Governance, risk management, and compliance

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Governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) is the term covering an organization's approach across these three practices: governance, risk management, and compliance amongst other disciplines. [1] [2] [3] [4]


The first scholarly research on GRC was published in 2007 [5] by OCEG's [6] founder, Scott Mitchell, where GRC was formally defined as "the integrated collection of capabilities that enable an organization to reliably achieve objectives, address uncertainty and act with integrity" aka Principled Performance®. [7] The research referred to common "keep the company on track" activities conducted in departments such as internal audit, compliance, risk, legal, finance, IT, HR as well as the lines of business, executive suite and the board itself.


Governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) are three related facets that aim to assure an organization reliably achieves objectives, addresses uncertainty and acts with integrity. [8] Governance is the combination of processes established and executed by the directors (or the board of directors) that are reflected in the organization's structure and how it is managed and led toward achieving goals. Risk management is predicting and managing risks that could hinder the organization from reliably achieving its objectives under uncertainty. Compliance refers to adhering with the mandated boundaries (laws and regulations) and voluntary boundaries (company's policies, procedures, etc.). [9] [10]

GRC is a discipline that aims to synchronize information and activity across governance, and compliance in order to operate more efficiently, enable effective information sharing, more effectively report activities and avoid wasteful overlaps. Although interpreted differently in various organizations, GRC typically encompasses activities such as corporate governance, enterprise risk management (ERM) and corporate compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Organizations reach a size where coordinated control over GRC activities is required to operate effectively. Each of these three disciplines creates information of value to the other two, and all three impact the same technologies, people, processes and information.

Substantial duplication of tasks evolves when governance, risk management and compliance are managed independently. Overlapping and duplicated GRC activities negatively impact both operational costs and GRC matrices. For example, each internal service might be audited and assessed by multiple groups on an annual basis, creating enormous cost and disconnected results. A disconnected GRC approach will also prevent an organization from providing real-time GRC executive reports. GRC supposes that this approach, like a badly planned transport system, every individual route will operate, but the network will lack the qualities that allow them to work together effectively. [11]

If not integrated, if tackled in a traditional "silo" approach, most organizations must sustain unmanageable numbers of GRC-related requirements due to changes in technology, increasing data storage, market globalization and increased regulation.

GRC topics

Basic concepts

GRC market segmentation

A GRC program can be instituted to focus on any individual area within the enterprise, or a fully integrated GRC is able to work across all areas of the enterprise, using a single framework.

A fully integrated GRC uses a single core set of control material, mapped to all of the primary governance factors being monitored. The use of a single framework also has the benefit of reducing the possibility of duplicated remedial actions.

When reviewed as individual GRC areas, the most common individual headings are considered to be Financial GRC, Operational GRC, WHS GRC, IT GRC, and Legal GRC.

The AICD (Australian Institute of Company Directors) however splits risk into three super groups

Analysts disagree on how these aspects of GRC are defined as market categories. Gartner has stated that the broad GRC market includes the following areas:

They further divide the IT GRC management market into these key capabilities.

GRC product vendors

The distinctions between the sub-segments of the broad GRC market are often not clear. With a large number of vendors entering this market recently, determining the best product for a given business problem can be challenging. Given that the analysts do not fully agree on the market segmentation, vendor positioning can increase the confusion.

Owing to the dynamic nature of this market, any vendor analysis is often out of date relatively soon after its publication.

Broadly, the vendor market can be considered to exist in three segments:

Integrated GRC solutions attempt to unify the management of these areas, rather than treat them as separate entities. An integrated solution is able to administer one central library of compliance controls, but manage, monitor and present them against every governance factor. For example, in a domain specific approach, three or more findings could be generated against a single broken activity. The integrated solution recognizes this as one break relating to the mapped governance factors.

Domain specific GRC vendors understand the cyclical connection between governance, risk and compliance within a particular area of governance. For example, within financial processing — that a risk will either relate to the absence of a control (need to update governance) and/or the lack of adherence to (or poor quality of) an existing control. An initial goal of splitting out GRC into a separate market has left some vendors confused about the lack of movement. It is thought that a lack of deep education within a domain on the audit side, coupled with a mistrust of audit in general causes a rift in a corporate environment. However, there are vendors in the marketplace that, while remaining domain-specific, have begun marketing their product to end users and departments that, while either tangential or overlapping, have expanded to include the internal corporate internal audit (CIA) and external audit teams (tier 1 big four AND tier two and below), information security and operations/production as the target audience. This approach provides a more 'open book' approach into the process. If the production team will be audited by CIA using an application that production also has access to, is thought to reduce risk more quickly as the end goal is not to be 'compliant' but to be 'secure,' or as secure as possible. You can also try the various GRC Tools available in market which are based on automation and can reduce your work load.

