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An Asian fetish is a strong sexual or romantic preference for people of Asian descent or heritage. The term usually refers to women specifically of East or Southeast Asian descent, [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] though may also include those of South Asian descent. [5] [6]
The origins of sexually "fetishizing" the people of Asia are unclear. Male Dutch colonists fetishized Southeast Asian women in colonial Indonesia, on the basis of the darker skin and hair color of the local women. [7] Similar accounts were reported in other colonised territories such as British India where it was common for English men to have Indian mistresses against a backdrop where Indian women were sexualised through, what scholars describe as, a typical colonial gaze and viewed as seductive, sensual and exotic. [5] After World War 2, Japanese women gained prominence in American beauty pageants, at a time when large numbers of Japanese war brides were entering the United States. [8]
Targets of Asian fetish report a number of harms and psychological burdens as a result of being fetishized, such as anxiety and doubt about the motivations of those who display interest and difficulty asserting their individuality while being reduced to their race and gender. [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
The derogatory term yellow fever (not be confused with the disease) is sometimes used to describe the fetishization of East Asians and Southeast Asian men/women by non-Asians, as well as having a preference for dating or marrying men/women of East Asian and Southeast Asian origin. [4] The usage of "yellow" stems from the color terminology for race that is sometimes applied to people of East Asian descent.
While this article and the underlying research largely focuses on heterosexual males with Asian fetish (and mostly White American heterosexual males), Asian fetish can also be homosexual, directed at Asian men, and be held by people of all races who are not Asian. [16]
Although there are multiple theories about the origin of the Asian fetish, it has been posited that modern Asian fetishism in the United States emerged in the aftermath of US-led wars in Asia. [17] [18]
In the 1800s, after the opening of Japan by Matthew Perry, word began to spread in the United States about the seductive femininity of Asian women. [19] Nationalistic fears that Asian women would seduce White men and destroy White families led to the passage of the Page Act of 1875, which prevented Chinese women from entering the United States. [19] [20] However, another purpose of the ban was to limit the reproduction of the Chinese working class in America. [21]
As early as the 1920s, it was noticed that Dutch men preferred South East Asian women over Dutch women. [7] When Indonesia was a colony of the Netherlands, a new beauty ideal was established, which ranked local women with light brown skin and lustrous black hair at the top. [7] The American consul general to Indonesia remarked that, to the average man, a mixed-race Indonesian woman was considered more attractive than a "pure" Dutch woman, because Dutch women's complexions were too pale. [7]
After World War II, the U.S. military occupied Japan, and U.S. soldiers began to interact with Japanese women. [22] Although the American military initially forbid relations with Japanese women; the U.S. servicemen were "enamored" by the femininity of Japanese women, and formed relationships with them anyway. [22] There was a perception that Japanese women were superior to American women, [22] and there was a widespread sentiment "that a Japanese woman's heart was twice as big as those of her American sisters". [22]
In 1959, Akiko Kojima, a Japanese woman, became the first non-White woman to win the Miss Universe beauty pageant. [23] That same year, Miyoshi Umeki, also a Japanese woman, won an Academy Award. This period marked the beginning of the phenomenon known as the 'Oriental wave' – during which Asian women first gained prominence in Western media. [8] The wave mainstreamed a certain type of Asian femininity: slender, shy, and intelligent; yet also sexual. [8] It also marked the beginning of the end of White women's dominance as the mainstream beauty ideal in America. [8]
A common term used for Asian fetishization (particularly with East and Southeast Asians) is yellow fever. The term is used as a derogatory pun on the disease of the same name, comparing those with a fetish for East and Southeast Asians or "Orientals" to people who are infected with a disease. [1] Yellow fever is used in Asian fetishization to refer to the color terminology of people of East Asian descent (and some Southeast Asians) because historically, persons of East Asian heritage have been described as "yellow people" based on the tone of their skin. [9] Hwang argues that this phenomenon is caused by the stereotyping of Asians in Western society. The term yellow fever is analogous to the term jungle fever , a derogatory expression used for racial fetishism associated with dating between different races. [9]
Alexandra Mathieu notes of two different types of fetishism that deal with race: in racial fetishism, stereotypes associated with race become coveted reality with value placed on it instead of mere construction, which differs from sexual fetishism, where body part or object is fetishized or imbued with sexual associations and value. Association of behavior would be racial fetishism, whereas sexual association of characteristic look would be sexual fetishism. [24]
