Oxford University Labour Club

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Oxford University Labour Club
Formation1919;106 years ago (1919)
TypeStudent political society
Niamh Balroop (Trinity)
Tom Taborn (St Anne's)
Honorary Co-Chairs
Neil Kinnock
Ella Staddon
Affiliations Labour Party
Website www.oxunilabour.com

Oxford University Labour Club (OULC), was founded in 1919 [1] to promote democratic socialism and is today the home of the Labour Party and of social democracy at Oxford University. The club caters for any students who are interested in the ideals of the labour movement whether members of the Labour Party or entirely new to politics. Stewart Wood, special adviser to consecutive Labour Party leaders Gordon Brown and Ed Miliband, said that 'OULC is held up as an exemplar of what needs to be done.' During his visit to Oxford in July 2009 the Prime Minister Gordon Brown was reported as having praised OULC's 'brilliant contribution to progressive politics in the University, the city and the country.' [2] The club was instrumental in returning Andrew Smith to Parliament for Oxford East at the 2010 General Election with a 4.1% swing to Labour, the largest in England outside London.


Throughout the year it hosts a range of speaker, social, discussion, and campaigning events, as well as producing a termly magazine called Look Left. Signature events include the annual Barbara Castle Memorial Lecture and John Smith Memorial Dinner.

In 2016, some officers of the Oxford University Labour Club resigned citing allegations of antisemitism in the club. This resulted in the national Labour Party officially investigating the club for antisemitism, resulting in a report concluding that the true extent of the problem was hard to verify.


David Lewis and the early 1930s

When David Lewis came to Oxford, the Labour Club was a tame organisation adhering to Christian activism, or the not-quite-so-scrappy-socialist theories of people such as R. H. Tawney and his book The Acquisitive Society. David's modified Jewish Labour Bundist interpretation of Marxism, that Cameron Smith labels "Parliamentary Marxism," ignited the renewed interest in the club after the disappointment with Ramsay MacDonald's second Labour government. [3] In 1932 the Labour Club and the October Club (Oxford University's communist society) jointly organised a reception for a contingent of hunger marchers passing through Oxford. [4]

The Oxford newspaper The Isis noted Lewis' leadership ability at this early stage in his career in their 7 February 1934 issue: "The energy of these University Socialists is almost unbelievable. If the Socialist movement as a whole is anything like as active as they are, then a socialist victory at the next election is inevitable." [5]

In February 1934, British fascist William Joyce, (Lord Haw Haw), visited Oxford. Lewis and future Ontario Co-operative Commonwealth Federation leader Ted Jolliffe, organised a noisy protest against the fascist, by simply planting Labour Club members in the dance hall that Joyce was speaking in, and causing a commotion, as groups of two and three left making much noise on the creaking wooden floors. The speech was foiled. Afterwards, the Blackshirts contingent had a street battle in Oxford with members of the Labour Club and the townsfolk. [6]

Lewis prevented the communists from really making inroads at Oxford during his time there. He increased the Labour Club's membership by three-quarters, from 484 members in December 1932 to over 850 members by the time he left, while the October Club never rose above 300 members. [7] Ted Jolliffe stated "there was a difference between his speeches at the [Oxford] Union and his speeches at the Labour Club. His speeches at the Union had more humour in them; the atmosphere was entirely different. But his speeches at the Labour Club were deadly serious.... His influence at the Labour Club, more than anyone else's, I think, explains the failure of the Communists to make headway there." [8] In 1935, the Soviet controlled Comintern's Seventh Congress, called for a united left response to fascism, called the popular front. The communist October Club used this call, for a popular front, as a pretext to have a union between themselves and the Labour Club. [7] Under Lewis' leadership, the club was able to easily defeat a motion by the October Club, as only 20 OULC members voted for the union. [9]

When Lewis returned to Canada in the summer of 1935, there really wasn't anyone to replace him, to keep the communists at bay [10] as The Isis noted: "The Labour may have rejected fusion [with the October Club] but the matter is not yet settled. An interesting thing is the dearth of what are technically known as 'promising people' in the ranks of the Labour Club. For years the Labour Club has been turning out a Geoffrey Wilson, a Frank Hardie, a John Cripps, a David Lewis, each year: but this [coming] year there seems to be no figures as outstanding as these." [11]

