Set (music)

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Six-element set of rhythmic values used in Variazioni canoniche by Luigi Nono Nono - Variazioni canoniche, rhythmic values row.png
Six-element set of rhythmic values used in Variazioni canoniche by Luigi Nono

A set (pitch set, pitch-class set, set class, set form, set genus, pitch collection) in music theory, as in mathematics and general parlance, is a collection of objects. In musical contexts the term is traditionally applied most often to collections of pitches or pitch-classes, but theorists have extended its use to other types of musical entities, so that one may speak of sets of durations or timbres, for example. [2]


Prime form of five pitch class set from Igor Stravinsky's In memoriam Dylan Thomas Stravinsky - In memoriam Dylan Thomas five-tone row.png
Prime form of five pitch class set from Igor Stravinsky's In memoriam Dylan Thomas
Set 3-1 has three possible rotations/inversions, the normal form of which is the smallest pie or most compact form Set theory 3-1 in the chromatic circle.svg
Set 3-1 has three possible rotations/inversions, the normal form of which is the smallest pie or most compact form

A set by itself does not necessarily possess any additional structure, such as an ordering or permutation. Nevertheless, it is often musically important to consider sets that are equipped with an order relation (called segments); in such contexts, bare sets are often referred to as "unordered", for the sake of emphasis. [4]

Two-element sets are called dyads, three-element sets trichords (occasionally "triads", though this is easily confused with the traditional meaning of the word triad). Sets of higher cardinalities are called tetrachords (or tetrads), pentachords (or pentads), hexachords (or hexads), heptachords (heptads or, sometimes, mixing Latin and Greek roots, "septachords"), [5] octachords (octads), nonachords (nonads), decachords (decads), undecachords, and, finally, the dodecachord.

A time-point set is a duration set where the distance in time units between attack points, or time-points, is the distance in semitones between pitch classes. [6]


In the theory of serial music, however, some authors[ weasel words ] (notably Milton Babbitt [7] [ page needed ][ need quotation to verify ]) use the term "set" where others would use "row" or "series", namely to denote an ordered collection (such as a twelve-tone row) used to structure a work. These authors[ weasel words ] speak of "twelve tone sets", "time-point sets", "derived sets", etc. (See below.) This is a different usage of the term "set" from that described above (and referred to in the term "set theory").

For these authors,[ weasel words ] a set form (or row form) is a particular arrangement of such an ordered set: the prime form (original order), inverse (upside down), retrograde (backwards), and retrograde inverse (backwards and upside down). [2]

A derived set is one which is generated or derived from consistent operations on a subset, for example Webern's Concerto , Op.24, in which the last three subsets are derived from the first: [8]

Set (music)

This can be represented numerically as the integers 0 to 11:

0 11 3 4 8 7 9 5 6 1 2 10

The first subset (B B D) being:

0 11 3 prime-form, interval-string = −1 +4

The second subset (E G F) being the retrograde-inverse of the first, transposed up one semitone:

  3 11 0 retrograde, interval-string = −4 +1 mod 12      3  7 6 inverse, interval-string = +4 −1 mod 12 + 1  1 1   ------ = 4  8 7 

The third subset (G E F) being the retrograde of the first, transposed up (or down) six semitones:

  3 11 0 retrograde + 6  6 6   ------   9  5 6 

And the fourth subset (C C A) being the inverse of the first, transposed up one semitone:

  0 11  3 prime form, interval-vector = −1 +4 mod 12     0  1  9 inverse, interval-string = +1 −4 mod 12 + 1  1  1   -------   1  2 10

Each of the four trichords (3-note sets) thus displays a relationship which can be made obvious by any of the four serial row operations, and thus creates certain invariances. These invariances in serial music are analogous to the use of common-tones and common-chords in tonal music.[ citation needed ]


Major second on C Play . Major second on C.svg
Major second on C Play .
Minor seventh on C Play . Minor seventh on C.png
Minor seventh on C Play .
Inverted minor seventh on C (major second on B) Play . Inverted minor seventh on C.png
Inverted minor seventh on C (major second on B) Play .

