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Note: There are 29 California codes. |
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Taxes in California are collected by state and local governments through a number of tax categories.
Sales tax is imposed on retailers (not consumers) for the privilege of selling tangible personal property at retail. [1] However, retailers are allowed (but not obligated) to obtain reimbursement for their tax liability from the consumer at the time of sale. [2] Whether a sales tax reimbursement amount is actually added is a matter of contract between the retailer and the consumer. [3]
Use tax is imposed on the storage, use, or other consumption in California of tangible personal property purchased from a retailer. [4] Any person storing, using, or otherwise consuming in California tangible personal property purchased from a retailer is generally liable for the use tax. [5] While the sales tax is imposed on retailers, the use tax is imposed on purchasers. A retailer engaged in business in California (which includes many businesses located outside of California engaging in E-commerce) is generally required to collect the use tax from the purchaser at the time of sale and provide the purchaser a receipt. [6]
Property tax is imposed at a uniform 1% rate of assessed value due to Proposition 13. Additional taxes may be charged for bond repayment or special assessments, all of which must be voter approved (See Mello-Roos). Proposition 13 also established an acquisition value assessment system, which relates assessed value to the purchase price of the property and up to 2% annual inflation, with some exceptions.[ citation needed ]
Income tax in California is progressive, with the top tax rate of 13.3% the highest in the country. [7] Conversely, due to refundable tax credits provided to families with children, the bottom 20% on average pay a negative income tax rate.[ citation needed ]
At 7.25%, California has the highest minimum statewide sales tax rate in the United States, [8] which can total up to 10.75% with local sales taxes included. [9]
Sales and use taxes in California (state and local) are collected by the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration, whereas income and franchise taxes are collected by the Franchise Tax Board.
The statewide base sales tax rate of 7.25% is allocated as follows: [10]
The statewide sales tax in California was first imposed on August 1, 1933, at the rate of 2.50% under the "Retail Sales Act of 1933." [11] No local sales taxes were levied at that time. In an editorial dated September 5, 1933, the Los Angeles Times criticized the 2.50% sales tax rate in stating that the "sales-tax rate should not have exceeded 1 per cent" and that the tax rate was "so high as to discourage business, which will make the tax less productive." [12]
Supplementary local sales taxes may be added by cities, counties, service authorities, and various special districts. Local county sales taxes for transportation purposes are especially popular in California. Additional local sales taxes levied by counties and municipalities are formally called "District Taxes."
The effect from local sales taxes is that sales tax rates vary in California from 7.25% (in areas where no additional local sales taxes are levied) to 10.75% (six cities located in Alameda County). [13] For example, the city of Sacramento, the state capital, has a combined 8.75% sales tax rate, and Los Angeles, the largest city in California, has a combined 9.50% sales tax rate. [9]
As of July 1, 2022, 62 local jurisdictions levy no additional local sales tax, [9] [14] while 6 cities (all located in Alameda County) have the highest combined sales tax rate in California at 10.75%. [9]
The combined tax rate of all local sales taxes in any county is generally not allowed to exceed 2.00 percent. [15] However, this is a statutory restriction and the California Legislature routinely allows some local governments, through the adoption of separate legislation, to exceed the 2.00 percent local tax rate cap. The 2.00 percent local tax rate cap is exceeded in any city with a combined sales tax rate in excess of 9.25% (7.25% statewide tax rate plus the 2.00% tax rate cap).
As of July 1, 2022, 140 California local jurisdictions have a combined sales tax rate in excess of the 2.00 percent local tax rate cap: [9] [14]
The number of local sales taxes greatly increased following the passage of SB 566 in 2003. [16] [17] SB 566 legally authorized all California cities to levy additional local sales taxes. SB 566 also increased the maximum combined local sales tax rate (local sales tax rate cap) that can be levied by local governments from 1.50% to the current 2.00%. [18]
As of April 1, 2017, 176 cities and 32 counties have approved local sales tax increases. [19] Not only has the number of local city sales taxes greatly increased since the passage of SB 566, but the magnitude of the sales tax increases (as measured by the sales tax rate increase) has also significantly increased as more cities are seeking larger sales tax rate increases. [19]
All local sales taxes are subject to voter approval under Proposition 218 ("Right to Vote on Taxes Act") which California voters approved in November 1996. [20] Whether simple majority voter approval or two-thirds voter approval is required depends upon the type of sales tax levied and the type of local government imposing the sales tax.
