Religion in Kurdistan

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The main religions that exist or historically existed in Kurdistan are as follows: Sunni Islam, Shia Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Yarsanism, Yazidism, Alevism and Judaism. Overall today, Sunni Islam is the most adhered to religion in Kurdistan.



The great mosque in Mardin Mardin.jpg
The great mosque in Mardin

The majority of Kurdish people are Muslim by religion. [1] [2] [3] While the relationship between religion and nationalism has usually been strained and ambivalent with the strong hold of the Islamic leaders in Kurdish society, it has generally been the conservative Muslim Kurds who formed the backbone of the Kurdish movements. [4]

In Iraqi Kurdistan, as of 2023, Nabaz Ismail, the spokesperson for the autonomous region's Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs, estimates the total number of mosques to stand at 5820, 3380 of them offering Friday sermons, with 129 mosques opened in one year, including 56 in the regional capital Erbil. He further states that the ministry employs 2700 Islamic teachers and operates 100 Quran memorization centers as well 21 Islamic schools. Nabaz Ismail also says that 99% of the mosques have been built through philanthropy, relying on private donors and their charity in the form of zakat or sadaqah. [5]

Self-identity as Muslim first

Based on cross-national comparative surveys conducted in 2011 and 2013, it has been found out that when asked about what constitute their most important identity ("above all"), among the Kurds of Turkey 66% chose Muslim, 20% chose the Kurdish identity and 11% the Turkish nation, while among the Kurds of Iraq, 59% chose Muslim, 27% went for their Kurdish identity and 13% chose the Iraqi nation. [6]

Sunni Islam

The majority of Kurds are Sunni Muslims. The exact proportion is uncertain but McDowall gives the percentage as 'approximately 75%', [7] while Martin van Bruinessen estimates around two thirds or three quarters at least. Most Sunni Kurds follow the Shafi‘i madhhab, which distinguishes them from Arab and Turkish neighbors who in general are Hanafi. This difference is identified by some Kurds as being essential to their ethnic identity and deliberately emphasized. [4]

During the last six centuries, the Kurdish ulama had an influential role in the Ottoman court and taught at important universities like Al-Azhar University and in the Holy Cities of Arabia. Moreover, due to the location of Kurdistan between the three major cultural Islamic regions, many Kurdish ulama not only knew Kurdish but also Arabic, Persian and Turkish giving them an important role in mediating between Indian Muslims who communicated in Persian, Arabic, and Turkish speaking world. Kurdish teaching also had a lasting impact in Indonesia. [8]

Sunni Islam among Kurds is characterized by a strong overtone of mysticism and its scholars’ affiliation with Sufi orders. [2] In Kurdish society these constitute a hierarchical system, in which the leaders (sheikh) deploy their influence onto the localities through their deputies (khalifa), who mediate between sheikhs and common people. Today, Naqshbandiya and Qadiriyya are the most active tariqas. These tariqas had produced numbers of significant figures in the early history of Kurdish nationalist movement, including Mahmud Barzanji of Qadiriyyah, and Sheikh Said and Sheikh Ubeydullah of Naqshbandiyyah. Strong influences of sheikhs in the late 19th and the early 20th centuries were attributed to the Ottoman administrative reforms and the defense against the intrusion of Christian missionaries. [8]

Modern political development among Sunni Muslim Kurds varies throughout the state to which they belong. In Turkey, Said Nursi exerted major influence. Nursi devoted himself to intellectual development. This became the basis of the Nur Movement which espoused Islamic Modernism, mysticism, compatibility with modern science and tolerance. The Nur movement garnered several million followings in the mid 20th century. [9] The group fragmented substantially in the 1970s and 1980s, resulting in offshoots such as the Gülen movement. [10]

Shia Islam

There is a minority of Twelver Shi'i Muslims in southern parts of Kurdistan in Kermanshah province, Khanaqin, Mandali, [11] and Ilam province. The proportion of Kurds who ascribe to Twelverism is potentially up to 15%. [7]