In 2007, a study using a sample of 400 Columbia University students at a speed dating event did not find evidence of a preference among White men for women of East Asian descent. The study found that most people preferred to date within their own race. [25]
A 2013 study using a sample of 126,000 OkCupid users in the US found that all races initiated chats with their own race the most. [26]
Another 2013 study using a sample of 934,000 online daters in 20 US cities found that Asian women received the most messages on average, however, the authors also noted that own-race preference was the predominant trend. The authors noted that their results "contradict the popular belief that [...] white men prefer Asian women over white women". [27]
A 2015 study using a sample of 58,880 online daters in 9 Western European countries found that non-Hispanic White women were the most preferred group of women by far, followed by Hispanic and then Asian women. This tendency surpassed own-race preference as the predominant trend. [28]
A 2018 study using a sample of 187,000 online daters in 4 US cities found that Asian women were the most desired group of women. [29] [30]
In 2012, a UK study found that Asian women were rated as more attractive than White and Black women. It was proposed that because Asian women's features are perceived as more feminine, they are considered more attractive than other women, which could explain the high rate of interracial marriages between Asian women and White men in the UK and US. [31] A 2018 facial manipulation experiment conducted in Australia was consistent with these hypotheses, finding both Asian and White participants chose to reduce Asian women's "masculine" facial traits less than White women's, which the authors conclude suggests that Asian faces may be more feminine to begin with. [32]
In contrast, a 2013 Australian study on facial attractiveness with Asian and White participants found that Asian and White women's faces were not different in attractiveness overall, although a slight own-race bias was observed. However, when rating composite faces (the average of many faces, grouped by race, as opposed to real faces), all participants rated the composite faces more highly and rated White women's composite faces the highest. In a follow-up experiment, the researchers found that there was no difference in Asian and White women's perceived facial femininity. [33]
A 2008 American study on female facial attractiveness with majority White participants (27 men and 45 women; with a significant proportion of East Asian, and few Black, Hispanic, or Middle-Eastern participants) found that White women's faces were rated most attractive. The study showed gradations of computer-generated racial mixes to the participants in increments of one-quarter. The top three rated faces were 100% White, 75% White 25% Black, and 75% White 25% Asian. To the researchers' surprise, Asian women's faces were rated significantly less attractive than White or Black faces in this study. [34]
While the perceived femininity and sexual capital of Asian women may depend on the population studied, Zheng (2016) argues that attraction is influenced significantly by culture, stating "sexualized stereotypes of Asian women contributes to an individual’s sexually preferring them, even if that contribution is not obvious or accessible to introspection." [35]
Encounters with Asian fetishists are a familiar experience for many Asian-American women. [10] [18] [36] [37] Asian women may pick up on clues, such as a history of only dating Asians, even warning each other about potential hotspots for Asian fetishists. While several authors have complicated feelings about the subject, [38] [39] [40] most express frustration at opinions from non-Asians that fetishization is a good thing, [10] [11] [12] [13] pointing out its negative aspects and deconstructing the harmful meanings it entails. [9]
Targets of Asian fetish report feeling depersonalized or homogenized, making them interchangeable with any other Asian woman. [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] Depersonalization is particularly negative in a romantic context, where people want to be recognized as individuals. [9] Depersonalization is a closely related concept to objectification. Some authors have written that the objectification of Asian women can lead to violence if the women are seen as objects rather than people. [41] [42] [43] [44]
Another reported harm of Asian fetishization is the feeling of being "othered", or conceived of outside mainstream norms. Possessing "exotic beauty", as opposed to just "beauty", carries the meaning that the type of beauty is necessarily linked to being Asian. [10] [11] If this is the case, one can only attain beauty by fulfilling stereotypes about Asians. The struggle to have sexuality, but not be defined by racial sexuality, becomes very complicated. [9] [40]
These feelings and the psychological burden they entail can persist even when romantic suitors hold no fetishistic intent. The possibility of an Asian fetish or an awareness of the concept can create anxiety and potentially discourage romantic pursuit. [9] [39]
Nonetheless, some Asian women may embrace certain stereotypes about Asians, such as intelligence and rising Asian economic power. Others may find advantage in wielding the sexual power it grants, creating strategies to turn the tables and exploit the men who are drawn by racialized femininity. [45] [14] [38]
