Yamato 791197

Last updated
Yamato 791197
Type Achondrite
Class Lunar meteorite
Group Anorthositic [1]
Parent body Moon
Country Antarctica
Coordinates 71°30′S35°40′E / 71.500°S 35.667°E / -71.500; 35.667 [1]
Observed fall No
Fall date0.03–0.09 Myr [2]
Found dateNovember 20, 1979
TKW 52.4 g

Yamato 791197, official abbreviation Y-791197, is a meteorite that was found in Antarctica on November 20, 1979. [3]


It is the first lunar meteorite to be found on Earth, but was not identified as such until 1984, after the lunar origin of ALH 81005 was recognised. [4] It was collected by the National Institute of Polar Research, Japan. [1]

Classification and characteristics

Weighing 52.4 grams, it is a weakly shocked feldspathic regolith breccia believed to have come from the lunar highlands on the far side of the Moon. [1] [5]

It is classified as lunar-anorthositic breccia, a lunar meteorite that is primarily anorthositic. [1]

See also

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  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Meteoritical Bulletin Database: Yamato 791197
  2. Cassidy, William A. (2003). Meteorites, Ice, and Antarctica. Cambridge University Press. p. 186.
  3. Korotev, Randy L. "Lunar Meteorite: Yamato 791197". Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Retrieved 2011-11-15.
  4. "Lunar Meteorite: Yamato 791197 | Some Meteorite Information | Washington University in St. Louis". sites.wustl.edu. Retrieved 2024-08-04.
  5. Ostertag, R.; et al. (1985). "Lunar meteorite Yamato 791197: a weakly shocked regolith breccia from the far side of the Moon". Lunar and Planetary Science. XVI/3: 635–636. Bibcode:1985LPI....16..635O.