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Up to the 13th century, most poets in Northern Italy wrote in Old Occitan and are therefore considered troubadours. There are no examples of the Western Lombard language from that age, but some pieces were written in related Gallo-Italic languages, such as Sordello da Goito's Sirventese lombardesco (in the Eastern Lombard language of Mantua), as well as Rayna possentissima (1254), lauda of the Servi della Vergine, and the notary registers of Bologna (in whose white spaces, folk tales or literary poems were inserted to avoid illegal insertions), all of which are in the Bolognese.
Bonvesin da la Riva is the most important Northern-Italian writer of the 13th century. Born in Milan between 1240 and 1250, he was a secular friar belonging to the 3rd order of Umiliati and is acknowledged as doctor in gramatica, a title that few people had. His most important work is the Book of the three texts (Libro delle tre scritture), an epic poem in quatrains in Old Insubric language, in which he describes the underworld realms. The book is divided into three parts, different for style and atmosphere, in which Hell, Christ's Passion and Paradise are represented. The anticipation of Dante's Divina Commedia is evident, with an attentive use of language, with lexical and rhetoric ability. This work of art is a sort of screenplay of the afterlife, of considerable historic value and of hard poetical suggestion. The Essay on the months in form of apologue and the Vulgare de elymosinis, raw description of terrible maladies, similar to the realism of Jacopone da Todi, are also very important. A sort of Medieval etiquette is the treaty De quinquaginta curialitatibus ad mensam, lively and realistic representation inserted in the manualistic tradition of the time. The Contrasti are other poems, series of disputies, enriched by skillful alternance of descriptive tones, grotesque and soft, meditated and exemplar, like the Disputatio rosae cum viola in which the humble bourgeois virtues of the violet prevail on the aristocratic ones of the rose. In religious works the most precious are The passion of Job, The life of Saint Alexey and overall, between Laudes de Virgine Maria, the legend of Frate Ave Maria, of touching religious intensity because of its inspiration by a strong Christian devotion.
In 1274 the Sermons in verses, in a Lombard language, are the sole work of Pietro da Pescapè with precise date in the didactic-religious literature of Northern Italy that gave noticeable texts to Lombards Girardo Patecchio from Cremona, the Book of Uguccione da Lodi, Bonvesin de la Riva and Giacomino da Verona.
The written use of Insubric resumes in Milan under the House of Visconti, such as in the case of Lancino Curti and Andrea Marone. Written example from the 15th century are still uncertain in orthography; Dei, in this century, composes the first Milanese glossary. In the 16th century, Gian Paolo Lomazzo founded the Academy of Val di Blenio, which also provides information about other dialects of the period. In 1606 G.A. Biffi, with his Prissian de Milan de la parnonzia milanesa, tried a first codification of orthography, regarding vowel length and sound /ö/ for which he found the solution ou; Giovanni Capis elaborated the first blurb of a dictionary, the Varon Milanese; Fabio Varese, anticlassicist poet, created some thirty of humouristic-veristic sonnets in Milanese (with an answer for every sonnet in which he blames himself). Carlo Maria Maggi, a playwright, finally codified the writing of Milanese dialect at the end of the 17th century, introducing the French oeu, thus creating the classical Milanese orthography that would be refined in the centuries until the current version of Circolo Filologico Milanese. At the end of the 18th century, there were some at some shifts in the linguistic structures, such as the abolition of no (meaning "not") before he verb, on behalf of postposed nò or minga, or the abolishing of past tense, which is still found in Balestrieri and in Maggi.
Bosinada is a poetic form of popular composition, written in Insubric on loose sheets, told by storytellers (bositt, sing. bosin) and with often satyric contents. The first essays of the genre are at the end of the 16th century. One of the first bositt is Gaspare Fumagalli, whose we know nine bosinad of the 1723. Also greater poets such as Carlo Porta liked describing themselves as bositt, even if their poems were much more meditative than popular ones. Bosinada didn't have a rigid form: the metre could be of various sizes (lame verses were a frequent characteristic), from eight to eleven syllables long, often in rhyming couplets, in long stanzas.