Point solutions to GRC are marked by their focus on addressing only one of its areas. In some cases of limited requirements, these solutions can serve a viable purpose. However, because they tend to have been designed to solve domain specific problems in great depth, they generally do not take a unified approach and are not tolerant of integrated governance requirements. Information systems will address these matters better if the requirements for GRC management are incorporated at the design stage, as part of a coherent framework. [13]

GRC data warehousing and business intelligence

GRC vendors with an integrated data framework are now able to offer custom built GRC data warehouse and business intelligence solutions. This allows high value data from any number of existing GRC applications to be collated and analysed.

The aggregation of GRC data using this approach adds significant benefit in the early identification of risk and business process (and business control) improvement.

Further benefits to this approach include (i) it allows existing, specialist and high value applications to continue without impact (ii) organizations can manage an easier transition into an integrated GRC approach because the initial change is only adding to the reporting layer and (iii) it provides a real-time ability to compare and contrast data value across systems that previously had no common data scheme.'

GRC research

Each of the core disciplines – Governance, Risk Management and Compliance – consists of the four basic components: strategy, processes, technology and people. The organisation's risk appetite, its internal policies and external regulations constitute the rules of GRC. The disciplines, their components and rules are now to be merged in an integrated, holistic and organisation-wide (the three main characteristics of GRC) manner – aligned with the (business) operations that are managed and supported through GRC. In applying this approach, organisations long to achieve the objectives: ethically correct behaviour, and improved efficiency and effectiveness of any of the elements involved. [14]

See also

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  1. Anthony Tarantino (2008-02-25), Governance, Risk, and Compliance Handbook, ISBN   978-0-470-09589-8
  2. Denise Vu Broady; Holly A. Roland (2008-04-25), "The ABCs of GRC", SAP GRC For Dummies, ISBN   978-0-470-33317-4
  3. Silveira, Patrícia; Rodríguez, Carlos; Birukou, Aliaksandr; Casati, Fabio; Daniel, Florian; D’Andrea, Vincenzo; Worledge, Claire; Taheri, Zouhair (2012), "Aiding Compliance Governance in Service-Based Business Processes", Handbook of Research on Service-Oriented Systems and Non-Functional Properties (PDF), IGI Global, pp. 524–548, doi:10.4018/978-1-61350-432-1.ch022, ISBN   9781613504321 , retrieved 2013-04-06
  4. Scott L. Mitchell (2007-10-01), "GRC360: A framework to help organisations drive principled performance", International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, 4 (4): 279–296, doi:10.1057/palgrave.jdg.2050066, ISSN   1741-3591, S2CID   154869217
  5. Scott L. Mitchell (2007-10-01), "GRC360: A framework to help organisations drive principled performance", International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, 4 (4): 279–296, doi:10.1057/palgrave.jdg.2050066, ISSN   1741-3591, S2CID   154869217
  6. "OCEG is the ultimate source for GRC certifications and resources". OCEG. Retrieved 2025-01-19.
  7. "What is Principled Performance®". OCEG. Retrieved 2025-01-19.
  8. OCEG (2004), "GRC Capability Model"Scott L. Mitchell, OCEG (2004-01-01), GRC Capability Model (Free Open Source)
  9. Kurt F. Reding, Paul J. Sobel, Urton L. Anderson, Michael J. Head, Sridhar Ramamoorti, Mark Salamasick, Cris Riddle (2013), "Internal Auditing: Assurance & Advisory Services"
  10. OCEG (2004), "GRC Capability Model"Scott L. Mitchell, OCEG (2004-01-01), GRC Capability Model (Free Open Source)
  11. Terminus Systems (2018), "GRC" Unlisted, Terminus Systems (2018-01-01), GRC {Free Open Source}
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  13. Bonazzi, Riccardo; Hussami, Lotfi; Pigneur, Yves (2009), "Compliance Management is Becoming a Major Issue in IS Design" (PDF), in D'atri, Alessandro; Saccà, Domenico (eds.), Information Systems: People, Organizations, Institutions, and Technologies, Springer, pp. 391–398, doi:10.1007/978-3-7908-2148-2, ISBN   978-3-7908-2147-5, archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-03-12, retrieved 2013-04-06
  14. Racz, Nicolas; Weippl, Edgar; Seufert, Andreas (2010), Bart De Decker; Ingrid Schaumüller-Bichl (eds.), A frame of reference for research of integrated GRC, vol. Communications and Multimedia Security, 11th IFIP TC 6/TC 11 International Conference, CMS 2010 Proceedings, Berlin: Springer, pp. 106–117, ISBN   978-3-642-13240-7