Usage share of web browsers

Last updated

Usage share of web browsers in December 2023 according to StatCounter
Yearly usage share of web browsers from 2009 to 2023 according to StatCounter

The usage share of web browsers is the portion, often expressed as a percentage, of visitors to a group of web sites that use a particular web browser.



Measuring browser usage in the number of requests (page hits) made by each user agent can be misleading.


Not all requests are generated by a user, as a user agent can make requests at regular time intervals without user input. In this case, the user's activity might be overestimated. Some examples:


It is also possible to underestimate the usage share by using the number of requests, for example:

User agent spoofing

Websites often include code to detect browser version to adjust the page design sent according to the user agent string received. This may mean that less popular browsers are not sent complex content (even though they might be able to deal with it correctly) or, in extreme cases, refused all content. [8] Thus, various browsers have a feature to cloak or spoof their identification to force certain server-side content.

Differences in measurement

Net Applications, in their NetMarketShare report, uses unique visitors to measure web usage. [11] The effect is that users visiting a site ten times will only be counted once by these sources, while they are counted ten times by statistics companies that measure page hits.

Net Applications uses country-level weighting as well. [12] The goal of weighting countries based on their usage is to mitigate selection area based sampling bias. This bias is caused by the differences in the percentage of tracked hits in the sample, and the percentage of global usage tracked by third party sources. This difference is caused by the heavier levels of market usage. [13]

Statistics from the United States government's Digital Analytics Program (DAP) do not represent world-wide usage patterns. DAP uses raw data from a unified Google Analytics account.

Summary tables

The following tables summarize the usage share of all browsers for the indicated months.

Usage share of all browsers
BrowserWikimedia [14]
October 2021
NetMarketShare [15]
October 2021
StatCounter [16]
February 2022
StatCounter [16]
February 2023
StatCounter [17]
May 2024
Chrome 52.5%66.64%62.78%65.76%65.12%
Safari 23.9%13.92%19.30%18.84%18.17%
Edge 3.0%4.55%4.06%4.28%5.21%
Firefox 4.4%2.18%4.21%2.93%2.82%
Samsung Internet 2.2%3.04%2.77%2.59%2.66%
Opera 1.0%3.02%2.26%2.26%2.54%
Others 13.0%6.65%4.62%3.34%2.94%
Usage share of desktop browsers
BrowserW3Counter [18]
September 2021
StatCounter [19]
October 2021
NetMarketShare [20]
October 2021
Wikimedia [21]
October 2021
StatCounter [22]
May 2024
Chrome 63.3%67.17%72.96%58.0%64.87%
Safari 17.7%9.63%2.72%9.3%8.79%
Edge 5.4%9.33%12.61%7.8%13.14%
Firefox 5.8%7.87%5.54%10.7%6.64%
Opera 1.3%2.89%1.01%2.0%3.23%
Others 6.5%3.11%5.56%12.2%3.33%
Usage share of mobile browsers
BrowserStatCounter [23]
October 2021
NetMarketShare [24]
October 2021
Wikimedia [25]
October 2021
Chrome 63.57%63.07%48.1%
Safari 25.61%19.01%32.2%
Samsung Internet 5.17%5.00%3.5%
Opera 2.02%4.47%0.2%
UC 1.72%0.41%0.0%
Firefox 0.49%0.30%0.7%
Others 1.42%7.74%15.3%
Usage share of tablet browsers
BrowserStatcounter [26]

September 2020

NetMarketShare [27]

September 2020

Safari 46.86%46.40%
Chrome 39.77%44.82%
AOSP 11.42%2.45%
Samsung Internet 3.53%
Opera 0.62%0.63%
Firefox 0.30%0.19%

Crossover to smartphones having majority share

According to StatCounter web use statistics (a proxy for all use), in the week from 7–13 November 2016, "mobile" (meaning smartphones) alone (without tablets) overtook desktop for the first time and by the end of the year smartphones were in the majority. Since 27 October, the desktop has not shown a majority, even on weekdays.

Previously, according to StatCounter press release, the world has become desktop-minority; [28] as of October 2016, there was about 49% of desktop usage for that month. The two biggest continents, Asia and Africa, have been mobile-majority for a while, and Australia is by now desktop-minority too. [29] [30] A few countries in Europe and South America have also followed this trend of being mobile-majority.

In March 2015, for the first time in the US the number of mobile-only adult internet users exceeded the number of desktop-only internet users with 11.6% of the digital population only using mobile compared to 10.6% only using desktop; this also means the majority, 78%, use both desktop and mobile to access the internet. [31]

Older reports (2000–2019)

StatCounter (Jan 2009 to October 2019)

Usage share of web browsers according to StatCounter till 2019-05. See HTML5 beginnings, Presto rendering engine deprecation and Chrome's dominance. BrowserUsageShare.png
Usage share of web browsers according to StatCounter till 2019-05. See HTML5 beginnings, Presto rendering engine deprecation and Chrome's dominance.

StatCounter statistics are directly derived from hits (not unique visitors) from 3 million sites using StatCounter totaling more than 15 billion hits per month. [32] No weightings are used.

Global Desktop stats from StatCounter (Top 5 browsers)







October 2019 68.91%9.25%8.68%4.45%4.51%4.20% 54.07%
September 2019 69.08%9.54%7.41%4.99%4.71%4.27% 53.75%
August 2019 71.15%9.52%5.80%4.40%4.71%4.43% 53.66%
July 2019 71.05%9.52%5.41%5.00%4.60%4.41% 53.08%
June 2019 70.71%9.76%5.64%5.03%4.50%4.36% 52.69%
May 2019 69.09%10.01%7.25%5.14%4.32%4.21% 49.40%
April 2019 69.55%9.78%6.91%5.16%4.37%4.23% 50.27%
March 2019 69.52%9.58%6.46%5.44%4.56%4.44% 51.01%
February 2019 71.58%8.72%5.77%5.34%4.34%4.24% 49.87%
January 2019 70.88%9.50%5.15%5.74%4.41%4.32% 51.09%
December 2018 70.95%10.05%5.06%5.40%4.17%4.38% 50.97%
November 2018 72.38%9.10%5.06%5.38%4.00%4.07% 45.91%
October 2018 69.64%10.14%5.61%6.01%4.21%4.38% 50.22%
September 2018 67.88%10.94%5.58%6.45%4.36%4.78% 53.95%
August 2018 67.66%10.96%5.13%6.97%4.24%5.03% 54.80%
July 2018 67.60%11.23%5.01%6.97%4.19%5.00% 55.12%
June 2018 66.87%11.44%5.38%7.13%4.16%5.02% 54.62%
May 2018 66.93%11.55%5.48%6.97%4.15%4.92% 54.11%
April 2018 66.17%11.78%5.48%7.17%4.26%5.14% 53.42%
March 2018 66.93%11.60%5.37%7.02%4.18%4.90% 53.80%
February 2018 67.49%11.54%5.42%6.91%4.04%4.60% 54.02%
January 2018 65.98%11.87%5.87%7.28%4.11%4.88% 54.20%
December 2017 64.72%12.21%6.29%7.71%4.18%4.88% 54.81%
November 2017 64.02%12.55%6.08%8.47%4.29%4.59% 52.27%
October 2017 63.60%13.04%5.89%8.34%4.43%4.69% 53.19%
September 2017 63.98%13.60%5.46%8.21%4.30%4.46% 54.71%
August 2017 63.58%13.73%5.51%8.61%3.95%4.61% 55.18%
July 2017 63.48%13.82%5.04%9.03%3.95%4.68% 56.70%
June 2017 63.23%13.98%5.15%9.28%3.89%4.47% 55.69%
May 2017 63.36%14.17%5.25%9.20%3.74%4.28% 54.25%
April 2017 63.45%14.53%5.20%9.00%3.71%4.11% 54.58%
March 2017 62.81%14.97%5.28%9.39%3.64%3.92% 53.36%
February 2017 62.95%14.81%5.34%9.62%3.68%3.60% 52.37%
January 2017 62.09%14.85%5.28%10.49%3.58%3.71% 52.28%
July 2016 62.38%15.43%4.59%10.67%3.04%3.85% 47.18%