Communist merger

Since there was not a strong Labour leader to take over from Lewis after he graduated and left in the summer of 1935, the Labour Club amended its constitution to remove impediments to fusion with the communist October Club in December 1935. Shortly thereafter the two clubs joined together forming a "popular front". The club's membership peaked before the war at between 1000 and 1200 members depending on whose numbers were used, which was approximately a fifth of all of Oxford's 5023 students. Of the club's total membership, the Communists made up approximately less than 200 members. [10] [12]

Antisemitism inquiry

The national Labour Party appointed Janet Royall, to head an inquiry into allegations of antisemitism within the Club made in February 2016. The then-current Co-Chair and another officer resigned from the Club, alleging they were disturbed by the discrimination and antisemitism they alleged was inherent in the Club. [13] [14] [15] The report – which was not published in full but was leaked to the media in August 2016 – concluded that antisemitic incidents had occurred and some Jewish members felt uncomfortable attending the Club, but that the extent of the problem was hard to verify. [16]

Constitution and organisation

OULC is run by an elected Executive Committee, as established under the OULC Constitution. The Constitution can be changed by a two-thirds majority at any OULC General Meeting, Termly General Meeting (TGM), or Extraordinary General Meeting; at which its members can also pass policy in the form of motions (such as submissions to the Labour Party's Policy Review), hear reports from the executive and elect (at the TGM) the new Executive.

Under the most recent version of the OULC Constitution (as of Trinity Term 2022), the head of the Executive is the two Co-Chairs. One Co-Chair position must at all times be held by someone who "self-identifies partly or wholly as a woman or transfeminine", [17] and three other positions on the Executive at every TGM, must be reserved for those who self-identify as belonging to a marginalised gender. [17] The positions so reserved rotate around the Executive. If no one who self-identifies as a marginalised gender stands for such a position, the incoming Co-Chairs must produce a report to be made public, detailing what they will do to enhance the position of those who so self-identify within the Club. This also applies if the only two people standing for Co-Chair are men.

At the General Meeting in Trinity Term 2016, the Club also re-established its long-forgotten alumni network. Upon receiving permission from Lord Attlee, the grandson of Clement Attlee, the former Labour Prime Minister, the alumni network was named The Attlee Association, in the former Prime Minister's honour.


OULC has hosted a range of speakers from the Labour movement, including a number of high-profile politicians. In Trinity term 2009, OULC hosted the then current Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, David Miliband. He commented "I recently met with the OULC members and was impressed. [They] can help Labour be at the cutting edge."

OULC holds regular informal meetings to discuss policy. This provides its members with an opportunity to engage in serious political debate. An October 2008 review of party political events by the Cherwell commented that OULC is 'an active political party as opposed to a social gathering. Their meetings are informal, and last year they were visited by a number of prominent left wing politicians.' [18]

OULC also runs campaigns. The club plays a role in the efforts to keep Oxford East Labour and contributed significantly to the election effort in July 2009 where Labour gained four seats on the county council, the most successful Labour result in the county. In its report on the election victory, the Cherwell cited the club's then co-chair, Jacob Turner, as saying that he felt the result was a consequence of "a very great effort from the local party including Labour Club members. We've been going out, meeting people, and asking them not to vote for us, but just how our councillors can help them. We've built up a relationship with residents which is ultimately expressed in voting." [19] In the run up to the 2010 General Election the club regularly turned out 20 campaigners every Sunday. This made a huge contribution to Oxford East's position of having the highest voter contact rate of anywhere in the country (more than Wales, Scotland and the North-East put together). In 2012, the club was instrumental in Labour winning its first Student Ward in the city in over two decades. When possible the club sends members to other towns to campaign, including Reading, Slough, Southampton and even Edinburgh. In 2022, OULC travelled to Birmingham to campaign in the successful defence of Birmingham Erdington. [20]

OULC holds a number of social events including a fresher's dinner in Michaelmas Term and a barbecue or picnic in Trinity term. OULC also hosts an annual dinner, the John Smith Memorial Dinner, in the fifth week of Hilary term. The dinner commemorates the contribution and life of John Smith, the former Labour party leader, who died suddenly in 1994. Recent speakers at this event have included Neil Kinnock, Andrew Adonis and Margaret Beckett.

The most prominent and regular social event at the society is called 'Beer and Bickering'. This is a weekly debating society whereby three or four motions, or points of discussion, are debated, where students take it in turns to make speeches either for or against the motion. The title of every motion always begins with the phrase 'this house believes', and there is usually a mixture of serious and joke motions. The event usually takes place at a college common room and lasts two or three hours.

Involvement in Labour politics

Labour Students

OULC used to be affiliated with Labour Students, and former OULC members have held a number of positions there. In February 2011, OULC disaffiliated from Labour Students for a one-year period as a protest over the way the organisation was run. In February 2012, OULC voted by 20 to 4 to rejoin Labour Students citing the progress made by the leadership of the organisation in improving accountability and democracy. However, in 2019, the club voted unanimously to disaffiliate with the co-chairs Owen Winter and Rosie Sourbut citing incompetence by Labour Students' national committee and the expulsion of all but one Northern Labour Club. [21] Shortly afterwards Labour's National Executive Committee voted to disaffiliate Labour Students altogether.

Following the recreation of Labour Students in 2022, OULC narrowly voted to support a motion in favour of engaging in their upcoming internal elections by endorsing candidates. Two members of OULC stood for the 2022 Labour Students executive, including one candidate for chair. [22]


OULC also has links with other socialist organisations, trade unions, and Labour Party groups, including the Oxford District, Reading and Slough Labour Parties.

Broader political involvement

Oxford University Student Union

Since the establishment of the Oxford University Student Union (OUSU) in the early 1970s, OULC has maintained a presence. There have been many Labour presidents, starting with John Grogan in the early 1980s, and OULC candidates have in recent years been successful in the 1999 (Anneliese Dodds), 2000 (Kirsty McNeill), 2004 (Emma Norris), 2005 (Alan Strickland) and 2006 (Martin McCluskey) elections. Whilst the Club no longer runs official candidates, OUSU's executive committee and delegate body has also had a Labour presence. In 2019, former co-chair Anisha Faruk was elected president of Oxford SU, and her fellow co-chair Ray Williams was elected VP for Access and Academic Affairs. [23]

National Union of Students

Stephen Twigg was National President of the National Union of Students and an OULC member in the early 1990s.

Local government

Six current or former members of OULC currently sit on Oxford City Council, and one is a County Councillor in Oxfordshire. As of the 2016 Oxford City Council Elections, Dan Iley-Wiliamson, OULC Membership and Alumni Officer at the time, was elected as a councillor for the Holywell ward, serving most city centre University colleges. In 2021, Michael O'Connor, a graduate student and OULC member, was elected County Councillor for Holywell Ward. [24]

A number of former OULC co-chairs stood for council seats in 2022, including David Parton [25] and Eleanor Ormsby, [26] both for Westminster City Council.


At the 2005 General Election, five recent former OULC members stood for election as Labour candidates. In the 2019 election, Rosie Sourbut, who had been the co-chair earlier that year, [27] ran as the Labour candidate in Oxford West and Abingdon. [28]

In parliament former OULC members currently include Angela and Maria Eagle, Ed Miliband, Rachel Reeves, Ellie Reeves, Anneliese Dodds, Bridget Phillipson, Keir Mather, and Alistair Strathern. While no longer in parliament, John Grogan, David Miliband and Ed Balls were OULC members at Oxford (Balls was also a member of the Oxford University Conservative Association) and before Britain left the European Union, OULC alumni Richard Corbett and Mary Honeyball were both members of the European Parliament.

Former members of the executive committee

List of Previous Co-Chairs



1950–51 Somerville College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Shirley Catlin Magdalen College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg M W Smart
1951–52 New College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg H Near Christ Church Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Oleg Kerensky
1952–53 Pembroke College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg M H Jones
1953–54 Brasenose College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg H Middleton Merton College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Jeremy Isaacs
1954–55 Christ Church Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Anthony Howard Somerville College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Ruth Finnegan
1957–58John Horsfield
1958–59 New College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Dennis Potter


1996–97 Worcester College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Jessica Spearman
1997–98 Corpus-Christi College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Sarah Atkinson
1998–99 Magdalen College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Andrew Chidgey
1999–00 Balliol College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Andrew Small Keble College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Joel Brookfield New College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg John Craig


2000–01 St-Hilda's College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Anneliese Dodds
Magdalen College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Daniel Paskins
St-Catherines College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Ellie Reeves Ben Harris
Kat Overton
2001–02 New College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Karim Palant St-Hughs College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Julian Hudson
St-Hilda's College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Sophia Woodley
Hertford College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Mark Goodsell
St-Anne's College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Andrew Thomas
2002–03 Queens College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Nicky Ellis
Somerville College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Peter Morton
St-Anne's College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Oliver Kempton
Magdalen College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Heather Pipe
Keble College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg James Cloyne
2003–04 St-Edmund-Hall College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Rebecca Wilkinson Hertford College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Greg Hilditch
Hertford College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Bridget Phillipson
Tim Flatman
Joe Taylor
2004–05Max Schmid
Dan Simpson
Merton College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Stephen Longden Lady-Margaret-Hall Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Alex Brodkin
2005–06 Wadham College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Jack Graves
St-Hughs College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Martin McCluskey
University College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Niklas Albin Svensson Lady-Margaret-Hall Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Nicky Blair
Lady-Margaret-Hall Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Phil Patterson
2006–07 Christ-Church College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Simon Latham
Lady-Margaret-Hall Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Emily Richards
St-Catherines College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Georgia Gould
Thom Greenwood
Mark Baker
Luke Sherlock
2007–08Kieran Hutchinson
Harriet Myles
Alice Taylor
Stuart Tooley
Lincoln College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg David Green
Sarah Hutchinson
2008–09Vincent Romanelli
Daniel Wilson
Jesus College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Scott Seamons Magdalen College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Jamie Susskind
Worcester College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Jacob Turner
2009–10 St-Catherines College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Ayo Ajanaku
St-Catherines College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Ben Lyons
Wadham College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Charlotte Carnegie
Hannah Cusworth
Sam Burt
St-Anne's College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Alistair Strathern


2010–11 Balliol College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Stephen Bush
University College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Kieran Cunnigham

Corpus-Christi College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Jack Evans
St-Catherines College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Kat Shields

St-Catherines College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Lincoln Hill
2011–12 Lady-Margaret-Hall Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Colin S. Jackson
Balliol College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Nicola Sugden
Jesus College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Thomas Adams
Jesus College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg David Butler
St-Hughs College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Anthony Breach
Trinity College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Kevin Feeney
2012–13 St-Hughs College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Grace Pollard
St-Hughs College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Claire Smith
St-Anne's College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Joe Collin
St-Anne's College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Adam Whiley
Lady-Margaret-Hall Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Alex Graham
Worcester College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Jonathan Metzer
2013–14 St-Hilda's College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Helena Dollimore
Corpus-Christi College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Aled Jones
Balliol College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Daniel Turner
Brasenose College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Henry Zeffman
St-Hughs College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Felix Light
Balliol College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Orla Oakey
2014–15 Merton College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Charlie Atkins
Corpus-Christi College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Nikhil Venkatesh
St-John's College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg David Cesar-Heymann
St-Anne's College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Hannah Lovell
Hertford College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Madalena Leao
Corpus-Christi College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Loughlan O'Doherty
2015–16 St-John's College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg David Klemperer
Oriel College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Kate Welsh
Oriel College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Alex Chalmers
Corpus-Christi College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Noni Csogor
Balliol College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Eleanor Ormsby
St-Hilda's College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg David Parton
2016–17 St-Catherines College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Tom Turner
St-John's College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Tom Wadsworth
Wadham College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Lucas Bertholdi-Saad
Wadham College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Katie Oldham
St-Hughs College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Hannah Taylor
St-Anne's College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Tom Zagoria
2017–18 Mansfield College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Zoe Hodge
Pembroke College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Iris Kaye-Smith
Wadham College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Lizzy Diggins
Wadham College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Keir Mather
Queens College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Anisha Faruk
Wadham College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Ray Williams
2018–19 Jesus College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Charlotte Austin
Wadham College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Francesca Best
Somerville College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Rosie Sourbut
Jesus College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Owen Winter
Hertford College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Grace Davies
Hertford College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Arya Tandon
2019–20 Queens College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Megan Howells
Queens College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Jay Staker
University College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Euan Huey
Mansfield College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Lottie Sellers
University College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Ali Al-Zubaidi
University College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Connie Bostock


2020–21 Balliol College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Sophie Heath
Worcester College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Matthew Kayanja
Brasenose College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Sofia Cotterill
Brasenose College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Zed Nott
University College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Laura Ennis
Lady-Margaret-Hall Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Danial Hussain [29]
2021–22 University College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Olly Boyland
University College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Anjali Kawa
Balliol College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Amy Field
Pembroke College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Danny Leach
University College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Hari Bravery
New College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Maia Hamilton
2022–23 Keble College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Madelaine Cooke
Oriel College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Isabella Simpson
Merton College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Ella Staddon Balliol College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Ali Khosravi
University College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Nidhi Madhani
2023–24 Worcester College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Thripty Dutt
Magdalen College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg James Melia
Wadham College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Rose Harris
Magdalen College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Aaron McIntyre
Regent's Park College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Elinor Clare
St-Peters College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Jack Hurrell
2024–25 Trinity College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Niamh Balroop
St-Anne's College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Thomas Taborn
Lincoln College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Akshita Anand
Queens College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Joseph Thomas
Lady-Margaret-Hall Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Mhairi Beken
St-Anne's College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Hattie Simpson
2025-26 Pembroke College Oxford Coat Of Arms.svg Jack Leader
Trinity College, Oxford.svg Willow Parker

See also

References and notes

  1. Smith 1989, p. 195.
  2. Henderson, Nicky (10 August 2009). "Prime Minister visits Labour Club". Cherwell .
  3. Smith 1989, p. 187.
  4. Bowie, Duncan (2018). Reform & Revolt in the City of Dreaming Spires: Radical, Socialist and Communist Politics in the City of Oxford 1830–1980. London: University of Westminster Press. p. 177. ISBN   978-1-912656-12-7.
  5. "[Article name unknown]". The Isis . 7 February 1934. p. 9.
  6. Smith 1989, pp. 194–195.
  7. 1 2 Smith 1989, p. 196.
  8. Smith 1989, p. 196, Ted Jolliffe in an interview with the author.
  9. "[Article name unknown]". The Isis . 29 May 1935. p. 4.
  10. 1 2 Smith 1989, p. 197.
  11. "[Article name unknown]". The Isis . 5 June 1935. p. 13.
  12. Smith 1989, p. 554.
  13. "Ed Miliband cancels Oxford talk in 'anti-Semitism' row". BBC News. 18 February 2016.
  14. Zeffman, Henry (17 February 2016). "Ed Miliband postpones Oxford talk after anti-semitism claims". New Statesman .
  15. Rashty, Sandy (28 February 2016). "Labour launches new probe into claims of antisemitism at Oxford student club". The Jewish Chronicle .
  16. The Jewish Chronicle. "Shami Chakrabarti Is yet to Comment on Release of Royall Report into Labour Antisemitism." Accessed July 29, 2020. https://www.thejc.com/news/uk/shami-chakrabarti-is-yet-to-comment-on-release-of-royall-report-into-labour-antisemitism-1.61744.
  17. 1 2 "Constitution of the Oxford University Labour Club" (PDF). Oxford University Labour Club.
  18. Cox-Brooker, Sian (24 October 2008). "Get into... politics". Cherwell .
  19. Dayan, Mark (6 June 2009). "Oxford stays with Labour". Cherwell .
  20. @oxunilabour (3 March 2022). "Register" (Tweet). Retrieved 9 March 2022 via Twitter.
  21. Merwe, Ben van der (22 February 2019). "OULC to disaffiliate from Labour Students". Cherwell . Retrieved 9 March 2022.
  22. @anasdayehh (18 February 2022). "Register" (Tweet). Retrieved 9 March 2022 via Twitter.
  23. @oxfordstudents (7 February 2019). "Register" (Tweet) (in Spanish). Retrieved 11 March 2022 via Twitter.
  24. "Councillor details – Councillor O'Connor". My Oxfordshire County Council. Retrieved 9 March 2022.
  25. "Westminster local election candidates in SW1P 4HH". Who Can I Vote For? by Democracy Club. Retrieved 11 March 2022.
  26. "Bayswater & Lancaster Gate Labour Action Report – December 2021 – Westminster Labour Councillors". Westminster Labour. 7 December 2021. Retrieved 11 March 2022.
  27. Graham, Felicity Victoria (9 December 2019). "Interview: Rosie Sourbut, Labour candidate for Oxford West and Abingdon". Cherwell . Retrieved 9 March 2022.
  28. "Election Result for Oxford West and Abingdon". UK Parliament. Retrieved 9 March 2022.
  29. Mills, Sasha (15 May 2021). "OULC elects new co-chairs after failure to resolve internal dispute". Cherwell . Retrieved 13 June 2022.