Youth reliogisity and radicalization in Iraqi Kurdistan

While studying youth religiosity in Iraqi Kurdistan, Kurdish sociologist Ibrahim Sadiq Malazada through his 2021 empirical research estimates the religious youth to stand at around 50%, or roughly half, noting that the rise of ISIS has had no real impact (with 8-9% decreasing their religiosity but 7% increasing due to ISIS) while COVID-19 instead strengthened religiosity (as 29% consider it "a divine test for society"), Malazada concluding that the "religious identity among youth in Kurdistan tended to be stable and that there has been no significant change in the religious tendencies of young people." [12] As per the same research, 30% of the young Kurds consider their religious identity as being as important as their national identity, 29% consider their religious identity to be more important while 7% consider religion as "the only remaining source of pride." [13]

There are also concerns about youth radicalization because of the worsening socio-economic conditions in Iraqi Kurdistan, even though they go for a quietist form of Salafism, often favored by the local parties in order to reduce the influence of Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated groups, instead of the more violent and revolutionary Salafi jihadism. [14] Salafism among Kurds is a phenomenon going beyond the youth in Iraqi Kurdistan.


An Alevi community mostly live in north western parts of Kurdistan. They are mostly concentrated in Tunceli Province.


Lalish is the holy place of Yazidis. Lalish.jpg
Lalish is the holy place of Yazidis.

Yazidism is a monotheistic ethnic religion with roots in a western branch of an Iranic pre-Zoroastrian religion. [15] [16] [17] [18] It is based on the belief of one God who created the world and entrusted it into the care of seven Holy Beings. [19] [20] The leader of this heptad is Tawûsê Melek, who is symbolized with a peacock. [19] [21] Its adherents number from 700,000 to 1 million worldwide [22] and are indigenous to the Kurdish regions of Iraq, Syria and Turkey, with some significant, more recent communities in Russia, Georgia and Armenia established by refugees fleeing Muslim persecution in Ottoman Empire. [20] Yazidism shares with Kurdish Alevism and Yarsanism a lot of similarities that date back to pre-Islam. [23] [24] [25]


Yarsanism (also known as Ahl-I-Haqq, Ahl-e-Hagh or Kakai) is also one of the religions that are associated with Kurdistan.

Although most of the sacred Yarsan texts are in the Gorani and all of the Yarsan holy places are located in Kurdistan, followers of this religion are also found in other regions. [26] For example, while there are more than 300,000 Yarsani in Iraqi Kurdistan, there are more than 2 million Yarsani in Iran. [27] However, the Yarsani lack political rights in both countries.

During the war with ISIL, many Yarsani people were persecuted by the Islamic State, being considered as “heretics” and being driven away from their villages. [28] However, Peshmerga offensives have driven the Islamic State out, and the Yarsani people now enjoy relative safety. [29]


Zoroastrianism was one of the dominant religions in Kurdistan before the Islamic era. Currently, Zoroastrianism is an officially recognized religion in Iraqi Kurdistan and Iran and three Zoroastrian temples have opened in Iraqi Kurdistan after the official recognition of Zoroastrianism in the region in 2015. [30] There was a trend of Zoroastrianism in 2015 as well, where many accepted Zoroastrianism after being disillusioned with Islam because of the Islamic State. [31] [32] A Kurdish Islamic cleric from Sulaymaniyah, on the other hand, claimed that Zoroastrianism was not the ancestral religion of Kurds and that it forced on them by "fire-worshipping Persians", where as Islam freed them, and he called on Kurds to kill Zoroastrian converts if they do not convert back to Islam in 3 days. [33] On 21 September 2016, the first official Zoroastrian fire temple of Iraqi Kurdistan opened in Sulaymaniyah. Attendees celebrated the occasion by lighting a ritual fire and beating the frame drum or 'daf'. [34] [35]

