Regular skew apeirohedron

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The mucube is a regular skew apeirohedron. Mucube internal.png
The mucube is a regular skew apeirohedron.

In geometry, a regular skew apeirohedron is an infinite regular skew polyhedron. They have either skew regular faces or skew regular vertex figures.



In 1926 John Flinders Petrie took the concept of a regular skew polygons, polygons whose vertices are not all in the same plane, and extended it to polyhedra. While apeirohedra are typically required to tile the 2-dimensional plane, Petrie considered cases where the faces were still convex but were not required to lie flat in the plane, they could have a skew polygon vertex figure.

Petrie discovered two regular skew apeirohedra, the mucube and the muoctahedron. [1] Harold Scott MacDonald Coxeter derived a third, the mutetrahedron, and proved that the these three were complete. Under Coxeter and Petrie's definition, requiring convex faces and allowing a skew vertex figure, the three were not only the only skew apeirohedra in 3-dimensional Euclidean space, but they were the only skew polyhedra in 3-space as there Coxeter showed there were no finite cases.

In 1967 [2] Garner investigated regular skew apeirohedra in hyperbolic 3-space with Petrie and Coxeters definition, discovering 31 [note 1] regular skew apeirohedra with compact or paracompact symmetry.

In 1977 [3] [1] Grünbaum generalized skew polyhedra to allow for skew faces as well. Grünbaum discovered an additional 23 [note 2] skew apeirohedra in 3-dimensional Euclidean space and 3 in 2-dimensional space which are skew by virtue of their faces. 12 of Grünbaum's polyhedra were formed using the blending operation on 2-dimensional apeirohedra, and the other 11 were pure, i.e. could not be formed by a non-trivial blend. Grünbaum conjectured that this new list was complete for the parameters considered.

In 1985 [4] [1] Dress found an additional pure regular skew apeirohedron in 3-space, and proved that with this additional skew apeirohedron the list was complete.

Regular skew apeirohedra in Euclidean 3-space

Petrie-Coxeter polyhedra

The three Euclidean solutions in 3-space are {4,6|4}, {6,4|4}, and {6,6|3}. John Conway named them mucube, muoctahedron, and mutetrahedron respectively for multiple cube, octahedron, and tetrahedron. [5]

  1. Mucube: {4,6|4}: 6 squares about each vertex (related to cubic honeycomb, constructed by cubic cells, removing two opposite faces from each, and linking sets of six together around a faceless cube.)
  2. Muoctahedron: {6,4|4}: 4 hexagons about each vertex (related to bitruncated cubic honeycomb, constructed by truncated octahedron with their square faces removed and linking hole pairs of holes together.)
  3. Mutetrahedron: {6,6|3}: 6 hexagons about each vertex (related to quarter cubic honeycomb, constructed by truncated tetrahedron cells, removing triangle faces, and linking sets of four around a faceless tetrahedron.)

Coxeter gives these regular skew apeirohedra {2q,2r|p} with extended chiral symmetry [[(p,q,p,r)]+] which he says is isomorphic to his abstract group (2q,2r|2,p). The related honeycomb has the extended symmetry [[(p,q,p,r)]]. [6]

Compact regular skew apeirohedra
Coxeter group
CDel branch.pngCDel 4a4b.pngCDel nodes.png
Mucube external.png
Regular polygon 4 annotated.svg Regular polygon 4 annotated.svg Runcinated cubic honeycomb verf.png CDel branch.pngCDel 4a4b.pngCDel nodes 11.png
Runcinated cubic honeycomb.png
Muoctahedron external.png
Regular polygon 6 annotated.svg Bitruncated cubic honeycomb verf2.png CDel branch 11.pngCDel 4a4b.pngCDel nodes.png
Bitruncated cubic honeycomb.png
CDel branch.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch.png
Mutetrahedron external.png
Regular polygon 3 annotated.svg T01 quarter cubic honeycomb verf.png CDel branch 11.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch.png
Quarter cubic honeycomb.png

