Orders, decorations, and medals of Denmark

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Coat of arms of Denmark National coat of arms of Denmark.svg
Coat of arms of Denmark

The award system of Denmark, and especially the regulations for who is allowed to wear which medals, is one of great variation. The current honour-system has been created one step at a time since the 16th century. The system consists of royal orders and medals, official/governmental medals and some few private medals that have been approved by the monarch.


Orders of chivalry

Order of the Elephant

RibbonName (English/Danish)Post-nominal abbreviationDate of creation
Date of approval
Award Criteria
Order of the Elephant Ribbon bar.svg Order of the Elephant
R.E.Early 16th century
Current form 1693
Statutes changed 1958
Awarded to members of the royal family and to major heads of state. [1] [2]

Order of the Dannebrog

RibbonName (English/Danish)Post-nominal abbreviationDate of creation
Date of approval
Award Criteria
Order of the Dannebrog S.K.svg Grand Commander S.Kmd1671Awarded to 6 members of the Danish royal family or royals with a close connection to the family.
Order of the Dannebrog S.K.svg Grand CrossS.K.1671Awarded to Danish admirals, generals, supreme-court judges, ambassadors, and similar as a reward for very meritorious service and awarded to foreign ambassadors after three years of service if their county gives orders to foreign diplomats.
Order of the Dannebrog K1.svg Commander 1st DegreeK11671Awarded to Danish admirals, generals, supreme-court judges, ambassadors, and other governmental leaders as a retirement decoration and awarded to foreign chargés d affairs after three years of service if their county gives orders to foreign diplomats.
Order of the Dannebrog K.svg CommanderK1671
Order of the Dannebrog R1.svg Knight 1st DegreeR11671
Order of the Dannebrog R.svg KnightR1671
Order of the Dannebrog R1.svg Cross of Honour of the Order of the Dannebrog
Dannebrogordenens Hæderstegn
D.Ht1808Awarded to Danish members of the Order of Dannebrog who have made themselves worthy of an extra decoration for either merits of life saving. [1] [2]


Civil medals

RibbonName (English/Danish)Post-nominal abbreviationDate of creation
Date of approval
Award Criteria
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Medal of Merit in Gold with Crown
Fortjenstmedaljen i Guld med Krone
F.M.1*16 May 1792This medal has no official statutes and may be awarded by the reigning monarch as seen fit. [2]
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Medal of Merit in Gold
Fortjenstmedaljen i Guld
F.M.116 May 1792This medal has no official statutes and may be awarded by the reigning monarch as seen fit. [2]
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Medal of Merit in Silver with clasp
Fortjenstmedaljen i Sølv med spænde
F.M.2.M.SPÆNDE16 May 1792This medal has no official statutes and may be awarded by the reigning monarch as seen fit. [2]
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Medal of Merit in Silver
Fortjenstmedaljen i Sølv
F.M.2 16 May 1792This medal has no official statutes and may be awarded by the reigning monarch as seen fit. [2]
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Ingenio et Arti
Ingenio et Arti
M.i.&a.31 August 1841Awarded to artists (musicians, painters, actors and scientists) who have done extremely noteworthy work. [2]
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Royal Medal of Recompense in Gold with Crown
Den Kongelige Belønningsmedalje i Guld med Krone
B.M.1*4 September 1865This medal has no official statutes and may be awarded by the reigning monarch as seen fit. [2]
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Royal Medal of Recompense in Gold
Den Kongelige Belønningsmedalje i Guld
B.M.14 September 1865This medal has no official statutes and may be awarded by the reigning monarch as seen fit. [2]
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Royal Medal of Recompense in Silver with Crown
Den Kongelige Belønningsmedalje i Sølv med Krone
B.M.2*4 September 1865This medal has no official statutes and may be awarded by the reigning monarch as seen fit. [2]
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Royal Medal of Recompense in Silver
Den Kongelige Belønningsmedalje i Sølv
B.M.24 September 1865This medal has no official statutes and may be awarded by the reigning monarch as seen fit. [2]
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Medal for Noble Deeds
Medaljen for Ædel Dåd
M.f.æ.D.12 June 1793Awarded for life saving deeds, where the rescuer has put his own life at great risk in order to save another persons life. [2]
DEN Minister of Justice's Medal BAR.svg Minister of Justice's Medal
Justitsministerens Medalje
Jm.M.12 April 2019Awarded to Danes as well as foreigners who have made a particularly fearless and / or appreciative effort. [3] [4]
DEN Ministry of Justice Medal for Fallen in Service BAR.svg Ministry of Justice Medal for Fallen in Service
Justitsministeriets Medalje for Omkommet i Tjeneste
Jum.M.F.12 April 2019Awarded to employees in the Ministry of Justice who have died as a result of a criminal offense in connection with the service. [3] [4]
DEN Ministry of Justice Medal for Wounded in Service BAR.svg Ministry of Justice Medal for Wounded in Service
Justitsministeriets Medalje for Sårede i Tjeneste
Jum.M.S.12 April 2019Awarded to employees of the Ministry of Justice who have been seriously injured physically or mentally as a result of an offense in connection with the service. [3] [4]
DEN Ministry of Justice Medal for International Service BAR.svg Ministry of Justice Medal for International Service
Justitsministeriets Medalje for International Indsats
Jum. M.I.T.12 April 2019Awarded to ministry staff, including police officers, who have made a deserving international effort. [3] [4]
Turistraads Haederstegn Ribbon.png Danish Tourism Board Medal of Honor
Danmarks Turistråds Hæderstegn
D.T.H.26 February 1963
8 March 1963
Awarded to persons who have done a special effort to promote Danish tourism. Maximum 5 medals may be awarded each year, and only 2 of these may be awarded to Danes. [2]
DEN Greenland Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Medal of Merit of the Greenlandish Home-Rule
Grønlands Hjemmestyres Fortjenstmedalje
(Greenlandic: Nersonaat)
Grøn.Hjst.M.1 May 1989Awarded in gold or silver for meritious service for Greenland in fields such as public service, business, art or science. [2] [5]

