Franz Kafka bibliography

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First page of Kafka's letter to his father De Kafka Brief an den Vater 001.jpg
First page of Kafka's letter to his father

Franz Kafka, a German-language writer of novels and short stories who is regarded by critics as one of the most influential authors of the 20th century, was trained as a lawyer and later employed by an insurance company, writing only in his spare time.




English titleDate of WritingOriginal German titleEnglish translationsNotesCover first edition
or The Man Who Disappeared;
Amerika: The Missing Person
1911-1914Amerika or Der Verschollene (1927)Willa and Edwin Muir (1938);
Michael Hofmann (1997);
Mark Harman (2008)
Includes the short story
"The Stoker" as first chapter
Kafka Amerika 1927.jpg
The Trial 1914-1915Der Prozess (1925)Willa and Edwin Muir (1935);
Idris Parry (1994);
Breon Mitchell (1999);
David Wyllie (2003);
Richard Stokes (2005);
John Williams; (2008)
Mike Mitchell (2009)
Includes the parable
"Before the Law"
Kafka Der Prozess 1925.jpg
The Castle 1922Das Schloss (1926)Willa and Edwin Muir (1930);
Mark Harman (1998);
J. A. Underwood (2000);
Anthea Bell (2009)
published in two versions –
Max Brod's 1926 edition and
a "definitive edition" in 1951
Kafka Das Schloss 1926.jpg

Short stories

First Edition of Betrachtung (Contemplation) (1912) Kafka Betrachtung 1912.jpg
First Edition of Betrachtung (Contemplation) (1912)
Contemplation (Betrachtung) (1912),
included in The Complete Stories and
The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces
English titleGerman title
"Children on a Country Road""Kinder auf der Landstraße"
"The Trees""Die Bäume"
"Excursion into the Mountains""Der Ausflug ins Gebirge"
"Rejection""Die Abweisung"
"The Street Window""Das Gassenfenster"
"The Tradesman""Der Kaufmann"
"Absent-minded Window-gazing""Zerstreutes Hinausschaun"
"The Way Home""Der Nachhauseweg"
"Passers-by""Die Vorüberlaufenden"
"On the Tram""Der Fahrgast"
"Reflections for Gentlemen-Jockeys""Zum Nachdenken für Herrenreiter"
"The Wish to be a Red Indian""Wunsch, Indianer zu werden"
"Bachelor's Ill Luck""Das Unglück des Junggesellen"
"Unmasking a Confidence Trickster""Entlarvung eines Bauernfängers"
"The Sudden Walk""Der plötzliche Spaziergang"
"A Country Doctor" ("Ein Landarzt") (1919),
included in The Complete Stories
English titleGerman title
"The New Advocate""Der neue Advokat"
"A Country Doctor""Ein Landarzt" (1919)
"Up in the Gallery""Auf der Galerie"
"An Old Manuscript""Ein altes Blatt"
"Before the Law""Vor dem Gesetz" (part of "The Trial")
"Jackals and Arabs""Schakale und Araber"
"A Visit to a Mine""Ein Besuch im Bergwerk"
"The Next Village""Das nächste Dorf"
"A Message from the Emperor""Eine kaiserliche Botschaft" (part of "The Great Wall of China")
"The Cares of a Family Man""Die Sorge des Hausvaters"
"Eleven Sons""Elf Söhne"
"A Fratricide""Der Mord / Ein Brudermord"
"A Dream""Ein Traum"
"A Report to an Academy""Ein Bericht für eine Akademie"
Shorter stories and parables
English titleOriginal German titleCollected in:
"Shamefaced Lanky and Impure in Heart""Der Unredliche in seinem Herzen" (1958, written 1902) Letters to Friends, Family, and Editors
"Description of a Struggle"
includes two dialogues originally published separately:
"Conversation with the Supplicant"
"Conversation with the Drunk"
"Beschreibung eines Kampfes" (1909)

