Tunica intima

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Tunica intima
Blausen 0055 ArteryWallStructure.png
Transverse section through a small artery and vein of the mucous membrane of the epiglottis of a child. (Tunica intima is at "e".)
Part ofWall of blood vessels
Latin tunica intima
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TA98 A12.0.00.018
TA2 3922
TH H3.
FMA 55589
Anatomical terminology

The tunica intima (Neo-Latin "inner coat"), or intima for short, is the innermost tunica (layer) of an artery or vein. It is made up of one layer of endothelial cells (and macrophages in areas of disturbed blood flow), [1] [2] and is supported by an internal elastic lamina. The endothelial cells are in direct contact with the blood flow.


The three layers of a blood vessel are an inner layer (the tunica intima), a middle layer (the tunica media), and an outer layer (the tunica externa).

In dissection, the inner coat (tunica intima) can be separated from the middle (tunica media) by a little maceration, or it may be stripped off in small pieces; but, because of its friability, it cannot be separated as a complete membrane. It is a fine, transparent, colorless structure which is highly elastic, and, after death, is commonly corrugated into longitudinal wrinkles.


The structure of the tunica intima depends on the blood vessel type. [3]

Elastic arteries – A single layer of endothelial and a supporting layer of elastin-rich collagen. The layer also contains fibroblasts, immune cells and smooth muscle cells. [1]

Muscular arteries Endothelial cells

Arterioles – A single layer of endothelial cells

Veins Endothelial cells [3]

The inner coat consists of:

  1. A layer of pavement endothelium, the cells of which are polygonal, oval, or fusiform, and have very distinct round or oval nuclei. This endothelium is brought into view most distinctly by staining with silver nitrate.
  2. A subendothelial layer, consisting of delicate connective tissue with branched cells lying in the interspaces of the tissue; in arteries of less than 2 mm in diameter the subendothelial layer consists of a single stratum of stellate cells, and the connective tissue is only largely developed in vessels of a considerable size.[ citation needed ]
  3. An elastic or fenestrated layer, which consists of a membrane containing a network of elastic fibers, having principally a longitudinal direction, and in which, under the microscope, small elongated apertures or perforations may be seen, giving it a fenestrated appearance. It was therefore called by Henle the fenestrated membrane. This membrane forms the chief thickness of the inner coat, and can be separated into several layers, some of which present the appearance of a network of longitudinal elastic fibers, and others a more membranous character, marked by pale lines having a longitudinal direction. In minute arteries the fenestrated membrane is a very thin layer; but in the larger arteries, and especially in the aorta, it has a considerable thickness.


Endothelium had been seen to be simply the boundary between the blood in the lumen and the walls of the vessels. However, endothelium has been shown to release local chemicals called endothelins which are powerful vasoconstrictors. [4] Endothelins help to regulate capillary exchange and alter blood flow by their constriction of the smooth muscle in the walls. Vasoconstriction increases blood pressure, and its overexpression can contribute to hypertension and cardiovascular disease. [5]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tunica media</span> Middle layer of blood vessel

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tunica externa</span> Outer layer of blood vessel

The tunica externa, also known as the tunica adventitia, is the outermost tunica (layer) of a blood vessel, surrounding the tunica media. It is mainly composed of collagen and, in arteries, is supported by external elastic lamina. The collagen serves to anchor the blood vessel to nearby organs, giving it stability.

An elastic artery is an artery with many collagen and elastin filaments in the tunica media, which gives it the ability to stretch in response to each pulse. This elasticity also gives rise to the Windkessel effect, which helps to maintain a relatively constant pressure in the arteries despite the pulsating nature of the blood flow. Elastic arteries include the largest arteries in the body, those closest to the heart. They give rise to medium-sized vessels known as distributing arteries.

A muscular artery is a medium-sized artery that draws blood from an elastic artery and branches into "resistance vessels" including small arteries and arterioles. Their walls contain larger number of smooth muscles, allowing them to contract and expand depending on peripheral blood demand.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Internal elastic lamina</span> Layer of elastic tissue in blood vessels

The internal elastic lamina or internal elastic lamella is a layer of elastic tissue that forms the outermost part of the tunica intima of blood vessels. It separates tunica intima from tunica media.

In biology, a tunica is a layer, coat, sheath, or similar covering. The word came to English from the Neo-Latin of science and medicine. Its literal sense is about the same as that of the word tunic, with which it is cognate. In biology, one of its senses used to be the taxonomic name of a genus of plants, but the nomenclature has been revised and those plants are now included in the genus Petrorhagia.

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PD-icon.svgThis article incorporates text in the public domain from page 498 of the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)

  1. 1 2 Scipione, Corey A.; Hyduk, Sharon J.; Polenz, Chanele K.; Cybulsky, Myron I. (December 2023). "Unveiling the Hidden Landscape of Arterial Diseases at Single-Cell Resolution". Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 39 (12): 1781–1794. doi:10.1016/j.cjca.2023.09.009. PMID   37716639.
  2. Scipione, Corey A.; Cybulsky, Myron I. (October 2022). "Early atherogenesis: new insights from new approaches". Current Opinion in Lipidology. 33 (5): 271–276. doi:10.1097/MOL.0000000000000843. ISSN   0957-9672. PMC   9594136 . PMID   35979994.
  3. 1 2 Steve, Paxton; Michelle, Peckham; Adele, Knibbs (2003). "The Leeds Histology Guide".
  4. Haryono, A; Ramadhiani, R; Ryanto, GRT; Emoto, N (16 May 2022). "Endothelin and the Cardiovascular System: The Long Journey and Where We Are Going". Biology. 11 (5): 759. doi: 10.3390/biology11050759 . PMC   9138590 . PMID   35625487.
  5. Creative Commons by small.svg  This article incorporates text available under the CC BY 4.0 license.Betts, J Gordon; Desaix, Peter; Johnson, Eddie; Johnson, Jody E; Korol, Oksana; Kruse, Dean; Poe, Brandon; Wise, James; Womble, Mark D; Young, Kelly A (June 8, 2023). Anatomy & Physiology. Houston: OpenStax CNX. 20.1 Structure and function of blood vessles. ISBN   978-1-947172-04-3.