Uniformed Service decorations

RibbonName (English/Danish)Post-nominal abbreviationDate of creation
Date of approval
Award Criteria
DEN Valour Cross BAR.svg Valour Cross
Fsv.TK.14 November 2011Highest award for bravery, [1] comparable to the Victoria Cross or Medal of Honor. [6]
Forsvarets Medalje for Tapperhed Ribbon.png Defence Medal for Bravery
Forsvarets Medalje for Tapperhed
Fsv.M.T.30 October 1995Awarded to military and civilian personnel of the defence who, during combat or terrorist attack, have done heroic deeds. [2] [7] [8]
Medal DK Fremragende R.png Defence Medal for Excellent Service
Forsvarets Medalje for Fremragende Tjeneste
Fsv.M.F.T.7 December 2009Awarded for extraordinary service to the Danish Defence. [7]
Medaljen for Udmaerket Lufttjeneste Ribbon.png Distinguished Flying Medal
Medaljen for Udmærket Lufttjeneste
M.f.u.Lt.30 May 1962Awarded to pilots and crewmembers who, over a longer period of time have been an excellent role model for others, or for very exceptional and dangerous rescue operations of persons or material, done without taking unnecessary risk. [2] [7] [8]
DK Forsvarets Medalje for Faldne i Tjeneste Ribbon.png Defence Medal for Fallen in Service
Forsvarets medalje for Faldne i Tjeneste
Fsv.M.F.1 January 2010Awarded to personnel killed in the line of duty, as a result from "acts of weaponry", including mines used in combat or during terrorist attacks. [7]
DK Forsvarets Medalje for Saarede Ribbon.png Defence Medal for Wounded in Service
Forsvarets medalje for Sårede i Tjeneste
Fsv.M.S.1 January 2010Awarded to personnel wounded in the line of duty, as a result from "acts of weaponry", including mines used in combat or during terrorist attacks. [7]
DK Haederstegn for god tjeneste.svg Navy Long Service Medal
Hæderstegn for God Tjeneste ved Søetaten
Ht.S.29 January 1801Awarded to personnel in the Danish Navy for 25 and 40 years of nonstop consecutive service. [2] [8]
DK Haederstegn for god tjeneste.svg Army Long Service Medal
Hæderstegn for God Tjeneste ved Hæren
Ht.H.26 September 1945Awarded to personnel in the Danish Army for 25 and 40 years of nonstop consecutive service. [2] [8]
DK Haederstegn for god tjeneste.svg Air Force Long Service Medal
Hæderstegn for God Tjeneste ved Flyvevåbnet
Ht.F.11 March 1953Awarded to personnel in the Danish Air Force for 25 and 40 years of nonstop consecutive service. [2] [8]
DK Haederstegn for god tjeneste.svg Armed Forces Long Service Medal
Hæderstegn for God Tjeneste
F.Ht.11 March 1953Awarded to personnel in the Danish Armed Forces, who are not eligible for the branch-specific medals, for 25 and 40 years of nonstop consecutive service. [2] [8]
FSVreserve25 R.png Reserve Long Service Medal
Hæderstegn for God Tjeneste i Forsvarets Reserve
Ft.Fsv.R.16 April 1978Awarded to personnel in the Danish Armed Forces Reserve after 25 years of service. [2] [8]
DK medal Minister R.png Medal of the Minister of Defence