Unrestricted general sales taxes are subject to majority vote approval by local voters. [21] General sales taxes can be spent by local politicians for any general governmental purpose, including public employee salaries and benefits. General sales tax spending decisions are made after the tax election by local politicians as part of the regular annual local government budget process.
Special sales taxes dedicated for one or more specific purposes are subject to two-thirds voter approval by local voters. [22] Any sales tax imposed by a local government other than a city or a county (e.g., a special district such as a local transportation agency) must be a special tax subject to two-thirds voter approval by local voters. [23]
Proposition 218 does not legally authorize any local government to levy a sales tax. [24] The legal authority to levy a local sales tax must come from a state statute. A two-thirds vote of all members of the legislative body of the local government is usually required before a local sales tax measure may be presented to voters at an election. [25]
The driving force behind many local sales tax increases is skyrocketing public pension costs and public employee retiree healthcare. [26] Research has shown that local sales tax increases are concentrated in California localities that have the largest pension problems. [27]
Countywide sales taxes for transportation purposes are very popular in California. However, transportation sales taxes are regressive and also shift the financial base of transportation systems from user fees to taxes paid by all taxpayers without regard to direct reliance on those transportation systems. [28] Some counties have passed multiple transportation sales taxes increases such as Los Angeles County that has passed four transportation sales tax increases for a combined rate of 2.00%. [29] County transportation sales taxes generally do not include traffic performance standards that actually require improved traffic conditions.
Proposition 218 ("Right to Vote on Taxes Act") was a 1996 initiative constitutional amendment approved by California voters. Proposition 218 includes a provision constitutionally reserving to local voters the right to use the initiative power to reduce or repeal any local tax, assessment, fee or charge, including provision for a significantly reduced petition signature requirement to qualify a measure on the ballot. [30] A local sales tax, including a sales tax previously approved by local voters, is generally subject to reduction or repeal using the local initiative power under Proposition 218.
Examples where the reduction or repeal of a local sales tax may be appropriate include where there has been significant waste or mismanagement of sales tax proceeds by a local government, when there has been controversial or questionable spending of sales tax proceeds by a local government (particularly where sales tax proceeds are used to pay for excessive public employee salaries and/or benefits such as pensions), when the quality of the programs and services being financed from sales tax proceeds is not at a high level expected by voters, when the local sales tax rate is excessive or unreasonably high (particularly in situations where a significant local sales tax increase was narrowly approved by the voters), or when promises previously made by local politicians about the spending of local sales tax proceeds are broken after voter approval of the sales tax (particularly in situations where local politicians made legally nonbinding promises concerning the spending of general sales tax proceeds that are not legally restricted for specific purposes).[ citation needed ]
A local sales tax used to repay bonds is a legally more complex situation because federal contract impairment issues may preclude the exercise of the local initiative power under Proposition 218. Local voter-approved transportation sales taxes often include at least a portion of the tax proceeds to repay bonds. Advice from legal counsel is generally needed in situations where bonds have been issued and sales tax revenues have been pledged to repay the bonds. A local compensatory initiative under Proposition 218 is an alternative option when contract impairment problems are present.
Recent temporary statewide sales tax increases include:
As of July 1, 2011, California applies sales tax to online retailer purchases. It is the retailer's responsibility to collect the state sales tax on all purchases made within (or shipped to) California regardless where the retailer/supplier is located. Businesses with multiple locations in the state may attribute all online sales taxes to a single jurisdiction, which had led to district-shopping for revenue-sharing deals with cities that return a portion of the collected sales tax to the business. In 2019, SB 531 was approved by the legislature to close this loophole, but was vetoed by Governor Gavin Newsom.