Carlo Maria Maggi (born in 1630), Milanese, rector of Latin and Greek at the Scholae Palatinae, secretary of the Milanese Senate, superintendent at the University of Pavia, is considered as the father of modern Insubric literature. Between the works in Italian language there is a book of affection poems, considered by someone of the time as a good renovation, by someone else as transgressive ( Accademia della Crusca denied his Lombard-origin terms); probably Maggi undertook the local language stream in antagonism to the arrogance of Tuscan conformists. His production in Milanese consists in verses and comedies. The verses are especially occasion poems that describe moments of bourgeois life. But Maggi is reminded overall as comediograph: he wrote Il manco male, Il Barone di Birbanza, I consigli di Meneghino, Il falso filosofo, Il Concorso de' Meneghini, with autonomous interludes dell'Ipocondria, per una tragedia, delle Dame sugli spassi del Carnevale, Beltramina vestita alla moda, dell'Ambizione. The keys of his theatral work are the reconciliation of the theatre with the Church (not fingering like Molière but proposing positive values), the criticism against Protestant ethics (for which success would be sign of the divine approval), the nonconformism and the patriotic idealism. It was Carlo Maria Maggi that introduced to theatre the popular mask of Meneghin, who got the personification of the Milanese people, humble, frank and honest, full of wisdom and common sense, loud in the adversities, sensitive and generous worker and cont el coeur in man, with the hearth in the hand. He died in 1699 and is buried in San Lazzaro.
In the 18th century the greater protagonists of Insubric poetry, actually limited to Milan, are Domenico Balestrieri, then very appreciated by Carlo Porta, Carl'Antonio Tanzi, Girolamo Birago, Giuseppe Parini, Pietro Verri, Francesco Girolamo Corio.
Carlo Porta (1775–1821) is the main poet in Milanese. The bulk of his production can be divided into three sections: against the religious hypocrisy of the time (e.g. in Fraa Zenever, Fraa Diodatt, On Miracol, La mia povera nonna la gh'aveva); descriptive of lively popular Milanese personages (probably the masterpieces of Porta: Desgrazzi de Giovannin Bongee, Olter desgrazzi de Giovannin Bongee, El lament del Marchionn di gamb'avert and most of all La Ninetta del Verzee, the monologue of a prostitute); the political genre, in which he shows he ardently hopes in the independence of Lombardy, yet tolerating the French rule (Paracar che scappee de Lombardia, E daj con sto chez-nous ma sanguanon, Marcanagg i politegh secca ball, Quand vedessev on pubblegh funzionari). There are also sonnets in defence of Milanese language (I paroll d'on lenguagg car sur Gorell) and of Milan (El sarà vera fors quell ch'el dis lu), besides purely humouristic poems. The prevalent poetic form is sonnet, but there are also epigrams, canzoni, bosinad etc. Porta declares Milanese as lengua del minga e del comè and appoints as school of the true language of the people the Verzee, the greens market of the city. In 1816 he founds in his house, with his dearest friends (Grossi, Berchet, Visconti etc.), the so-called Camaretta, which immediately links itself with Alessandro Manzoni and later with the romantic group of Il Conciliatore , while in the latter years the antinobiliar spirit raises. He died of gout at 46 years old at the peak of his fame.
Insubric poets of the 19th century are Alessandro Manzoni (who also wrote in the Italian language), Tommaso Grossi (author besides of In morte di Carlo Porta ["In death of Carlo Porta"] and of Sogn or La Prineide), Vespasiano Bignami, Giovanni Rajberti, Giuseppe Rovani, Emilio De Marchi, Speri Della Chiesa Jemoli... In this century many journals in various dialect of Insubric language were born, and also great dictionaries: the Cherubini, the Cappelletti (trilingual: Milanese, Italian, French), the Banfi, the Arrighi and the Angiolini.