Forsvarsministerens Medalje
Fm.M.7 December 2009Awarded by the Minister of Defence to whomever is seen fit. Awarded for meritorious non-combat deeds, heroism outside of combat and personnel killed in action outside of combat. [7]
Danish Medal of the Minister of Defence for noteworthy deeds.svg Medal of the Minister of Defence for Noteworthy Deeds
Forsvarsministerens Medalje for Særlig Indsats
7 January 2022Awarded by the Minister of Defence to whomever is seen fit. [9]
Forsvarets Medalje Fortjent Ribbon.png Defence Medal for Meritorious Service
Forsvarets Medalje for Fortjenstfuld Indsats
Fsv.M.3.27 November 1991
1 January 2010
Originally awarded for meritorious deployment outside of Denmark. After 2010 awarded to civilians or military personnel who have done meritorious service to the better of the Danish Defence. [2] [7]
DK Medal INTOPS in Bronze.png Defence Medal for International Service, Single Deployment
Forsvarets Medalje for International Tjeneste, Enkeltmandsudsendelse
Fsv.M.I.T.Awarded for international deployment alone
DK Medal INTOPS ISAF.png Defence Medal for International Service, Afghanistan
Forsvarets Medalje for International Tjeneste, Afghanistan
Fsv.M.I.T.1 January 2010Awarded for international deployment with the Danish Armed forces in Afghanistan (ISAF or similar) [7]
DK Medal INTOPS R KFOR.png Defence Medal for International Service, Kosovo
Forsvarets Medalje for International Tjeneste, Kosovo
Fsv.M.I.T.1 January 2010Awarded for international deployment with the Danish Armed forces in Kosovo (KFOR or similar) [7]
DK Medal INTOPS R UNIFIL.png Defence Medal for International Service, Lebanon
Forsvarets Medalje for International Tjeneste, Libanon
Fsv.M.I.T.1 January 2010Awarded for international deployment with the Danish Armed forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL or similar) [7]
DK Medal INTOPS R OOS.png Defence Medal for International Service, Gulf of Aden
Forsvarets Medalje for International Tjeneste, Adenbugten
Fsv.M.I.T.Awarded for international deployment with the Danish Armed forces in the Gulf of Aden (OOS)
DK Medal INTOPS RECSYR.png Defence Medal for International Service, Syria
Forsvarets Medalje for International Tjeneste, Middelhavet
Fsv.M.I.T.Awarded for participation in Removal of chemical weapons from Syria (RECSYR)
DK Medal INTOPS R 1948-2009.png Defence Medal for International Service 1948-2009
Forsvarets Medalje for International Tjeneste 1948-2009
Fsv.M.I.T. 48-09.2015Awarded for international deployment with the Danish Armed forces any time between 1948 and 2009
DK Hjemmevaernets Fortjensttegn Ribbon.png Homeguard Medal of Merit
Hjemmeværnets Fortjensttegn
Hjv.Ft. 11 February 1959Awarded to personnel who have made a special contribution to the Danish Homeguard, normally awarded to Company Commanders, Politicians and similar. [2] [8] [10]
DEN HJV 25-years Ribbon.svg