Some research has sought to determine how American culture might affect Asian-American body satisfaction. No clear consensus exists. In a meta-analysis of research, Asian-American women showed near-zero difference in average body satisfaction compared to White American women. [46]
Kumiko Nemoto writes that since the beginning of the twentieth century, there has been a stereotype of the Asian woman as subservient, loyal, and family oriented. [47] [48] After World War II, particularly feminine images of Asian women made interracial marriage between Asian American women and White men popular. [47] Asian femininity and White masculinity are seen as a sign of modern middle-class manhood. [47] [48] Postcolonial and model minority femininity may attract some White men to Asian and Asian American women and men see this femininity as the perfect marital dynamic. [47] Some White men racialize Asian women as "good wives" or "model minorities" because of how Asian women are stereotyped as being particularly feminine. [47] [48]
In preparation for a documentary on Asian fetish called Seeking Asian Female, Chinese-American filmmaker Debbie Lum interviewed non-Asian men who posted online personal ads exclusively seeking Asian women. Things that the men found appealing in Asian women included long black hair, a "mysterious" appearance with dark eyes, possibly increased consideration for their partner, subtlety and quietness, as well as Asian women's eyelids. Lum characterized the preconceived stereotype associated with an Asian fetish as an obsession with seeking "somebody submissive, traditional, docile... the perfect wife who is not going to talk back", but found she had to overcome stereotypes and expectations just like the participants did. [49]
In interviews done by Bitna Kim, "Caucasian" men explain their fetish for Asian women. The Caucasian men interviewed fantasize that an Asian woman possesses both beauty and brains, that she is "sexy, intelligent, successful, professional, caring, and family oriented"; that she does not wear "White girl clothes" and heavy makeup, and that they are not high maintenance. [50] Hence, the men believe that Asian women have respectable mannerisms. [50] These men see Asian women to be exotic, thus desirable, because of their supposed mysterious beauty and possession of a physical appearance perceived to be petite. [50] Sexually, the men in these interviews had a commonality. While almost all disagreed with describing Asian women as submissive, they all believed that Asian women have submissive sex ("liking to explore new positions, being willing to experiment, or enjoying kinky sex, such as spanking"). They believed that an Asian woman was agreeable and did not mind pleasing men. [50] These interviews show that some "Caucasian" men with Asian fetish believe that an Asian woman embodies a perfect wife as a "princess in public and a whore in the bedroom". [50]
Historically, the number of Thai women marrying Western men began to rise in the 1950s and 1960s as a result of Prime Minister Sarit Thanarat's economic policies which attracted foreign investment and Western men to Thailand. There is a social stigma in the country against Thai women marrying White men, who are also referred to as farang (a term used for people of European origin), but research published in 2015 indicated that an increasing number of young middle-class Thai women were marrying foreign men. A generation earlier, Thai women marrying foreign men had mostly been working class. [51]
Sources indicate that Sri Lanka is popular among Western "marriage bureaus" which specialize in the pairing of men who were "Europeans, North Americans and other westerners" with foreign women. [52] The first and largest wave of Sri Lankan immigrants to Denmark were Sinhalese women who came to the country in the 1970s to marry Danish men they had met back in Sri Lanka. [53]
Filipina, Thai, and Sri Lankan women have traveled as mail-order brides to Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. [54] Venny Villapando writes that many of the countries affected by the modern mail-order bride business, typically those in East and South-East Asia, have a history of US military involvement. Soldiers stationed in these countries developed ideas of Asian women as sex workers, bargirls and geishas, and applied the resultant stereotype of sexualized obedience to Asian-American women. The marketing techniques used by mail-order bride companies generally reinforce this stereotype. [55] Statistics detailing the sponsorship of spouses and fiancées to Australia from 1988 to 1991 show that more women from the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Indonesia, South Korea, and India were sponsored for citizenship than men from the same countries. [56]
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Sex tourism is a social phenomenon where individuals, generally heterosexual men from wealthier countries, travel to other countries, in search of sexual experiences. Several countries in Southeast Asia, particularly with strong economic disparities with western countries, have become destinations for sex tourism. Some of these countries include Thailand, the Philippines, Cambodia and Vietnam. [57] [58] [ irrelevant citation ]
Data published in 1999 indicated that an estimated 200,000 to 400,000 German men annually traveled abroad for sex tourism, with the Philippines, Thailand, South Korea, Sri Lanka, and Hong Kong as their main destinations. [59] For some White men, sex tourism to countries such as Thailand is built around a fantasy that includes the possibility of finding love and romance. According to Dr. David Jedlicka's 1983 study, this idea is based on the stereotype of "the Oriental woman" who is considered to be beautiful and sexually exciting as well as caring, compliant, and submissive. [60] Kimberly Hoang writes that there may be mistaken conflation of "submission" with "care". [61]