The fundamental concept of a non-serial set is that it is an unordered collection of pitch classes. [9]

The normal form of a set is the most compact ordering of the pitches in a set. [10] Tomlin defines the "most compact" ordering as the one where, "the largest of the intervals between any two consecutive pitches is between the first and last pitch listed". [10] For example, the set (0,2) (a major second) is in normal form while the set (0,10) (a minor seventh, the inversion of a major second) is not, its normal form being (10,0).

Rather than the "original" (untransposed, uninverted) form of the set, the prime form may be considered either the normal form of the set or the normal form of its inversion, whichever is more tightly packed. [11] Forte (1973) and Rahn (1980) both list the prime forms of a set as the most left-packed possible version of the set. Forte packs from the left and Rahn packs from the right ("making the small numbers smaller," versus making, "the larger numbers ... smaller" [12] ). For many years it was accepted that there were only five instances in which the two algorithms differ. [13] However, in 2017, music theorist Ian Ring discovered that there is a sixth set class where Forte and Rahn's algorithms arrive at different prime forms. [14] Ian Ring also established a much simpler algorithm for computing the prime form of a set, [14] which produces the same results as the more complicated algorithm previously published by John Rahn.


See also

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In music theory, a tetrachord is a series of four notes separated by three intervals. In traditional music theory, a tetrachord always spanned the interval of a perfect fourth, a 4:3 frequency proportion —but in modern use it means any four-note segment of a scale or tone row, not necessarily related to a particular tuning system.

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In music, a pitch class (p.c. or pc) is a set of all pitches that are a whole number of octaves apart; for example, the pitch class C consists of the Cs in all octaves. "The pitch class C stands for all possible Cs, in whatever octave position." Important to musical set theory, a pitch class is "all pitches related to each other by octave, enharmonic equivalence, or both." Thus, using scientific pitch notation, the pitch class "C" is the set

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Set theory (music)</span> Branch of music theory

Musical set theory provides concepts for categorizing musical objects and describing their relationships. Howard Hanson first elaborated many of the concepts for analyzing tonal music. Other theorists, such as Allen Forte, further developed the theory for analyzing atonal music, drawing on the twelve-tone theory of Milton Babbitt. The concepts of musical set theory are very general and can be applied to tonal and atonal styles in any equal temperament tuning system, and to some extent more generally than that.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Interval class</span> Distance between unordered pitch classes

In musical set theory, an interval class, also known as unordered pitch-class interval, interval distance, undirected interval, or "(even completely incorrectly) as 'interval mod 6'", is the shortest distance in pitch class space between two unordered pitch classes. For example, the interval class between pitch classes 4 and 9 is 5 because 9 − 4 = 5 is less than 4 − 9 = −5 ≡ 7 (mod 12). See modular arithmetic for more on modulo 12. The largest interval class is 6 since any greater interval n may be reduced to 12 − n.

In music, a hexachord is a six-note series, as exhibited in a scale or tone row. The term was adopted in this sense during the Middle Ages and adapted in the 20th century in Milton Babbitt's serial theory. The word is taken from the Greek: ἑξάχορδος, compounded from ἕξ and χορδή, and was also the term used in music theory up to the 18th century for the interval of a sixth.

In music using the twelve tone technique, combinatoriality is a quality shared by twelve-tone tone rows whereby each section of a row and a proportionate number of its transformations combine to form aggregates. Much as the pitches of an aggregate created by a tone row do not need to occur simultaneously, the pitches of a combinatorially created aggregate need not occur simultaneously. Arnold Schoenberg, creator of the twelve-tone technique, often combined P-0/I-5 to create "two aggregates, between the first hexachords of each, and the second hexachords of each, respectively."

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Complement (music)</span>

In music theory, complement refers to either traditional interval complementation, or the aggregate complementation of twelve-tone and serialism.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Permutation (music)</span>

In music, a permutation (order) of a set is any ordering of the elements of that set. A specific arrangement of a set of discrete entities, or parameters, such as pitch, dynamics, or timbre. Different permutations may be related by transformation, through the application of zero or more operations, such as transposition, inversion, retrogradation, circular permutation, or multiplicative operations. These may produce reorderings of the members of the set, or may simply map the set onto itself.

