Index of World War II articles (K)

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  1. K-25
  2. K-ration
  3. K-class submarine (Soviet)
  4. K is for Killing
  5. K. P. K. Menon
  6. Kōichi Kido
  7. Kōichi Shiozawa
  8. Kōki Hirota
  9. Kōsō Abe
  10. Kōsaku Aruga
  11. Kōtarō Nakamura
  12. KA-BAR
  13. Ka-tzetnik
  14. Kaarlo Mäkinen
  15. Kabaty
  16. Kabayama Sukenori
  17. Kadam Kadam Badaye Ja
  18. Kaethe Hoern
  19. Kai Holst
  20. Kai Winding
  21. Kaija Mustonen
  22. Kailash Nath Katju
  23. Kaimingjie germ weapon attack
  24. Kairyu-classsubmarine
  25. Kaisenbun
  26. Kaiser Shipyards
  27. Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics
  28. Kaiser Wilhelm Institute
  29. Kaiserwald concentration camp
  30. Kaiten
  31. Kaj Aksel Hansen
  32. Kaj Christiansen
  33. Kaj Munk
  34. Kaju Sugiura
  35. Kakou Senda
  36. Kakuji Kakuta
  37. Kalagon Massacre
  38. Kalev-classsubmarine
  39. Kalevi Oikarainen
  41. Kalinin Front
  42. Kaliningrad K-5
  43. Kalle Anttila
  44. Kalmi Baruh
  45. Kalmykian Voluntary Cavalry Corps
  46. Kalonymus Kalman Shapira
  47. Kamal Ram
  48. Kamenets-Podolsky pocket
  49. Kamianets-Podilskyi Massacre
  50. Kamikaze-classdestroyer (1922)
  51. Kamikaze
  52. Kamimura Hikonojō
  53. Kaminski Brigade
  54. Kammhuber Line
  55. Kamp Amersfoort
  56. Kamp Schoorl
  57. Kampfbund
  58. Kampfgeschwader 200
  59. Kampfgeschwader 3
  60. Kampfgeschwader 4
  61. Kampfgeschwader 55
  62. Kampfgruppe
  63. Kampfmesser 42
  64. Kanchanaburi War Cemetery
  65. Kanga Force
  66. Kangaroo (armoured personnel carrier)
  67. Kanichiro Tashiro
  68. Kanji Ishiwara
  69. Kankō Maru
  70. Kansas World War II Army Airfields
  71. Kantai kessen
  72. Kantarō Suzuki
  73. Kaoru Moto
  74. Kapò
  75. Kapo (concentration camp)
  76. Karabiner 98k
  77. Karamjeet Singh Judge
  78. Karaya Quartet
  79. Karel Čurda
  80. Karel Ančerl
  81. Karel Appel
  82. Karel Destovnik Kajuh
  83. Karel Doorman
  84. Karel Kuttelwascher
  85. Karel Miljon
  86. Karel Nedvěd
  87. Karel Pavlík
  88. Karel Pešek
  89. Karel Poláček
  90. Karel Treybal
  91. Karelia (historical province of Finland)
  92. Karelian Fortified Region
  93. Karelian Front
  94. Karen Magnussen
  95. Karim Ghani
  96. Karl-Friedrich Höcker
  97. Karl-Friedrich Merten
  98. Karl-Gottfried Nordmann
  99. Karl-Heinz Greisert
  100. Karl-Heinz Moehle
  101. Karl-Heinz Schnibbe
  102. Karl-Jesko von Puttkamer
  103. Karl-Lothar Schulz
  104. Karl-Maria Demelhuber
  105. Karl Albrecht
  106. Karl Allmendinger
  107. Karl Allmenröder
  108. Karl Auer (SS officer)
  109. Karl August Nerger
  110. Karl Barth
  111. Karl Bendetsen
  112. Karl Brandt (Nazi physician)
  113. Karl Dönitz
  114. Karl Decker
  115. Karl Dietrich Bracher
  116. Karl Eberhard Schöngarth
  117. Karl Ehrenbolger
  118. Karl Eibl
  119. Karl Emil Schäfer
  120. Karl Ernst Krafft
  121. Karl Ernst Rahtgens
  122. Karl Ernst
  123. Karl Fiehler
  124. Karl Frenzel
  125. Karl Friedrich Eichhorn
  126. Karl Friedrich von dem Knesebeck
  127. Karl Fritzsch
  128. Karl Gebhardt
  129. Karl Genzken
  130. Karl Gerland
  131. Karl Gorath
  132. Karl Gröger
  133. Karl Hanke
  134. Karl Hass
  135. Karl Haushofer
  136. Karl Heinz Bremer
  137. Karl Henke
  138. Karl Hermann Frank
  139. Karl Herxheimer
  140. Karl Hess
  141. Karl Holz (Gauleiter)
  142. Karl Jäger
  143. Karl Kaufmann
  144. Karl Koller (general)
  145. Karl Löffler
  146. Karl Löwith
  147. Karl Laforce
  148. Karl Leib
  149. Karl Lennart Oesch
  150. Karl Linnas
  151. Karl Litzmann
