2014 FIVB Volleyball World Grand Prix

Last updated
2014 World Grand Prix
Tournament details
Host nationFlag of Japan.svg  Japan (Group 1 Final)
Dates25 July – 24 August
Venue(s)20 (in 20 host cities)
ChampionsFlag of Brazil.svg  Brazil (10th title)
Tournament awards
MVPFlag of Japan.svg  Yuko Sano  (JPN)
Official website
2014 FIVB World Grand Prix

The 2014 FIVB Volleyball World Grand Prix was the 22nd edition of the annual women's international volleyball tournament played by 28 countries from 25 July to 24 August 2014. The Group 1 final round was held in Tokyo, Japan. The Brazilian star team won the tournament for the tenth time, the second consecutive victory.



Qualified teams

Africa Asia and Oceania Europe North, Central America and Caribbean South America

Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria
Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya

Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand

Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico
Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico
Flag of the United States.svg  United States

Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil
Flag of Peru.svg  Peru


Pools composition

The pools composition was announced on 1 December 2014. [2]

Group 1Group 2Group 3
Week 2Week 1
Pool A
Pool B
South Korea
Pool C
Pool J
Pool K
Puerto Rico
Pool P
Pool Q

Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand
Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea

Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Rep
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil

Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
Flag of Peru.svg  Peru

Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba
Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands
Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina

Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia

Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya
Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico

Week 3Week 2
Pool D
Pool E
Pool F
Hong Kong
Pool L
Pool M
Pool R
Czech Republic
Pool S

Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey
Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Rep

Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan

Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina

Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico
Flag of Peru.svg  Peru

Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan
Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico

Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia

Week 4Week3Final round
Pool G
Pool H
Pool I
Pool N
Pool O
Group 1 (Week 6)

Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Rep
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia

Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan
Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea

Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba
Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina
Flag of Peru.svg  Peru

Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico


Intercontinental round

Group 1


1Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 990262739.0007485701.312Qualified for the final round
2Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 9541721151.4008297731.072
3Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 9631622171.2948838681.017
4Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 9541619161.1888077771.039
5Flag of the United States.svg  United States 9541520181.1118508171.040
6Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 9451318181.0008067901.020
7Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 9451317200.8507848310.943Qualified as host country for the final round
8Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 9451316190.8427538100.930
9Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 9541218181.0007697800.986
10Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 9451216180.8897617860.968
11Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand 927611240.4587128080.881
12Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic 91837260.2696897810.882
Source: [ citation needed ]

Week 1

Pool A
DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
1 Aug16:00 United States  Flag of the United States.svg1–3Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 25–2218–2520–2520–25 83–97 P2 P3
1 Aug19:00 Turkey  Flag of Turkey.svg3–0Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 29–2725–1925–21  79–67 P2 P3
2 Aug16:00 Russia  Flag of Russia.svg3–1Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 25–2325–1324–2625–18 99–80 P2 P3
2 Aug19:00 Turkey  Flag of Turkey.svg3–2Flag of the United States.svg  United States 25–2127–2925–2120–2515–12112–108 P2 P3
3 Aug16:00 Japan  Flag of Japan.svg2–3Flag of the United States.svg  United States 27–2517–2522–2526–2411–15103–114 P2 P3
3 Aug19:00 Turkey  Flag of Turkey.svg3–2Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 25–2329–2714–2518–2515–10101–110 P2 P3
Pool B
DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
1 Aug13:40 Serbia  Flag of Serbia.svg3–0Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 26–2425–2025–15  76–59 P2 P3
1 Aug16:10 South Korea  Flag of South Korea.svg3–1Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand 23–2525–2225–1625–20 98–83 P2 P3
2 Aug14:10 South Korea  Flag of South Korea.svg3–1Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 21–2525–2025–2225–21 96–88 P2 P3
2 Aug16:40 Serbia  Flag of Serbia.svg2–3Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand 19–2525–1825–2019–2513–15101–103 P2 P3
3 Aug14:10 South Korea  Flag of South Korea.svg1–3Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 22–2524–2625–219–25 80–97 P2 P3
3 Aug16:40 Thailand  Flag of Thailand.svg0–3Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 21–2522–2521–25  64–75 P2 P3
Pool C
DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
1 Aug17:30 Brazil  Flag of Brazil.svg3–1Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 25–2123–2525–1725–16 98–79 P2 P3
1 Aug20:10 Italy  Flag of Italy.svg3–0Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic 25–1825–2325–15  75–56 P2 P3
2 Aug17:40 China  Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg3–0Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic 25–1825–2125–23  75–62 P2 P3
2 Aug20:00 Brazil  Flag of Brazil.svg3–0Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 25–2125–1625–15  75–52 P2 P3
3 Aug17:30 Dominican Republic  Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg0–3Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 24–2619–2518–25  61–76 P2 P3
3 Aug20:10 Italy  Flag of Italy.svg3–2Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 25–1818–2525–2218–2515–10101–100 P2 P3

