2018 Minas Gerais gubernatorial election

Last updated
2018 Minas Gerais state election
Bandeira de Minas Gerais.svg
 20147 October 2018 (2018-10-07)(first round)
28 October 2018 (2018-10-28)(second round)
Opinion polls
Gubernatorial election
  Romeu Zema em janeiro de 2019.jpg Antonio Anastasia em 2015.jpg
Candidate Romeu Zema Antonio Anastasia
Running matePaulo BrantMarcos Montes
Popular vote6,963,8062,734,452

Mapa da Eleicao estadual em Minas Gerais em 2018 por municipio (2.o turno).svg
  •      Romeu Zema
  •      Antonio Anastasia

Governor before election

Fernando Pimentel

Elected Governor

Romeu Zema

Parliamentary election
PartyLeaderVote %Seats+/–
Legislative Assembly
MDB 7.377−3
Republicanos 7.163+1
PSL 7.056+6
PSDB 6.607−2
PHS 4.133+2
PTB 3.943−1
PSC 3.903+1
PV 3.325+1
DEM 2.961−1
Solidarity 2.782+2
This lists parties that won seats. See the complete results below.

The 2018 state elections in Minas Gerais were held on 7 October, as part of the general elections in the Federal District and in 26 states, to elect one Governor and Vice Governor, two Senators and four substitutes for Senator, 53 Federal Deputies, and 77 State Deputies. [1] In the election for Governor, entrepreneur Romeu Zema (NOVO) finished in first place with 42.73% of the valid votes, followed by Senator Antonio Anastasia (PSDB) with 29.06%. Incumbent Governor Fernando Pimentel (PT) couldn't re-elect, placing third place with 23.12% of the votes. [2] As the first place didn't reach 50% of the votes, a second round took place on 28 October. [1] Zema was elect Governor with 71.80% of the votes, and Anastasia placed second with 28.20%. [3]


For the Federal Senate, the then Federal Deputy Rodrigo Pacheco (DEM) and the journalist and presenter Carlos Viana (PHS) were elect to fill the seats of Aécio Neves (PSDB) and Zezé Perrella (MDB). They had, respectively, 20.49% and 20.22% of the votes. Dinis Pinheiro (SD) place third with 18.42% of the votes, and former president Dilma Rousseff (PT), who had been impeached two years before, placed fourth with 15.35% of the votes. [4]

Gubernatorial candidates

Candidates in runoff

PartyCandidateMost relevant political office or occupationPartyRunning mateCoalitionElectoral number
NOVO Logo 2023.png

New Party (NOVO)

Romeu Zema em janeiro de 2019.jpg
Romeu Zema (NOVO)
Former Head of Zema Group NOVO Logo 2023.png

New Party (NOVO)

Paulo Brant em janeiro de 2019.jpg
Paulo Brant (NOVO)
Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) Antonio Anastasia em 2015.jpg
Antônio Anastasia
Senator for Minas Gerais
PSD Brazil logo.svg (PSD)Marcos Montes (PSD)Rebuild Minas45

Candidates failing to make runoff

PartyCandidateMost relevant political office or occupationPartyRunning mateCoalitionElectoral number
PT (Brazil) logo 2021.svg

Workers' Party (PT)

Fernando Pimentel 2010 (cropped).jpg
Fernando Pimentel (PT)
Governor of Minas Gerais
PCdoB logo.svg
Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB)
Jô Moraes (PCdoB)On the People's Side13
Brazilian Democratic Movement logo.svg

Brazilian Democratic Movement (MDB)

Adalclever Lopes (MDB) State Deputy of Minas Gerais
Logomarca do Partido Verde.svg
Green Party (PV)
Adriana Buzelin (PV)#MinasHasAWay15
Logo PSTU.png

United Socialist Workers' Party (PSTU)

Jordano Carvalho (PSTU)Metalworker and steelworker Logo PSTU.png
United Socialist Workers' Party (PSTU)
Victoria de Fatima (PSTU)16
Logomarca da Rede Sustentabilidade (REDE), do Brasil.png

Sustainability Network (REDE)

João Batista dos Mares Guia (REDE) State Deputy of Minas Gerais
Logomarca da Rede Sustentabilidade (REDE), do Brasil.png
Sustainability Network (REDE)
Giovanni Corrêa (REDE)The Best for Minas18
Logo PCO Institucional.svg

Workers' Cause Party (PCO)

Alexandre FlachLawyer Logo PCO Institucional.svg
Workers' Cause Party (PCO)
Sebastião Pessoa (PCO)29
PSOL logo brazil.png

Socialism and Liberty Party (PSOL)

Dirlene Marques (PSOL)Retired public worker PSOL logo brazil.png
Socialism and Liberty Party (PSOL)
Sara AzevedoSocialist Minas Front50
Logo of Avante (Brazil).png


Claudiney Dulim (Avante)Lawyer and professor Logo of Avante (Brazil).png
Leandro Ramon (Avante)77