Grünbaum-Dress polyhedra

Skew honeycombs

There are 3 regular skew apeirohedra of full rank, also called regular skew honeycombs, that is skew apeirohedra in 2-dimensions. As with the finite skew polyhedra of full rank, all three of these can be obtained by applying the Petrie dual to planar polytopes, in this case the three regular tilings. [7] [8] [9]

Alternatively they can be constructed using the apeir operation on regular polygons. [10] While the Petrial is used the classical construction, it does not generalize well to higher ranks. In contrast, the apeir operation is used to construct higher rank skew honeycombs. [11]

The apeir operation takes the generating mirrors of the polygon, ρ0 and ρ1, and uses them as the mirrors for the vertex figure of a polyhedron, the new vertex mirror w is then a point located where the initial vertex of the polygon (or anywhere on the mirror ρ1 other than its intersection with ρ0). The new initial vertex is placed at the intersection of the mirrors ρ0 and ρ1. Thus the apeir polyhedron is generated by w, ρ0, ρ0. [12]

Skew honeycombs Schläfli symbol FacesImagePetrie dualApeir of
Petrial square tiling{4,4}π{∞,4}4zigzags Squat petp.png Square tiling Square Apeir square.svg
Petrial triangular tiling{3,6}π{∞,6}3zigzags Trat petp.png Triangular tiling Hexagon Apeir hexagon.svg
Petrial hexagonal tiling{6,3}π{∞,3}6zigzags Hexat petp.png Hexagonal tiling Triangle Apeir triangle.svg

Blended apeirohedra

{3,6}#{} with the edges of one face highlighted in red Blended triangular tiling.png
{3,6}#{} with the edges of one face highlighted in red

For any two regular polytopes, P and Q, a new polytope can be made by the following process:

  • Start with the Cartesian product of the vertices of P with the vertices of Q.
  • Add edges between any two vertices p0 × q0 and p1 × q1 iff there is an edge between p0 and p1 in P and an edge between q0 and q1 in Q. (If Q has no edges then add a virtual edge connecting its vertex to itself.)
  • Similarly add faces to every set of vertices all incident on the same face in both P and Q. (If Q has no faces then add a virtual face connecting its edge to itself.)
  • Repeat as such for all ranks of proper elements.
  • From the resulting polytope, select one connected component.

For regular polytopes the last step is guaranteed to produce a unique result. This new polytope is called the blend of P and Q and is represented P#Q.

Equivalently the blend can be obtained by positioning P and Q in orthogonal spaces and taking composing their generating mirrors pairwise.

Blended polyhedra in 3-dimensional space can be made by blending 2-dimensional polyhedra with 1-dimensional polytopes. The only 2-dimensional polyhedra are the 6 honeycombs (3 Euclidean tilings and 3 skew honeycombs):

The only 1-dimensional polytopes are:

Each pair between these produces a valid distinct regular skew apeirohedron in 3-dimensional Euclidean space, for a total of 12 [note 2] blended skew apeirohedra.

Since the skeleton of the square tiling is bipartite, two of these blends, {4, 4}#{} and {4, 4}π#{}, are combinatrially equivalent to their non-blended counterparts.

Pure apeirohedra

Some relationships between the 12 pure apeirohedra in 3D Euclidean space
p represents the Petrial
d represents the dual
e represents halving
ph represents facetting
s represents skewing
r represents rectification Skew apeirohedra relations.svgRectificationRectification
Some relationships between the 12 pure apeirohedra in 3D Euclidean space
  • π represents the Petrial
  • δ represents the dual
  • η represents halving
  • φ represents facetting
  • σ represents skewing
  • r represents rectification

A polytope is considered pure if it cannot be expressed as a non-trivial blend of two polytopes. A blend is considered trivial if it contains the result as one of the components. Alternatively a pure polytope is one whose symmetry group contains no non-trivial subrepresentation. [13]

There are 12 regular pure apeirohedra in 3 dimensions. Three of these are the Petrie-Coxeter polyhedra:

  • {4,6 | 4}
  • {6,4 | 4}
  • {6,6 | 3}

Three more are obtained as the Petrials of the Petrie-Coxeter polyhedra:

  • {4,6 | 4}π = {∞, 4}6,4
  • {6,4 | 4}π = {∞, 6}4,4
  • {6,6 | 3}π = {∞, 6}6,3

Three additional pure apeirohedra can be formed with finite skew polygons as faces:

These 3 are closed under the Wilson operations. Meaning that each can be constructed from any other by some combination of the Petrial and dual operations. {6,6}4 is self-dual and {6,4}6 is self-Petrial.

Regular skew apeirohedra in hyperbolic 3-space

The compact skew apeirohedron {4,6 | 5} Hyperbolic skew apeirohedron 4,6 5.png
The compact skew apeirohedron {4,6 | 5}

In 1967, C. W. L. Garner identified 31 hyperbolic skew apeirohedra with regular skew polygon vertex figures, found by extending the Petrie-Coxeter polyhedra to hyperbolic space. [14]

These represent 14 compact and 17 [note 1] paracompact regular skew polyhedra in hyperbolic space, constructed from the symmetry of a subset of linear and cyclic Coxeter groups graphs of the form [[(p,q,p,r)]], These define regular skew polyhedra {2q,2r|p} and dual {2r,2q|p}. For the special case of linear graph groups r = 2, this represents the Coxeter group [p,q,p]. It generates regular skews {2q,4|p} and {4,2q|p}. All of these exist as a subset of faces of the convex uniform honeycombs in hyperbolic space.

The skew apeirohedron shares the same antiprism vertex figure with the honeycomb, but only the zig-zag edge faces of the vertex figure are realized, while the other faces make holes.

