognition
Merited artist of Ukraine.jpg
Merited Performing Artist of Ukraine
Заслужений артист України
1922Special title to performing artists for outstanding achievement in the performing arts
2004Special title to women who given birth and raised five children, including fostered children, to the age of 8.


RibbonName (English/Ukrainian)Date of creation
Date of approval
Award Criteria
Ukrainian Goldenstar.jpg Medal of Golden Star Ukraine.jpg
Order of the State of Ukraine.png

Order of the Gold Star of Ukraine.png
Order of State / Order of Gold Star
Орден Держави / Орден Золотої Зірки
1998Highest national award to citizens for accomplishing a remarkable work achievement / for accomplishing a remarkable heroic act. It is awarded along with the Hero of Ukraine title.
Freedom order.jpg

Order of Liberty
Орден Свободи
2008Special merits of citizens for strengthening the Sovereignty and Independence of Ukraine, consolidating Ukrainian society, developing Democracy, advancing socio-economic and political reforms, and advocating the Constitutional Rights and Liberties of Man and Citizen.
J mudrogo.jpg


Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise
1st Class
Орден князя Ярослава Мудрого
I ступеня
1995Distinguished services.


Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise
2nd Class
Орден князя Ярослава Мудрого
II ступеня
1995Distinguished services.

Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise
3rd Class
Орден князя Ярослава Мудрого
III ступеня
1995Distinguished services.

Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise
4th Class
Орден князя Ярослава Мудрого
IV ступеня
1995Distinguished services.

Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise
5th Class
Орден князя Ярослава Мудрого
V ступеня
1995Distinguished services.


Order of Merit
1st Class
Орден «За заслуги»
I ступеня
1996Outstanding achievements in economics, science, culture, military or political spheres of activity.

Order of Merit
2nd Class
Орден «За заслуги»
II ступеня
1996Outstanding achievements in economics, science, culture, military or political spheres of activity.

Order of Merit
3rd Class
Орден «За заслуги»
III ступеня
1996Outstanding achievements in economics, science, culture, military or political spheres of activity.

Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky
1st Class
Орден Богдана Хмельницького
I ступеня
1995Military award

Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky
2nd Class
Орден Богдана Хмельницького
II ступеня
1995Military award

Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky
3rd Class
Орден Богдана Хмельницького
III ступеня
1995Military award
Orden Geroyiv Nebesnoyi Sotni.PNG

Orden Geroyiv Nebesnoyi Sotni (strichka).PNG
Order of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes
Орден Героїв Небесної Сотні
2014Civil courage, patriotism and the defense of the constitutional principles of democracy.


Order for Bravery 1st Class of Ukraine.gif
Order For Courage
1st Class
Орден «За мужність»
I ступеня
1996Individual courage and heroism while rescuing people.

Order For Courage
2nd Class
Орден «За мужність»
II ступеня
1996Individual courage and heroism while rescuing people.

Order For Courage
3rd Class
Орден «За мужність»
III ступеня
1996Individual courage and heroism while rescuing people.
Order of Olga 1st class.jpg

Order of Princess Olga
1st Class
Орден княгині Ольги
I ступеня
1997Personal merits of women in state, scientific, educational, cultural and other social areas.
Order of Princess Olga 2nd class.jpg

Order of Princess Olga
2nd Class
Орден княгині Ольги
II ступеня
1997Personal merits of women in state, scientific, educational, cultural and other social areas.

Order of Princess Olga
3rd Class
Орден княгині Ольги
III ступеня
1997Personal merits of women in state, scientific, educational, cultural and other social areas.

Order of Danylo Halytsky
Орден Данила Галицького
2003Military men of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations.
Order For Brave Miners' Work 1st Class of Ukraine.png
Order For Brave Miners' Work
1st Class
Орден «За доблесну шахтарську працю»
I ступеня
2008Workers of mine building enterprises.
Order For Brave Miners' Work 2nd Class of Ukraine.png
Order For Brave Miners' Work
2nd Class
Орден «За доблесну шахтарську працю»
II ступеня
2008Workers of mine building enterprises.
Orden <<Za doblesnu shakhtars'ku pratsiu>> III stupenia.png

Order For Brave Miners' Work 3rd Class of Ukraine.png
Order For Brave Miners' Work
3rd Class
Орден «За доблесну шахтарську працю»
III ступеня
2008Workers of mine building enterprises.


RibbonName (English/Ukrainian)Date of creation
Date of approval
Award Criteria

Medal For military service to Ukraine ribbon.PNG
Medal For Military Service to Ukraine
Медаль «За військову службу Україні»
1996Military men of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations.

Medal For irreproachable service 1st Class Ukraine ribbon.PNG
Medal For Irreproachable Service
1st Class
Медаль «За бездоганну службу»
I ступеня
1996Military men of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations.

