Timeline of Brussels (19th century)

Last updated

The following is a timeline of the history of Brussels , Belgium, in the 19th century.


1801–1814 – French period

Award Ceremony at the first Salon, Marie de Latour, 4 November 1811 Latour prijsuitreiking.jpg
Award Ceremony at the first Salon , Marie de Latour, 4 November 1811
The Duchess of Richmond's Ball, Robert Alexander Hillingford, 1870s The Duchess of Richmond's Ball by Robert Alexander Hillingford.jpg
The Duchess of Richmond's Ball , Robert Alexander Hillingford, 1870s

1815–1829 – Dutch period

Baptism of King William III of the Netherlands in the Temple of the Augustinians, 1817 Baptism of William III of the Netherlands.jpg
Baptism of King William III of the Netherlands in the Temple of the Augustinians, 1817
Flooding on the Place Saint-Gery/Sint-Goriksplein, January 1820 Caricature representant l'actuelle place Saint-Gery, lors de l'inondation de janvier 1820, reproduction d'un dessin, Collection iconographique (ref. K-573), Archives de la Ville de Bruxelles.jpg
Flooding on the Place Saint-Géry/Sint-Goriksplein, January 1820

1830–1900 – Post-independence

View of the remnants of Brussels' city walls near the Halle Gate, 1830-31 Zicht van buiten de stad op de Brusselse stadsomwalling tussen de Hallepoort en de Zenne, afgebroken in 1830-1831.jpg
View of the remnants of Brussels' city walls near the Halle Gate, 1830–31
Episode of the Belgian Revolution of 1830, Gustaf Wappers, 1834 Gustave Wappers - Episode of the September Days 1830, on the Grand Place of Brussels - Google Art Project.jpg
Episode of the Belgian Revolution of 1830, Gustaf Wappers, 1834
Opening of the Brussels-Mechelen railway, 5 May 1835 Neuhuys Depart de la Fleche le 5 mai 1835.jpg
Opening of the Brussels–Mechelen railway, 5 May 1835
The Royal Saint-Hubert Galleries, built in 1847 St. Hubert's gallery, Brussels, Belgium-LCCN2001697912.jpg
The Royal Saint-Hubert Galleries, built in 1847
Party given by the Cercle artistique et litteraire de Bruxelles [nl] in the Madeleine Hall, 26 September 1848 Marche de la Madeleine a Bruxelles, 1848.jpg
Party given by the Cercle artistique et littéraire de Bruxelles  [ nl ] in the Madeleine Hall, 26 September 1848
The Botanical Garden of Brussels, c. 1850 Brussel De Kruidtuin.jpg
The Botanical Garden of Brussels, c.1850
View into Brussels along the Brussels-Charleroi Canal from Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, c. 1855 Lithographie-Walter-1855-Bruxelles.jpg
View into Brussels along the Brussels–Charleroi Canal from Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, c.1855
View of the Brussels Zoological Garden, 1856 Vue des principaux sites du Jardin zoologique de Bruxelles - 4. Serre Victoria Regina - litho Gustave Gerlier, imp. Simonau & Toovey, ed. J. Geruzet (1856).jpg
View of the Brussels Zoological Garden, 1856
Celebrations for Belgian National Day in Brussels, 21 July 1856 Decoration de la place des Palais.JPG
Celebrations for Belgian National Day in Brussels, 21 July 1856
Drawing of a crowd on the Grand-Place during the elections of 1857 Tekening van de opkomst voor de verkiezingen van december 1857 in Brussel. De Agostini - Biblioteca Ambro.jpg
Drawing of a crowd on the Grand-Place during the elections of 1857
Covering of the Senne in Brussels, c. 1867-1871 Voutement de la Senneb.png
Covering of the Senne in Brussels, c.1867–1871
Riot at Victor Hugo's house on the Place des Barricades
, 27-28 May 1871 La maison qu'habitait Victor Hugo, place des Barricades, a Bruxelles (d'apres le croquis de M. Von Eliot.).jpg
Riot at Victor Hugo's house on the Place des Barricades/Barricadenplein, 27–28 May 1871
The Brussels Stock Exchange building shortly after completion, 1873 La Bourse Bruxelles 1873.jpg
The Brussels Stock Exchange building shortly after completion, 1873
The first type of horse-drawn tram in Brussels, 1874 Paardentram brussel.jpg
The first type of horse-drawn tram in Brussels, 1874
Inauguration of the Parc du Cinquantenaire/Jubelpark at the 1880 National Exhibition Parc du Cinquantenaire, 1880 National Exhibition.jpg
Inauguration of the Parc du Cinquantenaire/Jubelpark at the 1880 National Exhibition
Engagement of Rudolf of Austria and Princess Stephanie in the Royal Greenhouses of Laeken, 20 May 1880 Aubade a l'occasion du mariage de la princesse Stephanie avec l'archiduc Rodolphe d'Autriche le 20 mai 1880.jpg
Engagement of Rudolf of Austria and Princess Stéphanie in the Royal Greenhouses of Laeken, 20 May 1880
The Hotel Tassel by Victor Horta, built in 1893, a UNESCO World Heritage Site Tassel House stairway-00.JPG
The Hôtel Tassel by Victor Horta, built in 1893, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Venise a Bruxelles
at Tour & Taxis, 1895-96 Venise a Bruxelles, c. 1895-1896.jpg
Venise à Bruxelles at Tour & Taxis, 1895–96
Poster of the Brussels International Exposition of 1897 by Henri Privat-Livemont International Exhibition Brussels par Privat-Livemont.jpg
Poster of the Brussels International Exposition of 1897 by Henri Privat-Livemont

See also


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