DEN HJV 40-years Ribbon.svg

DEN HJV 50-years Ribbon.svg

DEN HJV 60-years Ribbon.svg
Homeguard 25 Years Service Decoration
Hjemmeværnets 25 års-tegn

Homeguard 40 Years Service Decoration
Hjemmeværnets 40 års-tegn

Homeguard 50 Years Service Decoration
Hjemmeværnets 50 års-tegn

Homeguard 60 Years Service Decoration
Hjemmeværnets 60 års-tegn



25 November 1973

6 September 1988

12 April 2000

12 June 2009
Awarded to personnel of the Danish Homeguard after 25, 40, 50 and 60 years of service. [2] [8] [10]
CFHT25 R.png Civil Defence Long Service Medal
Hæderstegnet for 25 års god tjeneste i Civilforsvaret
H.T.C.F25 April 1963Awarded for 25 years of meritorious service in the Civil Defence [2] [11]
BF HT Ribbon.png Badge of Honor of the League of Civil Defence
Beredskabsforbundets Hæderstegn
B.F.Ht.9 November 1956Awarded for noteworthy work for the Civil Defence cause in Denmark, over a prolonged period of time (15 years). Normally awarded to Civil Defence leaders, fire chiefs, politicians and similar persons. [2] [11]
Redningsberedskabets Medalje ribbon.png Rescue Preparedness Medal
Redningsberedskabets Medalje
R.B20 April 1994Awarded for participation in humanitarian international operations outside the borders of Denmark [2] [11]
Ribbon gultbrand.png Fire Department Long Service Medal
Hæderstegn for God Tjeneste i Brandvæsnet
Ht.g.T.B.5 December 1973Awarded for 25 years of meritorious service in the municipal fire services [2] [11]
DK Politiet25aar Ribbon.png Police Long Service Medal
Hæderstegn for God Tjeneste i Politiet
Ht.P18 June 1959Awarded for 25 years of meritorious service in the Danish police [2]
RESOFF ASS R.png Badge of Honor of the Reserve Officers Association of Denmark
Reserveofficersforeningen i Danmarks Hæderstegn
R.O.Ht.27 April 1950Awarded by the Danish Reserve Officers Association to whomever they find are in need of honors. Normally only awarded in 2-3 specimens a year [2]
HAANDV~1.png Medal of Honor of the Chamber of Danish Handicraft
Håndværksrådets Hæderstegn
H.Ht.19 February 1965
6 March 1965
Awarded in silver for 10 years in a leading position in a handicraft-union or similar. Gold awarded after 25 years. [2]
DK Mili Idraetsforbunds HT Ribbon.png Badge of Honor of the Society of Danish Military Athletics
Dansk Militært Idrætsforbunds Hæderstegn
D.M.If.Ht.23 November 1968
5 September 1967
Awarded to persons who have done a special effort to promote the voluntary athletics in the Danish Military. [2] [7] [12]
DRK Haederstegn Ribbon.png Danish Red Cross Badge of Honor
Dansk Røde Kors Hæderstegn
D.r.K.Ht.19 February 1916Awarded for special, and normally prolonged, service to the Danish Red Cross. To be awarded the Badge of Honor, one must already have the Badge of Merit 1st Class. [2] [13]
DRK Fortjensttegn Ribbon.png Danish Red Cross Medal for Merit
Dansk Røde Kors Fortjensttegn
28 March 1963Awarded to persons in volunteer leading positions in the Red Cross. 2nd class typically awarded after 4–6 years as a member of central board, 8–10 years as a section-manager or equal, or after 12–15 years as a member of a local board or equal. 1st class typically awarded after 6–10 years work, after being awarded the 2nd class medal. [2] [13]
DKFredsprismedalje Ribbon.png Danish Blue Berets Peace Prize Medal
De Blå Baretters Fredsprismedalje
F.P.M1995Commemorative medal, celebrating the Nobel Peace Prize to UN forces. May be awarded to all veterans of international UN operations. [2] [7] Personnel who have been deployed with the UN before 1988 (Noble Peace Prize) may attach a silver laurel branch to the ribbon of the medal. [14]

