Timeline of the Syrian civil war (September–December 2016)

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The following is a timeline of the Syrian Civil War from September to December 2016. Information about aggregated casualty counts is found at Casualties of the Syrian Civil War.


September 2016

1 September

3 September

11 September

15 September

17 September

October 2016

9 October

16 October

18 October

19 October

24 October

25 October

26 October

The Syrian Air Force killed a Free Syrian Army Chief of Staff in the Homs region, Colonel Shouki Ayyoub was killed alongside 5 rebels in the town of Al-Rastan. [16]

November 2016

3 November

A Russian helicopter is destroyed by an ISIS missile on land, after it was downed by technical reasons. Both Russian crew members escaped the attack. [17] [18]

8 November

According to a retired Brigadier General of the Lebanese Army, the Syrian Army with Russian support could capture Rebel held Eastern Aleppo in less than 3 months. [19]

Jabhat Fateh al-Sham rebels in Idlib Governorate accused the United States Air Force of targeting one of their bases and killing 10 fighters. [20]

A Russian Foreign Ministry official stated that over 6,000 armed militants are engaged in the operation to break through Eastern Aleppo. [21]

11 November

During a summit of Pacific leaders in Peru, U.S President Barack Obama expressed his belief that Syrian Army would take the Eastern side of Aleppo from Rebel and Jihadist Forces. He also expressed doubts in short term prospects in Syria. [22]

12 November

Syrian Armed Forces recapture Minyan industrial district from rebels in East Aleppo, thus recapturing all the territory lost in the last rebel offensive. [23] [24] [25]

24 November

Syrian Arab Air Force conducted an airstrike against Turkish Special Operations Forces and aligned Turkish-backed rebels north of al-Bab, killing three Turkish soldiers and injuring ten. [26] [27]

27 November

A Syrian air strike in Homs region targeted a high-ranking Ahrar Al-Sham meeting, killing 5 insurgents, [28] meanwhile Israeli aircraft raided ISIS positions killing 4 militants in response of an ISIS affiliate ("Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade") attack on an Israeli checkpoint in the Golan Heights. [29]

December 2016

5 December

The Russian Federation and China vetoed a UN Security Council resolution seeking a humanitarian pause in Aleppo city. [30] Two Russian medics were killed in Eastern Aleppo by jihadist shelling on a Russian field military hospital, the attack was condemned with harsh remarks by Russia's Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor who blamed the US, UK and France as "sponsors of terrorism". [31]

6 December

The Syrian army captures two-thirds of the rebel-held part of Aleppo, during its offensive to seize all the Eastern Suburbs. [32] meanwhile the Russian Foreign Minister expressed that Syrian rebels who refuse to accept the US-Russia deal would be considered "terrorists" and would be eliminated. [33]

11 December

Palmyra (Tadmur) was captured by ISIS from the Syrian Arab Army control. The SAA withdrew south of the city leaving the airport still under their control but surrounded by ISIS troops. [34]

12 December

Syrian Army forces had gained control of 98% of the formerly rebel-held east Aleppo, meanwhile rebels were reportedly "near defeat". [35]

Sappers from Russia's International Mine Action Center prepare for demining operations in Aleppo, 18 December 2016 International Mine Action Center in Syria (Aleppo) 06.jpg
Sappers from Russia's International Mine Action Center prepare for demining operations in Aleppo, 18 December 2016

19 December

Over 50 buses carrying militants and civilians leave the besieged Eastern Aleppo and arrives to Rashideen in Western Aleppo countryside. Among those evacuated was Bana a Syrian seven year old famous twitter which became famous for their updates regarding the live in Eastern Aleppo. [36]

21 December

14 Turkish soldiers were killed and more than 33 were wounded in clashes with ISIS militants near the northern Syrian town of al-Bab. [37]

22 December

Syrian Army announces the capture of Eastern Aleppo and the complete withdrawal of rebels and civilians. [38] The Red Cross later confirmed that the evacuation of all civilians and rebels was complete. [39]

23 December

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant executed two Turkish soldiers captured during the Turkish military intervention in Syria by burning them alive. [40]

29 December

Syrian opposition and Government delegations agree on talks to achieve a cease fire at Wadi Barada, Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham rebels and Free Syrian Army would be given free passage to Idlib Governorate in exchange of the rebel surrender of Wadi Barada in West Damascus. If so Al-Zabadani and Madaya would be isolated and could be used by the Syrian Government to press for another ceasefire and evacuation. [41]

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The following is a timeline of the Syrian Civil War from January to April 2017. Information about aggregated casualty counts is found at Casualties of the Syrian Civil War.

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The following is a timeline of the Syrian Civil War from January to April 2018. Information about aggregated casualty counts is found at Casualties of the Syrian Civil War.

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