"Gespräch mit dem Beter"
"Gespräch mit dem Betrunkenen"
Description of a Struggle ,
The Complete Stories ;
Both dialogues originally published in Hyperion (Munich, 1909);
a different version of "Conversation with the Supplicant"
appears in The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces
"Wedding Preparations in the Country""Hochzeitsvorbereitungen auf dem Lande" (1954, written 1907-1908)The Complete Stories,
Dearest Father. Stories and Other Writings
"The Judgment""Das Urteil" (1913)The Complete Stories,
The Sons ,
The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces
The Metamorphosis
or The Transformation
Die Verwandlung (1915)The Complete Stories,
The Sons,
The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces
"The Stoker""Der Heizer" (1913)The Sons;
first chapter of Amerika
"In the Penal Colony""In der Strafkolonie" (1919)The Complete Stories,
The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces
"The Village Schoolmaster (The Giant Mole)""Der Dorfschullehrer"
or Der Riesenmaulwurf (1931, written 1915)
The Complete Stories,
The Great Wall of China
"Blumfeld, an Elderly Bachelor""Blumfeld, ein älterer Junggeselle" (1936, written 1913)Description of a Struggle,
The Complete Stories
The Warden of the Tomb (short play)Der Gruftwächter (written 1916-17)Description of a Struggle,
The Complete Stories
"The Hunter Gracchus""Der Jäger Gracchus" (1931, written 1917)The Complete Stories,
Parables and Paradoxes ,
The Great Wall of China
"The Great Wall of China""Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer" (1931, written 1917)The Complete Stories,
The Great Wall of China
"The Refusal""Die Abweisung" (written 1920)Description of a Struggle,
The Complete Stories,
Parables and Paradoxes
"A Hunger Artist""Ein Hungerkünstler" (1922)The Complete Stories,
The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces
Kafka Ein Hungerkunstler 1924.jpg
"Investigations of a Dog""Forschungen eines Hundes" (written 1922)The Complete Stories,
The Great Wall of China
"A Little Woman""Eine kleine Frau" (1924)The Complete Stories,
The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces
"The Burrow""Der Bau" (1931)The Complete Stories,
The Great Wall of China
"Josephine the Singer,
or The Mouse Folk
"Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse" (1924)The Complete Stories,
The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces
"The Bridge""Die Brücke"The Complete Stories,
The Great Wall of China
"The Bucket Rider""Der Kübelreiter" (1921, written 1917)The Complete Stories,
The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces,
The Great Wall of China
"The Knock at the Manor Gate""Der Schlag ans Hoftor"The Complete Stories,
The Great Wall of China
"My Neighbor""Der Nachbar" (written 1917)The Complete Stories,
The Great Wall of China
"A Crossbreed""Eine Kreuzung"The Complete Stories,
The Great Wall of China
"A Common Confusion""Eine alltägliche Verwirrung"The Complete Stories,
The Great Wall of China
"The Truth about Sancho Panza""Die Wahrheit über Sancho Pansa"The Complete Stories,
Parables and Paradoxes,
The Great Wall of China
"The Silence of the Sirens""Das Schweigen der Sirenen"The Complete Stories,
Parables and Paradoxes,
The Great Wall of China
"Prometheus""Prometheus" (written 1917-23)The Complete Stories,
Parables and Paradoxes,
The Great Wall of China
"The City Coat of Arms""Das Stadtwappen"The Complete Stories,
Parables and Paradoxes,
The Great Wall of China
"Poseidon""Poseidon" (written 1920) Description of a Struggle ,
The Complete Stories,
Parables and Paradoxes
"Fellowship""Gemeinschaft"Description of a Struggle,
The Complete Stories
"At Night""Nachts"Description of a Struggle,
The Complete Stories
"The Problem of Our Laws""Zur Frage der Gesetze"The Complete Stories,
Parables and Paradoxes,
The Great Wall of China
"The Conscription of Troops""Die Truppenaushebung"Description of a Struggle,
The Complete Stories
"The Test""Die Prüfung"Description of a Struggle,
The Complete Stories,
Parables and Paradoxes
"The Vulture""Der Geier"Description of a Struggle,
The Complete Stories,
Parables and Paradoxes
"The Helmsman""Der Steuermann"Description of a Struggle,
The Complete Stories
"The Top""Der Kreisel"Description of a Struggle,
The Complete Stories
A Little Fable "Kleine Fabel"The Complete Stories,
The Great Wall of China
Home-Coming "Heimkehr"Description of a Struggle,
The Complete Stories
First Sorrow "Erstes Leid" (written 1921-22)The Complete Stories,
The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces
"The Departure""Der Aufbruch" (written 1920-21)Description of a Struggle,
The Complete Stories
"Advocates""Fürsprecher" (written 1922)Description of a Struggle,
The Complete Stories
"The Married Couple""Das Ehepaar" (written 1922)The Complete Stories,
The Great Wall of China
"Give It Up!""Gibs auf!"Description of a Struggle,
The Complete Stories
"On Parables""Von den Gleichnissen"The Complete Stories,
Parables and Paradoxes,
The Great Wall of China
"Peking and the Emperor""Der Kaiser von Peking"Parables and Paradoxes
"The Great Wall
and the Tower of Babel"
"Die Chinesische Mauer
und der Turmbau von Babel"
Parables and Paradoxes
"Paradise""Das Paradies"Parables and Paradoxes
"The Tower of Babel""Der Turm zu Babel"Parables and Paradoxes
"The Pit of Babel""Der Schacht von Babel"Parables and Paradoxes
"Abraham""Abraham"Parables and Paradoxes
"Mount Sinai""Der Berg Sinai"Parables and Paradoxes
"The Building of the Temple""Der Tempelbau"Parables and Paradoxes
"The Animal in the Synagogue""Das Tier in der Synagoge"Parables and Paradoxes
"The Watchman""Der Wächter"Parables and Paradoxes
"The Coming of the Messiah""Das Kommen des Messias"Parables and Paradoxes
"The Sirens""Die Sirenen"Parables and Paradoxes
"Leopards in the Temple""Leoparden in Tempel"Parables and Paradoxes
"Alexander the Great""Alexander der Grosse"Parables and Paradoxes
"Diogenes""Diogenes"Parables and Paradoxes
"The Building of a City""Der Bau einer Stadt"Parables and Paradoxes
"The Imperial Colonel""Der Kaiserliche Oberst"Parables and Paradoxes
"The Emperor""Der Kaiser"Parables and Paradoxes
"In the Caravansary""In der Karawanserei"Parables and Paradoxes
"The Cell""Die Zelle"Parables and Paradoxes
"The Invention of the Devil""Die Erfindung des Teufels"Parables and Paradoxes
"The Savages""Die Wilden"Parables and Paradoxes
"The Green Dragon""Der Grüne Drache"Parables and Paradoxes
"The Tiger""Der Tiger"Parables and Paradoxes
"Couriers""Kuriere"Parables and Paradoxes
"A Chinese Puzzle""Ein Geduldspiel"Parables and Paradoxes
"Robinson Crusoe""Robinson Crusoe"Parables and Paradoxes
"The Spring""Die Quelle"Parables and Paradoxes
"The Hunger Strike""Die Unersättlichsten"Parables and Paradoxes
"My Destination""Das Ziel"Parables and Paradoxes