In general, sales tax is required on all purchases of tangible personal property to its ultimate consumer. Services are not subject to sales tax (but may be subject to other taxes), although some politicians want to extend the sales tax to services. Liability for sales tax attaches to the seller, not the buyer; but the seller is allowed by law to collect the tax from the buyer (and if the seller does so, the buyer is obligated[ citation needed ] to pay it).
Vehicle purchases are taxed based on the city and county in which the purchaser registers the vehicle, and not on the county in which the vehicle is purchased. There is therefore no advantage in purchasing a car in a county with a lower sales tax rate to save on sales tax (a one-percent difference in sales tax rate would otherwise result in an additional $300 loss on a $30,000 car).[ citation needed ]
In grocery stores, unprepared food items are not taxed but vitamins and all other items are. Ready-to-eat hot foods, whether sold by supermarkets or other vendors, are taxed. Restaurant bills are taxed. As an exception, hot beverages and bakery items are tax-exempt if and only if they are for take-out and are not sold with any other hot food. If consumed on the seller's premises, such items are taxed like restaurant meals. All other food is exempt from sales tax.
Also excluded are food animals (livestock), food plants and seeds, fertilizer used to grow food, prescription drugs and certain medical supplies, energy utilities, certain alternative energy devices and supplies, art for display by public agencies, and veterans' pins. There are many specific exemptions for various veterans', non-profit, educational, religious, and youth organizations. Sale of items to certain out-of-state or national entities (mostly transportation companies) is exempt, as are some goods sold while in transit through California to a foreign destination.
Occasional or one-time sales not part of a regular business are exempt, except that sales of three or more non-food animals (puppies, kittens, etc.) per year are taxed. [34]
There are also exemptions for numerous specific products, from telephone lines and poles, to liquid petroleum gas for farm machinery, to coins, to public transit vehicles. There are partial exemptions for such varied items as racehorse breeding stock, teleproduction service equipment, farm machinery, and timber-harvesting equipment. [35] For an organized list of exemptions, with estimates for how much revenue the state loses and the people saves for each, see Publication 61 of the Board of Equalization. [36]
Sales tax is charged on gasoline. The tax is levied on both the gasoline and on the federal and state excise taxes, resulting in a form of "double taxation". The sales tax is included in the metered price at the pump. The California excise tax on gasoline as of mid-2011 is 35.7 cents per gallon for motor fuel plus a 2.25% sales and use tax, 13 cents per gallon for diesel plus a 9.12% sales and use tax. [37]
The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration provides an online list of sales taxes in the local communities of the state. [9]
According to Regulation 1502, the sale of noncustom (canned) software to customers who download the software from a server is generally not subject to sales tax because the transaction does not involve tangible personal property. However, if the customer is provided a copy of the software on a physical storage medium such as a CD-ROM or a DVD, the entire transaction is generally subject to sales tax. [38] Thus, a customer can generally avoid sales tax liability by purchasing a downloadable version of software instead of a physical version.
Critics of the current California sales tax system contend that it gives local governments an incentive to promote commercial development (through zoning and other regulations – otherwise known as "fiscalization of land use") over residential development, including the use of eminent domain condemnation proceedings to transfer real estate to higher sales tax generating businesses. [39] Some [ who? ] claim that low-income families pay almost eight times more of their incomes in sales taxes than high-income families, making sales tax a regressive tax. Low-income families pay relatively little in income tax, leaving most of their income available to spend thus subject to sales taxes. It is also because people with higher incomes are able to save a larger portion of their income. However, since lower income families spend a higher portion of their income on groceries, states like California that exempt groceries from sales tax are not as regressive in the implementation of sales taxes. [40]
As of 2020, California charges between 3.4 (new employers) and 6.2 percent (maximum) in Unemployment Insurance (UI) Tax on the first 7000 dollars of wages in a year, paid by the employer. Employment Training Tax (ETT) is 0.1 percent, paid by some employers, on the first 7000 dollars of wages. State Disability Insurance (SDI) Tax is 1.20 percent of the first $128,298 in wages, paid by the employee. [41]
As of 2019, income tax for singles is 1% to $8,809, 2% to $20,883, 4% to $32,960, 6% to $45,753, 8% to $57,824, 9.3% to $295,373, 10.3% to $354,445, 11.3% to $590,742, and 12.30% thereafter. [42] There is an additional 1% tax (the California Mental Health Services Act tax) if your taxable income is more than $1,000,000, which results in a top income tax rate of 13.3% in California which is the highest statewide income tax rate in the United States. [42] The standard deduction is $4,601 for 2020. [43]
Proposition 13 is an amendment of the Constitution of California enacted during 1978, by means of the initiative process, to cap property taxes and limit property reassessments to when the property changes ownership, and to require a 2/3 majority for tax increases in the state legislature. The initiative was approved by California voters in a primary election on June 6, 1978, by a nearly two to one margin. It was upheld by the Supreme Court in 1992 in Nordlinger v. Hahn, 505 U.S. 1 (1992). Proposition 13 is embodied in Article XIII A of the Constitution of the State of California.
