Pharyngeal raphe

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Pharyngeal raphe
Muscles of the pharynx, viewed from behind, together with the associated vessels and nerves. (Pharyngeal raphe not labeled, but region is visible.)
Latin raphe pharyngis
TA98 A05.3.01.101
TA2 2177
FMA 55077
Anatomical terminology

The pharyngeal raphe is a raphe that serves as the origin and insertion for several of the pharyngeal constrictors (thyropharyngeal part of the inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle, middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle, superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle).[ verification needed ] Two sides of the pharyngeal wall are joined posteriorly in the midline by the raphe. Superiorly, it attaches to the pharyngeal tubercle; inferiorly, it extends to the level of vertebra C6 where it blends with the posterior wall of the esophagus.

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