Artemisia campestris

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Artemisia campestris
Artemisia campestris Ypey37.jpg
1813 illustration
Status TNC G5.svg
Secure  (NatureServe)
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Asterids
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Artemisia
A. campestris
Binomial name
Artemisia campestris
L. 1753 not Pursh 1813 nor Kitam. 1940 [1]
Synonyms [2]
    • Abrotanum frutescensGilib. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Absinthium boreale(Pall.) Besser syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Absinthium campestreDulac syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Absinthium virescensJuss. ex Besser syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Artemisia allioniiNyman syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia ambiguaThunb. syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia bocconeiAll. syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia borealisPall. syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia borealis f. adamsii(Besser) J.Rousseau syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia borealis var. adamsiiBesser syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia borealis var. alluvialisKorobkov syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia borealis var. ammophilaKorobkov syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia borealis var. besseriTorr. & A.Gray syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia borealis var. canadensisBush syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia borealis f. latisecta(Fernald) J.Rousseau syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia borealis var. latisectaFernald syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia borealis var. ledebouriiBesser syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia borealis subsp. mertensii(Besser ex Poljakov) V.P.Ameljczenko syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia borealis var. mertensiiBesser syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia borealis subsp. purshii(Besser ex Hook) Hultén syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia borealis f. purshii(Besser ex Hook) J.Rousseau syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia borealis var. purshiiBesser syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia borealis var. spithamaea(Pursh) Torr. & A.Gray syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia borealis f. typicaJ.Rousseau syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia borealis f. wormskioldii(Besser) J.Rousseau syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia borealis var. wormskioldiiBesser syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia bothnicaLundstr. ex Nyman syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Artemisia campestris var. borealis(Pall.) M.Peck syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia campestris var. canadensis(Michx.) S.L.Welsh syn. of subsp. canadensis
    • Artemisia campestris var. caudata(Michx.) B.L.Turner syn. of subsp. caudata
    • Artemisia campestris var. glutinosa(J.Gay ex Besser) Y.R.Ling syn. of subsp. glutinosa
    • Artemisia campestris var. pacifica(Nutt.) M.Peck syn. of subsp. pacifica
    • Artemisia campestris var. petiolataS.L.Welsh syn. of subsp. pacifica
    • Artemisia campestris var. purshii(Besser) Cronquist syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia campestris var. scouleriana(Besser ex Hook.) Cronquist syn. of subsp. pacifica
    • Artemisia campestris subsp. spithamaea(Pursh) H.M.Hall & Clem. syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia campestris var. spithamaea(Pursh) M.Peck syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia campestris var. strutzaeS.L.Welsh syn. of subsp. pacifica
    • Artemisia campestris subsp. typicaH.M.Hall & Clem.
    • Artemisia campestris var. wormskioldii(Besser ex Hook) Cronquist syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia camporumRydb. syn. of subsp. pacifica
    • Artemisia camtschaticaSchltdl. ex Ledeb. syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia canadensisMichx. syn. of subsp. canadensis
    • Artemisia canadensis f. dutillyanusJ.Rousseau ex Lepage syn. of subsp. canadensis
    • Artemisia canadensis f. peucedanifolia(Juss. ex DC.) J.Rousseau syn. of subsp. canadensis
    • Artemisia canadensis f. pumilaJ.Rousseau syn. of subsp. canadensis
    • Artemisia canadensis f. repustrisJ.Rousseau syn. of subsp. canadensis
    • Artemisia canadensis f. typicaJ.Rousseau syn. of subsp. canadensis
    • Artemisia caudataMichx. syn. of subsp. caudata
    • Artemisia caudata var. calvensLunell syn. of subsp. caudata
    • Artemisia caudata f. forwoodii(S.Watson) J.Rousseau syn. of subsp. caudata
    • Artemisia caudata var. majusculaJ.Rousseau syn. of subsp. caudata
    • Artemisia caudata f. puberaJ.Rousseau syn. of subsp. caudata
    • Artemisia caudata var. rydbergianaB.Boivin syn. of subsp. caudata
    • Artemisia caudata f. typicaJ.Rousseau syn. of subsp. caudata
    • Artemisia clausonisPomel syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Artemisia coarctataTurcz. ex Ledeb. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Artemisia collinaSchur syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Artemisia commutata var. hookeriana(Besser) Besser syn. of subsp. pacifica
    • Artemisia commutata var. scouleriana(Besser) Besser syn. of subsp. pacifica
    • Artemisia cordataAlph.Wood syn. of subsp. caudata
    • Artemisia desertorum var. hookerianaBesser syn. of subsp. pacifica
    • Artemisia desertorum var. scoulerianaBesser syn. of subsp. pacifica
    • Artemisia dniproicaKlokov syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Artemisia forwoodiiS.Watson syn. of subsp. caudata
    • Artemisia forwoodii var. calvens(Lunell) Lunell syn. of subsp. caudata
    • Artemisia gelidaLedeb. syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia glabrescensStokes syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Artemisia glutinosaJ.Gay syn. of subsp. glutinosa
    • Artemisia glutinosaJ.Gay ex Besser syn. of subsp. glutinosa
    • Artemisia groenlandicaHornem. syn. of subsp. canadensis
    • Artemisia helveticaSchleich. syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia hermaphroditaKit. ex Ledeb. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Artemisia infirmaS.G.Gmel. ex Ledeb. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Artemisia italicaM.Bieb. ex Ledeb. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Artemisia jussieanaJ.Gay ex Besser syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Artemisia lanataLam. syn. of subsp. glutinosa
    • Artemisia lednicensisRochel ex Spreng. syn. of subsp. lednicensis
    • Artemisia monspeliensisNyman syn. of subsp. glutinosa
    • Artemisia nanaGaudin syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia neapolitanaTen. syn. of subsp. glutinosa
    • Artemisia noricaLeyb. syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia norvegica var. pacifica(Nutt.) A.Gray syn. of subsp. pacifica
    • Artemisia occitanicaSalzm. ex DC. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Artemisia odoratissimaDesf. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Artemisia pacificaNutt. syn. of subsp. pacifica
    • Artemisia pallasiiWilld. ex Spreng. syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia paniculataSch.Bip. ex Willk. syn. of subsp. glutinosa
    • Artemisia peucedanifoliaJuss. ex DC. syn. of subsp. canadensis
    • Artemisia proceraLapeyr. syn. of subsp. glutinosa
    • Artemisia purshianaBesser syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia ripicolaRydb. syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia salignaTen. syn. of subsp. glutinosa
    • Artemisia santonicumSiev. ex Besser syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Artemisia scoulerianaRydb. syn. of subsp. pacifica
    • Artemisia spithamaeaPursh syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia stelleriSteven ex Ledeb. syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia tenuifoliaBubani syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Artemisia variabilisTen. syn. of subsp. variabilis
    • Artemisia vermiculataSchangin ex DC. syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia violaceaLedeb. syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Artemisia viscosaDC. syn. of subsp. glutinosa
    • Draconia campestris(L.) Soják
    • Draconia campestris subsp. borealis(Pall.) Soják syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Draconia campestris subsp. bottnica(Lundstr. ex Kindb.) Soják syn. of subsp. bottnica
    • Draconia campestris subsp. glutinosa(DC.) Soják syn. of subsp. glutinosa
    • Draconia campestris f. oligocephala(Abrom.) Sutorý syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus borealis(Pall.) Poljakov syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Oligosporus brachylobusJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus brachyphyllusJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus brevicaulisJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus campestris(L.) Cass.
    • Oligosporus campestris subsp. caudatus(Michx.) W.A.Weber syn. of subsp. caudata
    • Oligosporus campestris subsp. pacificus(Nutt.) W.A.Weber syn. of subsp. pacifica
    • Oligosporus canadensis(Michx.) Poljakov syn. of subsp. canadensis
    • Oligosporus caudatus(Michx.) Poljakov syn. of subsp. caudata
    • Oligosporus collinusJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus delphinensisJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus eoythrocladusJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus floribundusJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus fuscatusJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus glutinosus(J.Gay ex Besser) Poljakov syn. of subsp. glutinosa
    • Oligosporus glutinosusFourr. syn. of subsp. glutinosa
    • Oligosporus griseusJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus groenlandicus(Hornem.) Á.Löve & D.Löve syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Oligosporus implexusJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus jussieanus(J.Gay ex Besser) Poljakov syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus laxatusJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus littoreusJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus monspeliensisJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. glutinosa
    • Oligosporus monticolaJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus nanus(Gaudin) Poljakov syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Oligosporus orophilusJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus pacificus(Nutt.) Poljakov syn. of subsp. pacifica
    • Oligosporus parvulusJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus peucedanifolius(Juss. ex DC.) Poljakov syn. of subsp. borealis
    • Oligosporus pubescensJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus pyramidatusJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus stenocladusJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus suberectusJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus tenuifoliusJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus variabilis(Ten.) Poljakov syn. of subsp. glutinosa
    • Oligosporus virescensJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
    • Oligosporus xylopodusJord. & Fourr. syn. of subsp. campestris
Artemisia campestris near the Baltic Sea Mrzezyno Artemisia campestris littoral sprout 2010.jpg
Artemisia campestris near the Baltic Sea