In music, transposition refers to the process or operation of moving a collection of notes up or down in pitch by a constant interval.

The shifting of a melody, a harmonic progression or an entire musical piece to another key, while maintaining the same tone structure, i.e. the same succession of whole tones and semitones and remaining melodic intervals.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Multiplication (music)</span>

The mathematical operations of multiplication have several applications to music. Other than its application to the frequency ratios of intervals, it has been used in other ways for twelve-tone technique, and musical set theory. Additionally ring modulation is an electrical audio process involving multiplication that has been used for musical effect.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Interval vector</span>

In musical set theory, an interval vector is an array of natural numbers which summarize the intervals present in a set of pitch classes. Other names include: ic vector, PIC vector and APIC vector

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Forte number</span> Classification of pitch class sets

In musical set theory, a Forte number is the pair of numbers Allen Forte assigned to the prime form of each pitch class set of three or more members in The Structure of Atonal Music. The first number indicates the number of pitch classes in the pitch class set and the second number indicates the set's sequence in Forte's ordering of all pitch class sets containing that number of pitches.

In music, the "Ode-to-Napoleon" hexachord is the hexachord named after its use in the twelve-tone piece Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte (1942) by Arnold Schoenberg. Containing the pitch-classes 014589 it is given Forte number 6–20 in Allen Forte's taxonomic system. The primary form of the tone row used in the Ode allows the triads of G minor, E minor, and B minor to easily appear.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pitch interval</span> Concept in musical set theory

In musical set theory, there are four kinds of interval:

John Rahn, born on February 26, 1944, in New York City, is a music theorist, composer, bassoonist, and Professor of Music at the University of Washington School of Music, Seattle. A former student of Milton Babbitt and Benjamin Boretz, he was editor of Perspectives of New Music from 1983 to 1993 and since 2001 has been co-editor with Benjamin Boretz and Robert Morris.


  1. Whittall, Arnold (2008). The Cambridge Introduction to Serialism, p.165. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN   978-0-521-68200-8 (pbk).
  2. 1 2 Wittlich, Gary (1975). "Sets and Ordering Procedures in Twentieth-Century Music", Aspects of Twentieth-Century Music, p.475. Wittlich, Gary (ed.). Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. ISBN   0-13-049346-5.
  3. Whittall (2008), p.127.
  4. Morris, Robert (1987). Composition With Pitch-Classes: A Theory of Compositional Design, p.27. Yale University Press. ISBN   0-300-03684-1.
  5. E.g., Rahn (1980), 140.
  6. Wittlich (1975), p.476.
  7. See any of his writings on the twelve-tone system, virtually all of which are reprinted in The Collected Essays of Milton Babbitt, S. Peles et al., eds. Princeton University Press, 2003. ISBN   0-691-08966-3.
  8. Wittlich (1975), p.474.
  9. John Rahn, Basic Atonal Theory (New York: Longman; London and Toronto: Prentice Hall International, 1980), pp.27–28. ISBN   0-582-28117-2 (Longman); ISBN   0-02-873160-3 (Prentice Hall International). Reprinted 1987 (New York: Schirmer Books; London: Collier Macmillan, 1980), p.27. ISBN   0-02-873160-3.
  10. 1 2 Tomlin, Jay. "All About Set Theory: What is Normal Form?",
  11. Tomlin, Jay. "All About Set Theory: What is Prime Form?",
  12. Nelson, Paul (2004). "Two Algorithms for Computing the Prime Form". Archived from the original on Dec 23, 2017.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)
  13. Tsao, Ming (2007). Abstract Musical Intervals: Group Theory for Composition and Analysis, p.99, n.32. ISBN   9781430308355. Algorithms given in Morris, Robert (1991). Class Notes for Atonal Music Theory, p.103. Frog Peak Music.
  14. 1 2 "A study of musical scales by Ian Ring".

Further reading