Trade unions in Cyprus

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Trade unions in Cyprus include:

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">World Federation of Trade Unions</span> International trade union federation

The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) is an international federation of trade unions established on October 3, 1945. Founded in the immediate aftermath of World War Two, the organization built on the pre-war legacy of the International Federation of Trade Unions as a single structure for trade unions world-wide, following the World Trade Union Conference in London, United Kingdom.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pancyprian Federation of Labour</span>

PEO, the Pancyprian Federation of Labour, is an umbrella organization for trade unions in Cyprus, which evolved from PSE. It was instrumental in the 1948 strikes in the mines of the Cyprus Mines Corporation and has been closely related to AKEL.

PEO may stand for:

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Scouting and Guiding Federation of Turkey</span> National Scouting and Guiding federation of Turkey

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Enosis Neon Trust</span> Cypriot football club in Nicosia

Enosis Neon Trust was a Cypriot football club based in Nicosia. It was a founding member of the Cyprus Football Association. The disbanding of the Pancyprian Football Organization in 1924 led to the creation of two new clubs: Trust AC and Panergatikos. Trust took their name from the English word trust.

The Cyprus Rugby Federation (CRF) (Greek: Κυπριακή Ομοσπονδία Ράγκμπι, Κ.Ο.ΡΑ) (Turkish: Kıbrıs Ragbi Federasyonu (KRF)) the governing body for rugby union in Cyprus. It runs several competitions including a league with teams from the British military bases (Akrotiri, Episkopi and Dhekelia) and four local teams:

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cyprus Cricket Association</span> Governing body of cricket in Cyprus

The Cyprus Cricket Association (CCA) is the governing body of cricket in Cyprus. It is a member of the ICC Europe and an associate member of the International Cricket Council since 1999. It organises the Cyprus cricket league which has 23 participating teams including some from the British military bases of Akrotiri, Episkopi, and Dekhelia. It is also responsible for the Cyprus National Cricket team.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cyprus Automobile Association</span>

The Cyprus Automobile Association is a non-profit organization governed by an elected council. Founded in 1933, it has the aim of offering assistance to the private motorist, in Cyprus and abroad, and to promote the interests of car owners in general. The CAA is a member of the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) and the Alliance Internationale de Tourisme (AIT).

Cypriot Americans are Americans of full or partial Cypriot ancestry. Cypriot Americans, alongside English, speak Cypriot Greek, Cypriot Turkish, Cypriot Arabic, or Armenian. The majority of Cypriot Americans are either Eastern Christians or Sunni Muslims.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cyprus Archery Federation</span>

The Cyprus Archery Federation (CAF) (Greek: Κυπριακή Ομοσπονδία Τοξοβολίας, Κ.Ο.ΤΟΞ) is the governing body for the sport of archery in Cyprus. It runs an annual national championship, and has hosted a number of international competitions.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Socialist Workers' Federation</span>

The Socialist Workers' Federation, was a socialist organisation in the Salonica Vilayet of the Ottoman Empire, led by Avraam Benaroya. It was an attempt at union of different nationalities' workers in Salonica within a single labor movement.

The Pancyprian Organization of Independent Trade Unions was a trade union centre in Cyprus. PAOS was founded in 1956, by unions that wanted to position themselves as independent from political parties. The organization reached its peak of influence in the late 1950s. Starting from the early 1960s the organization entered a prolonged period of decline. By 1990, the organization had only 500 members. POAS was affiliated to the World Confederation of Labour.

There are 29 sports federations in Northern Cyprus and 13,838 people registered in them as of 2008. Taekwondo-karate-aikido-kurash is the most popular sport with 6054 athletes. It is followed by association football, shooting and hunting.

Andreas Koukouma is a commentator and literary critic of the left. As a poet he is known by his pen-name Antis Kanakis. His poems and short stories deal with universal themes and are written in the Cypriot dialect. His poems also address the Turkish invasion of 1974, in which with others he unsuccessfully fought to repel, and promote the peaceful co-existence of Turkish and Greek Cypriots.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hellenoturkism</span> Political concept of uniting Greek and Turk nations

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">World Federation of Teachers' Unions</span>

The World Federation of Teachers Unions is the Trade Union International (TUI) branch of the World Federation of Trade Unions representing educators.

The Pancyprian Union of Chemists is the chemical society for Cypriot chemists. It comprises a board of nine members which is elected every two years by the General Assembly of the PUC. The PUC was founded in 1960. This coincides with the period during which the Republic of Cyprus was established. The PUC currently has over 550 members. It also publishes the Greek language magazine '“Chemica Nea'”, or the Chemical News Magazine in English. This magazine is distributed quarterly to PUC members plus approximately one hundred additional subscribers throughout Cyprus and Greece.

Pambis Kyritsis is a Cypriot trade union leader and former politician.

Konstantinos Spyridakis was a Greek Cypriot politician, educator, scholar and writer, who served as the first minister of Education of the Republic of Cyprus (1965–1970). After studying history, philosophy, and philology in Athens and Berlin, he worked as a teacher, becoming headmaster of Pancyprian Gymnasium (1936–1960). His community and political roles included membership of the Ethnarchical Council and advisor to the Cyprus Ethnarchy Office (1948–1960), and president of the Greek Communal Chamber of Cyprus (1960–1965).
