Glossary of module theory

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Module theory is the branch of mathematics in which modules are studied. This is a glossary of some terms of the subject.


See also: Glossary of linear algebra , Glossary of ring theory , Glossary of representation theory .


algebraically compact
algebraically compact module (also called pure injective module) is a module in which all systems of equations can be decided by finitary means. Alternatively, those modules which leave pure-exact sequence exact after applying Hom.
1.  The annihilator of a left -module is the set . It is a (left) ideal of .
2.  The annihilator of an element is the set .
An Artinian module is a module in which every decreasing chain of submodules becomes stationary after finitely many steps.
associated prime
1.   associated prime
An automorphism is an endomorphism that is also an isomorphism.
Azumaya's theorem says that two decompositions into modules with local endomorphism rings are equivalent.


balanced module
A basis of a module is a set of elements in such that every element in the module can be expressed as a finite sum of elements in the basis in a unique way.
Beauville–Laszlo theorem
"big" usually means "not-necessarily finitely generated".


canonical module
canonical module (the term "canonical" comes from canonical divisor)
The category of modules over a ring is the category where the objects are all the (say) left modules over the given ring and the morphisms module homomorphisms.
character module
chain complex
chain complex (frequently just complex)
closed submodule
A module is called a closed submodule if it does not contain any essential extension.
Cohen–Macaulay module
A coherent module is a finitely generated module whose finitely generated submodules are finitely presented.
The cokernel of a module homomorphism is the codomain quotiented by the image.
A compact module
completely reducible
Synonymous to "semisimple module".
completion of a module
Jordan Hölder composition series
continuous module
countably generated
A countably generated module is a module that admits a generating set whose cardinality is at most countable.
A module is called a cyclic module if it is generated by one element.


A D-module is a module over a ring of differential operators.
A decomposition of a module is a way to express a module as a direct sum of submodules.
dense submodule
The determinant of a finite free module over a commutative ring is the r-th exterior power of the module when r is the rank of the module.
A differential graded module or dg-module is a graded module with a differential.
direct sum
A direct sum of modules is a module that is the direct sum of the underlying abelian group together with component-wise scalar multiplication.
dual module
The dual module of a module M over a commutative ring R is the module .
dualizing module
A Drinfeld module is a module over a ring of functions on algebraic curve with coefficients from a finite field.


Eilenberg–Mazur swindle
elementary divisor
1.  An endomorphism is a module homomorphism from a module to itself.
2.  The endomorphism ring is the set of all module homomorphisms with addition as addition of functions and multiplication composition of functions.
enough injectives
enough projectives
Given a module M, an essential submodule N of M is a submodule that every nonzero submodule of M intersects non-trivially.
exact sequence
Ext functor
Ext functor
Extension of scalars uses a ring homomorphism from R to S to convert R-modules to S-modules.


A faithful module is one where the action of each nonzero on is nontrivial (i.e. for some in ). Equivalently, is the zero ideal.
The term "finite module" is another name for a finitely generated module.
finite length
A module of finite length is a module that admits a (finite) composition series.
finite presentation
1.  A finite free presentation of a module M is an exact sequence where are finitely generated free modules.
2.  A finitely presented module is a module that admits a finite free presentation.
finitely generated
A module is finitely generated if there exist finitely many elements in such that every element of is a finite linear combination of those elements with coefficients from the scalar ring .
1.   fitting ideal
2.   Fitting's lemma
Five lemma
A -module is called a flat module if the tensor product functor is exact.
In particular, every projective module is flat.
A free module is a module that has a basis, or equivalently, one that is isomorphic to a direct sum of copies of the scalar ring .
Frobenius reciprocity
Frobenius reciprocity.


A Galois module is a module over the group ring of a Galois group.
generating set
A subset of a module is called a generating set of the module if the submodule generated by the set (i.e., the smallest subset containing the set) is the entire module itself.
global dimension
A module over a graded ring is a graded module if can be expressed as a direct sum and .


Herbrand quotient
A Herbrand quotient of a module homomorphism is another term for index.
1.   Hilbert's syzygy theorem
2.  The Hilbert–Poincaré series of a graded module.
3.  The Hilbert–Serre theorem tells when a Hilbert–Poincaré series is a rational function.
homological dimension
homological dimension
For two left -modules , a group homomorphism is called homomorphism of -modules if .
Hom functor


An idempotent is an endomorphism whose square is itself.
An indecomposable module is a non-zero module that cannot be written as a direct sum of two non-zero submodules. Every simple module is indecomposable (but not conversely).
The index of an endomorphism is the difference , when the cokernel and kernel of have finite length.
1.  A -module is called an injective module if given a -module homomorphism , and an injective -module homomorphism , there exists a -module homomorphism such that .
The module Q is injective if the diagram commutes Injective module.svg
The module Q is injective if the diagram commutes
The following conditions are equivalent:
  • The contravariant functor is exact.
  • is a injective module.
  • Every short exact sequence is split.
2.  An injective envelope (also called injective hull) is a maximal essential extension, or a minimal embedding in an injective module.
3.  An injective cogenerator is an injective module such that every module has a nonzero homomorphism into it.
An invertible module over a commutative ring is a rank-one finite projective module.
irreducible module
Another name for a simple module.
An isomorphism between modules is an invertible module homomorphism.


