A singing (also known as a church singing or a hymn singing) is a Christian meeting in which church members gather together to sing hymns. These are often held on Sunday afternoons or Sunday evenings, being seen as a way to sanctify the Lord's Day. [1] [2] Singings are common in churches of Conservative Anabaptism such as the Apostolic Christian Church, as well as those of Methodist denominations such as the First Congregational Methodist Church. [3] [4] [5] The attendance of singings is seen as a way for youth to meet those of the opposite gender to pursue a courtship that will eventually lead to Christian marriage; there are singings for different age groups, however, and certain singings are for married couples to worship God together. [6] [7] [8] These singings bring together many Christians and in some areas, range from sixty to eighty people. [9]