Proposition 1A was a California ballot proposition on the November 2, 2004 ballot. The proposition passed with 9,411,198 (83.7%) votes in favor and 1,840,002 (16.3%) against.
Proposition 2½ is a Massachusetts statute that limits property tax assessments and, secondarily, automobile excise tax levies by Massachusetts municipalities. The name of the initiative refers to the 2.5% ceiling on total property taxes annually as well as the 2.5% limit on property tax increases. It was passed by ballot measure, specifically called an initiative petition within Massachusetts state law for any form of referendum voting, in 1980 and went into effect in 1982. The effort to enact the proposition was led by the anti-tax group Citizens for Limited Taxation. It is similar to other "tax revolt" measures passed around the same time in other parts of the United States. This particular proposition followed the movements of states such as California.
The economy of the State of California is the largest in the United States, with a $4.080 trillion gross state product (GSP) as of 2024. It is the largest sub-national economy in the world. If California were a nation it would rank in terms of nominal GDP as the world's fifth largest economy, behind Japan and ahead of India. Additionally, California's Silicon Valley is home to some of the world's most valuable technology companies, including Apple, Alphabet, and Nvidia. In total, 11 of the Fortune 100 companies and 53 of the Fortune 500 companies are headquartered in California.
Sales taxes in the United States are taxes placed on the sale or lease of goods and services in the United States. Sales tax is governed at the state level and no national general sales tax exists. 45 states, the District of Columbia, the territories of Puerto Rico, and Guam impose general sales taxes that apply to the sale or lease of most goods and some services, and states also may levy selective sales taxes on the sale or lease of particular goods or services. States may grant local governments the authority to impose additional general or selective sales taxes.
A hotel tax or lodging tax is charged in most of the United States, to travelers when they rent accommodations in a hotel, inn, tourist home or house, motel, or other lodging, generally unless the stay is for a period of 30 days or more. In addition to sales tax, it is collected when payment is made for the accommodation, and it is then remitted by the lodging operator to the city or county. It can also be called hotel occupancy tax in places like New York City and Texas. Despite its name, it generally applies to the same range of accommodations.
Proposition 218 is an adopted initiative constitutional amendment which revolutionized local and regional government finance and taxation in California. Named the "Right to Vote on Taxes Act," it was sponsored by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association as a constitutional follow-up to the landmark property tax reduction initiative constitutional amendment, Proposition 13, approved in June 1978. Proposition 218 was approved and adopted by California voters during the November 5, 1996, statewide general election.
A gross receipts tax or gross excise tax is a tax on the total gross revenues of a company, regardless of their source. A gross receipts tax is often compared to a sales tax; the difference is that a gross receipts tax is levied upon the seller of goods or services, while a sales tax is nominally levied upon the buyer. This is compared to other taxes listed as separate line items on billings, are not directly included in the listed price of the item, and are not a factor in markup or profit on company sales. A gross receipts tax has a pyramid effect that increases the actual taxable percentage as it passes through the product or service lifecycle.
Community Facilities Districts (CFDs), more commonly known as Mello-Roos, are special districts established by local governments in California as a means of obtaining additional public funding. Counties, cities, special districts, joint powers authority, and school districts in California use these financing districts to pay for public works and some public services.