The Zoroastrian community in Iraqi Kurdistan has claimed that thousands of people have recently converted to Zoroastrianism in the region; however, this has not been confirmed by independent sources and there are no official figures on the Zoroastrian population in the region. [36] [34] In 2020, it was reported there were 60 Zoroastrian families in Iraqi Kurdistan. [37] At the same time, Reuters claimed many new predominantly Kurdish converts to Zoroastrianism in the Kurdistan Region are not officially registered as such, but some 15,000 members are counted by the Yasna association, which represents Zoroastrians. [38]


Christianity is present in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq through the presence of several distinct communities. These are Kurdish Christians, a minority, and non-Kurdish Assyrians, which include those who identify as Chaldeans and Syriacs, and the Armenians. The Assyrian and Armenian communities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq live primarily in the Erbil and Dohuk Governorates. [39]


There used to be a Jewish minority in most parts of Kurdistan, but most of them were forced to flee to Israel in the mid-20th century. In the beginning of 20 century, the cities of Kermanshah, Orumieh, Piranshahr and Mahabad had the largest Jewish populations in Iranian Kurdistan.

According to recent reports, there were between 400 and 730 Jewish families living in the Kurdish region. However, Dr. Mordechai Zaken, an Israeli expert on Kurdish affairs, told the Jerusalem Post in November 2015 interview that the media reports on 430 Jewish families in Iraqi Kurdistan were false: "There were several dozen families that had some distant family connection to Judaism and most of them immigrated to Israel in the aftermath of the Gulf War...". [40]

On October 18, 2015, the Kurdistan Regional Government named Sherzad Omar Mamsani, a Kurdish Jew, as the Jewish representative of the Ministry of Endowment and Religious Affairs. [41] In 2017 Rabbi Daniel Edri, a Chief rabbi of rabbinical coury of Haifa in Israel, claimed he was appointed the chief Rabbi of Kurdistan by the Kurdish Region's Minister of Endowment and Religious Affairs. [42] In 2018, Sherzad Memsani was removed from his position. [42]


Kurdistan has been referred to as "the last safe haven for secularism" in a region rife with religious extremism. In 2012, the semi-autonomous Kurdistan Region declared that public schools were to be religiously neutral and that all major religions of the world are taught on an equal basis. As of 2012, KRG and Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan), are the only administrations in the entire region that do not openly endorse a single religion in public schools. [43]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Spread of Islam among Kurds</span> Islamic conversion of Kurds

Spread of Islam among Kurds started in the 7th century with the Early Muslim conquests. Before Islam, the majority of Kurds followed a western Iranic pre-Zoroastrian faith which derived directly from Indo-Iranian tradition, some elements of this faith survived in Yezidism, Yarsanism and Kurdish Alevism. When Islam first appeared, the Kurds were divided between the Byzantine and Sassanian Empires. The term "Kurd" back then referred to any Iranian nomad from any Iranian ethnic group whether in central Asia or western Iran regardless of geographic location or Iranian ethnicity. Jaban al-Kurdi and his son Meymun al-Kurdi were the first Kurds who converted to Islam and Khalil al-Kurdi as-Semmani was one of the first Kurdish tabi'uns. Mass conversion of Kurds to Islam didn't happen until the reign of Umar ibn Al-Khattab, second caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate between 634-644. The Kurds first came into contact with the Arab armies during the Arab conquest of Mesopotamia in 637. The Kurdish tribes had been an important element in the Sasanian Empire, and initially gave it strong support as it tried to withstand the Muslim armies, between 639 - 644. Once it was clear that the Sassanians would eventually fall, the Kurdish tribal leaders one by one submitted to Islam and their tribe members followed in accepting Islam. Today the majority of Kurds are Sunni Muslims, and there are Alevi and Shia minorities. Sunni Muslim Kurds are mostly Shafiʽis and Hanafis.

Kurdish Muslims are Kurds who follow Islam, which is the largest religion among Kurds and has been for centuries. Kurds largely became Muslims in the 7th century.


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