Week 2

Pool D
DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
8 Aug11:00 Russia  Flag of Russia.svg1–3Flag of the United States.svg  United States 25–2219–2518–2517–25 79–97 P2 P3
8 Aug14:45 Brazil  Flag of Brazil.svg3–0Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 25–1625–1225–15  75–43 P2 P3
9 Aug10:00 Brazil  Flag of Brazil.svg3–0Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 25–1525–2125–17  75–53 P2 P3
9 Aug12:30 United States  Flag of the United States.svg3–0Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 25–1525–1725–16  75–48 P2 P3
10 Aug10:00 Brazil  Flag of Brazil.svg3–0Flag of the United States.svg  United States 25–2025–2229–27  79–69 P2 P3
10 Aug12:30 Russia  Flag of Russia.svg1–3Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 25–2121–2525–2722–25 93–98 P2 P3
Pool E
DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
8 Aug16:00 Serbia  Flag of Serbia.svg0–3Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 21–2528–3018–25  67–80 P2 P3
8 Aug19:00 Turkey  Flag of Turkey.svg2–3Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic 25–2325–1922–2522–259–15103–107 P2 P3
9 Aug16:00 Germany  Flag of Germany.svg3–2Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic 25–1919–2522–2525–1616–14107–99 P2 P3
9 Aug19:00 Turkey  Flag of Turkey.svg3–2Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 18–2525–1922–2525–2017–15107–104 P2 P3
10 Aug16:00 Dominican Republic  Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg0–3Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 21–2522–2525–27  68–77 P2 P3
10 Aug19:00 Turkey  Flag of Turkey.svg3–1Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 25–1525–1921–2525–20 96–79 P2 P3
Pool F
DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
8 Aug18:30 Japan  Flag of Japan.svg2–3Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 20–2517–2525–2125–2011–1598–106 P2 P3
8 Aug20:30 China  Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg3–1Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand 29–2725–1820–2525–15 99–85 P2 P3
9 Aug13:15 Italy  Flag of Italy.svg3–0Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand 25–1925–2125–23  75–63 P2 P3
9 Aug15:45 China  Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg3–0Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 25–1625–1425–22  75–52 P2 P3
10 Aug13:15 Japan  Flag of Japan.svg3–1Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand 25–1825–1519–2525–20 94–78 P2 P3
10 Aug15:45 China  Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg3–1Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 25–2025–1822–2525–16 97–79 P2 P3