Diaries and notebooks

TitleOriginal German titleTranslatorsNotes
Diaries 1910–1923 Tagebücher 1910–19231910–1913 Joseph Kresh
1914–1923 Martin Greenberg
Originally published in two volumes
The Diaries of Franz KafkaTagebücher 1910–1923 Ross Benjamin Complete, uncensored, published by Schocken Books in 2023
The Blue Octavo Notebooks Ernst Kaiser and
Eithne Wilkins
included in
Dearest Father. Stories and Other Writings


Kafka wrote hundreds of letters to family and close female friends, including his father, his fiancée Felice Bauer, and his youngest sister Ottla.

TitleOriginal German titleTranslatorsNotes
Letter to His Father Brief an den Vater Ernst Kaiser and
Eithne Wilkins
Included in The Sons and
Dearest Father. Stories and Other Writings
Letters to Felice Briefe an Felice und andere
Korrespondenz aus der Verlobungszeit
James Stern and
Elisabeth Duckworth
Includes Kafka's letters to Grete Bloch
Letters to Milena Briefe an Milena Philip Boehm Includes Milena's letters to Max Brod,
four essays by her and an obituary for Kafka
Letters to Ottla Briefe an Ottla und die Familie Richard and Clara Winston Includes letters to Kafka's parents, sister Ottla, postcards, and drawings
Letters to Friends, Family, and Editors Briefe 1902–1924 Richard and Clara Winston Includes a selection from the slips
of paper Kafka used to communicate
in the last few weeks of his life
when he was advised not to speak