Commemorative medals

RibbonName (English/Danish)Post-nominal abbreviationDate of creation
Date of approval
Award Criteria
Order of the Elephant Ribbon bar.svg Commemorative Medal for the Golden Wedding of King Christian IX and Queen Louise
Erindringstegnet i anledning af Kong Christian IX og Dronning Louises Guldbryllup
Gb.E.T. 26 May 1892Awarded to those related to the Royal Court at the day of Golden Wedding; family members, employees and others.
DK Haederstegn for god tjeneste.svg King Christian IX Memorial Medal
Kong Christian den Niendes Mindemedalje
C.IX.M.M. 13 February 1906The medal was awarded to those guardsmen who had been on guard when the King died on January 29, 1906.
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg King Frederik VIII Memorial Medal
Kong Frederik den Ottendes Mindemedalje
Fr.VIII.M.M. 10 July 1912Awarded to military personnel who helped in the transportation of the King's remains and who stood guard at the King's funeral.
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg King Christian X Military Commemorative Medal
Kong Christian den Tiendes Militære Erindringsmedaille
5 May 1914King Christian X (then Prince) was the first royal person to undergo basic military training together with a normal team of conscripts. The prince himself had gone to the King (his grandfather, Christian IX), and asked to undergo normal military training without any special regards to his royal background. On the 25th anniversary of his entry into the military, he held a celebration and this medal was given to all his old army comrades.
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Commemorative Medal of the Royal Mounted Guardsmen
Hestgardens Erindringsmedalje
31 May 1916Awarded to a total of 51 persons on the 50th anniversary of the repeal of the Mounted Guardsmen.
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg King Christian X Commemorative Medal of the Cavalry Second Lieutenant-, Sergeant, and Corporal Academy
Christian den Niendes Erindringsmedaille fra Rytteriets Sekondløjtnant-, Sergent-, og Korporalskole
4 November 1926Awarded on the 25th anniversary of the King's enrollment to the school, to 38 of the Kings old classmates, at a private party held by the King.
Order of the Elephant Ribbon bar.svg Commemotative Medal for the 25th Anniversary of King Christian X's Matriculation from the Military Academy
Kong Christian den Tiendes Erindringstegn fra Officersskolen
20 March 1916Awarded to the military comrades of King Christian on the 25th anniversary of the matriculation from the Military Officers Academy.
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Medal for the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of King Christian IX
Mindemedaillen i Anledning af Hundredeårsdagen for Kong Christian den Niendes Fødsel
11 March 1918Awarded to members of the royal house and to personal servants of King Christian IX. Awarded to 43 members of the royal family and 172 servants.
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Medal of the 50th anniversary of King Christian X's Matriculation from the Military Academy
Kong Christian den Tiendes Erindringsmedaille til Minde om 50-års dagen for Hans Majestæts Afgang fra Officersskolen
20 March 1941Awarded to the military comrades of King Christian on the 50th anniversary of the matriculation from the Military Officers' Academy.
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Medal for the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of King Frederik VIII
Mindemedaillen i Anledning af Hundredeårsdagen for Kong Frederik den Ottendes Fødsel
29 April 1943Awarded to members of the royal house and to personal servants of King Frederik VIII. Awarded to 23 members of the royal family and 79 servants.
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg King Christian X Memorial Medal
Kong Christian den Tiendes Mindemedaille
26 September 1947Awarded to military personnel who helped in the transportation of the King's remains and who stood guard at the King's funeral, and to those Royal Guardsmen who stood guard when the King died.
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Medal for the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of King Christian X
Mindemedaillen i Anledning af Hundredeårsdagen for Kong Christian den Tiendes Fødsel
9 September 1970Awarded to only the 12 closest family members of the deceased King.
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg King Frederik IX Memorial Medal
Kong Frederik den Niendes Mindemedaille
Fr.IX.M.M.30 June 1972Awarded to military personnel who helped in the transportation of the King's remains and who stood guard at the King's funeral, and to those Royal Guardsmen who stood guard when the King died, and a few others with special merits to the King.
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Commemorative Medal for the 50th Anniversary of Queen Ingrid's Arrival to Denmark