Week 3

Pool G
DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
15 Aug16:00 Thailand  Flag of Thailand.svg3–1Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic 25–1725–2320–2525–22 95–87 P2 P3
15 Aug18:30 Brazil  Flag of Brazil.svg3–2Flag of the United States.svg  United States 29–3122–2525–2225–1915–9116–106 P2 P3
16 Aug14:00 Brazil  Flag of Brazil.svg3–0Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic 25–1925–1129–27  79–57 P2 P3
16 Aug16:30 Thailand  Flag of Thailand.svg2–3Flag of the United States.svg  United States 19–2525–1925–2012–2510–1591–104 P2 P3
17 Aug14:00 Dominican Republic  Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg1–3Flag of the United States.svg  United States 21–2525–1519–2527–29 92–94 P2 P3
17 Aug16:30 Thailand  Flag of Thailand.svg0–3Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 15–2518–2517–25  50–75 P2 P3
Pool H
DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
15 Aug16:40 Turkey  Flag of Turkey.svg1–3Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 25–2034–3620–2522–25 101–106 P2 P3
15 Aug19:10 Russia  Flag of Russia.svg3–1Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 25–2725–1925–1925–18 100–83 P2 P3
16 Aug16:40 Italy  Flag of Italy.svg3–2Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 22–2521–2525–1825–1415–12108–94 P2 P3
16 Aug19:10 Russia  Flag of Russia.svg3–1Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 28–2619–2525–2125–15 97–87 P2 P3
17 Aug16:40 Italy  Flag of Italy.svg1–3Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 23–2519–2525–2223–25 90–97 P2 P3
17 Aug19:10 Germany  Flag of Germany.svg0–3Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 25–2724–2624–26  73–79 P2 P3
Pool I
DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
15 Aug17:00 Japan  Flag of Japan.svg3–1Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 25–1710–2525–1725–19 85–78 P2 P3
15 Aug20:30 China  Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg3–1Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 24–2625–1825–2225–19 99–85 P2 P3
16 Aug14:30 Japan  Flag of Japan.svg3–2Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 22–2525–2120–2527–2515–13109–109 P2 P3
16 Aug17:00 China  Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg2–3Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 26–2426–2825–2120–2515–17112–115 P2 P3
17 Aug13:00 South Korea  Flag of South Korea.svg3–1Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 20–2525–2325–1926–24 96–91 P2 P3
17 Aug15:30 China  Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg1–3Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 20–2522–2525–1826–28 93–96 P2 P3

Group 2


PosTeamPldWLPtsSWSLSRSPWSPLSPRQualification or relegation
1Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 981232673.7147716441.197Qualified for the final four
2Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico 9721921121.7507566951.088
3Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 963192192.3337146291.135
4Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 9541417171.0007387520.981Qualified as host country for the final four
5Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 9451314180.7787187151.004
6Flag of Peru.svg  Peru 936912180.6677137570.942Relegated to Group 3
7Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 927611230.4787017900.887
8Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba 91859240.3756667950.838Relegated to Group 3
Source: [ citation needed ]

Week 1

Pool J
DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
25 Jul16:40 Poland  Flag of Poland.svg3–1Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 25–1825–2322–2525–21 97–87 P2 P3
25 Jul19:10 Peru  Flag of Peru.svg3–1Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 25–2125–1825–2725–16 100–82 P2 P3
26 Jul15:40 Poland  Flag of Poland.svg3–1Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 25–1514–2525–2125–11 89–72 P2 P3
26 Jul18:10 Peru  Flag of Peru.svg0–3Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 21–2514–2519–25  54–75 P2 P3
27 Jul15:40 Belgium  Flag of Belgium (civil).svg3–0Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 25–1325–1928–26  78–58 P2 P3
27 Jul18:10 Peru  Flag of Peru.svg1–3Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 22–2523–2525–2120–25 90–96 P2 P3
Pool K
DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
25 Jul17:00 Netherlands  Flag of the Netherlands.svg3–0Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba 25–1125–1325–20  75–44 P2 P3
25 Jul20:00 Puerto Rico  Flag of Puerto Rico.svg3–0Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 25–2225–1825–22  75–62 P2 P3
26 Jul17:00 Cuba  Flag of Cuba.svg1–3Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 18–2525–2323–2512–25 78–98 P2 P3
26 Jul20:00 Puerto Rico  Flag of Puerto Rico.svg0–3Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 22–2511–2522–25  55–75 P2 P3
27 Jul17:00 Argentina  Flag of Argentina.svg0–3Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 19–2519–2524–26  62–76 P2 P3
27 Jul20:00 Puerto Rico  Flag of Puerto Rico.svg3–0Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba 25–2025–1725–17  75–54 P2 P3