Carlo Bertolazzi (1870–1916) was a comediograph from Rivolta d'Adda, verist, who wrote in Milanese and analyzed with a bitter popular vein the condition of underprivileged ones of Milan in the end of the 19th century. He was lawyer, notary and theatral critic. After some dramas in Italian language, he undertook Insubric playwriting, in which he hit the highlight of his art. Chorality and epicity dominate the representation, in which several individual vicissitudes are born: in this sense Giorgio Strehler has been his carefullest interpreter. His production didn't attract the attention of his contemporaries, though a moral and social sense full of modernity were in it. Between his works we remind El nost Milan, La gibigianna, L'egoista, Lulù.
Delio Tessa (born in 1886) is the best-known Milanese poet in the 20th century. A law graduate, he preferred to devote himself to literature, theatre and cinema. Antifascist, he remained aloof from official culture, devoting himself to local affairs. Aside from the poems collection L'è el dì di mort, alegher!, all his works have been published posthumously. The subject of his poetry are the drama of World War I and of the daily life of neglected people, revised in a personal way and caring very much about the sonority of the lines. The theme of death is often present, with a pessimism of both personal and cultural origin (Scapigliatura, Decadentism, Russian novels, Expressionism). The language is used as popular and highly fragmented tongue. He died in 1939 for from an abscess and was buried, according to his will, in a common field at the Musocco cemetery. In the 50's, the municipality transferred him to the Famedio.
Other Insubric poets of the 20th century are Giovanni Barrella (Scapigliatura polymath, translated brush-strokes into writing), Edoardo Ferravilla, Emilio Guicciardi, Luigi Medici and Franco Loi.
Lombardy is an administrative region of Italy that covers 23,844 km2 (9,206 sq mi); it is located in northern Italy and has a population of about 10 million people, constituting more than one-sixth of Italy's population. Lombardy is located between the Alps mountain range and tributaries of the river Po, and includes Milan, its capital, the largest metropolitan area in the country, and among the largest in the EU.
The Lombard language belongs to the Gallo-Italic group within the Romance languages and is characterized by a Celtic linguistic substratum and a Lombardic linguistic superstratum and is a cluster of homogeneous dialects that are spoken by millions of speakers in Northern Italy and southern Switzerland, including most of Lombardy and some areas of the neighbouring regions, notably the far eastern side of Piedmont and the extreme western side of Trentino, and in Switzerland in the cantons of Ticino and Graubünden. The language is also spoken in Santa Catarina in Brazil by Lombard immigrants from the Province of Bergamo, in Italy.
Milanese is the central variety of the Western dialect of the Lombard language spoken in Milan, the rest of its metropolitan city, and the northernmost part of the province of Pavia. Milanese, due to the importance of Milan, the largest city in Lombardy, is considered one of the most prestigious Lombard variants and the most prestigious one in the Western Lombard area.
Carlo Emilio Gadda was an Italian writer and poet. He belongs to the tradition of the language innovators, writers who played with the somewhat stiff standard pre-war Italian language, and added elements of dialects, technical jargon and wordplay.
Tommaso Grossi was an Italian poet and novelist.
Canzo is a comune (municipality) of the Italian province of Como. It is the last town north of the historical Brianza region of Lombardy, capital of the Lake Como Triangle community and a regional tourism destination.
Carlo Porta was an Italian poet, the most famous writer in Milanese.
Delio Tessa was an Italian poet from Milan.
The classical Milanese orthography is the orthography used for the Western Lombard language, in particular for the Milanese dialect, by the major poets and writers of this literature, such as Carlo Porta, Carlo Maria Maggi, Delio Tessa, etc. It was first used in the seventeenth century by Carlo Maria Maggi; Maggi first introduced the trigram oeu, while previous authors, like Bonvesin de la Riva, used Latinizing orthographies. In 1606 G. A. Biffi with his Prissian de Milan de la parnonzia milanesa began the first codification, incorporating vowel length and the use of ou to represent the sound. The classical orthography came as a compromise between the old Tuscan system and the French one; the characteristic that considerably differentiates this orthography from the effective pronunciation is the method for the distinction of long and short vowels. As of today, because it has become more archaic, it is often replaced by simpler methods that use signs ö, ü for front rounded vowels and the redoubling of vowels for long vowels. The classical orthography was regularized in the 1990s by the Circolo Filologico Milanese for modern use.