Artemisia campestris is a common and widespread species of plants in the sunflower family, Asteraceae. It is native to a wide region of Eurasia and North America. [3] Common names include field wormwood, [4] beach wormwood, [5] northern wormwood, [6] Breckland wormwood, [7] boreal wormwood, Canadian wormwood, field sagewort and field mugwort. [8] [9] [10]


Artemisia campestris is a branching, aromatic plant up to 150 cm (5 ft) tall. It grows in open sites on dry sandy soils, in steppes, rocky slopes, and waste areas. [9]


The following subspecies are accepted: [2]

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  1. "Artemisia campestris". The Global Compositae Checklist (GCC) via The Plant List. Note that this website has been superseded by World Flora Online
  2. 1 2 "Artemisia campestris L." Plants of the World Online. Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Retrieved 13 May 2021.
  3. Hill, Chris (2021-02-03). "'Incredibly rare' plants burst into life on busy industrial estate". East Anglian Daily Times. Retrieved 2021-02-05.
  4. BSBI List 2007 (xls). Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland. Archived from the original (xls) on 2015-06-26. Retrieved 2014-10-17.
  5. Hilty, John (2020). "Beach Wormwood (Artemisia campestris caudata)". Illinois Wildflowers.
  6. Second alternative name
  7. "3rd alternative name". Archived from the original on 2012-04-09. Retrieved 2012-02-15.
  8. Shultz, Leila M. (2006). "Artemisia campestris". In Flora of North America Editorial Committee (ed.). Flora of North America North of Mexico (FNA). Vol. 19. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press via, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA.
  9. 1 2 Lin, Yourun; Humphries, Christopher J.; Gilbert, Michael G. "Artemisia campestris". Flora of China. Vol. 20–21 via, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA.
  10. Altervista Flora Italiana, Assenzio di campo, Artemisia campestris L.