Elections in Barbados

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Elections in Barbados are held to choose members to fill elective offices in the House of Assembly. Elections are held on Election Day. These general elections do not have fixed dates, but must be called within five years of the opening of parliament following the last election. [1] A former minister of the DLP, Warwick Franklin summed up the general elections process in Barbados as saying it is really just, "30 by-elections on the same day."


Barbadian election rules are bound by certain parts of the local Constitution, various other separate legislation, and other regulations or administrative rules, [2] or Regulations made by the Commission. [3]

The politics in recent years are two-party, dominated by the centre-left Barbados Labour Party and the social-democratic Democratic Labour Party. Presently, it is difficult for other parties to achieve electoral success.


Elections in Barbados are the responsibility of the Electoral and Boundaries Commission (E&BC). [4] The E&BC is an independent body under the Prime Minister's Office (in his or her capacity as Minister of Finance.), which is responsible for the E&BC's actual financial administration. The E&BC is headed by the Chief Electoral Officer, and has five members/commissioners, who are chosen based solely on expertise. These members are chosen by both the prime minister and opposition, and can serve for a term of 5 years. [5]

Voting eligibility

Voting in Barbados by law is voluntary, with registration for elections undertaken by the Election Management Body (EMB). The requirements for voter eligibility are the following :


For an election to take place the President must formally issue a writ thus requiring an election be held.

Shortly before Election Day, a card will be mailed to Constituents indicating the location of their polling station. To take part during Elections Day, the electorate visits their specified polling station where they are registered for the national elections. At the polling station, eligible voter must present their National ID card to be given a single paper ballot. To cast a vote, the elector must manually mark their ballot. They do so by placing a cross ("X") next to the candidate they want to represent them. (Any other mark or comment on the paper renders it an invalid ballot.) Upon completion, the anonymous ballot is then placed into a sealed ballot box for later counting.

Voting outside the country by the general public is not allowed at Barbados' various High Commissions, Embassies, and Consulates. However, diplomatic staff may vote [10] Representation of the People's Act, "A person is qualified to be treated as a foreign service elector at any election in any constituency who is (a)serving abroad as the Head of a Mission or a member of the Staff of a Mission; (b)a member of the household of a person mentioned in paragraph (a)"


Ballot counting is undertaken at special counting centres. [11] The ballot boxes are collected from each polling station in the constituency and taken to the counting centre. There, the seals are checked before the boxes are opened and the votes for each candidate are counted. The winner is determined by plurality voting. [12] When the counting finishes, the results of voting in that constituency are announced by the returning officer, who declares the winner of the election.


Local government was dissolved between 1967 and 1969 when an Interim Commissioner for Local Government was set up to transfer all duties to the national government. This left solely the national government. Under the present system, the electors do not vote directly for a Prime Minister. Instead, electors vote on the running candidates in their constituency to choose whom they want to represent them in the House of Assembly. All other positions in the government are inherited, nominative or directly appointed.



The eligibility requirements of contesting in the elections are the following :

In order to become a candidate, there is a signature requirement which requires for nomination by at least 4 electors. Further, the potential candidate must also meet the deposit requirement of equivalent to BBD$250 (Barbados dollars), reimbursed if the candidate is elected or obtains more than 1/6 of the total votes cast in the constituency.


Candidates do not receive public funding and no provisions have been created for such. There is no allocation of free broadcast time or free printed advertisement space to political parties and as such, candidates must pay for all advertising of their own campaigns. The practice of televised debates between candidates has happened in the past but is not commonplace in the process of elections. Some bodies, such as The Caribbean Development Research Services (CADRES) and The Cave Hill Associates Polling Organisation (Chapo)/Boxhil, may undertake their own opinion polls leading up to election day but the government generally doesn't undertake any polls.


Recounts are conducted by request of any candidate contesting in the general election. In the event of a dispute of any candidate, the Election Court (comprising three Judges) is responsible for trying the election petition - when hearing an election petition it has the same powers, jurisdiction and authority as the High Court. [18]


There has been no precedent established for mandatory referendums in Barbados. In previous years the Owen Arthur government mooted the idea of having a referendum on whether to transforming the country into a republic. To date no precedents have been set to indicate any referendums results would become binding upon the government.

Latest elections

Asemblee barbade 2018.svg
Barbados Labour Party 78,72069.03300
Democratic Labour Party 30,27326.5500
Alliance Party for Progress 3,2052.8100
Solutions Barbados 6990.6100
Bajan Free Party1910.1700
New Barbados Kingdom Alliance1220.110New
Barbados Sovereignty Party1200.110New
Registered voters/turnout266,330
Source: Nation News (seats); calculation based on Nation News (votes); [ citation needed ] (turnout)

List of general elections and largest party thereafter


1940 VA
1942 BEA
1946 BLP
1948 BLP
1951 BLP
1956 BLP
1961 DLP
1966 DLP


Commonwealth realm

1971 DLP
1976 BLP
1981 BLP
1986 DLP
1991 DLP
1994 BLP
1999 BLP
2003 BLP
2008 DLP
2013 DLP
2018 BLP


2022 BLP

List of by-elections and the winning party thereafter


1954 DLP
1958 (St. Joseph) BLP
1958 (St. John) DLP


Commonwealth realm

1969 BLP
1970 BLP
1976 (St. Phillip North) BLP
1976 (City of Bridgetown) BLP
1978 DLP
1984 BLP
1985 BLP
1987 DLP
1996 DLP
2001 BLP
2011 DLP
2020 BLP

See also

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  1. Constitution: Section 61
  2. Representation of the People's Act 1985
  3. The Electoral Boundaries Commission (Review of Boundaries) Order, 1990
  4. Constitution, Chapter 5, Section 41
  5. Constitution, Chapter 5, Section 41A.
  6. People's Act, Section 7
  7. Edward, Geralyn; Gibbons, Wade, eds. (11 May 2010). "New Identifications A Must". Barbados Daily Nation Newspaper. Archived from the original on 14 May 2010. Retrieved 31 March 2021.
  8. People's Act, Section 7
  9. Constitution, Chapter 5, art.41A.
  10. Representation of the People's Act, Chapter 12, Section 21
  11. People's Act, Chapter 12, Second Schedule Part III, Section 35-37.
  12. Bell, Jonathan, ed. (2 June 2018). "Barbados Association thrilled with election". The Royal Gazette (Bermuda) . Retrieved 4 April 2021. The electoral clean sweep in Barbados was democracy in action, according to Carl Neblett, president of the Barbados Association of Bermuda.
  13. Constitution (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 2021, art. 32, subsection 6.
  14. Constitution, art. 64-65, amended by Constitution (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 2021.
  15. Constitution, Chapter 5, art.43
  16. Constitution, Chapter 5, art.43
  17. Constitution, Chapter 5, art.43
  18. Election Offences and Controversies Act Chapter 3, Section 39.

Further reading