January 2016 57.75%16.00%15.95%4.60%2.03%3.68% 41.04%
July 2015 55.39%18.86%17.24%4.70%1.91%1.90% 39.46%
January 2015 51.72%21.16%18.70%4.94%1.67%1.81% 33.24%
July 2014 48.69%22.52%19.25%4.89%1.45%2.19% 29.48%
January 2014 46.60%24.65%20.39%5.09%1.32%1.96% 23.77%
July 2013 45.40%26.50%21.31%4.80%1.11%1.32% 17.35%
January 2013 38.08%32.25%22.47%5.12%1.22%0.86% 14.13%
July 2012 33.81%32.04%23.73%7.12%1.72%1.58% 11.09%
January 2012 28.40%37.45%24.78%6.62%1.95%0.79% 8.49%
July 2011 22.14%42.45%27.95%5.14%1.66%0.63% 7.02%
January 2011 15.68%46.00%30.68%5.09%2.00%0.55% 4.30%
July 2010 9.88%52.68%30.69%4.09%1.91%0.74% 2.86%
January 2010 6.04%55.25%31.64%3.76%2.00%1.31% 1.56%
July 2009 3.01%60.11%30.50%3.02%2.64%0.72% 1.05%
January 2009 1.38%65.41%27.03%2.57%2.92%0.70% 0.67%

W3Counter (May 2007 to December 2022)

This site counts the last 15,000 page views from each of approximately 80,000 websites. This limits the influence of sites with more than 15,000 monthly visitors on the usage statistics. W3Counter is not affiliated with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Global Web Stats from W3Counter
Date Google Chrome Safari Internet Explorer & Edge Firefox Opera
December 2022 71.2%15.1%3.7%3.0%1.3%
November 2022 67.9%17.2%4.2%3.3%1.5%
October 2022 66.7%17.7%4.4%3.2%1.5%
September 2022 69.2%15.6%4.2%3.4%1.2%
August 2022 69.9%15.7%3.7%3.5%1.1%
July 2022 68.7%16.9%3.4%3.6%1.3%
June 2022 68.3%16.3%3.3%3.8%1.3%
May 2022 71.6%15.2%3.8%2.6%1.1%
April 2022 70.2%15.4%4.8%2.8%1.1%
March 2022 64.9%15.4%6.3%4.1%2.5%
February 2022 67.9%16.2%5.5%3.2%1.4%
January 2022 64.4%17.0%6.1%4.0%1.4%
December 2021 66.0%16.9%5.2%3.2%1.5%
November 2021 66.6%16.4%5.2%3.2%1.3%
October 2021 65.4%16.5%5.9%3.6%1.2%
September 2021 63.3%17.7%5.4%5.8%1.3%
August 2021 62.9%17.7%4.9%4.8%1.1%
July 2021 65.7%16.6%4.7%2.9%1.1%
June 2021 65.3%16.7%5.2%3.3%1.4%
May 2021 65.2%16.6%4.9%3.2%1.4%
April 2021 65.3%16.7%5.7%4.1%1.6%
March 2021 65.2%17.5%5.6%4.4%1.6%
February 2021 65.3%17.1%5.6%4.3%1.5%
January 2021 65.3%17.0%5.6%4.1%1.5%
December 2020 65.3%16.7%5.5%4.4%1.5%
November 2020 66.1%17.1%5.3%4.5%1.5%
October 2020 63.8%17.9%5.6%4.6%1.6%
September 2020 62.6%18.0%6.3%4.8%1.6%
August 2020 61.8%17.3%7.1%4.8%1.5%
July 2020 61.0%16.1%8.9%5.0%1.6%
June 2020 63.0%14.4%8.0%5.1%1.8%
May 2020 63.7%13.6%6.3%4.5%2.1%
April 2020 62.4%12.2%7.0%4.6%2.5%
March 2020 59.3%12.3%9.1%4.5%3.0%
February 2020 58.1%13.0%12.9%5.4%2.7%
January 2020 58.2%17.7%7.1%5.5%2.6%
December 2019 56.1%18.1%7.5%5.5%3.7%
November 2019 59.2%14.6%9.6%6.1%3.5%
October 2019 57.0%13.4%9.4%6.9%3.3%
September 2019 58.7%12.5%8.1%6.3%3.0%
August 2019 56.8%12.3%7.8%5.3%2.1%
July 2019 55.4%12.5%8.6%6.5%2.8%
June 2019 56.8%13.3%8.1%6.8%2.4%
May 2019 57.4%13.5%6.8%6.8%2.4%
April 2019 60.1%12.7%6.8%6.1%2.8%
March 2019 65.4%13.6%6.2%6.3%3.0%
February 2019 63.9%14.1%7.1%6.5%3.1%
January 2019 64.5%14.3%7.0%6.3%3.0%
December 2018 64.4%14.6%7.2%6.3%3.0%
November 2018 64.7%14.2%7.4%6.7%3.0%
October 2018 61.7%13.1%6.6%6.5%2.8%
September 2018 62.2%13.4%6.3%7.1%3.0%
August 2018 60.3%13.1%6.7%7.2%3.1%
July 2018 57.8%14.0%5.9%6.0%3.7%
June 2018 55.2%13.5%6.1%5.4%3.2%
May 2018 56.6%14.7%7.1%6.5%3.5%
April 2018 58.8%14.6%6.9%6.4%3.5%
March 2018 60.6%15.4%7.6%7.2%2.9%
February 2018 59.9%15.7%7.3%8.5%3.4%
January 2018 58.4%15.3%7.8%9.1%3.9%
December 2017 58.8%14.5%8.0%9.3%4.0%
November 2017 59.2%14.3%8.1%9.3%4.0%
October 2017 58.8%13.4%9.8%9.1%3.2%
September 2017 57.0%13.2%11.2%9.1%3.2%
August 2017 56.8%14.9%9.1%8.1%5.0%
July 2017 64.0%13.6%8.0%6.8%3.2%
June 2017 62.4%13.5%8.9%7.8%3.2%
May 2017 58.1%14.9%9.7%9.0%3.0%
April 2017 61.2%15.9%8.2%6.3%2.9%
March 2017 58.9%15.2%7.2%7.2%3.8%
February 2017 57.2%13.2%8.5%9.0%5.0%
January 2017 58.4%13.3%8.1%9.5%4.4%
July 2016 59.5%13.1%10.2%10.1%2.6%
January 2016 47.3%20.7%12.3%11.4%3.2%
July 2015 46.5%16.5%13.6%13.3%3.9%
January 2015 43.2%15.2%17.3%15.3%3.1%
July 2014 38.7%15.4%21.3%15.3%3.1%
January 2014 34.3%17.9%20.4%18.4%2.7%
July 2013 33.4%15.2%23.0%19.1%2.4%
January 2013 30.1%14.8%27.6%20.1%2.3%
July 2012 28.5%13.4%28.7%23.2%2.2%
January 2012 25.3%6.7%31.8%25.5%2.5%
July 2011 20.2%6.6%36.6%28.5%2.4%
January 2011 14.6%6.0%41.1%31.9%2.1%
July 2010 10.6%2.1%48.3%34.1%2.3%
January 2010 6.4%5.5%50.6%32.9%2.2%
July 2009 3.4%4.8%54.4%32.4%1.8%
January 2009 0.2%2.8%60.2%32.1%2.0%
July 2008 2.5%62.3%30.4%2.1%
January 2008 2.8%63.1%29.1%2.0%
July 2007 2.2%66.9%25.1%1.8%
May 2007 2.4%67.7%25.0%1.8%
Date Google Chrome Safari Internet Explorer Firefox Opera