This article discusses the grammar of the Western Lombard (Insubric) language. The examples are in Milanese, written according to the Classical Milanese orthography.
Spasell is a slang of Insubric language, spoken until the 19th century by inhabitants of Vallassina, when they used to go out from the valley for business and they didn't want to be understood by the people. It is characterized by code-words conventionally defined basing on characteristics of the thing or on onomatopoeias; other words have an unknown origin. It has been noted by Carlo Mazza, vicar of Asso, in his book Memorie storiche della Vallassina of 1796. He informs us that several slangs have been created in the time, because in the time the words were introduced in the current language, reducing the differences between "official" language and "secret" language. After a list of terms, the vicar proposes, as example, the translation of Pater Noster in this language, evidencing that it's totally incomprehensible also by the Insubric speakers. There are various similar or identical slangs in many localities of Insubria, like Valtellina and Milan. Some Spasell words have been adsorbed by the common language, for example lòfi, used in northern Brianza to indicate a "so and so" person, or scabbi, used also by Carlo Porta in the poem Brindes de Meneghin a l'Ostaria to refer to wine, in alternation with vin.
Ferdinando Fontana was an Italian journalist, dramatist, and poet. He is best known today for having written the libretti of the first two operas by Giacomo Puccini – Le Villi and Edgar.
Having been ruled by several countries over the centuries, Milanese culture is eclectic and borrows elements from many other countries, including Austria, Spain and France. Similarities between these places and Milan can be noticed through the language, architecture, cuisine and general culture of these countries.
Carlo Maria Maggi was an Italian scholar, writer and poet. Despite being an Accademia della Crusca affiliate, he gained his fame as an author of "dialectal" works in Milanese language, for which he is considered the father of Milanese literature. Maggi's work was a major inspiration source for later Milanese scholars such as Carlo Porta and Giuseppe Parini.
Barbapedana is a word of uncertain origin that refers to a Milanese minstrel and cantastorie that sang in such places as trani. While the word "barbapedana" dates back at least to the 17th century, "the Barbapedana" per antonomasia was Enrico Molaschi, active in the late 19th century. Many rhymes from his repertoire have remained in the popular culture of Milan; for example, this is the case for the lines that Barbapedana sang to describe himself and for the nursery rhyme De piscinin che l'era, about a man who was so small that he could do such things as "dance on top of a coin" or "make 200 shirts out of a piece of fabric".
The Verziere was the traditional greengrocery street market of Milan, Italy. The market itself has been relocated several times, and it is now in Via Lombroso, east of the city centre; the word "Verziere", anyway, still refers to the main historic location of the market, where it was held from 1776 century until 1911. The new greengrocery market of Via Lombroso is more properly referred to as "Ortomercato" or "Mercati Generali".
The bosinada or bosinata was a traditional, popular poetic genre in Lombard language that began in the 18th century or earlier and reached its apex in the late 19th century. Bosinate were usually written or printed on sheets of paper and recited by a sort of cantastorie or minstrel called a bosin ; they were usually satirical in content, sometimes explicitly designed to hold someone up to ridicule, or to debunk certain social habits or circumstances; in any case, they were the expression of the naive but sound good sense of the common people.
Lombard nationalism is a nationalist, but primarily regionalist, movement active primarily in Lombardy, Italy. It seeks more autonomy or even independence from Italy for Lombardy and, possibly, all the lands that are linguistically or historically Lombard. During the 1990s, it was strictly connected with Padanian nationalism.
The hydrography of Milan and the area of the neighboring municipalities is particularly complex, both for natural causes, given the conspicuous presence of rivers, streams and fountains that form a real water tangle, and for issues related to the work of canalization and diversion of waterways made by man, having their beginning during the Roman era, which led to the creation of numerous irrigation ditches, canals and lakes.
Domenico Balestrieri (1714–1780) was an Italian scholar, writer and poet. He gained his fame as an author of "dialectal" works in Milanese language, for which he is considered one of the classics of Milanese literature. Baestrieri's work was a major inspiration source for later Milanese writers such as Carlo Porta.