The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association is a California-based nonprofit lobbying and policy organization that advocates for Proposition 13 and Proposition 218. Officially nonpartisan, the organization also advocates against raising taxes in California.
California's state general elections were held November 5, 1996. Necessary primary elections were held on March 26, 1996. Up for election were all eighty (80) seats of the State Assembly, twenty (20) seats of the State Senate, and fifteen (15) statewide ballot measures.
Taxes in Indiana are almost entirely authorized at the state level, although the revenue is used to fund both local and state level government. The state of Indiana's income comes from four primary tax areas. Most state level income is from a sales tax of 7% and a flat state income tax of 3.05%. The state also collects an additional income tax for the 92 counties. Local governments are funded by a property tax that is the sum of rates set by local boards, but the total rate must be approved by the Indiana General Assembly before it can be imposed. Residential property tax rates are capped at maximum of 1% of property value. Excise tax is the fourth form of taxation and is charged on motor vehicles, alcohol, tobacco, gasoline, and certain other forms of movable property; most of the proceeds are used to fund state and local roads and health programs. The Indiana Department of Revenue collects all taxes and pays them out to the appropriate agencies and municipalities. The Indiana Tax Court deals with all tax disputes issues, but decisions can be appealed to the Indiana Supreme Court.
The parcel tax is a form of real estate tax. Unlike most real estate taxes or a land value tax, it is not directly based on property value. It funds K–12 public education and community facilities districts, which are usually known as "Mello-Roos" districts. The California parcel tax, in its typical form as a flat tax, is regressive.
Proposition 30, officially titled Temporary Taxes to Fund Education, is a California ballot measure that was decided by California voters at the statewide election on November 6, 2012. The initiative is a measure to increase taxes to prevent US$6 billion cuts to the education budget for California state schools. The measure was approved by California voters by a margin of 55 to 45%.
Proposition 218 is an adopted initiative constitutional amendment in the state of California that appeared on the November 5, 1996, statewide election ballot. Proposition 218 revolutionized local and regional government finance in California. Called the “Right to Vote on Taxes Act,” Proposition 218 was sponsored by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association as a constitutional follow-up to the landmark Proposition 13 property tax revolt initiative constitutional amendment approved by California voters on June 6, 1978. Proposition 218 was drafted by constitutional attorneys Jonathan Coupal and Jack Cohen.
Proposition 55 is a California ballot proposition that passed on the November 8, 2016 ballot, regarding extending by twelve years the temporary personal income tax increases enacted in 2012 on earnings over $250,000, with revenues allocated to K–12 schools, California Community Colleges, and, in certain years, healthcare. Proposition 55 will raise tax revenue by between $4 billion and $9 billion a year. Half of funds will go to schools and community colleges, up to $2 billion a year would go to Medi-Cal, and up to $1.5 billion will be saved and applied to debt.
California Proposition 6 was a measure that was submitted to California voters as part of the November 2018 election. The ballot measure proposed a repeal of the Road Repair and Accountability Act, which is also known as Senate Bill 1. The measure failed with about 57% of the voters against and 43% in favor.
California Proposition 15 was a failed citizen-initiated proposition on the November 3, 2020, ballot. It would have provided $6.5 billion to $11.5 billion in new funding for public schools, community colleges, and local government services by creating a "split roll" system that increased taxes on large commercial properties by assessing them at market value, without changing property taxes for small business owners or residential properties for homeowners or renters. The measure failed by a small margin of about four percentage points.
Rider v. County of San Diego, 820 P.2d 1000 was a California Supreme Court case where the court ruled that a sales tax in San Diego County, California, to fund courthouses and jails was invalid, because it failed to reach a two-thirds voter approval as required by Proposition 13.
California Proposition 19 (2020), also referred to as Assembly Constitutional Amendment No. 11, is an amendment of the Constitution of California that was narrowly approved by voters in the general election on November 3, 2020, with just over 51% of the vote. The legislation increases the property tax burden on owners of inherited property to provide expanded property tax benefits to homeowners ages 55 years and older, disabled homeowners, and victims of natural disasters, and fund wildfire response. According to the California Legislative Analyst, Proposition 19 is a large net tax increase "of hundreds of millions of dollars per year."