TitleOriginal German titleNotesIncluded in:
The Aeroplanes At Brescia Die Aeroplane in BresciaReport on the air show at Brescia The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces
The First Long Train Journey Die erste lange EisenbahnfahrtWritten by Kafka and Max Brod The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces
Review of HyperionEine entschlafene ZeitschriftReview of the literary magazineThe Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces
Review of A Novel about YouthEin Roman der JugendReview of Felix Sternheim's
Die Geschichte des jungen Oswald
The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces
On Kleist's "Anecdotes"Über Kleist's AnekdotenReview of a collection of Heinrich Kleist's anecdotesThe Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces
TitleYearIncluded in:
The Scope of Compulsory Insurance
for the Building Trades
1908Franz Kafka: The Office Writings
Speech on the Occasion of the Inauguration
of the Institute's New Director
1909Franz Kafka: The Office Writings
Fixed-Rate Insurance Premiums for
Small Farms Using Machinery
1909Franz Kafka: The Office Writings
Inclusion of Private Automobile "Firms"
in the Compulsory Insurance Program
1909Franz Kafka: The Office Writings
Appeal against Risk Classification
of Christian Geipel & Sohn,
Mechanical Weaving Mill in Asch
1910Franz Kafka: The Office Writings
Measures for Preventing Accidents
from Wood-Planing Machines
1910Franz Kafka: The Office Writings
On the Examination of Firms
by Trade Inspectors
1911Franz Kafka: The Office Writings
Workmen's Insurance and Employers:
Two Articles in the Tetschen Bodenbacher Zeitung
1911Franz Kafka: The Office Writings
Petition of the Toy Producers' Association
in Katharinaberg, Erzgebirge
1912Franz Kafka: The Office Writings
Risk Classification Appeal by Norbert Hochsieder,
Boarding House Owner in Marienbad
1912Franz Kafka: The Office Writings
Letters to the Workmen's Accident
Insurance Institute in Prague
1912–15Franz Kafka: The Office Writings
Criminal Charge against Josef Renelt for
the Illegal Withholding of Insurance Fees
1913Franz Kafka: The Office Writings
Second International Congress on
Accident Prevention and First Aid in Vienna
1913Franz Kafka: The Office Writings
Accident Prevention in Quarries1914Franz Kafka: The Office Writings
Jubilee Report: Twenty-Five Years of the
Workmen's Accident Insurance Institute
1914Franz Kafka: The Office Writings
Risk Classification and Accident
Prevention in Wartime
1915Franz Kafka: The Office Writings
A Public Psychiatric Hospital
for German-Bohemia
1916Franz Kafka: The Office Writings
"Help Disabled Veterans! An Urgent
Appeal to the Public"
1916/1917Franz Kafka: The Office Writings

Editions and collections

Works and first publications in German

Only a few of Kafka's works were published during his lifetime: the story collections Betrachtung (Contemplation) and Ein Landarzt (A Country Doctor), and individual stories (such as " Die Verwandlung " ("The Metamorphosis")) in literary magazines. He prepared the story collection Ein Hungerkünstler (A Hunger Artist) for print, but it was not published until after his death. Kafka's unfinished works, including his novels Der Process, Das Schloss and Amerika (also known as Der Verschollene, The Man Who Disappeared), were published posthumously, mostly by his friend Max Brod, who ignored Kafka's wish to have the manuscripts destroyed. Brod also published letters, diaries and aphorisms.

Many of Kafka's works have uncertain dates of writing and/or were written over long periods of time. In such cases the year the writing of the work began is used. Year and place of the first publication is shown. For many works the German text is available, for several works also an English translation. It is linked in columns "de" (short for "deutsch", German) and "en" (short for English).

Standard English titleGerman titleLiteral English titledeenGenreDate of writingDate of first publicationPlace of publicationCoverRemarks
Amerika or The Man Who DisappearedAmerika or
Der Verschollene
America de novel19121927Leipzig Kafka Amerika 1927.jpg title Amerika by Brod, contains "Der Heizer" ("The Stoker")
The Trial Der Process de novel19141925Berlin Kafka Der Prozess 1925.jpg also spelled in German as Der Prozess and Der Prozeß
The Castle Das SchlossThe Castle de novel19221926Leipzig Kafka Das Schloss 1926.jpg also spelled in German as Das Schloß
also known as Meditation
Betrachtung de story collection1904–19121912Leipzig Kafka Betrachtung 1912.jpg some stories from 1908 in Hyperion
A Country Doctor Ein Landarzt de story collection19191919Leipzig CountryDoctor.jpg
A Hunger Artist Ein Hungerkünstler de story collection19221924Prague Kafka Ein Hungerkunstler 1924.jpg
The Great Wall of China Beim Bau der chinesischen Mauer de story collection19181931Berlin
The Warden of the Tomb Der Gruftwächterplay1916–19171958New Yorkin Description of a Struggle
" Description of a Struggle "
including "Conversation with the Supplicant",