  152. Karl Malden
  153. Karl Mander Gravell
  154. Karl Maria Wiligut
  155. Karl Mauss
  156. Karl Mayr
  157. Karl Metzger
  158. Karl Otto Koch
  159. Karl Plagge
  160. Karl Röderer
  161. Karl Rankl
  162. Karl Richter (sport shooter)
  163. Karl Ruberl
  164. Karl Ruprecht Kroenen
  165. Karl Sack
  166. Karl Schnörrer
  167. Karl Schranz
  168. Karl Silberbauer
  169. Karl Staaf
  170. Karl Stotz
  171. Karl Targownik
  172. Karl Taylor Compton
  173. Karl von Oberkamp
  174. Karl Weinrich
  175. Karl Wolff
  176. Karla Mayer
  177. Karlrobert Kreiten
  178. Karol Świerczewski
  179. Karol Chmiel
  180. Karol Marian Pospieszalski
  181. Karol Piegza
  182. Karol Rómmel
  183. Karol Sidor
  184. Karol Szwedowski
  185. Karpaty Army
  186. Kasi Maru
  187. Kastner train
  188. Kasuga-classcruiser
  189. Katō Tomosaburō
  190. Kataoka Shichirō
  191. Katarapko (Wood Camp)
  192. Katarina Matanović-Kulenović
  193. Katayama Detachment
  194. Kate ter Horst
  195. Katherine Rawls
  196. Kathie Lee Gifford
  197. Kathleen Best
  198. Kathleen McKane Godfree
  199. Katori-classbattleship
  200. Katori-classcruiser
  201. Katoucha Niane
  202. Katsu Kaishū
  203. Katsuo Takaishi
  204. Katsura Tarō
  205. Katyń (film)
  206. Katya Budanova
  207. Katyn massacre
  208. Katyusha (song)
  209. Katyusha rocket launcher
  210. Katzenberger Trial
  211. Katzmann Report
  212. Kaufering concentration camp
  213. Kaunas Ghetto
  214. Kaunas Offensive Operation
  215. Kaunas pogrom
  216. Kawachi-classbattleship
  217. Kawaguchi Detachment
  218. Kawakami Soroku
  219. Kawamura Kageaki
  220. Kawamura Sumiyoshi
  221. Kawanishi Baika
  222. Kawanishi H6K
  223. Kawanishi H8K
  224. Kawanishi K-200
  225. Kawanishi N1K
  226. Kawasaki Ki-100
  227. Kawasaki Ki-102
  228. Kawasaki Ki-147 I-Go Type1 - Ko Air to Surface Radio Guidance Missile
  229. Kawasaki Ki-32
  230. Kawasaki Ki-56
  231. Kawasaki Ki-60
  232. Kawasaki Ki-61
  233. Kawasaki Ki-96
  234. Kayaba Ka-1
  235. Kazimierz Bartel
  236. Kazimierz J. Kasperek
  237. Kazimierz Kierzkowski
  238. Kazimierz Leski
  239. Kazimierz Moczarski
  240. Kazimierz Prószyński
  241. Kazimierz Pużak
  242. Kazimierz Sakowicz
  243. Kazimierz Skorupka
  244. Kazimierz Szosland
  245. Kazimierz Zarankiewicz
  246. Kazimierz Zdziechowski
  247. Kazimir Hnatow
  248. Kazumi Onishi
  249. Kazuo Mizutani
  250. Kazuo Otani
  251. Kazuo Sakamaki
  252. Kazushige Ugaki
  253. Kb wz. 98a
  254. Kbk wz. 1929
  255. Kbsp wz. 1938M
  256. Kea Bouman
  257. Kedyw
  258. Kees Kist
  259. Kees Rijvers
  260. Kees Verkerk
  261. Kehlsteinhaus
  262. Keiji Nakazawa
  263. Keiji Shibazaki
  264. Keisuke Fujie
  265. Keisuke Okada
  266. Keith Arbuthnott, 15th Viscount of Arbuthnott
  267. Keith B. McCutcheon
  268. Keith Douglas
  269. Keith Elliott
  270. Keith Joseph
  271. Keith L. Ware
  272. Keith Mant
  273. Keith Miller
  274. Keith Moffatt
  275. Keith Park
  276. Keith Truscott
  277. Keizō Komura
  278. Keller E. Rockey
  279. Kellogg-Briand Pact
  280. Kelly's Heroes
  281. Kempeitai East District Branch
  282. Kempeitai
  283. Ken Adam
  284. Ken Albers
  285. Ken Farnes
  286. Ken Kavanaugh
  287. Ken Reardon
  288. Ken Wallis
  289. Kendall Carl Campbell
  290. Kenji Doihara
  291. Kenji Hatanaka
  292. Kenji Yanagiya
  293. Kenkichi Ueda
  294. Kenkichi Yoshizawa
  295. Kenneth A. Walsh
  296. Kenneth Anderson
  297. Kenneth Bainbridge
  298. Kenneth Campbell
  299. Kenneth Cecil Bunch
  300. Kenneth Claiborne Royall
  301. Kenneth Cummins
  302. Kenneth D. Bailey