Jacobson's density theorem


Kähler differentials
Kähler differentials
Kaplansky's theorem on a projective module says that a projective module over a local ring is free.
The kernel of a module homomorphism is the pre-image of the zero element.
Koszul complex
Koszul complex
The Krull–Schmidt theorem says that (1) a finite-length module admits an indecomposable decomposition and (2) any two indecomposable decompositions of it are equivalent.


The length of a module is the common length of any composition series of the module; the length is infinite if there is no composition series. Over a field, the length is more commonly known as the dimension.
1.  A linear map is another term for a module homomorphism.
2.   Linear topology
Localization of a module converts R modules to S modules, where S is a localization of R.


Matlis module
Matlis module
Mitchell's embedding theorem
Mitchell's embedding theorem
Mittag-Leffler condition (ML)
1.  A left module over the ring is an abelian group with an operation (called scalar multipliction) satisfies the following condition:
2.  A right module over the ring is an abelian group with an operation satisfies the following condition:
3.  All the modules together with all the module homomorphisms between them form the category of modules.
module spectrum
A module spectrum is a spectrum with an action of a ring spectrum.


A nilpotent endomorphism is an endomorphism, some power of which is zero.
A Noetherian module is a module such that every submodule is finitely generated. Equivalently, every increasing chain of submodules becomes stationary after finitely many steps.
normal forms for matrices


1.   perfect complex
2.   perfect module
A principal indecomposable module is a cyclic indecomposable projective module.
primary submodule
The characteristic property of projective modules is called lifting. Projective module.png
The characteristic property of projective modules is called lifting .
A -module is called a projective module if given a -module homomorphism , and a surjective -module homomorphism , there exists a -module homomorphism such that .
The following conditions are equivalent:
  • The covariant functor is exact.
  • is a projective module.
  • Every short exact sequence is split.
  • is a direct summand of free modules.
In particular, every free module is projective.
2.  The projective dimension of a module is the minimal length of (if any) a finite projective resolution of the module; the dimension is infinite if there is no finite projective resolution.
3.  A projective cover is a minimal surjection from a projective module.
pure submodule
pure submodule


Quillen–Suslin theorem
The Quillen–Suslin theorem states that a finite projective module over a polynomial ring is free.
Given a left -module and a submodule , the quotient group can be made to be a left -module by for . It is called a quotient module or factor module.


The radical of a module is the intersection of the maximal submodules. For Artinian modules, the smallest submodule with semisimple quotient.
rational canonical form
A reflexive module is a module that is isomorphic via the natural map to its second dual.
Restriction of scalars uses a ring homomorphism from R to S to convert S-modules to R-modules.


Schanuel's lemma
Schur's lemma says that the endomorphism ring of a simple module is a division ring.
Shapiro's lemma
sheaf of modules
sheaf of modules
snake lemma
The socle is the largest semisimple submodule.
A semisimple module is a direct sum of simple modules.
A simple module is a nonzero module whose only submodules are zero and itself.
Smith normal form
stably free
A stably free module
structure theorem
The structure theorem for finitely generated modules over a principal ideal domain says that a finitely generated modules over PIDs are finite direct sums of primary cyclic modules.
Given a -module , an additive subgroup of is a submodule if .
The support of a module over a commutative ring is the set of prime ideals at which the localizations of the module are nonzero.


Tensor product of modules
A topological module
Tor functor
torsion-free module
torsionless module


A uniform module is a module in which every two non-zero submodules have a non-zero intersection.


weak dimension


1.  The zero module is a module consisting of only zero element.
2.  The zero module homomorphism is a module homomorphism that maps every element to zero.

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In mathematics, specifically in ring theory, the simple modules over a ring R are the modules over R that are non-zero and have no non-zero proper submodules. Equivalently, a module M is simple if and only if every cyclic submodule generated by a non-zero element of M equals M. Simple modules form building blocks for the modules of finite length, and they are analogous to the simple groups in group theory.

In mathematics, an abelian category is a category in which morphisms and objects can be added and in which kernels and cokernels exist and have desirable properties.