"Conversation with the Drunk"

"Beschreibung eines Kampfes" including "Gespräch mit dem Beter",

"Gespräch mit dem Betrunkenen"

Urteil, Beter, Betrunkener story19041909Munichdialogues first in Hyperion
"Wedding Preparations in the Country""Hochzeitsvorbereitungen auf dem Lande" de story1907–19081954Londonan incomplete work intended to be a novel
"The Aeroplanes At Brescia""Die Aeroplane in Brescia" de story19091909 SeptemberPraguefirst in Bohemia
The First Long Journey by Rail (Prague-Zurich)story19121912 Mayin Herderblätterfirst chapter of unfinished novelRichard und Samuel: Eine kleine Reise durch mitteleuropäische Gegenden
"The Judgment""Das Urteil"The Verdict de story1912 22–23 September1913Leipzigin the literary yearbook Arkadia
"The Metamorphosis""Die Verwandlung"The Transformation de en story19121915Leipzigin Die Weißen Blätter
"The Stoker""Der Heizer" de story19131927Leipzigin Amerika
"Before the Law""Vor dem Gesetz" de en Archived 2011-07-19 at the Wayback Machine story19141915Praguein the independent Jewish weekly Selbstwehr, in Ein Landarzt , in Der Process
"In the Penal Colony""In der Strafkolonie" de en story19141919Leipzig
" The Village Schoolmaster "
("The Giant Mole")
"Der Dorfschullehrer" or "Der Riesenmaulwurf" de story1914–19151931Berlinin Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer
"Blumfeld, an Elderly Bachelor""Blumfeld, ein älterer Junggeselle" de story19151958New Yorkin Description of a Struggle
"The Hunter Gracchus""Der Jäger Gracchus" de story19171931Berlinin Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer
"A Common Confusion""Eine alltägliche Verwirrung" de story19171931Berlinin Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer
"The Bridge""Die Brücke" de story19171931Berlinin Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer
"A Report to an Academy""Ein Bericht für eine Akademie" de en Archived 2008-06-27 at the Wayback Machine story19171917Praguein Der Jude
"Jackals and Arabs""Schakale und Araber" de en story19171917Praguein Der Jude
"A Crossbreed""Eine Kreuzung" de story19171931Berlinin Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer
"The Knock at the Manor Gate""Der Schlag ans Hoftor" de story19171931Berlinin Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer
"The Silence of the Sirens""Das Schweigen der Sirenen" de story19171931Berlinin Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer
"The Truth about Sancho Panza""Die Wahrheit über Sancho Pansa" de story19171931Berlinin Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer
"The Great Wall of China""Beim Bau der chinesischen Mauer"At the building of the Chinese Wall de en Archived 2017-09-21 at the Wayback Machine story19181931Berlinin Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer
"Prometheus""Prometheus" de story19181931Berlinin Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer
"A Country Doctor""Ein Landarzt" de en story19191919Leipzigin Ein Landarzt
"An Old Manuscript""Ein altes Blatt""An old page" or "An old leaf" de story19191920Leipzigin Ein Landarzt
"The City Coat of Arms""Das Stadtwappen" de story19201931Berlinin Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer
"The Problem of Our Laws""Zur Frage der Gesetze" de story19201931Berlinin Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer
"On Parables""Von den Gleichnissen" de story1931Berlinin Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer
"A Little Fable""Kleine Fabel" de story19201931Berlinin Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer
"Poseidon""Poseidon" de story19201936in collection Beschreibung eines Kampfes
"The Refusal""Die Abweisung"The Rejectionstory19201970Frankfurttitle by Brod, same as a different earlier story by Kafka
"The Bucket Rider""Der Kübelreiter" de (1921), de (1931) story19211921Pragin Prager Presse
"A Hunger Artist"
("A Fasting Artist",
"A Starvation Artist")
"Ein Hungerkünstler" de en Archived 2018-07-29 at the Wayback Machine story19221922Praguein Die neue Rundschau , then in Ein Hungerkünstler
"First Sorrow""Erstes Leid" de story1921–19221922Leipzigin periodical Genius
"Investigations of a Dog""Forschungen eines Hundes" de story19231931Berlinin Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer
"A Little Woman""Eine kleine Frau" de story1923–19241924Praguein Prager Tagblatt , then in Ein Hungerkünstler
"The Burrow""Der Bau" de story19241931Berlinending apparently lost; in Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer
"Josephine the Singer, or the Mouse Folk""Josefine, die Sängerin, oder Das Volk der Mäuse" de story19231924Praguein Prager Presse , then in Ein Hungerkünstler
Franz Kafka's Diaries Tagebücherdiary1910–19231948New York
The Blue Octavo Notebooks Oxforder OktavhefteOxford Octavo Notebooksnotebook1917–19191954New Yorkalso known as The Eight Octavo Notebooks
Letter to His Father Brief an den Vater de letter1919 November1966New York
Letters to Felice Briefe an Feliceletter collection1912–19171967Frankfurt am Main
Letters to Ottla Briefe an Ottla und die FamilieLetters to Ottla and to the familyletter collection1909–19241974Frankfurt am Mainincludes some letters to his parents and other family members
Letters to Milena Briefe an Milenaletter collection1920–231952Frankfurt am Main
Letters to Family, Friends, and Editors Briefe 1902–1924letter collection1900–241959New Yorkmost of the letters are to Brod
Zürau Aphorisms, The Die Zürauer Aphorismen or Betrachtungen über Sünde, Hoffnung, Leid und den wahren WegReflections on Sin, Hope, Suffering, and the True Way de aphorisms1917–181931CologneTitle by Brod