Erindringsmedaillen i Anledning af 50-års-dagen for Hendes Majestæt Dronning Ingrids Ankomst til Danmark
Dr.I.E.M.15 May 1985Awarded to 15 members of the Royal House and 35 employees of the Queen's Court.
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Commemorative Medal on the Occasion of the 50th Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Margrethe
Erindringsmedalje i Anledningen af Hendes Majestæt Dronningens 50-års Fødselsdag
EM.16.apr.1990 6 April 1990Awarded to persons outside the Royal Court who had given special services to the Queen.
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Commemorative Medal on the Occasion of the Silver Wedding of Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the Prince Consort
Erindringsmedaljen i anledning af Hendes Majestæt Dronning Margrethe og Hans Kongelige Højhed Prins Henriks sølvbryllup
S.E.m.10 June 1992Awarded to those related to the Royal Court on the Silver Wedding anniversary of the Queen and the Prince Consort; family members, employees and others.
DEN Medal for the Silver Jubilee of Queen Margarethe of Denmark ribbon.svg Commemorative Medal for the Silver Jubilee of Queen Margarethe of Denmark
Erindringsmedaljen i anledning af H.M. Dronning Margrethes II´s 25-års regeringsjubilæum
R.E.m. 14 January 1997Awarded to those related to the Royal Court on Queen Margarethe's Silver Jubilee; family members, employees and others.
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Medal for the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of King Frederik IX
Mindemedaillen i Anledning af Hundredeårsdagen for Kong Frederik den Niendes Fødsel
8 March 1999Awarded to members of the royal house and to personal servants of King Frederik IX. Awarded to 21 members of the royal family and 110 servants.
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Queen Ingrid Commemorative Medal
Dronning Ingrids Mindemedalje
Dr.I.M.M.28 March 2001Awarded to close relatives of Queen Ingrid, servants with special ties to the Queen, and to persons who helped with the funeral. 375 medals awarded in total.
DEN Prince Henriks 75th Birthday Medal ribbon.svg Prince Henriks 75th Birthday Medal
Medaljen for Prins Henriks 75-års Fødselsdag
Em.11.juni.200911 June 2009Awarded to those related to the Royal Court on Prince Henrik's 75th birthday; family members, employees and others.
Order of the Elephant Ribbon bar.svg Commemorative Medal on the Occasion of the 70th Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Margrethe
Erindringsmedalje i Anledningen af Hendes Majestæt Dronningens 70-års Fødselsdag
EM.16.apr.2010 16 April 2010Awarded to those related to the Royal Court on Queen Margrethe's 70th birthday; family members, employees and others.
DEN Medal for the Ruby Jubilee of Queen Margarethe of Denmark ribbon.svg Commemorative Medal for the Ruby Jubilee of Queen Margarethe of Denmark
Erindringsmedaille i anledning af Hendes Majestæt Dronningens 40 års regeringsjubilæum
R.40.Em.14 January 2012Awarded to those related to the Royal Court on Queen Margarethe's Ruby Jubilee; family members, employees and others.
Order of the Dannebrog R.svg Commemorative Medal on the Occasion of the 75th Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Margrethe
Erindringsmedalje i Anledningen af Hendes Majestæt Dronningens 75-års Fødselsdag
EM.16.apr.2015 16 April 2015Awarded to those related to the Royal Court on Queen Margrethe's 75th birthday; family members, employees and others.
DEN Golden Wedding Commemorative Medal of Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik.png Commemorative Medal for the Golden Wedding of Her Majesty Queen Margrethe and His Royal Highness Prince Henrik
Erindringsmedaillen i anledning af Hendes Majestæt Dronning Margrethes og Hans Kongelige Højhed Prins Henriks guldbryllup
G.Em.10 Juni 2017Awarded to those related to the Royal Court at the day of Golden Wedding; family members and employees. [15]
Prince Henriks Commemorative Medal.png Prince Henrik's Commemorative Medal
Prins Henriks Mindemedaille
Pr.H.Mm.11 Juni 2018Awarded for service in connection with the death and funeral of HKH Prince Henrik. [16]
DEN Medal of Merit ribbon.svg Commemorative Medal on the Occasion of the 80th Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Margrethe
Erindringsmedalje i Anledningen af Hendes Majestæt Dronningens 80-års Fødselsdag
EM.16.apr.2020 16 April 2020Awarded to those related to the Royal Court on Queen Margrethe's 80th birthday; family members, employees and others.
Order of the Elephant Ribbon bar.svg Commemorative Medal in connection with the 50th anniversary of Her Majesty The Queen’s accession to the throne [17]
Erindringsmedaillen i anledning af Hendes Majestæt Dronningens 50-års regeringsjubilæum [18]
R.50.Em.14 January 2022Awarded to those related to the Royal Court on Queen Margarethe's Golden Jubilee; family members, employees and others.