Although not as widely recognized as male sex tourism, there have also been cases of western female sex tourism in Indonesia, including Bali. [62] [63]
Anecdotal reports have stated that some western women visiting South Korea seek Korean boyfriends in the hope of fulfilling a fantasy based on K-drama archetypes. This is one aspect of a larger trend called "Hallyu tourists". Some authors are concerned that this trend simplifies Korean men into stereotypes, ignoring their complexity as individuals and the realities of relationships. [64] [65] [66]
Mirroring the larger mainstream culture, within hip-hop culture, Asian women have long been fetishized. [67] [68] [69] [70] [71] The hip hop group 2 Live Crew eroticized Asian women in their 1988 hit single " Me So Horny ", which topped the charts in the Netherlands. [72] The song was so sexually explicit that the State of Florida banned its sale, however the ban was later overturned after 2 Live Crew filed a free speech lawsuit. [73] [74] In later songs, 2 Live Crew spoke about their fetish for Asian women, and their desire to have sex with Japanese women. [67] Asian models were featured prominently in their music videos. [67]
According to Marenda Tran, Asian women in the media tend to be portrayed in two ways: as an exotic foreigner, docile and nonthreatening and sexual but also innocent; or as the nerd who is still aesthetically pleasing, but also emotionless and career-oriented. This leads many Asian women to believe that they have to be in one of these boxes. It tends to convey the message that if they are smart, they cannot be sexual; or, if they are sexual, they tend to not be aware of it. [75] By the late 2010s, movies such as Crazy Rich Asians and The Farewell began to break these boundaries, but they are movies that center around the Asian experience, allowing for more diversity across Asian characters.
In her essay "Hateful Contraries: Media Images of Asian Women", British filmmaker Pratibha Parmar comments that the media's imagery of Asian women is "contradictory" in that it represents them as "completely dominated by their men, mute and oppressed" while also showing them as "sexually erotic creatures". [76]
In her essay Lotus Blossoms Don't Bleed: Images of Asian Women, American filmmaker Renee Tajima-Peña identifies two basic stereotypes of Asian women in the United States.. The "Lotus Blossom Baby" is a feminine and delicate sexual-romantic object. In contrast, the "Dragon Lady" is treacherous and devious, and in some cases, a madam. Tajima suggests that this view of Asian women contributes to the existence of the Asian mail-order bride industry in the US. [77]
Porn performers Saya Song, Jade Kush, and Venus Lux have voiced their objections to being cast in heavily stereotyped roles. They point toward creator-oriented platforms in the hope that they will grant performers autonomy. [78]
Asa Akira was uncomfortable with fetishization early in her career, but has since grown to embrace it, saying, "I mean, it’s not like guys are watching my movies and laughing. They’re watching my movies and masturbating." [79] Mika Tan sees Asian fetishization in porn as a relatively harmless replacement for "trolling the bars with the intent of getting rid of [...] sexual frustrations on any woman who happens along". Her opinion is that "Porn does not create fetishes, it caters to them." [80]
Philosophy and sociology scholars have also examined Asian fetishization in porn. In Robin Zheng's view, the ubiquity and custom-tailored nature of internet pornography "plays a central role in licensing the self-identification with and public recognition of racialized sexual preferences like yellow fever". She further states that the pornography industry stands to benefit from encouraging Asian fetish as a distinct category to suit their marketing needs. [81]
Some scholars have theorized the ways in which fetishization in pornography may exacerbate racial stereotypes, with others highlighting the ways Asian porn performers are able to challenge racial stereotypes within their films, while also refuting the idea that they themselves have no control or agency. [82] Zheng says that there is "no way to win" in this scenario: that Asian presence and absence in pornography both have significant downsides. [81]
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Gossett and Byrne conducted a content analysis study of 31 "internet rape sites" in 2002 and found that thirty-four of the 56 clear images analyzed depicted Asian women as victims, and that nearly half of the sites contained either text references or images of Asian women. [83] [84] [85] In 2016, Zhou and Paul looked at a sample of 3053 videos from XVideos, and found that the 170 videos in the Asian women category had much less aggression, and less objectification than other categories, but that the performers also had less agency in their scenes. [86] In 2019, Shor and Golriz looked at a sample of 172 videos from Pornhub, and they found that the 25+ videos in the Asian/Japanese category had considerably more aggression than those of other categories. [87] Miller & McBain and Rothman deem that findings of the depictions of Asian women and race in pornography aren't consistent or comprehensive. [88] [89]
...the first Japanese, the first Asian, and, in more recent American terminology, the first woman of color to win the Miss Universe contest...