Eproachable service 2nd Class Ukraine ribbon.PNG
Medal For Irreproachable Service
2nd Class
Медаль «За бездоганну службу»
II ступеня
1996Military men of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations.

Medal For irreproachable service 3rd Class Ukraine ribbon.PNG
Medal For Irreproachable Service
3rd Class
Медаль «За бездоганну службу»
III ступеня
1996Military men of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations.
Ukraine-Defender of the Motherland Medal.PNG

Defender of the Motherland Medal ribbon bar (2015).svg
Defender of the Motherland Medal
Медаль «Захиснику Вітчизни»
1999War veterans.
Za vryatovane zhyttya.jpg

Life Saving Medal (Ukraine) ribbon bar.svg
Medal "For Saving Life"
Медаль «За врятоване життя»
2008Saving human life, acts of charity.
Ukrainian medal, "Brother For Brother".png
Ukrainian "Brother For Brother" Medal ribbon bar.svg
"Brother For Brother" Medal [1] [2] [3] c. 2014 [1] [2] [4] Foreigners for service to Ukraine. [4] [3]

Presidential honors

RibbonName (English/Ukrainian)Date of creation
Date of approval
Award Criteria
President's of Ukraine Award Cross of Combat Merit.jpg

UKR Combat Merits Cross (2022) BAR.svg
Cross of Military Merit (Ukraine)
Хрест бойових заслуг
2022For outstanding personal bravery and bravery or an outstanding heroic deed when performing a combat mission in conditions of danger to life and direct collision with the enemy; outstanding successes in command and control of troops (forces) during military (combat) operations.
Order of Ivan Mazepa.jpg

Cross of Ivan Mazepa
Відзнака Президента України — Хрест Івана Мазепи
2009Contribution to the revival of national and historical heritage of Ukraine.
Medal za pratsu i zvitiagu.jpg

Medal For Labour and Victory
Відзнака Президента України — медаль «За працю і звитягу»
2001Distinguished services.
Nagradigosukrmedal 008 ukr.jpg

Medal for 60 Years of Liberation of Ukraine from Fascist Invaders ribbon bar.svg
60 Years of Clearing of Ukraine from Fascist Aggressors Medal
Відзнака Президента України — ювілейна медаль «60 років визволення України від фашистських загарбників»
2004 World War II veterans.

20 Years of Independence of Ukraine Medal
Відзнака Президента України — ювілейна медаль «20 років незалежності України»
2011Distinguished services.
Iuvileina medal' <<25 rokiv nezalezhnosti Ukrayini>>.PNG

Iuvileina medal' <<25 rokiv nezalezhnosti Ukrayini>> (strichka).PNG
25 Years of Independence of Ukraine Medal
Відзнака Президента України — ювілейна медаль «25 років незалежності України»
2016Distinguished services.

25 Years of Withdrawal from Afghanistan Medal
Відзнака Президента України — пам'ятна медаль «25 років виведення військ з Афганістану»
2014 Soviet–Afghan War veterans.
Medal for 70 Years of Liberation of Ukraine from Fascist Invaders ribbon bar.svg
70 Years of Clearing of Ukraine from Fascist Aggressors Medal
Відзнака Президента України — медаль «70 років визволення України від фашистських загарбників»
2014 World War II veterans.
Iuvileina medal' <<70 rokiv Peremogi nad natsizmom>>.PNG

Iuvileina medal' <<70 rokiv Peremogi nad natsizmom>> (strichka).PNG
70 Years of Victory over Nazism
Відзнака Президента України — ювілейна медаль «70 років Перемоги над нацизмом»
2015 World War II veterans.
Vidznaka Prezidenta Ukrayini <<Za uchast' v antiteroristichnii operatsiyi>>.png

President's Award for Anti-Terrorist Operation Service ribbon bar.svg
Decorations of the President of Ukraine for Participation in the Anti-Terrorist Operation
Відзнака Президента України «За участь в антитерористичній операції»
2016Defenders of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity in the framework of the Anti-Terrorist Operation in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
President's Award for Anti-Terrorist Operation Humanitarian Service.png

President's Award for Anti-Terrorist Operation Humanitarian Service ribbon bar.svg
Decorations of the President of Ukraine for Humanitarian Participation in the Anti-Terrorist Operation
Відзнака Президента України «За гуманітарну участь в антитерористичній операції»
2016Humanitarian Participations in Anti-Terrorist Operation in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

See also

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  1. 1 2 https://twitter.com/Int_Legion_UA/status/1700505260488286605
  2. 1 2 https://twitter.com/OliverMets3/status/1702672905056682359
  3. 1 2 "Latvian nurse gets Ukrainian state award". eng.lsm.lv.
  4. 1 2 "Harley Whitehead Qualified Deminer Saving Lives in Ukraine 2024". February 18, 2024.