14 Compact regular skew apeirohedra
CDel label5.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel nodes.png
{10,4|3} Regular polygon 10 annotated.svg Regular polygon 3 annotated.svg CDel label5.pngCDel branch 11.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel nodes.png
Bitruncated icosahedral honeycomb verf.png {4,10|3} Regular polygon 4 annotated.svg Regular polygon 3 annotated.svg CDel label5.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel nodes 11.png
Runcinated icosahedral honeycomb verf.png
CDel branch.pngCDel 5a5b.pngCDel nodes.png
{6,4|5} Regular polygon 6 annotated.svg Regular polygon 5 annotated.svg CDel branch 11.pngCDel 5a5b.pngCDel nodes.png
Bitruncated order-5 dodecahedral honeycomb verf.png {4,6|5} Regular polygon 4 annotated.svg Regular polygon 5 annotated.svg CDel branch.pngCDel 5a5b.pngCDel nodes 11.png
Runcinated order-5 dodecahedral honeycomb verf.png
CDel label4.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch.png
{8,6|3} Regular polygon 8 annotated.svg Regular polygon 3 annotated.svg CDel label4.pngCDel branch 11.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch.png
Uniform t01 4333 honeycomb verf.png {6,8|3} Regular polygon 6 annotated.svg Regular polygon 3 annotated.svg CDel label4.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch 11.png
Uniform t23 4333 honeycomb verf.png
CDel label5.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch.png
{10,6|3} Regular polygon 10 annotated.svg Regular polygon 3 annotated.svg CDel label5.pngCDel branch 11.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch.png
Uniform t01 5333 honeycomb verf.png {6,10|3} Regular polygon 6 annotated.svg Regular polygon 3 annotated.svg CDel label5.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch 11.png
Uniform t23 5333 honeycomb verf.png
CDel label4.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch.pngCDel label4.png
{8,8|3} Regular polygon 8 annotated.svg Regular polygon 3 annotated.svg CDel label4.pngCDel branch 11.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch.pngCDel label4.png
Uniform t01 4343 honeycomb verf.png {6,6|4} Regular polygon 6 annotated.svg Regular polygon 4 annotated.svg CDel label4.pngCDel branch 10r.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch 10l.pngCDel label4.png
Uniform t12 4343 honeycomb verf.png
CDel label4.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch.pngCDel label5.png
{8,10|3} Regular polygon 8 annotated.svg Regular polygon 3 annotated.svg CDel label4.pngCDel branch 11.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch.pngCDel label5.png
Uniform t01 5343 honeycomb verf.png {10,8|3} Regular polygon 10 annotated.svg Regular polygon 3 annotated.svg CDel label4.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch 11.pngCDel label5.png
Uniform t12 5343 honeycomb verf.png
CDel label5.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch.pngCDel label5.png
{10,10|3} Regular polygon 10 annotated.svg Regular polygon 3 annotated.svg CDel label5.pngCDel branch 11.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch.pngCDel label5.png
Uniform t01 5353 honeycomb verf.png {6,6|5} Regular polygon 6 annotated.svg Regular polygon 5 annotated.svg CDel label5.pngCDel branch 10r.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch 10l.pngCDel label5.png
Uniform t12 5353 honeycomb verf.png
17 Paracompact regular skew apeirohedra
CDel label4.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 4a4b.pngCDel nodes.png
{8,4|4} Regular polygon 8 annotated.svg Regular polygon 4 annotated.svg CDel label4.pngCDel branch 11.pngCDel 4a4b.pngCDel nodes.png
Bitruncated order-4 square tiling honeycomb verf.png {4,8|4} Regular polygon 4 annotated.svg Regular polygon 4 annotated.svg CDel label4.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 4a4b.pngCDel nodes 11.png
Runcinated order-4 square tiling honeycomb verf.png
CDel label6.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel nodes.png
{12,4|3} Regular polygon 12 annotated.svg Regular polygon 3 annotated.svg CDel label6.pngCDel branch 11.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel nodes.png
Bitruncated triangular tiling honeycomb verf.png {4,12|3} Regular polygon 4 annotated.svg Regular polygon 3 annotated.svg CDel label6.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel nodes 11.png
Runcinated triangular tiling honeycomb verf.png
CDel branch.pngCDel 6a6b.pngCDel nodes.png
{6,4|6} Regular polygon 6 annotated.svg Regular polygon 6 annotated.svg CDel branch 11.pngCDel 6a6b.pngCDel nodes.png
Order-3 hexagonal tiling honeycomb verf.png {4,6|6} Regular polygon 4 annotated.svg Regular polygon 6 annotated.svg CDel branch.pngCDel 6a6b.pngCDel nodes 11.png
Runcinated order-6 hexagonal tiling honeycomb verf.png
CDel label4.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 4a4b.pngCDel branch.png
{8,6|4} Regular polygon 8 annotated.svg Regular polygon 4 annotated.svg CDel label4.pngCDel branch 11.pngCDel 4a4b.pngCDel branch.png
Uniform t01 4443 honeycomb verf.png {6,8|4} Regular polygon 6 annotated.svg Regular polygon 4 annotated.svg CDel label4.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 4a4b.pngCDel branch 11.png
Uniform t12 4443 honeycomb verf.png
CDel label4.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 4a4b.pngCDel branch.pngCDel label4.png
{8,8|4} Regular polygon 8 annotated.svg Regular polygon 4 annotated.svg CDel label4.pngCDel branch 11.pngCDel 4a4b.pngCDel branch.pngCDel label4.png
Paracompact honeycomb 4444 1100 verf.png
CDel label6.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 2.png
{12,6|3} Regular polygon 12 annotated.svg Regular polygon 3 annotated.svg CDel label6.pngCDel branch 11.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch.png
Uniform t01 6333 honeycomb verf.png {6,12|3} Regular polygon 6 annotated.svg Regular polygon 3 annotated.svg CDel label6.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch 11.png
Uniform t12 6333 honeycomb verf.png
CDel label6.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch.pngCDel label4.png
{12,8|3} Regular polygon 12 annotated.svg Regular polygon 3 annotated.svg CDel label6.pngCDel branch 11.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch.pngCDel label4.png
Uniform t01 6343 honeycomb verf.png {8,12|3} Regular polygon 8 annotated.svg Regular polygon 3 annotated.svg CDel label6.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch 11.pngCDel label4.png
Uniform t12 6333 honeycomb verf.png
CDel label6.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch.pngCDel label5.png
{12,10|3} Regular polygon 12 annotated.svg Regular polygon 3 annotated.svg CDel label6.pngCDel branch 11.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch.pngCDel label5.png
Uniform t01 6353 honeycomb verf.png {10,12|3} Regular polygon 10 annotated.svg Regular polygon 3 annotated.svg CDel label6.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch 11.pngCDel label5.png
Uniform t12 6353 honeycomb verf.png
CDel label6.pngCDel branch.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch.pngCDel label6.png
{12,12|3} Regular polygon 12 annotated.svg Regular polygon 3 annotated.svg CDel label6.pngCDel branch 11.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch.pngCDel label6.png
Uniform t01 6363 honeycomb verf.png {6,6|6} Regular polygon 6 annotated.svg Regular polygon 6 annotated.svg CDel label6.pngCDel branch 10r.pngCDel 3ab.pngCDel branch 10l.pngCDel label6.png
Uniform t12 6363 honeycomb verf.png