Opinion polls


First round

2018 election7 Oct29.06%23.12%42.73%5.09%20.67%13.67%
Datafolha 3–4 Oct1,58532%21%15%10%22%11%
Datafolha 26–28 Sep1,38732%23%19%7%21%9%
Ibope 24–26 Sep2,00235%21%8%8%27%14%
Datafolha 4–6 Sep1,28932%22%5%7%35%10%
Ibope 24–26 Aug1,20424%14%3%7%51%10%
2014 election5 Oct 201441.89%52.98%5.13%16.93%11.09%

Second round

2018 election28 Oct71.80%28.20%19.61%43.60%
Ibope 25–27 Oct2,00258%27%15%31%
Ibope 20–23 Oct1,51257%29%15%28%
Datafolha 17–18 Oct1,47358%24%19%34%
Ibope 15–17 Oct1,51257%29%14%28%
Paraná Pesquisas 9–10 Oct1,75064.7%23.1%12.1%41.6%


(1st seat)
(2nd seat)
2018 election7 Oct15.35%20.22%18.42%20.49%25.51%27.74%0.27%
Datafolha 26–28 Sep1,38428%14%10%17%41%31%49%11%
Ibope 24–26 Sep2,00226%15%15%14%48%55%63%11%
Ibope 9–11 Sep1,51228%12%7%7%39%20%30%16%
Datafolha 4–6 Sep1,28926%11%7%9%46%40%61%15%
Datafolha 20–21 Aug1,21425%11%5%6%53%37%63%14%
2010 election3 Oct 201039.47%26.74%33.79%19.06%12.73%


2018 Minas Gerais gubernatorial election debates
No.Date and timeHostsModeratorsParticipants
 P  Present  A  Absent  N  Not invited  W  Withdrawn  Out  Out of the race
Zema Anastasia Pimentel LopesGuiaMarquesDulimLacerda
1.1Thursday, 16 August 2018, 22:00 Rede Bandeirantes Inácia SoaresNPPOutPPPP
1.2Saturday, 18 August 2018, 23:00 TV Alterosa, UaiBenny CohenNPPPPPPW
1.3Saturday, 29 September 2018, 13:25 RecordTV, R7, Super Notícia FMEduardo RibeiroNPPPPPP
1.4Tuesday, 2 October 2018, 22:05 TV Globo, G1 Ismar MadeiraPPPPNPP
2.1Thursday, 18 October 2018, 22:30 Rede Bandeirantes Inácia SoaresPPOut
2.2Saturday, 18 October 2018, 13:20 RecordTV, R7, Super Notícia FMCarla CecatoPP
2.3Tuesday, 23 October 2018, 17:45 TV Alterosa, UaiBenny CohenPA
2.4Thursday, 25 October 2018, 22:05 TV Globo, G1 Ismar MadeiraPP



CandidateRunning matePartyFirst roundSecond round
Romeu Zema Paulo Brant NOVO 4,138,96742.736,963,80671.80
Antônio Anastasia Marcos Montes (PSD) PSDB 2,814,70429.062,734,45228.20
Fernando Pimentel (incumbent)Jô Moraes (PCdoB) PT 2,239,37923.12
Adalclever LopesAdriana Buzelin (PV) MDB 268,6832.77
Dirlene MarquesSara Azevedo PSOL 133,9861.38
João Batista dos Mares GuiaGiovanni Corrêa REDE 56,8560.59
Claudiney DulimLeandro Ramon Avante 18,3300.19
Jordano CarvalhoVictoria de Fátima PSTU 15,7420.16
Alexandre FlachSebastião Pessoa PCO 4,088
Valid votes9,686,64779.339,698,25880.39
Invalid votes1,726,47314.141,889,54915.66
Blank votes797,5346.53476,4763.95
Total votes12,210,654100.0012,064,283100.00
Registered voters/turnout15,695,21077.8015,695,21076.87
NOVO gain from PT
Source: G1
Popular vote (first round)
Popular vote (second round)


Rodrigo Pacheco DEM 3,616,86420.49
Carlos Viana PHS 3,568,65820.22
Dinis Pinheiro Solidariedade 3,251,17518.42
Dilma Rousseff PT 2,709,22315.35
Rodrigo Paiva NOVO 1,342,6457.61
Miguel Corrêa PT 1,282,9467.27
Fábio Cherem PDT 899,8245.10
Duda Salabert PSOL 351,8741.99
Elio Lacer PPL 307,1971.74
Tulio Lopes PCB 92,1650.52
Kaka Menezes REDE 86,7710.49
Alcindor Damasceno PPL 56,1290.32
Vanessa Portugal PSTU 53,2720.30
Edson André Avante 29,8690.17
Ana Alves PCO 25,675
Valid votes17,647,43372.26
Invalid votes4,566,92918.70
Blank votes2,206,9679.04
Total votes24,421,329100.00
Registered voters/turnout31,390,42077.80
DEM gain from PSDB
PHS gain from MDB
Source: G1
Popular vote