In mathematics, a Noetherian ring is a ring that satisfies the ascending chain condition on left and right ideals; if the chain condition is satisfied only for left ideals or for right ideals, then the ring is said left-Noetherian or right-Noetherian respectively. That is, every increasing sequence of left ideals has a largest element; that is, there exists an n such that:

In mathematics, the endomorphisms of an abelian group X form a ring. This ring is called the endomorphism ring of X, denoted by End(X); the set of all homomorphisms of X into itself. Addition of endomorphisms arises naturally in a pointwise manner and multiplication via endomorphism composition. Using these operations, the set of endomorphisms of an abelian group forms a (unital) ring, with the zero map as additive identity and the identity map as multiplicative identity.

In mathematics, a module is a generalization of the notion of vector space in which the field of scalars is replaced by a ring. The concept of module also generalizes the notion of abelian group, since the abelian groups are exactly the modules over the ring of integers.

In mathematics, a finitely generated module is a module that has a finite generating set. A finitely generated module over a ring R may also be called a finite R-module, finite over R, or a module of finite type.

In mathematics, particularly in algebra, the class of projective modules enlarges the class of free modules over a ring, keeping some of the main properties of free modules. Various equivalent characterizations of these modules appear below.

In mathematics, especially in the area of abstract algebra known as module theory, an injective module is a module Q that shares certain desirable properties with the Z-module Q of all rational numbers. Specifically, if Q is a submodule of some other module, then it is already a direct summand of that module; also, given a submodule of a module Y, any module homomorphism from this submodule to Q can be extended to a homomorphism from all of Y to Q. This concept is dual to that of projective modules. Injective modules were introduced in and are discussed in some detail in the textbook.

In algebra, a module homomorphism is a function between modules that preserves the module structures. Explicitly, if M and N are left modules over a ring R, then a function is called an R-module homomorphism or an R-linear map if for any x, y in M and r in R,

In algebra, flat modules include free modules, projective modules, and, over a principal ideal domain, torsion free modules. Formally, a module M over a ring R is flat if taking the tensor product over R with M preserves exact sequences. A module is faithfully flat if taking the tensor product with a sequence produces an exact sequence if and only if the original sequence is exact.

In abstract algebra, a module is indecomposable if it is non-zero and cannot be written as a direct sum of two non-zero submodules.

In mathematics, especially in the area of abstract algebra known as module theory, a semisimple module or completely reducible module is a type of module that can be understood easily from its parts. A ring that is a semisimple module over itself is known as an Artinian semisimple ring. Some important rings, such as group rings of finite groups over fields of characteristic zero, are semisimple rings. An Artinian ring is initially understood via its largest semisimple quotient. The structure of Artinian semisimple rings is well understood by the Artin–Wedderburn theorem, which exhibits these rings as finite direct products of matrix rings.

In mathematics, in the field of abstract algebra, the structure theorem for finitely generated modules over a principal ideal domain is a generalization of the fundamental theorem of finitely generated abelian groups and roughly states that finitely generated modules over a principal ideal domain (PID) can be uniquely decomposed in much the same way that integers have a prime factorization. The result provides a simple framework to understand various canonical form results for square matrices over fields.

In mathematics, and more specifically in homological algebra, a resolution is an exact sequence of modules that is used to define invariants characterizing the structure of a specific module or object of this category. When, as usually, arrows are oriented to the right, the sequence is supposed to be infinite to the left for (left) resolutions, and to the right for right resolutions. However, a finite resolution is one where only finitely many of the objects in the sequence are non-zero; it is usually represented by a finite exact sequence in which the leftmost object or the rightmost object is the zero-object.

In mathematics, a Grothendieck category is a certain kind of abelian category, introduced in Alexander Grothendieck's Tôhoku paper of 1957 in order to develop the machinery of homological algebra for modules and for sheaves in a unified manner. The theory of these categories was further developed in Pierre Gabriel's seminal thesis in 1962.

In mathematics, specifically representation theory, tilting theory describes a way to relate the module categories of two algebras using so-called tilting modules and associated tilting functors. Here, the second algebra is the endomorphism algebra of a tilting module over the first algebra.

In abstract algebra, a uniserial moduleM is a module over a ring R, whose submodules are totally ordered by inclusion. This means simply that for any two submodules N1 and N2 of M, either or . A module is called a serial module if it is a direct sum of uniserial modules. A ring R is called a right uniserial ring if it is uniserial as a right module over itself, and likewise called a right serial ring if it is a right serial module over itself. Left uniserial and left serial rings are defined in a similar way, and are in general distinct from their right-sided counterparts.

This is a glossary of commutative algebra.

In abstract algebra, a decomposition of a module is a way to write a module as a direct sum of modules. A type of a decomposition is often used to define or characterize modules: for example, a semisimple module is a module that has a decomposition into simple modules. Given a ring, the types of decomposition of modules over the ring can also be used to define or characterize the ring: a ring is semisimple if and only if every module over it is a semisimple module.