Net Applications (May 2016 to November 2019)

Net Applications bases its usage share on statistics from 40,000 websites having around 160 million unique visitors per month. The mean site has 1300 unique visitors per day.

Global usage share of desktop browsers data from: Net Applications









November 2019 67.15%8.15%6.81%5.97%5.29%1.78%1.66%1.28%0.81%0.40%
October 2019 67.38%8.62%6.47%6.10%4.82%1.83%1.66%1.32%0.84%0.31%
September 2019 68.33%8.68%6.30%5.93%4.26%1.59%1.45%1.42%0.98%0.34%
August 2019 68.60%8.43%7.50%6.34%3.85%1.72%1.58%1.39%0.86%0.26%
July 2019 67.22%8.34%7.44%5.80%3.40%1.70%1.52%1.43%0.88%0.34%
June 2019 66.29%8.86%7.30%6.03%3.32%1.35%1.30%1.54%0.87%0.32%
May 2019 67.90%9.46%7.70%5.36%3.30%1.47%1.33%1.52%0.95%0.39%
April 2019 65.64%10.23%8.44%5.53%3.58%1.63%1.40%1.57%0.89%0.37%
March 2019 67.88%9.27%7.34%5.20%3.69%1.50%1.33%1.65%0.97%0.44%
February 2019 66.89%9.39%8.23%4.79%3.56%1.49%1.60%1.63%0.83%0.46%
January 2019 67.29%9.92%7.94%4.61%4.00%1.24%1.31%1.60%0.80%0.44%
December 2018 67.18%9.58%8.31%4.09%3.71%1.69%1.71%1.68%0.68%0.51%
November 2018 65.57%8.96%9.64%4.22%3.74%1.73%1.68%1.56%0.67%0.55%
October 2018 66.43%9.25%9.48%4.28%3.74%1.43%1.53%1.55%0.63%0.49%
September 2018 66.28%9.62%9.94%4.08%3.59%1.23%1.20%1.61%0.59%0.60%
August 2018 65.21%9.76%10.86%4.30%3.65%1.15%1.14%1.66%0.64%0.52%
July 2018 64.67%9.68%11.15%4.21%3.49%1.49%1.55%1.58%0.46%0.60%
June 2018 62.77%10.12%12.22%4.25%3.70%1.45%1.49%1.58%0.56%0.59%
May 2018 62.85%9.92%11.82%4.26%3.71%1.47%1.55%1.67%0.58%0.75%
April 2018 61.77%10.52%12.20%4.46%3.94%1.60%1.72%1.50%0.72%0.80%
March 2018 61.77%10.52%12.20%4.46%3.94%1.49%1.38%1.45%0.65%0.66%
February 2018 61.55%11.15%11.66%4.44%4.39%1.32%1.21%1.73%0.72%0.63%
January 2018 61.41%10.85%11.84%4.67%4.18%1.64%1.20%1.60%0.62%0.71%
December 2017 60.57%11.02%12.36%4.61%4.00%1.79%1.47%1.56%0.58%0.76%
November 2017 60.61%11.42%12.04%4.21%3.85%1.84%1.53%1.51%0.77%0.78%
October 2017 59.99%11.71%12.25%4.06%3.78%1.92%1.80%1.41%0.55%0.70%
September 2017 60.67%13.26%11.80%3.71%3.54%1.70%1.28%1.38%0.55%0.66%
August 2017 61.05%12.26%12.07%3.67%3.14%1.74%1.70%1.52%0.59%0.74%
July 2017 59.65%12.59%12.96%3.78%3.22%1.72%1.64%1.58%0.61%0.82%
June 2017 60.08%12.53%12.75%3.80%3.24%1.66%1.40%1.55%0.66%0.97%
May 2017 58.92%12.90%12.91%3.97%3.38%1.81%1.32%1.56%0.91%0.78%
April 2017 55.95%13.13%14.41%3.97%3.35%1.86%1.98%1.77%1.29%0.72%
March 2017 55.81%15.50%14.61%3.63%3.26%1.69%0.96%1.93%0.38%0.78%
February 2017 59.17%14.88%11.82%3.22%3.13%1.32%0.84%1.59%0.52%0.61%
January 2017 56.65%15.56%14.93%3.32%3.43%1.33%0.85%1.41%0.36%0.52%
July 2016 55.50%15.27%14.79%2.97%4.57%1.34%0.79%1.61%0.86%0.32%
May 2016 56.20%14.79%14.89%2.31%4.67%1.05%0.60%2.95%0.50%0.31%

Wikimedia (April 2009 to March 2015)

Usage in Wikimedia during 2012 Web-browser usage on Wikimedia.svg
Usage in Wikimedia during 2012

Wikimedia traffic analysis reports are based on server logs of about 4 billion page requests per month, based on the user agent information that accompanied the requests. [33] These server logs cover requests to all the Wikimedia Foundation projects, including Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wiktionary, Wikibooks, Wikiquote, Wikisource, Wikinews, Wikiversity and others. [34]

Note: Wikimedia has recently[ when? ] had a large percentage of unrecognised browsers, previously counted as Firefox, that are now assumed to be Internet Explorer 11 fixed in the February 2014 and later numbers. And February 2014 numbers include mobile for Internet Explorer and Firefox (not included in Android). Chrome did not include the mobile numbers at that time while Android does since there was an "Android browser" that was the default browser at that time.