The perception that White faces are more masculine than Asian faces provides support for Lewis' (2012) hypothesis that interracial marriage can be explained by differences in sexual dimorphism and thus advances our understanding of the gender asymmetries in interracial marriage.
Not all of us agree, for instance, that the current trend of "Asian fetish" is bad. In fact, for some of us, the new visibility of Asian women, even though stereotyped, can actually be liberating. As Melissa de la Cruz wrote... "I find something deliciously wicked and liberating about it...In one breath it banishes the image of the asexual, four-eyed, Asian superbrain forever, replacing it with a certain prurient attractiveness reserved only for femmes fatales. Asian fetish? Where do I sign on?"
But the targets of racial fetish can also exploit this erotic capital to their own economic advantage, as in the trope of Singaporean "Sarong Party Girls", who deliberately chase after white men (Hudson 2015)..."
This is not some sort of "yellow fever" or "koreaboo" thing nor any other misnomer given to fetishization. This is the glorification and the demeaning treatment of Korean men and must be chided.
Mirroring the larger white mainstream culture, some practitioners of hip hop have borrowed liberally from Asian culture, or have borrowed from the white mainstream's appropriation of Asian culture. The group 2 Live Crew sampled the Vietnamese woman from Full Metal Jacket saying me love you long time. Rappers sport kanji tattoos, sample Asian music, wear Asian clothes, brag about being accepted in Japan, brag about all the Japanese women they've slept with, admit fetishes for Asian women, and put Asian models in their videos.
The woman of color as whore was easily transplanted onto Latina women and is egregiously represented in the tropes of the Jezebel and the Asian school girl.
Hip-hop has also changed in recent years. Although still very popular with white kids today, it's no longer the exclusive means to, or definition of, cool. The shift has come largely because hip-hop is no longer a singular force: it has integrated with [...] Asian cool (there is an infatuation with Asian women in rap videos; Asian-themed hip-hop music videos and kung-fu/hip-hop action movies abound); [...])
In rap music videos, Asian women are seen as sexual objects as they dance...
Hentai is a style of Japanese pornographic anime and manga. In addition to anime and manga, hentai works exist in a variety of media, including artwork and video games.
Bondage pornography, also referred to as bondage erotica is the depiction of sexual bondage or other BDSM activities using photographs, stories, films or drawings. Though often described as pornography, the genre involves the presentation of bondage fetishism or BDSM scenarios and does not necessarily involve the commonly understood pornographic styles. In fact, the genre is primarily interested with the presentation of a bondage scene and less with depictions of sexuality, such as nudity or sex scenes, which may be viewed as a distraction from the aesthetics and eroticism of the sex scenario itself.
Sexual fetishism or erotic fetishism is a sexual fixation on a nonliving object or body part. The object of interest is called the fetish; the person who has a fetish for that object is a fetishist. A sexual fetish may be regarded as a mental disorder if it causes significant psychosocial distress for the person or has detrimental effects on important areas of their life. Sexual arousal from a particular body part can be further classified as partialism.
Sexual objectification is the act of treating a person solely as an object of sexual desire. Objectification more broadly means treating a person as a commodity or an object without regard to their personality or dignity. Objectification is most commonly examined at the level of a society (sociology), but can also refer to the behavior of individuals (psychology), and is a type of dehumanization.
As a paraphilia, breast fetishism is a sexual interest that focuses exclusively on the female breasts, and is a type of partialism. The term breast fetishism is also used in the non-paraphilic sense, to refer to cultural attention to female breasts and the sexuality they represent.
Ethnic pornography is a genre of pornography featuring performers of specific ethnic groups, or depictions of interracial sexual activity.