English translations

German's more flexible word order is one of the problems translating German into other languages. German also uses modal connectives, and syntactic structures which can be translated in more than one way. [1] Kafka did not write in standard High German, but rather in a Praguean German heavily influenced by the Yiddish and Czech languages. [2] This has led philosophers Deleuze and Guattari to describe Kafka's linguistic style as "deterritorialized", characterized by a "withered vocabulary" and an "incorrect syntax". [2]

German sentences also have a different syntactic structure. Unlike English, German is a verb-final language, which places the main verb of a verb string (e.g., "transformed" in "had been transformed") at the end of a phrase. The difference can be seen in the contrast between the original German version of the first sentence in Kafka's "The Metamorphosis":

Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheuren Ungeziefer verwandelt. (Original)
As Gregor Samsa one morning from restless dreams awoke, found he himself in his bed into an enormous vermin transformed. (literal word-for-word translation)
"As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect". (Willa Muir, 1933)

Another virtually insurmountable problem facing translators is how to deal with the author's intentional use of ambiguous idioms and words that have several meanings which result in writings difficult to precisely translate. [3] [4] One such instance is found in the first sentence of "The Metamorphosis". [3] English translators have often sought to render the word Ungeziefer as "insect"; in today's German it means vermin. It is sometimes used colloquially to mean "bug" – a very general term, unlike the scientific sounding "insect". Kafka had no intention of labeling Gregor, the protagonist of the story, as any specific thing, but instead wanted to convey Gregor's disgust at his transformation. Translators have chosen numerous inexact and unsatisfactory ways to represent "[zu einem] ungeheuren Ungeziefer", unable to convey the repetition of the first two syllables and the equal four syllables of the two words in German:

Another example is Kafka's use of the German noun Verkehr in the final sentence of The Judgment. Literally, Verkehr means intercourse and, as in English, can have either a sexual or non-sexual meaning; in addition, it is used to mean transport or traffic. The sentence can be translated as: "At that moment an unending stream of traffic crossed over the bridge". [5] What gives added weight to the obvious double meaning of 'Verkehr' is Kafka's confession to Brod that when he wrote that final line, he was thinking of "a violent ejaculation". [6] [7]