Usage share data from Wikimedia visitor log analysis report: All Requests
Period Chrome
Safari Opera Android
March 2015 29.61%14.23%10.86%2.97%16.68%19.65%0.65%1.41%2.06%17.45%38.37%
February 2014 27.94%12.00%17.01%3.83%17.97%21.80%1.50%1.27%2.77%12.59%35.03%
January 2014 27.32%18.15%11.78%3.88%19.41%23.29%1.51%1.32%2.83%12.89%35.01%
December 2013 30.70%17.90%11.48%3.45%18.03%21.48%1.54%1.32%2.86%11.52%32.20%
November 2013 35.04%17.37%13.80%2.52%15.17%17.69%1.49%1.16%2.65%9.45%26.99%
October 2013 33.93%16.12%15.46%2.36%14.34%16.70%1.53%1.17%2.70%9.00%26.32%
August 2013 31.07%17.17%15.98%2.69%15.92%18.61%1.87%1.14%3.01%9.18%28.25%
July 2013 32.33%16.90%15.65%2.63%15.66%18.29%2.06%1.18%3.24%8.56%27.38%
June 2013 35.16%17.83%15.93%2.37%13.13%15.50%2.18%1.10%3.28%6.45%22.32%
May 2013 35.23%17.79%16.99%2.19%12.63%14.82%2.41%1.14%3.55%6.32%21.83%
April 2013 34.16%18.16%16.95%2.31%13.61%15.92%2.42%1.18%3.60%6.55%23.13%
March 2013 33.22%16.28%17.03%4.34%13.59%17.93%2.55%1.18%3.73%6.51%23.13%
February 2013 32.21%16.80%18.27%4.56%13.06%17.62%2.57%1.21%3.78%6.25%22.44%
January 2013 31.34%17.61%18.68%4.64%12.66%17.30%2.72%1.16%3.88%6.01%21.71%
July 2012 27.20%19.23%23.70%4.88%10.60%15.48%3.00%1.50%4.50%4.55%18.19%
January 2012 22.20%22.30%29.51%5.87%7.58%13.45%3.94%1.21%5.15%3.21%13.40%
July 2011 16.81%24.98%36.78%5.44%5.31%10.75%3.32%0.90%4.22%1.71%9.80%
January 2011 11.75%28.71%41.56%5.53%3.73%9.26%3.55%0.70%4.25%0.90%6.90%
Usage share data from Wikimedia visitor log analysis report







December 2010 42.12%28.82%11.18%5.70%3.67%0.52%6.4%
July 2010 47.74%30.43%7.52%5.18%2.89%0.53%4.5%
January 2010 51.01%30.85%4.81%5.13%3.18%0.56%3.1%
July 2009 54.55%31.52%2.77%4.51%2.38%0.70%2.4%
April 2009 57.37%30.71%1.93%3.86%2.57%0.68%1.9%

Clicky (September 2009 to August 2013)

Global usage share data from





Other Mozilla

August 201328.76%39.48%20.86%9.55%1.04%0.31%
July 201328.64%39.44%21.27%9.19%1.14%0.31%
June 201329.08%38.92%21.22%9.28%1.17%0.32%
May 201329.14%38.39%21.19%9.86%1.13%0.29%
April 201330.57%37.12%21.36%9.48%1.22%0.27%
March 201331.92%35.83%21.29%9.52%1.21%0.24%
February 201333.10%34.57%21.40%9.51%1.21%0.20%
January 201335.67%32.79%20.79%9.41%1.16%0.19%
July 201235.77%29.87%23.61%9.18%1.43%0.13%
January 201238.59%25.75%24.74%9.55%1.28%0.09%
July 201142.06%20.25%27.35%9.07%1.20%0.07%
January 201146.00%15.25%28.74%8.62%1.27%0.12%
July 201049.26%10.53%30.88%7.89%1.26%0.18%
January 201050.73%6.85%32.89%7.79%1.51%0.23%
September 200954.58%4.25%31.96%7.44%1.34%0.43% (September 2008 to November 2012)

US usage share data from Archived 16 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine

Other Mozilla





November 2012 Archived 13 January 2015 at the Wayback Machine 43.38%19.42%24.91%9.27%0.75%0.84%
October 2012 Archived 13 January 2015 at the Wayback Machine 44.40%19.62%24.09%9.42%0.68%0.55%
September 2012 Archived 13 January 2015 at the Wayback Machine 45.03%19.26%23.31%9.84%0.65%0.78%
August 2012 Archived 13 January 2015 at the Wayback Machine 45.87%19.49%22.53%10.14%0.59%0.43%
July 2012 Archived 2 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine 46.95%19.03%22.31%9.96%0.52%0.36%
June 2012 Archived 4 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine 46.69%19.42%21.76%9.80%0.55%0.30%
May 2012 Archived 13 January 2015 at the Wayback Machine 46.47%20.47%20.88%10.04%0.55%0.30%
April 2012 Archived 6 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine 48.28%19.73%19.39%10.51%0.44%0.27%
March 2012 Archived 3 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine 49.18%19.46%18.10%11.14%0.38%0.29%
February 2012 Archived 4 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine 50.98%19.00%17.05%11.16%0.33%0.22%
January 2012 Archived 4 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine 51.81%18.98%16.77%10.93%0.38%0.15%
December 2011 Archived 13 January 2015 at the Wayback Machine 51.42%19.73%16.78%10.69%0.39%0.16%
November 2011 Archived 5 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine 51.17%20.15%16.13%11.29%0.38%0.16%
October 2011 Archived 3 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine 52.59%20.06%15.01%11.13%0.36%0.17%
September 2011 Archived 3 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine 53.79%20.18%13.79%10.81%0.37%0.21%
August 2011 Archived 5 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine 53.81%20.61%13.64%10.75%0.39%0.15%
July 2011 Archived 3 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine 55.26%20.29%12.58%10.68%0.37%0.13%
June 2011 Archived 5 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine 56.23%20.85%12.04%9.77%0.46%
May 2011 Archived 4 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine 57.48%20.43%11.06%9.88%0.49%
April 2011 Archived 2 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine 57.08%21.40%10.85%9.47%0.53%
March 2011 Archived 2 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine 60.27%19.57%9.60%9.62%0.42%
February 2011 Archived 4 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine 60.92%19.21%9.13%9.59%0.40%0.42%
January 2011 Archived 4 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine 61.28%19.57%8.80%9.40%0.39%0.31%
December 2010 Archived 13 January 2015 at the Wayback Machine 60.98%20.14%8.61%9.33%0.40%0.24%
November 2010 Archived 13 January 2015 at the Wayback Machine 62.13%19.69%7.46%9.42%0.37%0.18%
October 2010 Archived 11 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 62.54%19.76%7.17%9.03%0.36%0.15%
September 2010 Archived 13 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 62.68%20.51%6.99%8.83%0.36%0.15%
August 2010 Archived 13 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 62.66%20.94%6.83%8.83%0.35%0.14%
July 2010 Archived 13 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 61.73%21.66%6.95%8.94%0.36%0.11%
June 2010 Archived 13 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 63.37%21.26%6.24%8.52%0.33%
May 2010 Archived 12 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 64.17%21.12%5.59%8.31%0.37%
April 2010 Archived 13 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 64.55%21.35%5.23%8.12%0.40%
March 2010 Archived 13 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 66.34%19.90%4.39%8.59%0.31%
February 2010 Archived 12 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 66.99%19.48%3.98%9.00%0.24%0.06%
January 2010 Archived 13 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 66.33%20.31%3.87%8.94%0.26%0.06%
December 2009 Archived 13 January 2015 at the Wayback Machine 66.12%20.82%3.51%8.73%0.30%0.07%
November 2009 Archived 13 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 67.74%20.15%2.88%8.56%0.28%0.10%
October 2009 Archived 13 January 2015 at the Wayback Machine 68.38%20.32%2.56%8.09%0.27%0.14%
September 2009 Archived 11 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 67.25%21.12%2.41%8.46%0.28%0.21%
August 2009 Archived 12 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 68.37%21.32%2.21%7.29%0.28%0.23%
July 2009 Archived 11 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 69.29%21.06%2.05%6.77%0.30%0.24%
June 2009 Archived 12 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 71.44%19.48%1.93%6.30%0.33%0.22%
May 2009 Archived 13 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 71.35%20.26%1.64%5.95%0.31%0.21%
April 2009 Archived 13 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 71.38%20.46%1.43%5.80%0.31%0.19%
March 2009 Archived 13 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 72.03%20.00%1.19%5.91%0.30%0.10%
February 2009 Archived 13 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 74.04%18.64%0.97%5.57%0.27%0.10%
January 2009 Archived 12 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 73.05%19.39%0.96%5.72%0.29%0.12%
December 2008 Archived 13 January 2015 at the Wayback Machine 70.89%20.87%0.95%6.32%0.33%0.13%
November 2008 Archived 13 January 2015 at the Wayback Machine 72.07%19.78%0.68%6.57%0.29%0.13%
October 2008 Archived 13 January 2015 at the Wayback Machine 73.45%18.88%0.57%6.22%0.26%0.16%
September 2008 Archived 13 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine 74.53%18.14%0.52%5.98%0.22%0.17%

92% of sites monitored by StatOwl serve predominantly United States market. [35]

AT Internet Institute (Europe, July 2007 to June 2010)

AT Internet Institute was formerly known as XiTi.

Method: Only counts visits to local sites in 23 European countries and then averages the percentages for those 23 European countries independent of population size.

Europe usage share data from AT Internet Institute
Date Internet Explorer Netscape Firefox Opera Safari Chrome Source
June 201053.8%30.6%2.4%6.8%5.7% 2010-6
March 201057.1%29.6%2.2%5.2%5.3% 2010-3
September 200962.0%28.4%2.2%4.3%2.8% 2009–11
April 200963.6%0.6%28.4%2.2%3.4%1.7% 2009-5
March 200964.6%0.6%27.8%2.2%3.3%1.4%
February 200965.6%0.5%27.4%2.1%3.0%1.3%
January 200958.1%0.6%32.5%4.1%3.0%1.5% 2009-1
December 200858.5%0.6%32.3%4.5%2.7%1.3%
November 200859.5%0.6%31.1%5.1%2.5%1.1% 2008-12-22
October 200859.2%0.6%31.1%5.4%2.4%1.1%
September 200860.2%0.4%31.2%4.8%2.4%1.0% 2008-10-10
August 200859.4%0.3%33.0%4.5%2.6%
July 200860.4%0.3%32.2%4.5%2.4%
June 200860.5%0.3%31.4%5.1%2.5%
May 200861.7%0.4%30.7%4.7%2.4%
April 200864.5%0.5%28.9%3.6%2.4%
March 200865.0%0.5%28.8%3.3%2.3% 2008-04-30
February 200865.6%0.5%28.5%3.2%2.2%
January 200866.1%0.5%28.0%3.2%2.1%
December 200766.1%0.5%28.0%3.3%2.0%
November 200766.9%0.5%27.3%3.2%1.9%
October 200767.5%0.4%27.0%3.1%1.8%
September 200766.6%0.3%27.7%3.4%1.8% 2007-10-30
2–8 July 200766.5%0.3%27.8%3.5%1.7% 2007-07-18 (2000 to 2009) is a defunct a web counter service, and identifies sixteen versions of six browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Netscape, and Konqueror). Other browsers are categorised as either "Netscape compatible" (including Google Chrome, which may also be categorized as "Safari" because of its "Webkit" subtag) or "unknown". Internet Explorer 8 is identified as Internet Explorer 7. Monthly data includes all hits from 2008-02-01 until the end of the month concerned. More than the exact browser type, this data identifies the underlying rendering engine used by various browsers, and the table below aggregates them in the same column.

Global usage share data from (global statistics)