Week 2

Pool L
DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
1 Aug17:00 Netherlands  Flag of the Netherlands.svg3–0Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 25–2025–1825–12  75–50 P2 P3
1 Aug20:00 Belgium  Flag of Belgium (civil).svg3–0Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 25–1725–2025–19  75–56 P2 P3
2 Aug17:00 Argentina  Flag of Argentina.svg2–3Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 25–2325–2224–2622–2513–15109–111 P2 P3
2 Aug20:00 Netherlands  Flag of the Netherlands.svg3–2Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 27–2920–2525–1925–2315–6112–102 P2 P3
3 Aug15:00 Canada  Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg2–3Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 25–1520–2519–2525–219–1598–101 P2 P3
3 Aug18:00 Argentina  Flag of Argentina.svg0–3Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 26–2816–2519–25  61–78 P2 P3
Pool M
DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
1 Aug16:40 Poland  Flag of Poland.svg3–0Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba 25–2126–2425–12  76–57 P2 P3
1 Aug19:10 Peru  Flag of Peru.svg0–3Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico 23–2516–2522–25  61–75 P2 P3
2 Aug15:40 Poland  Flag of Poland.svg1–3Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico 24–2626–2410–2522–25 82–100 P2 P3
2 Aug18:10 Peru  Flag of Peru.svg3–0Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba 25–2025–2125–17  75–58 P2 P3
3 Aug15:40 Cuba  Flag of Cuba.svg2–3Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico 15–2525–2226–2416–2512–1594–111 P2 P3
3 Aug18:10 Peru  Flag of Peru.svg2–3Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 25–1823–2518–2525–2212–15103–105 P2 P3

Week 3

Pool N
DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
8 Aug18:40 Canada  Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg0–3Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba 25–2718–2522–25  65–77 P2 P3
8 Aug21:10 Argentina  Flag of Argentina.svg3–0Flag of Peru.svg  Peru 25–1325–2225–15  75–50 P2 P3
9 Aug18:10 Cuba  Flag of Cuba.svg2–3Flag of Peru.svg  Peru 25–2730–2823–2525–2213–15116–117 P2 P3
9 Aug20:40 Argentina  Flag of Argentina.svg3–1Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 25–2223–2525–2125–16 98–84 P2 P3
10 Aug18:10 Peru  Flag of Peru.svg0–3Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 21–2520–2522–25  63–75 P2 P3
10 Aug20:40 Argentina  Flag of Argentina.svg3–1Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba 25–2125–1528–3025–22 103–88 P2 P3
Pool O
DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
8 Aug16:00 Belgium  Flag of Belgium (civil).svg3–0Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 25–2025–1925–12  75–51 P2 P3
8 Aug19:00 Netherlands  Flag of the Netherlands.svg2–3Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico 25–2325–2021–2522–2513–15106–108 P2 P3
9 Aug15:00 Puerto Rico  Flag of Puerto Rico.svg3–1Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 25–1825–1818–2525–22 93–83 P2 P3
9 Aug18:00 Netherlands  Flag of the Netherlands.svg3–0Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 25–2226–2425–20  76–66 P2 P3
10 Aug15:00 Puerto Rico  Flag of Puerto Rico.svg0–3Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 16–2522–2526–28  64–78 P2 P3
10 Aug18:00 Poland  Flag of Poland.svg0–3Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 18–2521–2520–25  59–75 P2 P3