Selected publications in English

TitleGenreTranslatorPublisherDate of publicationPlace of publicationRemarks
The Castle novel Willa Muir and Edwin Muir Secker & Warburg 1930London
The Great Wall of China story collection Willa Muir and Edwin Muir Martin Secker 1933London
The Trial novel Willa Muir and Edwin Muir Victor Gollancz 1937London
America novel Willa Muir and Edwin Muir Schocken Books 1938United States
The Diaries of Franz Kafka diaries Joseph Kresh, Martin Greenberg and Hannah Arendt Peregrine Books 1963United States
The Diaries of Franz Kafkadiaries Ross Benjamin Schocken Books 2023United States
Amerika novel Mark Harman Schocken Books 2008United States
The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces story collection Willa Muir and Edwin Muir Schocken Books 1948United States
Dearest Father. Stories and Other Writings letters Ernst Kaiser and Eithne Wilkins Schocken Books 1954United States
Description of a Struggle story collection Tania and James Stern Schocken Books 1958United States
Parables and Paradoxes story collection Clement Greenberg, Ernst Kaiser & Eithne Wilkins, Willa Muir & Edwin Muir, Tania & James Stern Schocken Books 1961United States
The Complete Stories story collection Willa Muir & Edwin Muir, Tania & James Stern Schocken Books 1971United States
Letters to Family, Friends, and Editors letters Richard and Clara Winston Schocken Books 1977United States
The Sons story collection Schocken Books 1989United States
The Zürau Aphorisms aphorisms Michael Hofmann Schocken Books 2006United States
Lost in America novelAnthony NortheyVitalis Verlag2010Prague
The Trial novelSusanne Lück, Maureen FitzgibbonsVitalis Verlag2012Prague
The Castle novelJon Calame, Seth Rogoff, Anthony NortheyVitalis Verlag2014Prague
Letter to Father lettersKaren ReppinVitalis Verlag2016Prague
The Metamorphosis short storyKaren ReppinVitalis Verlag2016Prague
A Country Doctor story collectionSiegfried MortkowitzVitalis Verlag2017Prague
Meditation story collectionSiegfried MortkowitzVitalis Verlag2017Prague

Schocken editions

The Great Wall of China. Stories and Reflections 1946Willa and Edwin Muir
The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces 1948Willa and Edwin Muir
Dearest Father. Stories and Other Writings 1954Ernst Kaiser and Eithne Wilkins
Description of a Struggle 1958Tania and James Stern
Parables and Paradoxes 1961Clement Greenberg; Richard and Clara Winston;
Ernst Kaiser and Eithne Wilkins;
Willa and Edwin Muir; Tania and James Stern
Bilingual edition
The Complete Stories 1971Willa and Edwin Muir;
Tania and James Stern
Reprinted in 1995
with a foreword by John Updike
I Am a Memory Come Alive1974Martin Greenberg and Hannah Arendt;
Joseph Kresh; Gerald Onn;
Willa and Edwin Muir; Tania and James Stern;
Ernst Kaiser and Eithne Wilkins
Autobiographical writings selected
from diaries, letters, and aphorisms
The Sons 1989Willa and Edwin MuirTranslations revised and updated
by Arthur Wensinger
The Metamorphosis, In the Penal Colony,
and Other Stories
1995Willa and Edwin MuirIncludes all the stories
published in Kafka's lifetime
The Zürau Aphorisms 2006Michael Hofmann; Geoffrey Brock

Other editions

The Basic Kafka1979 Pocket Books Willa and Edwin Muir
Tania and James Stern
Richard and Clara Winston
A selection from Kafka's
short stories, diaries, and letters.
The Penguin CompleteNovels of Franz Kafka1983 Penguin Books Willa and Edwin MuirIncludes The Trial,
The Castle, and Amerika;
republished by Vintage in 1999
The Metamorphosis and Other Stories1993ScribnerJoachim NeugroschelCollection of 30 short stories. Later editions include 39, then 41, stories under the title The Metamorphosis, In the Penal Colony, and Other Stories.
Metamorphosis and Other Stories2007Penguin ClassicsMichael HofmannShort stories
Franz Kafka: The Office Writings 2008Princeton University PressEric Patton; Ruth HeinA selection of Kafka's professional writings
Kafka's Greatest Stories2010 Vook Enhanced with video providing historical background on Kafka's life and influences.)
Essential Kafka: Rendezvous with Otherness2011AuthorhouseEnhanced with video providing historical background on Kafka's life and influences.)
Investigations of a Dog & Other Creatures2017New DirectionsMichael HofmannShort stories
The Lost Writings2020New DirectionsMichael Hofmann


English titleOriginal German titleWritten with:Notes
Richard and Samuel Richard und Samuel Max Brod Intended to be a novel; only the first chapter was completed. [8]

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  1. Newmark 1991, pp. 63–64.
  2. 1 2 Deleuze & Guattari 1986, pp. 22–25.
  3. 1 2 Lawson 1960, pp. 216–219.
  4. Rhine 1989, pp. 447–458.
  5. Kafka 1996, p. 75.
  6. Brod 1960, p. 129.
  7. Hawes 2008, p. 50.
  8. The Kafka Project – Erstes Kapitel des Buches "Richard und Samuel" von Max Brod und Franz Kafka (in German)