Other Mozilla,



2009 Q466.42%21.13%10.05%1.00%0.05% Oct, Nov, Dec
2009 Q369.07%20.59%8.10%0.89%0.06% Jul, Aug, Sep
2009 Q270.31%20.12%6.44%0.94%0.06% Apr, May, Jun
2009 Q171.25%20.01%5.47%0.92%0.08% Jan, Feb, Mar
2008 Q474.24%18.66%4.52%0.89%0.07% Oct, Nov, Dec
2008 Q376.33%17.97%3.76%0.84%0.07% Jul, Aug, Sep
2008 Q278.30%16.36%3.41%0.81%0.06% Apr, May, Jun
2008 Q178.80%15.87%3.32%0.79%0.06% Jan, Feb, Mar
2007 Q481.14%13.81%3.21%0.67%0.06% Oct, Nov, Dec
2007 Q381.63%13.49%3.00%0.66%0.06% Jul, Aug, Sep
2007 Q282.97%12.41%2.87%0.64%0.06% Apr, May, Jun
2007 Q183.69%11.57%2.92%0.57%0.06% Jan, Feb, Mar
2006 Q484.11%11.13%2.80%0.60%0.05% Nov, Dec Archived 9 December 2006 at the Wayback Machine
2006 Q384.48%10.56%2.27%0.73%0.06% Jul Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Aug Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Sep Archived 2 March 2008 at the Wayback Machine
2006 Q286.32%9.03%1.89%0.70%0.05% Apr Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine , May Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Jun Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine
2006 Q190.01%6.77%1.40%0.58%0.05% Jan Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Feb Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Mar Archived 3 December 2011 at the Wayback Machine
2005 Q487.25%8.60%1.83%0.71%0.07% Oct Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Nov Archived 29 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Dec Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine
2005 Q387.58%8.42%1.60%0.67%0.07% Jul Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Aug Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Sep Archived 29 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine
2005 Q290.90%6.02%0.99%0.51%0.09% Apr Archived 13 August 2008 at the Wayback Machine , May Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Jun Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine
2005 Q190.77%5.73%1.00%0.54%0.11% Jan Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Feb Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Mar Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine
2004 Q490.98%5.10%0.77%0.68%0.18% Oct Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Nov Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Dec Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine
2004 Q392.70%3.57%0.73%0.65%0.20% Jul Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Aug Archived 4 August 2004 at the Wayback Machine , Sep Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine
2004 Q295.04%2.37%0.67%0.51%0.32% Apr Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine , May Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Jun Archived 1 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine
2004 Q194.28%2.70%0.52%0.36% Jan Archived 6 October 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Feb Archived 14 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Mar Archived 14 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine
2003 Q4 Oct, Nov, Dec
2003 Q3 Jul, Aug, Sep
2003 Q294.43%2.22%0.66%1.45% Apr, May, Jun
2003 Q194.18%2.15%0.65%1.77% Jan, Feb, Mar
2002 Q493.94%1.67%0.83%2.31% Oct, Nov, Dec
2002 Q393.32%1.36%0.94%3.04% Jul, Aug, Sep
2002 Q292.47%1.13%0.82%4.13% Apr, May, Jun
2002 Q192.40%0.93%0.52%4.67% Jan, Feb, Mar
2001 Q490.83%0.71%0.36%5.23% Oct, Nov, Dec
2001 Q388.43%0.26%0.31%6.49% Jul, Aug, Sep
2001 Q287.99%0.27%0.28%7.46% Apr, May, Jun
2001 Q186.80%0.30%0.22%9.84% Jan, Feb, Mar
2000 Q483.95%0.14%0.14%12.61% Oct, Nov, Dec
2000 Q382.76%0.04%0.14%14.35% Jul, Aug, Sep
2000 Q280.30%0.02%0.12%17.54% Apr, May, Jun
2000 Q179.09%0.00%0.13%19.25% Jan, Feb, Mar

Other Mozilla,



Sources (April 2002 to March 2009)

Global usage share data from Archived 2 May 2021 at the Wayback Machine (press releases)

Other Mozilla,





March 2009 Archived 25 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine Archived 25 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 79.79%15.59%2.65%0.86%0.54%0.31%
November 2008 Archived 26 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 81.36%14.67%2.42%0.54%0.55%0.32%
February 2008 Archived 24 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 83.27%13.76%2.18%0.55%0.14%
June 2007 Archived 26 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 84.66%12.72%1.79%0.61%0.11%
January 2007 Archived 27 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 85.81%11.69%1.64%0.58%0.13%
November 2006 Archived 25 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 85.24%12.15%1.61%0.69%0.11%
October 2006 Archived 4 March 2021 at the Wayback Machine 85.85%11.49%1.61%0.69%0.12%
July 2006 Archived 27 April 2021 at the Wayback Machine 83.05%12.93%1.84%1.00%0.16%
May 2006 Archived 25 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 85.17%11.79%2.02%0.79%0.15%
January 2006 Archived 25 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 85.82%11.23%1.88%0.77%0.16%
November 2005 Archived 14 April 2021 at the Wayback Machine 85.45%11.51%1.75%0.77%0.26%
April 2005 Archived 26 January 2021 at the Wayback Machine 86.63%8.69%1.26%1.03%1.08%
February 2005 Archived 24 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 87.28%8.45%1.21%1.09%1.11%
November 2004 Archived 25 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 88.90%7.35%0.91%1.33%
May 2004 Archived 27 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 93.9%2.1%0.71%1.02%
January 2004 Archived 12 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 94.8%1.8%0.48%0.8%
July 2003 Archived 11 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 95.4%1.6%0.25%0.6%1.9%0.6%
February 2003 Archived 25 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 95.2%1.2%0.11%0.7%1.9%1.0%
December 2002 Archived 25 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 95.0%1.1%0.8%1.9%1.1%
September 2002 Archived 25 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 94.9%0.8%0.9%1.8%1.2%
June 2002 Archived 11 April 2021 at the Wayback Machine 95.3%0.4%0.7%1.5%1.9%
April 2002 Archived 24 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 96.6%0.5%0.7%2.1%
US usage share data from Archived 2 May 2021 at the Wayback Machine (press releases)

Other Mozilla,




March 2009 Archived 25 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 72.69%20.40%4.53%1.05%0.49%0.38%
November 2008 Archived 26 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 75.54%18.74%3.95%0.62%0.39%0.50%
June 2007 Archived 26 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 75.69%19.65%3.77%0.61%0.17%
January 2007 Archived 26 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 78.13%16.11%3.68%0.73%0.18%
Canadian usage share data from Archived 2 May 2021 at the Wayback Machine (press releases)

Other Mozilla,




March 2009 Archived 25 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 65.55%23.09%7.36%1.32%0.75%0.56%
November 2008 Archived 26 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 69.67%20.38%7.56%0.92%0.76%0.56%
June 2007 Archived 26 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 75.76%16.47%5.72%0.69%0.13%
January 2007 Archived 26 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 79.00%14.13%4.70%0.71%0.14%
UK usage share data from Archived 2 May 2021 at the Wayback Machine (press releases)

Other Mozilla,




March 2009 Archived 25 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 80.91%15.16%1.94%0.85%0.60%0.36%
November 2008 Archived 26 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 83.77%11.45%1.76%0.43%0.60%0.34%
June 2007 Archived 26 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 86.00%11.22%1.61%0.53%0.10%
January 2007 Archived 26 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 86.72%10.86%1.78%0.49%0.10%
Australian usage share data from Archived 2 May 2021 at the Wayback Machine (press releases)

Other Mozilla,




June 2007 Archived 26 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 66.42%26.32%1.86%4.05%0.24%
January 2007 Archived 26 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 65.71%26.68%1.77%4.28%0.24%
French usage share data from Archived 2 May 2021 at the Wayback Machine (press releases)

Other Mozilla,




March 2009 Archived 25 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 71.57%23.48%2.90%0.86%0.54%0.46%
November 2008 Archived 26 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine 71.50%23.45%3.23%0.59%0.56%0.51%