Group 3


1Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 660181829.0005023731.346Qualified for the final four
2Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 660161872.5715974941.209Qualified as host country for the final four
3Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia 642121481.7505294811.100Qualified for the final four
4Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 63391191.2224554261.068
5Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya 633912121.0005035160.975
6Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 62468130.6154524950.913
7Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 60613180.1673825000.764
8Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria 60613180.1673755100.735
Source: [ citation needed ]

Week 1

Pool P
DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
25 Jul15:00 Croatia  Flag of Croatia.svg1–3Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 30–3221–2525–1920–25 96–101 P2 P3
25 Jul18:00 Kazakhstan  Flag of Kazakhstan.svg3–0Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 25–2125–1625–16  75–53 P2 P3
26 Jul15:00 Australia  Flag of Australia (converted).svg0–3Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 21–2514–2520–25  55–75 P2 P3
26 Jul18:00 Kazakhstan  Flag of Kazakhstan.svg1–3Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia 22–2522–2527–2520–25 91–100 P2 P3
27 Jul15:00 Croatia  Flag of Croatia.svg3–0Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 25–1825–1225–17  75–47 P2 P3
27 Jul18:00 Kazakhstan  Flag of Kazakhstan.svg1–3Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 16–2524–2627–2516–25 83–101 P2 P3
Pool Q
DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
25 Jul17:00 Algeria  Flag of Algeria.svg2–3Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 15–2525–2218–2525–2317–19100–114 P2 P3
25 Jul19:30 Mexico  Flag of Mexico.svg1–3Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya 18–2523–2525–1822–25 88–93 P2 P3
26 Jul15:30 Bulgaria  Flag of Bulgaria.svg3–2Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya 25–1923–2526–2424–2615–12113–106 P2 P3
26 Jul18:00 Mexico  Flag of Mexico.svg3–0Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria 25–1925–2225–23  75–64 P2 P3
27 Jul14:00 Kenya  Flag of Kenya.svg3–0Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria 25–1425–1825–13  75–45 P2 P3
27 Jul16:30 Mexico  Flag of Mexico.svg1–3Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 23–2520–2525–2321–25 89–98 P2 P3

Week 2

Pool R
DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
1 Aug16:00 Mexico  Flag of Mexico.svg0–3Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 18–2516–2519–25  53–75 P2 P3
1 Aug19:00 Czech Republic  Flag of the Czech Republic.svg3–0Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria 25–825–725–17  75–32 P2 P3
2 Aug16:00 Mexico  Flag of Mexico.svg0–3Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 14–2518–2519–25  51–75 P2 P3
2 Aug19:00 Kazakhstan  Flag of Kazakhstan.svg3–0Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria 25–825–1925–17  75–44 P2 P3
3 Aug16:00 Algeria  Flag of Algeria.svg1–3Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 27–2925–1720–2518–25 90–96 P2 P3
3 Aug19:00 Czech Republic  Flag of the Czech Republic.svg3–0Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 25–1525–2025–21  75–56 P2 P3
Pool S
DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
1 Aug17:15 Australia  Flag of Australia (converted).svg0–3Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 14–2519–2513–25  46–75 P2 P3
1 Aug20:15 Croatia  Flag of Croatia.svg3–0Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya 25–2025–1725–22  75–59 P2 P3
2 Aug17:15 Bulgaria  Flag of Bulgaria.svg3–1Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya 21–2525–825–2025–11 96–64 P2 P3
2 Aug20:15 Australia  Flag of Australia (converted).svg1–3Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia 18–2525–2023–2516–25 82–95 P2 P3
3 Aug17:15 Kenya  Flag of Kenya.svg3–2Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 25–1718–2525–2122–2515–11105–99 P2 P3
3 Aug20:15 Croatia  Flag of Croatia.svg1–3Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 27–2524–2618–2519–25 88–101 P2 P3

Final round

Group 3

16 Aug
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 3
17 Aug
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia 2
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 0
16 Aug
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 3
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 3
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 1
3rd place match
17 Aug
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia 3
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 0


DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
16 Aug16:10 Czech Republic  Flag of the Czech Republic.svg3–2Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia 26–2825–2120–2525–2115–10111–105 P2 P3
16 Aug19:10 Bulgaria  Flag of Bulgaria.svg3–1Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 25–1625–2321–2525–14 96–78 P2 P3

3rd place match

DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
17 Aug16:10 Croatia  Flag of Croatia.svg3–0Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 25–2025–2225–17  75–59 P2 P3


DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
17 Aug19:10 Czech Republic  Flag of the Czech Republic.svg0–3Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 16–2513–2517–25  46–75 P2 P3

Group 2

15 Aug
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 0
16 Aug
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 3
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 3
15 Aug
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 2
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 3
Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico 1
3rd place match
16 Aug
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 0
Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico 3


DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
15 Aug17:30 Poland  Flag of Poland.svg0–3Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 19–2516–2515–25  50–75 P2 P3
15 Aug20:15 Netherlands  Flag of the Netherlands.svg3–1Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico 22–2531–2925–2025–12 103–86 P2 P3

3rd place match

DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
16 Aug17:30 Poland  Flag of Poland.svg0–3Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico 19–2517–2522–25  58–75 P2 P3


DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
16 Aug20:15 Belgium  Flag of Belgium (civil).svg3–2Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 20–2525–2325–2325–2715–10110–108 P2 P3

Group 1

Final Six

1Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 541131434.6674053141.290
2Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 541121243.0003813211.187
3Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 532710101.0004154450.933
4Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 523710120.8334754830.983
5Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 52368120.6674394430.991
6Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 50502150.1333164250.744
Source: [ citation needed ]
DateTimeScoreSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5TotalReport
20 Aug12:20 China  Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg3–1Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 25–1925–2725–1825–15 100–79 P2 P3
20 Aug15:00 Turkey  Flag of Turkey.svg3–2Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 25–1825–2321–2519–2515–12105–103 P2 P3
20 Aug19:05 Japan  Flag of Japan.svg3–1Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 22–2525–2025–2125–17 97–83 P2 P3
21 Aug12:20 Russia  Flag of Russia.svg3–0Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 25–2325–1625–19  75–58 P2 P3
21 Aug15:00 Brazil  Flag of Brazil.svg3–0Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 25–2325–2025–21  75–64 P2 P3
21 Aug19:05 Japan  Flag of Japan.svg3–0Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 25–1325–1725–17  75–47 P2 P3
22 Aug12:20 Turkey  Flag of Turkey.svg2–3Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 22–2524–2625–1327–2512–15110–104 P2 P3
22 Aug15:00 Belgium  Flag of Belgium (civil).svg0–3Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 10–2512–2512–25  34–75 P2 P3
22 Aug19:05 China  Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg0–3Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 21–2517–2521–25  59–75 P2 P3
23 Aug12:20 Turkey  Flag of Turkey.svg2–3Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 22–2525–1825–2223–2519–21114–111 P2 P3
23 Aug15:00 Russia  Flag of Russia.svg0–3Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 12–2521–2520–25  53–75 P2 P3
23 Aug19:05 Japan  Flag of Japan.svg3–0Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 26–2425–1625–15  76–55 P2 P3
24 Aug12:20 China  Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg2–3Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 25–2125–1422–2520–2513–15105–100 P2 P3
24 Aug15:00 Belgium  Flag of Belgium (civil).svg1–3Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 26–2421–2523–2520–25 90–99 P2 P3
24 Aug19:05 Brazil  Flag of Brazil.svg3–0Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 25–1525–1827–25  77–58 P2 P3

Final standing


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  1. 1 2 "Record 28 teams for 2014 World Grand Prix". fivb.org. 2 December 2013.
  2. Press releaseFIVB. Archived 2015-12-23 at the Wayback Machine
  3. Brazil sweep Japan to land record 10th World Grand Prix title FIVB – Press release