Historic Orders

Historic Medals

See also

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Princess Elisabeth of Denmark, was a member of the Danish royal family. She was the only daughter and eldest child of Hereditary Prince Knud and Hereditary Princess Caroline-Mathilde of Denmark, and a first cousin of the previous Danish monarch, Queen Margrethe II.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Christian, Crown Prince of Denmark</span> Heir apparent to the Danish throne (born 2005)

Christian, Crown Prince of Denmark, Count of Monpezat, is the heir apparent to the Danish throne. He is the eldest child of King Frederik X and Queen Mary. He was born during the reign of his paternal grandmother, Queen Margrethe II. He became Crown Prince of Denmark following his grandmother's abdication and his father's subsequent ascension to the Danish throne on 14 January 2024.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Princess Isabella of Denmark</span> Danish princess (born 2007)

Princess Isabella of Denmark, Countess of Monpezat, is a member of the Danish royal family. She is the second child and elder daughter of King Frederik X and Queen Mary.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Prince Vincent of Denmark</span> Danish prince (born 2011)

Prince Vincent of Denmark, Count of Monpezat, is a member of the Danish royal family. He is the third child and younger son of King Frederik X and Queen Mary, the sixth grandchild and youngest grandson of Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik, and the older twin brother of Princess Josephine.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Princess Josephine of Denmark</span> Danish princess (born 2011)

Princess Josephine of Denmark, Countess of Monpezat, is a member of the Danish royal family. She is the fourth and youngest child of King Frederik X and Queen Mary, and the seventh grandchild of Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik. She is the twin sister of Prince Vincent. Josephine is fourth in line to the Danish throne, after her older siblings, Crown Prince Christian and Princess Isabella, and her elder twin brother, Prince Vincent.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Valour Cross</span> Denmarks highest military award

The Valour Cross is the highest military decoration of Denmark. Established on 14 November 2011, and first awarded on 18 November 2011, it is awarded for outstanding acts of courage in combat.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chief of the Royal Danish Army</span>

The Chief of the Army Command is the service chief of the Royal Danish Army. The current chief is Major general Peter Harling Boysen.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Golden Jubilee of Margrethe II</span> 50th anniversary of the Danish monarchs accession

The Golden Jubilee of Margrethe II was celebrated in 2022 in the Kingdom of Denmark, being the 50th anniversary of the accession of Queen Margrethe II on 14 January 1972.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Abdication of Margrethe II</span> 2024 succession in the Kingdom of Denmark

During her New Year's Eve address on 31 December 2023, Margrethe II announced that she on 14 January 2024 would abdicate the Danish throne to her eldest son Frederik X. Being the first voluntary abdication of a Danish monarch since that of Eric III in 1146, the date marked the 52nd anniversary of her reign which began in 1972 upon the death of her father Frederik IX. On 14 January, she signed her declaration of abdication at Christiansborg Palace, whereafter Frederik X was proclaimed king, while his wife Mary became queen and his eldest son Christian crown prince.


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