ADTECH (Europe, 2004 to 2009)

Europe usage share data from ADTECH Archived 18 July 2005 at the Wayback Machine 's press releases; this is an ad serving company





Other Mozilla


Q4 2009 Archived 25 November 2010 at the Wayback Machine 63.6%26.7%3.6%2.8%1.7%0.7%
Q1 2009 Archived 17 August 2009 at the Wayback Machine 67.7%25.3%2.6%1.0%1.4%1.1%
Q1 2008 Archived 5 March 2009 at the Wayback Machine 76.2%18.1%1.7%1.0%2.6%
Q4 2007 Archived 3 March 2009 at the Wayback Machine 76.0%18.0%1.6%1.0%2.9%
July 2007 Archived 21 November 2018 at the Wayback Machine 77.5%15.5%1.6%0.9%3.9%
February 2007 Archived 15 December 2018 at the Wayback Machine 77.34%14.34%1.63%0.85%5.11%
February–April 2006 Archived 21 November 2018 at the Wayback Machine 83.36%12.38%1.67%0.77%0.82%0.38%
September 2005 Archived 21 November 2018 at the Wayback Machine 83.31%12.41%1.40%0.90%1.06%0.61%
June 2005 Archived 21 November 2018 at the Wayback Machine 85.10%10.11%1.34%1.21%1.05%0.60%
March 2005 Archived 15 December 2018 at the Wayback Machine 86.73%8.96%1.12%1.14%0.71%
February 2005 Archived 15 December 2018 at the Wayback Machine 87.57%7.85%1.05%1.26%0.76%
January 2005 Archived 15 December 2018 at the Wayback Machine 87.13%7.43%1.70%1.33%0.85%
November 2004 Archived 21 November 2018 at the Wayback Machine 89.47%5.51%1.01%2.50%0.92%
September 2004 Archived 21 November 2018 at the Wayback Machine 92.63%2.91%1.00%2.10%0.82%
August 2004 Archived 21 November 2018 at the Wayback Machine 93.08%2.15%0.89%2.18%0.95%
July 2004 Archived 21 November 2018 at the Wayback Machine 93.08%1.64%0.99%2.62%0.97%
January–April 2004 Archived 6 August 2004 at the Wayback Machine 94.72%0.73%2.50%1.49%

WebSideStory (US, February 1999 to June 2006)

US usage share data from: WebSideStory
Date Internet Explorer Netscape, Other Mozilla Firefox Source
June 200686.64%9.95% 19 July 2006
5 January 200687.63%8.88% 12 January 2006
4 November 200588.16%1.61%8.13% 10 November 2005
23 September 200588.46%1.69%7.86% 27 September 2005
29 April 200588.86%2.23%6.75% 10 May 2005
18 February 200589.85%2.47%5.69% 28 February 2005
14 January 200590.28%2.64%4.95%
3 December 200491.80%2.83%4.06%
5 November 200492.89%2.95%3.03%
8 October 200493.21%3.05%2.66% 13 December 2004
4 June 200495.48%3.53%
26 August 200295.97%3.39% 28 August 2002
25 October 200189.03%10.47% 31 October 2001
25 April 200186.61%13.10% 1 May 2001
21 February 200187.71%12.01% 22 February 2001
18 June 200086.08%13.90%
2 August 199975.31%24.68% 9 August 1999
6 April 199968.75%29.46% 7 April 1999
1 March 199966.90%31.21% 2 March 1999
8 February 199964.60%33.43% 22 February 2001

Older reports (pre-2000)

Market share for several browsers between 1995 and 2010, illustrating the First Browser War (NN vs IE). Firefox was originally named "Phoenix", a name which implied that it would rise like a Phoenix after Netscape was killed off by Microsoft. Browser Wars (en).svg
Market share for several browsers between 1995 and 2010, illustrating the First Browser War (NN vs IE). Firefox was originally named "Phoenix", a name which implied that it would rise like a Phoenix after Netscape was killed off by Microsoft.

GVU WWW user survey (January 1994 to October 1998)

Usage share data from: GVU WWW user survey
Date Mosaic Netscape Navigator Internet Explorer Source
October 199864%32.2% Primary Browser in 12 Months
April 199870%22.7% Browser Expected to Use in 12 Months
October 199759.67%15.13% Browser Expected to Use in 12 Months
April 199781.13%12.13% Browser Expected to Use in 12 Months
October 199680.45%12.18% Browser Expected to Use in 12 Months
April 199689.36%3.76% Browser Expected to Use in 12 Months
April 19959%54% Hal Berghel's Cybernautica – "A Web Monopoly"
October 199468%18% Result Graph – Browser
January 199497% General Results Graphs

EWS Web Server at UIUC (1996 Q2 to 1998)

Usage share data from: EWS Web Server at UIUC Archived 8 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine
Date Mosaic Internet Explorer Netscape Navigator Source
1998 Q450.43%46.87% Oct 1998, Nov 1998, Dec 1998
1998 Q347.90%48.97% Jul 1998, Aug 1998, Sep 1998
1998 Q243.17%53.57% Apr 1998, May 1998, Jun 1998
1998 Q139.67%57.63% Jan 1998, Feb 1998, Mar 1998
1997 Q435.53%62.23% Oct 1997, Nov 1997, Dec 1997
1997 Q332.40%64.93% Jul 1997, Aug 1997, Sep 1997
1997 Q20.37%27.67%69.77% Apr 1997, May 1997, Jun 1997
1997 Q10.60%22.87%74.33% Jan 1997, Feb 1997, Mar 1997
1996 Q41.20%19.07%77.13% Oct 1996, Nov 1996, Dec 1996
1996 Q32.47%13.97%80.37% Jul 1996, Aug 1996, Sep 1996
1996 Q26.93%9.60%82.77% Apr 1996, May 1996, Jun 1996

ZD Market Intelligence (US, January 1997 to January 1998)

Usage share data from: ZD Market Intelligence
Date Internet Explorer Netscape Navigator Source
January 199839%54% Behind the numbers: Browser market share
January 199721%63%

Zona Research (US, Jan 1997 to Jan 1998)

Usage share data from: Zona Research
Date Internet Explorer Netscape Navigator Source
July 199845%54% Behind the numbers: Browser market share
September 199736%62%
January 199728%70%

AdKnowledge (January 1998 to June 1998)

Usage share data from: AdKnowledge
Date Internet Explorer Netscape Navigator Source
June 199846%52% Behind the numbers: Browser market share
March 199842%57%
January 199836%61%

Dataquest (1995 to 1997)

Usage share data from: Dataquest
Date Internet Explorer Netscape Navigator Source
199739.4%57.6% Browser wars: High price, huge rewards

International Data Corporation (US, 1996 to 1997)

Usage share data from: International Data Corporation
Date Internet Explorer Netscape Navigator Source
199723%51% Behind the numbers: Browser market share