LGBTQ stereotypes are stereotypes about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people based on their sexual orientations, gender identities, or gender expressions. Stereotypical perceptions may be acquired through interactions with parents, teachers, peers and mass media, or, more generally, through a lack of firsthand familiarity, resulting in an increased reliance on generalizations.
Sexualization is the emphasis of the sexual nature of a behavior or person. Sexualization is linked to sexual objectification, treating a person solely as an object of sexual desire. According to the American Psychological Association, sexualization occurs when "individuals are regarded as sex objects and evaluated in terms of their physical characteristics and sexiness." "In study after study, findings have indicated that women more often than men are portrayed in a sexual manner and are objectified. In addition, a narrow standard of physical beauty is heavily emphasized. These are the models of femininity presented for young girls to study and emulate."
Stereotypes of East Asians in the United States are ethnic stereotypes found in American society about first-generation immigrants and their American-born descendants and citizenry with East Asian ancestry or whose family members who recently emigrated to the United States from East Asia, as well as members of the Chinese diaspora whose family members emigrated from Southeast Asian countries. Stereotypes of East Asians, analogous to other ethnic and racial stereotypes, are often erroneously misunderstood and negatively portrayed in American mainstream media, cinema, music, television, literature, video games, internet, as well as in other forms of creative expression in American culture and society. Many of these commonly generalized stereotypes are largely correlative to those that are also found in other Anglosphere countries, such as in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, as entertainment and mass media are often closely interlinked between them.
Stereotypes of African Americans are misleading beliefs about the culture of people with partial or total ancestry from any black racial groups of Africa whose ancestors resided in the United States since before 1865. These stereotypes are largely connected to the racism and the discrimination faced by African Americans. These beliefs date back to the slavery of black people during the colonial era and they have evolved within American society over time.
Uniform fetishism is a particular type of clothing fetishism in which an individual is sexually aroused by uniforms. It is a form of sexual fetishism. Uniform fetishism has been associated with a variety of different uniforms, including schoolgirl and cheerleader uniforms, French maid uniforms, and uniforms associated with police or military organisations.
Omorashi, sometimes abbreviated as simply "omo", is a form of fetish subculture first categorized and predominately recognized in Japan, in which a person experiences arousal from the idea or feeling of having a full bladder and potentially wetting themselves, or from witnessing another person in that situation.
Cultural history of the buttocks has included various art forms as well as a sexualization of the buttocks which has occurred throughout history.
Racism is a concern for many in the Western lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBTQ) communities, with members of racial, ethnic, and national minorities reporting having faced discrimination from other LGBT people.
The feminine beauty ideal is a specific set of beauty standards regarding traits that are ingrained in women throughout their lives and from a young age to increase their perceived physical attractiveness. It is experienced by many women in the world, though the traits change over time and vary in country and culture.
In feminist theory, the male gaze is the act of depicting women and the world in the visual arts and in literature from a masculine, heterosexual perspective that presents and represents women as sexual objects for the pleasure of the heterosexual male viewer. The concept was first articulated by British feminist film theorist Laura Mulvey in her 1975 essay, Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. Mulvey's theory draws on historical precedents, such as the depiction of women in European oil paintings from the Renaissance period, where the female form was often idealized and presented from a voyeuristic male perspective. Art historian John Berger, in his work Ways of Seeing (1972), highlighted how traditional Western art positioned women as subjects of male viewers’ gazes, reinforcing a patriarchal visual narrative.
Concepts of race and sexuality have interacted in various ways in different historical contexts. While partially based on physical similarities within groups, race is understood by scientists to be a social construct rather than a biological reality. Human sexuality involves biological, erotic, physical, emotional, social, or spiritual feelings and behaviors.
Big black cock, usually shortened to BBC, is a sexual slang term and a genre of ethnic pornography that focuses on black men with large penises. The theme is found in both straight and gay pornography. The genre is based on the debunked idea that black men have lager penises on average than white men.
Being overweight or obese has influence on the sexuality of people in various different aspects. It can include negative aspects such as stigmatization which can be an obstacle for romantic developments, sexual dysfunction and an increased chance of risky sexual behavior. It can also have positive aspects in the form of fat fetishism.
"Racism against Asians" refers to racist policies, discrimination against, and mistreatment of people of Asian descent by institutions and/or non-Asian people - typically in the Western world or in other countries outside Asia.