Chamber of Deputies

Workers' Party 1,343,83313.338Decrease2.svg2
Social Liberal Party 1,100,26310.926Increase2.svg6
Brazilian Social Democracy Party 769,0337.635Decrease2.svg2
Avante 616,5626.123Increase2.svg2
Brazilian Democratic Movement 610,2056.054Decrease2.svg2
New Party 461,8594.582New
Social Democratic Party 457,3204.543Steady2.svg
Humanist Party of Solidarity 394,0333.912Increase2.svg1
Republican Party of the Social Order 377,6573.752Increase2.svg2
Progressistas 372,0003.692Decrease2.svg3
Party of the Republic 355,1843.521Decrease2.svg2
Brazilian Republican Party 354,4333.522Increase2.svg1
Brazilian Socialist Party 335,2163.333Steady2.svg
Democratic Labour Party 298,8992.972Steady2.svg
Democrats 285,9122.841Decrease2.svg1
Patriota 277,4692.752Increase2.svg2
Socialism and Liberty Party 241,9082.401Increase2.svg1
Podemos 233,6312.321Steady2.svg
Social Christian Party 202,2302.011Steady2.svg
Brazilian Labour Party 148,4281.470Decrease2.svg1
Solidariedade 131,0801.301Steady2.svg
Green Party 126,3741.250Decrease2.svg1
Brazilian Labour Renewal Party 115,6231.150Steady2.svg
Popular Socialist Party 108,2421.070Steady2.svg
Communist Party of Brazil 71,7060.710Decrease2.svg1
Christian Democracy 55,7610.550Steady2.svg
Party of National Mobilization 54,0680.541Steady2.svg
Christian Labour Party 52,4580.520Decrease2.svg1
Sustainability Network 41,7820.410New
Brazilian Woman's Party 26,6430.260New
Progressive Republican Party 23,0030.230Decrease2.svg1
Free Fatherland Party 17,1760.170Steady2.svg
Brazilian Communist Party 12,2470.120Steady2.svg
United Socialist Workers' Party 5,7820.060Steady2.svg
Valid votes10,078,02082.53
Invalid votes1,284,83910.52
Blank votes848,2706.95
Total votes12,211,129100.00
Registered voters/turnout15,695,21077.80
Source: Superior Electoral Court

Legislative Assembly

Workers' Party 1,189,18711.7510Steady2.svg
Brazilian Democratic Movement 746,1127.377Decrease2.svg3
Brazilian Republican Party 724,6267.163Increase2.svg1
Social Liberal Party 712,9577.056Increase2.svg6
Brazilian Social Democracy Party 668,0496.607Decrease2.svg2
Social Democratic Party 418,2494.134Steady2.svg
Humanist Party of Solidarity 417,6514.133Increase2.svg2
Brazilian Labour Party 398,9593.943Decrease2.svg1
Social Christian Party 394,1593.903Increase2.svg1
New Party 372,3463.683New
Green Party 336,2133.325Increase2.svg1
Democrats 299,9022.961Decrease2.svg1
Solidariedade 281,1842.782Increase2.svg2
Podemos 279,6182.762Decrease2.svg1
Democratic Labour Party 257,4102.542Decrease2.svg2
Avante 243,1842.402Decrease2.svg1
Brazilian Socialist Party 240,7792.381Decrease2.svg2
Brazilian Labour Renewal Party 221,9832.191Increase2.svg1
Patriota 217,7752.152Increase2.svg1
Communist Party of Brazil 217,0402.141Decrease2.svg2
Party of the Republic 201,9242.002Decrease2.svg1
Popular Socialist Party 199,9711.981Decrease2.svg2
Republican Party of the Social Order 189,5601.871Steady2.svg
Christian Democracy 177,6741.761Increase2.svg1
Progressistas 161,6271.601Decrease2.svg2
Socialism and Liberty Party 124,4391.231Increase2.svg1
Progressive Republican Party 110,3561.091Increase2.svg1
Christian Labour Party 104,6951.030Decrease2.svg1
Sustainability Network 98,7960.981New
Party of National Mobilization 64,4720.640Decrease2.svg1
Brazilian Communist Party 19,5850.190Steady2.svg
Free Fatherland Party 14,8420.150Steady2.svg
United Socialist Workers' Party 9,0770.090Steady2.svg
Brazilian Woman's Party 4,7410.050New
Valid votes10,119,14282.87
Invalid votes1,269,86710.40
Blank votes822,2226.73
Total votes12,211,231100.00
Registered voters/turnout15,695,21077.80
Source: Superior Electoral Court

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  1. 1 2 Ramalho, Renan (18 December 2017). "TSE aprova calendário eleitoral de 2018; normas sobre voto impresso e 'fake news' ficam para março" (in Portuguese). G1. Retrieved 27 May 2020.
  2. "Zema e Anastasia disputam 2° turno para o governo do MG" (in Portuguese). G1. 7 October 2018. Retrieved 27 May 2020.
  3. Trajano, Humberto; Freitas, Raquel (28 October 2018). "Romeu Zema, do Novo, é eleito governador de Minas Gerais" (in Portuguese). G1. Retrieved 27 May 2020.
  4. "Rodrigo Pacheco, do DEM, e Carlos Viana, do PHS, são eleitos senadores por Minas Gerais" (in Portuguese). G1. 7 October 2018. Retrieved 27 May 2020.