See also

Related Research Articles

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Web browser</span> Software used to access websites

A web browser is an application for accessing websites. When a user requests a web page from a particular website, the browser retrieves its files from a web server and then displays the page on the user's screen. Browsers are used on a range of devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. In 2020, an estimated 4.9 billion people have used a browser. The most-used browser is Google Chrome, with a 64% global market share on all devices, followed by Safari with 19%.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Safari (web browser)</span> Web browser by Apple

Safari is a web browser developed by Apple. It is built into Apple's operating systems, including macOS, iOS, iPadOS and visionOS, and uses Apple's open-source browser engine WebKit, which was derived from KHTML.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Firefox</span> Free and open-source web browser by Mozilla

Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation. It uses the Gecko rendering engine to display web pages, which implements current and anticipated web standards. Firefox is available for Windows 10 or later versions, macOS, and Linux. Its unofficial ports are available for various Unix and Unix-like operating systems, including FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and other platforms. It is also available for Android and iOS. However, as with all other iOS web browsers, the iOS version uses the WebKit layout engine instead of Gecko due to platform requirements. An optimized version is also available on the Amazon Fire TV as one of the two main browsers available with Amazon's Silk Browser.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Browser wars</span> Competition between web browsing applications for share of worldwide usage

A browser war is a competition for dominance in the usage share of web browsers. The "first browser war" (1995–2001) consisted of Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator, and the "second browser war" (2004-2017) between Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Google Chrome.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">History of Internet Explorer</span>

Microsoft developed 11 versions of Internet Explorer for Windows from 1995 to 2013. Microsoft also developed Internet Explorer for Mac, Internet Explorer for UNIX, and Internet Explorer Mobile respectively for Apple Macintosh, Unix, and mobile devices; the first two are discontinued but the latter runs on Windows CE, Windows Mobile, and Windows Phone.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Internet Explorer 6</span> Web browser for Windows released in 2001

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) is a web browser developed by Microsoft for Windows operating systems. Released on August 24, 2001, it is the sixth, and by now discontinued, version of Internet Explorer and the successor to Internet Explorer 5. It does not support earlier versions.

A browser extension is a software module for customizing a web browser. Browsers typically allow users to install a variety of extensions, including user interface modifications, cookie management, ad blocking, and the custom scripting and styling of web pages.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Firefox 3.0</span> Web Browser

Mozilla Firefox 3.0 is a version of the Firefox web browser released on June 17, 2008, by the Mozilla Corporation.

The usage share of an operating system is the percentage of computers running that operating system (OS). These statistics are estimates as wide scale OS usage data is difficult to obtain and measure. Reliable primary sources are limited and data collection methodology is not formally agreed. Currently devices connected to the internet allow for web data collection to approximately measure OS usage.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Firefox 4</span> Firefox browser released in 2011

Mozilla Firefox 4 is a version of the Firefox web browser, released on March 22, 2011. The first beta was made available on July 6, 2010; Release Candidate 2 was released on March 18, 2011. It was codenamed Tumucumaque, and was Firefox's last large release cycle. The Mozilla team planned smaller and quicker releases following other browser vendors. The primary goals for this version included improvements in performance, standards support, and user interface.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Firefox 2</span> 2006 web browser

Mozilla Firefox 2 is a version of Firefox, a web browser released on October 24, 2006 by the Mozilla Corporation.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">UC Browser</span> Chinese web browser developed by UCWeb Inc

UC Browser is a web browser developed by mobile internet company UCWeb, a subsidiary of the Alibaba Group. It was the most popular mobile browser in India, Indonesia, and Mali, as well as the second-most popular one in China as of 2017. Its world-wide browser share as of May 2022 is 0.86% overall according to StatCounter.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Opera (web browser)</span> Free web browser

Opera is a multi-platform web browser developed by its namesake company Opera. The current edition of the browser is based on Chromium. Opera is available on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. Two mobile versions are still active, called Opera Mobile and Opera Mini. Opera also has a news aggregator app called Opera News with an AI search-engine.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Google Chrome</span> Web browser developed by Google

Google Chrome is a web browser developed by Google. It was first released in 2008 for Microsoft Windows, built with free software components from Apple WebKit and Mozilla Firefox. Versions were later released for Linux, macOS, iOS, and also for Android, where it is the default browser. The browser is also the main component of ChromeOS, where it serves as the platform for web applications.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Firefox 3.5</span> Firefox web browser version

Mozilla Firefox 3.5 is a version of the Firefox web browser released in June 2009, adding a variety of new features to Firefox. Version 3.5 was touted as being twice as fast as 3.0. It includes private browsing, has tear-off tabs, and uses the Gecko 1.9.1 engine. It was codenamed Shiretoko during development, and was initially numbered Firefox 3.1 before Mozilla developers decided to change the version to 3.5, to reflect the inclusion of a significantly greater scope of changes than were originally planned. It is the last major version to support X BitMap images.

Mozilla is a free software community founded in 1998 by members of Netscape. The Mozilla community uses, develops, publishes and supports Mozilla products, thereby promoting exclusively free software and open standards, with only minor exceptions. The community is supported institutionally by the non-profit Mozilla Foundation and its tax-paying subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Yandex Browser</span> Web browser developed by Russian company Yandex

Yandex Browser is a freeware web browser developed by the Russian technology corporation Yandex that uses the Blink web browser engine and is based on the Chromium open source project. The browser checks webpage security with the Yandex security system and checks downloaded files with Kaspersky Anti-Virus. The browser also uses Opera Software's Turbo technology to speed web browsing on slow connections.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cốc Cốc</span> Vietnamese web browser and search engine

Cốc Cốc browser is a freeware web browser focused on the Vietnamese market, developed by Vietnamese company Cốc Cốc and based on Chromium open source code. Cốc Cốc is available for Windows, Windows Phone, Android, and macOS operating systems and supports both English and Vietnamese. Cốc Cốc also has its own search engine service.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Microsoft Edge</span> Web browser developed by Microsoft

Microsoft Edge is a proprietary cross-platform web browser created by Microsoft. Released in 2015 as part of Windows 10 and Xbox One, it was initially built with Microsoft's own proprietary browser engine, EdgeHTML, and their Chakra JavaScript engine. Later on, it was ported to Android and iOS as a fork of Google's Chromium open-source project. In late 2018, Microsoft announced it would completely rebuild Edge as a Chromium-based browser with Blink and V8 engines, which allowed the browser to be ported to macOS. The new Edge was publicly released in January 2020, and on Xbox platforms in 2021. Microsoft has since terminated security support for the original browser. Edge is also available on older Windows versions until early 2023, as well as Linux.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Progressive web app</span> Specific form of single page web application

A progressive web application (PWA), or progressive web app, is a type of application software delivered through the web, built using common web technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WebAssembly. It is intended to work on any platform with a standards-compliant browser, including desktop and mobile devices.


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