  303. Kenneth E. Gruennert
  304. Kenneth H. Dahlberg
  305. Kenneth Hart Muir
  306. Kenneth Horsfield
  307. Kenneth Jacobs
  308. Kenneth Kendall
  309. Kenneth Konstam
  310. Kenneth Lockwood
  311. Kenneth M. Taylor
  312. Kenneth Martin Willett
  313. Kenneth Nichols
  314. Kenneth Noland
  315. Kenneth R. Harding
  316. Kenneth S. Stern
  317. Kenneth Shelley
  318. Kenneth Smith
  319. Kenneth Stonehouse
  320. Kenneth Thomson, 2nd Baron Thomson of Fleet
  321. Kenneth W. Durant
  322. Kenneth Walker
  323. Kenneth Wolstenholme
  324. Kennkarte
  325. Kent Battle of Britain Museum
  326. Kent Lee
  327. Kenzo Oshima
  328. Kerberos & Tachiguishi
  329. Kerberos Panzer Cop
  330. Kerberos Panzer Jäger
  331. Kerberos saga characters
  332. Kerberos saga chronicles
  333. Kerberos Saga Rainy Dogs
  334. Kerberos saga
  335. Kerch-Eltigen Operation
  336. Kerestinec prison
  337. Kermit Beahan
  338. Kermit Roosevelt
  339. Kerrville Municipal Airport
  340. Kesago Nakajima
  341. Kesternich (World War II)
  342. Ketil Askildt
  343. Kevin Fagan (doctor)
  344. Kevin Hatchi
  345. Kevin Stoney
  346. Keystone Heights Airport
  347. Khaibakh massacre
  348. Khaled Abdul-Wahab
  349. Khaled Kasab Mahameed
  350. Khalid Abdul Muhammad
  351. Kharkov offensive operation
  352. Khatyn massacre
  353. Khorloogiin Choibalsan
  354. KhTZ-16
  355. Ki Aldrich
  356. Kibei
  357. Kichisaburō Nomura
  358. Kidnapping of children by Nazi Germany
  359. Kielce cemetery massacre
  360. Kiev Archive Museum of Transitional Period
  361. Kigoshi Yasutsuna
  362. Kii-classbattleship
  363. Kiichi Hasegawa
  364. Kiichiro Higuchi
  365. Kijiro Nambu
  366. Kilauea-classammunition ship
  367. Kilo-class submarine
  368. Kilometer Zero
  369. Kim Malthe-Bruun
  370. Kim Suk-won
  371. Kimberley Plan
  372. Kimon Georgiev
  373. Kindertransport (play)
  374. Kindertransport
  375. King-Byng Affair
  376. King George V-classbattleship (1939)
  377. King Michael's Coup
  378. King of the Texas Rangers
  379. King Rat (1962 novel)
  380. King Rat (film)
  381. Kingdom Identity Ministries
  382. Kingdom of Italy (1861–1946)
  383. Kingdom of Montenegro (1941-1944)
  384. Kingdom of Shadows
  385. Kingman Airport and Industrial Park
  386. Kings Go Forth
  387. Kinmel Park Riots
  388. Kinoaki Matsuo
  389. Kirchenkampf
  390. Kiril Dojčinovski
  391. Kirill Meretskov
  392. Kirino Toshiaki
  393. Kirk Douglas
  394. KIS (weapon)
  395. Kiss Me Goodnight, Sergeant Major
  396. Kite-classminesweeper
  397. Kitsuju Ayabe
  398. Kittelbach Pirates
  399. Kitty Hart-Moxon
  400. Kiyohide Shima
  401. Kiyokazu Abo
  402. Kiyonao Ichiki
  403. Kiyoshi Itō
  404. Kiyoshi K. Muranaga
  405. Kiyoshi Katsuki
  406. Kiyoshi Ogawa
  407. Kiyotake Kawaguchi
  408. Kiyoto Kagawa
  409. KJ-1 AEWC
  410. KJ-2000
  411. Kjesäter
  412. KKK auxiliaries
  413. Klamath Falls Airport
  414. Klaus Barbie
  415. Klaus Bargsten
  416. Klaus Bonhoeffer
  417. Klaus Bonsack
  418. Klaus Fuchs
  419. Klaus Hildebrand
  420. Klaus Kinski
  421. Klaus Neumann
  422. Klaus von Pape
  423. Klavdiya Shulzhenko
  424. Kleagle
  425. Klement Gottwald
  426. Klemm Kl 151
  427. Klemm Kl 35
  428. Klemm Kl 36
  429. Kleo Pleyer
  430. Klim (Red Cross)
  431. Kliment Voroshilov tank
  432. Kliment Voroshilov
  433. Klooga concentration camp
  434. Kloran
  435. Kléber (Paris Métro)
  436. Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross
  437. Knighthood in the Independent State of Croatia
  438. Knights of the White Camelia
  439. Know Your Ally: Britain
  440. