position\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Billboardargentinahot100"},"2":{"wt":"4"},"artist":{"wt":"Karol G"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"access-date":{"wt":"June 16,2022"}},"i":2}},"\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Argentina Airplay ([[Monitor Latino]]){{cite web|url=http://charts.monitorlatino.com/top20/Print/argentina/general/20220516|title=Top 20 Argentina –General –Del 16 al 22 de Mayo,2022|publisher=[[Monitor Latino]]|accessdate=23 May 2022|language=Spanish}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Bolivia (''[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]''){{cite magazine|url=https://www.billboard.com/artist/karol-g/chart-history/i27/|title=Karol G Chart History (Bolivia Songs)|magazine=[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]|access-date=May 10,2022}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Chile (''[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]''){{cite magazine|url=https://www.billboard.com/artist/karol-g/chart-history/i25/|title=Karol G Chart History (Chile Songs)|magazine=[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]|access-date=May 10,2022}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Chile Airplay ([[Monitor Latino]]){{cite web|url=http://charts.monitorlatino.com/top20/Print/chile/general/20220516|title=Top 20 Chile –General –Del 16 al 22 de Mayo,2022|publisher=[[Monitor Latino]]|accessdate=23 May 2022|language=Spanish}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Colombia (''[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]''){{cite magazine|url=https://www.billboard.com/artist/karol-g/chart-history/i24/|title=Karol G Chart History (Colombia Songs)|magazine=[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]|access-date=May 23,2022}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Colombia ([[:it:Promúsica Colombia|Promúsica]]){{cite web|url=https://www.apdifcolombia.com/index.php/stream-rankings/306-2022semana-17|title=Stream Rankings:Semana del 22/04/22 al 28/04/22|language=es|publisher=[[:it:Promúsica Colombia|Promúsica Colombia]]|access-date=8 May 2022}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Colombia Airplay ([[Monitor Latino]]){{cite web|url=http://charts.monitorlatino.com/top20/Print/colombia/general/20220516|title=Top 20 Colombia –General –Del 16 al 22 de Mayo,2022|publisher=[[Monitor Latino]]|accessdate=May 23,2022|language=Spanish}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Costa Rica ([[Asociación Costarricense de la Industria Fonográfica y Afines|FONOTICA]]){{cite web|url=https://fonotica.com/top-radio-y-tv|publisher=[[Asociación Costarricense de la Industria Fonográfica y Afines]]|title=Top 20 Semanal Streaming Costa Rica|access-date=May 5,2022|language=es}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Dominican Republic ([[:it:SodinPro|SODINPRO]]){{cite web |url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Af1GK85Y45pPYzq7yzw5Bqzv9N82t8d1/view |title=Top 50 Semanal Republica Dominicana - 22/04/2022 - 28/04/2022 |work=SodinPro |access-date=May 5,2022}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Ecuador (''[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]''){{cite magazine|url=https://www.billboard.com/artist/karol-g/chart-history/i22/|title=Karol G Chart History (Ecuador Songs)|magazine=[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]|access-date=May 10,2022}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Ecuador Airplay ([[Monitor Latino]]){{cite web|url=http://charts.monitorlatino.com/top20/Print/Ecuador/General/20220509|title=Top 20 Ecuador –General –Del 9 al 15 de Mayo,2022|publisher=[[Monitor Latino]]|language=Spanish|access-date=May 17,2022}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| El Salvador ([[Monitor Latino]]){{cite web|url=http://charts.monitorlatino.com/top20/Print/el%salvador/General/20220509|title=Top 20 El Salvador –General –Del 9 al 15 de Mayo,2022|publisher=[[Monitor Latino]]|language=Spanish|access-date=May 17,2022}}\n| 5\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Billboardglobal200"},"2":{"wt":"6"},"artist":{"wt":"Karol G"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"access-date":{"wt":"May 10,2022"}},"i":3}},"\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Guatemala ([[Monitor Latino]]){{cite web|url=http://charts.monitorlatino.com/top20/Print/Guatemala/General/20220516|title=Top 20 Guatemala –General –Del 16 al 22 de Mayo,2022|publisher=[[Monitor Latino]]|accessdate=May 23,2022|language=Spanish}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Honduras ([[Monitor Latino]]){{cite web|url=http://charts.monitorlatino.com/top20/Print/Honduras/General/20220516|title=Top 20 Honduras –General –Del 16 al 22 de Mayo,2022|publisher=[[Monitor Latino]]|accessdate=23 May 2022|language=Spanish}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| [[Mexico Songs|Mexico]] (''[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]''){{cite magazine|url=https://www.billboard.com/artist/karol-g/chart-history/i11/|title=Karol G Chart History (Mexico Songs)|magazine=[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]|access-date=May 10,2022}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Mexico ([[Mexico Airplay|''Billboard'' Mexican Airplay]]){{cite magazine|url=https://www.billboard.com/artist/karol-g/chart-history/mex/|title=Karol G Chart History (Mexico Airplay )|magazine=[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]|access-date=May 3,2022}}\n| 24\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Mexico Streaming ([[Asociación Mexicana de Productores de Fonogramas y Videogramas|AMPROFON]]) {{cite web|url=https://amprofon.com.mx/es/pages/rankings/top-streaming.php|title=Top Streaming Semanal (17 al 23 de Junio 2022)|publisher=[[Asociación Mexicana de Productores de Fonogramas y Videogramas]]|accessdate=11 July 2022|language=Spanish|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20220630001827/https://amprofon.com.mx/es/pages/rankings/top-streaming.php|archivedate=30 June 2022}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Nicaragua ([[Monitor Latino]]){{cite web|url=http://charts.monitorlatino.com/top20/Print/Nicaragua/General/20220516|title=Top 20 Nicaragua –General –Del 16 al 22 de Mayo,2022|publisher=[[Monitor Latino]]|accessdate=23 May 2022|language=Spanish}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Panama ([[IFPI|PRODUCE]]){{cite web|url=http://producepanama.org/top-50/|publisher=Sociedad Panameña de Productores Fonográficos|title= TOP 50 INTERNACIONAL BMAT-PRODUCE PANAMÁDEL 29 DE ABRIL AL 05 DE MAYO,2022|access-date=May 5,2022|language=es}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Paraguay ([[Monitor Latino]]){{cite web|url=http://charts.monitorlatino.com/top20/Print/paraguay/general/20220509|title=Top 20 Paraguay –General –Del 9 al 15 de Mayo,2022|publisher=[[Monitor Latino]]|access-date=May 17,2022|language=Spanish}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Paraguay ([[Sociedad de Gestión de Productores Fonográficos del Paraguay|SGP]]){{cite web|url=https://sgp.com.py/listado/166/junio-top-100-de-canciones-de-sgp|title=Junio –TOP #100 de canciones de SGP|publisher=[[Sociedad de Gestión de Productores Fonográficos del Paraguay]]|access-date=July 2,2022|language=Spanish}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Peru (''[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]''){{cite magazine|url=https://www.billboard.com/artist/karol-g/chart-history/i08/|title=Karol G Chart History (Peru Songs)|magazine=[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]|access-date=May 10,2022}}\n| 1\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Peru Airplay ([[Monitor Latino]]){{cite web|url=http://charts.monitorlatino.com/top20/Print/Peru/General/20220509|title=Top 20 Peru –General –Del 9 al 15 de Mayo,2022|publisher=[[Monitor Latino]]|language=Spanish|access-date=May 17,2022}}\n| 1\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Portugal"},"2":{"wt":"28"},"artist":{"wt":"Karol G"},"song":{"wt":"Provenza"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"access-date":{"wt":"September 7,2022"}},"i":4}},"\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Puerto Rico ([[Monitor Latino]]){{cite web|url=http://charts.monitorlatino.com/top20/Print/Puerto%20Rico/General/20220516|title=Top 20 Puerto Rico –General –Del 16 al 22 de Mayo,2022|publisher=[[Monitor Latino]]|accessdate=May 23,2022|language=Spanish}}\n| 5\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Spain ([[Productores de Música de España|PROMUSICAE]]){{cite web|url=https://elportaldemusica.es/single/karol-g-provenza|title=PROVENZA - KAROL G|publisher=[[Productores de Música de España]]|access-date=May 10,2022}}\n| 2\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Switzerland"},"2":{"wt":"62"},"artist":{"wt":"Karol G"},"song":{"wt":"Provenza"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"access-date":{"wt":"June 5,2022"}},"i":5}},"\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Uruguay ([[Monitor Latino]]){{cite web|url=http://charts.monitorlatino.com/top20/Print/uruguay/general/20220509|title=Top 20 Uruguay –General –Del 9 al 15 de Mayo,2022|publisher=[[Monitor Latino]]|access-date=May 17,2022|language=Spanish}}\n| 8\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Billboardhot100"},"2":{"wt":"25"},"artist":{"wt":"Karol G"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"access-date":{"wt":"May 10,2022"}},"i":6}},"\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Billboardlatinsongs"},"2":{"wt":"1"},"artist":{"wt":"Karol G"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"access-date":{"wt":"May 10,2022"}},"i":7}},"\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Billboardlatinpopsongs"},"2":{"wt":"3"},"artist":{"wt":"Karol G"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"access-date":{"wt":"May 10,2022"}},"i":8}},"\n|-\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"single chart","href":"./Template:Single_chart"},"params":{"1":{"wt":"Billboardrhythmic"},"2":{"wt":"23"},"artist":{"wt":"Karol G"},"rowheader":{"wt":"true"},"access-date":{"wt":"August 2,2022"}},"i":9}},"\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Venezuela ([[Monitor Latino]]){{cite web|url=http://charts.monitorlatino.com/top20/Print/venezuela/General/20220516|title=Top 20 Venezuela –General –Del 16 al 22 de Mayo,2022|publisher=[[Monitor Latino]]|accessdate=23 May 2022|language=Spanish}}\n| 10\n|}\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"col-2","href":"./Template:Col-2"},"params":{},"i":10}},"\n\n=== Year-end charts ===\n{| class=\"wikitable sortable plainrowheaders\"style=\"text-align:center\"\n|+2022 year-end chart performance for \"Provenza\"\n! scope=\"col\"| Chart (2022)\n! scope=\"col\"| Position\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Global 200 (''Billboard''){{cite magazine|url=https://www.billboard.com/charts/year-end/2022/billboard-global-200/|title=Billboard Global 200 –Year-End 2022|magazine=[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]|access-date=December 2,2022}}\n| 32\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Spain (PROMUSICAE){{cite web|url=https://www.elportaldemusica.es/lists/top-100-canciones/2022|title=Provenza|website=El Portal de Musica|access-date=15 September 2023|archive-date=15 September 2023|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230915010221/https://www.elportaldemusica.es/lists/top-100-canciones/2022|url-status=live}}\n| 13\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| US ''Billboard'' Hot 100{{cite magazine|url=https://www.billboard.com/charts/year-end/2022/hot-100-songs/|title=Hot 100 Songs –Year-End 2022|magazine=[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]|access-date=December 2,2022}}\n| 63\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| US Hot Latin Songs (''Billboard''){{cite magazine|url=https://www.billboard.com/charts/year-end/2022/hot-latin-songs/|title=Hot Latin Songs –Year-End 2022|magazine=[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]|access-date=December 2,2022}}\n| 5\n|}\n{| class=\"wikitable sortable plainrowheaders\"style=\"text-align:center\"\n|+2023 year-end chart performance for \"Provenza\"\n! scope=\"col\"| Chart (2023)\n! scope=\"col\"| Position\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Global 200 (''Billboard''){{cite magazine|url=https://www.billboard.com/charts/year-end/2023/billboard-global-200/|title=Billboard Global 200 –Year-End 2023|magazine=[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]|access-date=November 22,2023}}\n| 121\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| Spain (PROMUSICAE){{cite web|url=https://www.elportaldemusica.es/lists/top-100-canciones/2023|title=Productores de Música de España|website=elportaldemusica.es|access-date=18 January 2024}}\n| 63\n|-\n! scope=\"row\"| US Hot Latin Songs (''Billboard''){{cite magazine|url=https://www.billboard.com/charts/year-end/2023/hot-latin-songs/|title=Hot Latin Songs –Year-End 2023|magazine=[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]|access-date=November 22,2023}}\n| 85\n|}\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"col-end","href":"./Template:Col-end"},"params":{},"i":11}}]}" id="mwtg">.mw-parser-output .col-begin{border-collapse:collapse;padding:0;color:inherit;width:100%;border:0;margin:0}.mw-parser-output .col-begin-small{font-size:90%}.mw-parser-output .col-break{vertical-align:top;text-align:left}.mw-parser-output .col-break-2{width:50%}.mw-parser-output .col-break-3{width:33.3%}.mw-parser-output .col-break-4{width:25%}.mw-parser-output .col-break-5{width:20%}@media(max-width:720px){.mw-parser-output .col-begin,.mw-parser-output .col-begin>tbody,.mw-parser-output .col-begin>tbody>tr,.mw-parser-output .col-begin>tbody>tr>td{display:block!important;width:100%!important}.mw-parser-output .col-break{padding-left:0!important}}
Weekly charts | Year-end charts
Region | Certification | Certified units/sales |
Argentina (CAPIF) [55] | Platinum | 20,000* |
Brazil (Pro-Música Brasil) [56] | 2× Platinum | 80,000‡ |
Canada (Music Canada) [57] | Platinum | 80,000‡ |
Italy (FIMI) [58] | Gold | 50,000‡ |
Portugal (AFP) [59] | Platinum | 10,000‡ |
Spain (PROMUSICAE) [60] | 8× Platinum | 480,000‡ |
United States (RIAA) [61] | 36× Platinum (Latin) | 2,160,000‡ |
Streaming | ||
Central America (CFC) [62] | Platinum | 7,000,000† |
Worldwide | — | 920,000,000 [4] |
* Sales figures based on certification alone. |
Region | Date | Format | Label(s) | Ref. |
Various | April 21, 2022 | Universal Latino | [63] [64] [1] | |
United States | June 7, 2022 | [65] |
"Provenza (Remix)" | |
Song by Karol G and Tiësto | |
from the album Mañana Será Bonito (Bichota Season) | |
Language | Spanish |
Released | August 11, 2023 |
Length | 3:08 |
Label | Universal Latino |
Songwriter(s) |
Producer(s) |
A remix version of "Provenza" titled "Provenza (Remix)", was released on August 11, 2023, as part of Mañana Será Bonito (Bichota Season) , Karol G's second mixtape.
"Provenza (Remix)" was teased for the first time on the electronic dance music festival Tomorrowland on July 29, 2022, where Karol G performed the song with Tiësto as a surprise appearance. [66] On February 19, 2023, Giraldo was the headlining act for Viña Del Mar International Song Festival, where the song was performed for the second time.
On July 31, 2023, Mañana Será Bonito (Bichota Season) was announced. [67] On August 7, 2023, Giraldo revealed the track list, where "Provenza (Remix)" was featured. The song was released on August 11, 2023, alongside the mixtape's release. [68]
Chart (2023) | Peak position |
US Hot Dance/Electronic Songs ( Billboard ) [69] | 4 |
US Hot Latin Songs ( Billboard ) [70] | 36 |
Carolina Giraldo Navarro, known professionally as Karol G, is a Colombian singer and songwriter. Considered one of the most influential reggaeton and urban pop artists, she has received awards including a Grammy, six Latin Grammy Awards and five Billboard Music Awards. She was recognized as Woman of the Year and with a Rulebreaker Award at Billboard Women in Music, with the Spirit of Hope Award at the Billboard Latin Music Awards, and has five Guinness World Records.
The discography of Colombian recording artist Karol G consists of four studio albums, two mixtapes, 75 singles and 6 promotional singles.
"Tusa" is a song by Colombian singer-songwriter Karol G and Trinidadian-born rapper Nicki Minaj. Written alongside Keityn and producer Ovy on the Drums, the song was released on November 7, 2019 by Universal Music Latino and Republic Records, as the lead single from Karol G’s third studio album KG0516 (2021).
"Ay, Dios Mío!" is a song by Colombian singer-songwriter Karol G. It was written by Karol G, Danny Ocean and Ovy on the Drums, and produced by the latter. The song was released on July 9, 2020, through Universal Music Latino, as the second single from her third studio album, KG0516.
"Bichota" is a song by Colombian singer-songwriter Karol G. It was written by Karol G, Lenny Tavárez, J Quiles, Cristián Salazar and Ovy on the Drums, and produced by the latter. The song was released on October 23, 2020, through Universal Music Latino, as the third single from her third studio album KG0516.
KG0516 is the third studio album by Colombian singer Karol G. It was released on March 25, 2021, through Universal Music Latino. Comprising sixteen tracks, the album is primarily a reggaeton record and features guest appearances by Mariah Angeliq, Camilo, Anuel AA, J Balvin, Nathy Peluso, Ozuna, Yandar & Yostin, Juanka, Brray, Ludacris, Emilee, Nicki Minaj, Wisin & Yandel, Nicky Jam, Ivy Queen, Zion and Alberto Stylee.
"El Makinón" is a reggaetón song by Colombian singer-songwriter Karol G and Latina-American singer Mariah Angeliq, written by Karol G, Mariah Angeliq, Gabriel Mora, Freddy Montalvo and Jose Cruz, and produced by Neo. The song was released on March 25, 2021, through Universal Music Latino, as the fifth single from Karol G's third studio album, KG0516 (2021).
"El Barco" is a song by Colombian singer-songwriter Karol G. It was written by Karol G, Jorge Muñiz and Ovy on the Drums, and produced by the latter and Giraldo. The single was released on May 11, 2021, through Universal Music Latino, as the sixth single from her third studio album KG0516.
"Mamiii" is a song recorded by American singer Becky G and Colombian singer Karol G. It was released by Kemosabe and RCA Records on February 11, 2022, as the third single from Gomez's second Spanish studio album Esquemas (2022). It was written by Gomez, Giraldo, Elena Rose and Daniel Echavarría Oviedo and produced by the latter. The cover art was shot by photographer Alfredo Flores. It is Gomez and Giraldo's second collaboration, following "Mi Mala (Remix)" released in February 2018. The single reached number one on the Billboard Hot Latin Songs, peaked at number four on the Global 200, and peaked at number fifteen on the Billboard Hot 100.
"Gatúbela" is a song by Colombian singer-songwriter Karol G and Puerto Rican rapper Maldy. It was written by the two said artists, DJ Maff, Justin Quiles and Lenny Tavárez, and produced by DJ Maff and Navarro. The song was released on August 25, 2022, through Universal Music Latino, as the second single from her fourth studio album, Mañana Será Bonito.
Mañana Será Bonito is the fourth studio album by Colombian singer Karol G. It was released on February 24, 2023, through Universal Music Latino, being Karol G's last album for the label. Comprising seventeen tracks, the album is primarily a reggaeton and Latin pop record and features guest appearances by Romeo Santos, Quevedo, Shakira, Justin Quiles, Ángel Dior, Maldy, Bad Gyal, Sean Paul, Sech, Ovy on the Drums, and Carla Morrison.
"Cairo" is a song by Colombian singer-songwriter Karol G and singer-songwriter and producer Ovy on the Drums. It was written by Karol G, Keityn and Ovy on the Drums, and produced by the latter. The song was released on November 13, 2022, through Universal Music Latino, as the third single from her fourth studio album, Mañana Será Bonito.
"X Si Volvemos" is a song by Colombian singer-songwriter Karol G and American singer Romeo Santos. It was written by the two said artists, Nesty, Nely, Wisin, Yandel, Keityn, and Ovy on the Drums, and produced by the latter. The song was released on February 2, 2023, through Universal Music Latino, as the fourth single from her fourth studio album, Mañana Será Bonito.
"TQG" is a song by Colombian singers Karol G and Shakira. It was written by the two said artists, Keityn and Ovy on the Drums, and produced by the latter. The song was released on February 24, 2023, through Universal Music Latino, as the fifth single from Karol G's fourth studio album, Mañana Será Bonito (2023). It also appeared on Shakira's twelfth studio album, Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran (2024).
"Mientras Me Curo del Cora" is a song by Colombian singer-songwriter Karol G. It was written by Karol G, Keityn and Ovy on the Drums and produced by the latter, with Bobby McFerrin receiving credits for its sample of "Don't Worry, Be Happy". The song was released on March 7, 2023, through Universal Music Latino, as the sixth single from her fourth studio album, Mañana Será Bonito.
"Amargura" is a song by Colombian singer-songwriter Karol G. It was written by the singer herself, along with Keityn and Ovy on the Drums and produced by the latter, with Tite Curet Alonso receiving credits for its sample of "La Cura" by Frankie Ruiz. The song was released on May 19, 2023, through Universal Music Latino, as the seventh and final single from her fourth studio album, Mañana Será Bonito.
"S91" is a song by Colombian singer-songwriter Karol G. It was written by Karol G, Keityn and Ovy on the Drums, and produced by the latter. The song was released on July 13, 2023, through Bichota Records and Interscope, as the lead single from her second mixtape, Mañana Será Bonito .
"Mi Ex Tenía Razón" is a song by Colombian singer-songwriter Karol G. It was written by Karol G, Keityn, Rios, MAG, and Édgar Barrera, and produced by the latter two. The song was released on August 11, 2023, through Bichota Records and Interscope, as the second single from her second mixtape, Mañana Será Bonito .
"Qlona" is a song by Colombian singer-songwriter Karol G and Mexican singer Peso Pluma. It was written by Karol G, Peso Pluma, Daniel Gutierrez and Ovy on the Drums. The song was released on August 11, 2023, through Bichota Records and Interscope, as the fifth track on the Giraldo's second mixtape project, Mañana Será Bonito .
"Una Noche en Medellín" is a song by Chilean singer Cris MJ. It was published on January 20, 2022, through Nabru Records and Stars Music Chile. The single went viral on the TikTok app, leading to its popularity and increased views on other platforms.
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: Cite magazine requires |magazine=