See also


  1. 1 2 Garner mistakenly counts {8,8|4} twice giving a count of 18 paracompact cases and 32 total, but only listing 17 paracompact and 31 total.
  2. 1 2 Polytopes produced as a non-trivial blend have a degree of freedom corresponding to the relative scaling of their components. For this reason some authors count these as infinite families rather than a single polytope. This article counts two polytopes as equal when there is an affine map of full rank between them.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Quarter cubic honeycomb</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Skew polygon</span> Polygon whose vertices are not all coplanar

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In geometry, a skew apeirohedron is an infinite skew polyhedron consisting of nonplanar faces or nonplanar vertex figures, allowing the figure to extend indefinitely without folding round to form a closed surface.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Apeirotope</span> Polytope with infinitely many facets

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Petrie polygon</span> Skew polygon derived from a polytope

In geometry, a Petrie polygon for a regular polytope of n dimensions is a skew polygon in which every n – 1 consecutive sides belongs to one of the facets. The Petrie polygon of a regular polygon is the regular polygon itself; that of a regular polyhedron is a skew polygon such that every two consecutive sides belongs to one of the faces. Petrie polygons are named for mathematician John Flinders Petrie.

In geometry, the regular skew polyhedra are generalizations to the set of regular polyhedra which include the possibility of nonplanar faces or vertex figures. Coxeter looked at skew vertex figures which created new 4-dimensional regular polyhedra, and much later Branko Grünbaum looked at regular skew faces.

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In hyperbolic geometry, a uniform honeycomb in hyperbolic space is a uniform tessellation of uniform polyhedral cells. In 3-dimensional hyperbolic space there are nine Coxeter group families of compact convex uniform honeycombs, generated as Wythoff constructions, and represented by permutations of rings of the Coxeter diagrams for each family.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Order-4 hexagonal tiling</span> Regular tiling of the hyperbolic plane

In geometry, the order-4 hexagonal tiling is a regular tiling of the hyperbolic plane. It has Schläfli symbol of {6,4}.


  1. 1 2 3 McMullen & Schulte (1997 :449–450)
  2. Garner (1967)
  3. Grünbaum (1977)
  4. Dress (1985)
  5. The Symmetry of Things, 2008, Chapter 23 Objects with Primary Symmetry, Infinite Platonic Polyhedra, pp. 333–335
  6. Coxeter, Regular and Semi-Regular Polytopes II 2.34)
  7. Grünbaum (1977)
  8. Dress (1985)
  9. McMullen & Schulte (1997)
  10. McMullen (2004)
  11. McMullen (2004)
  12. McMullen (2004)
  13. McMullen & Schulte (2002)
  14. Garner (1967)
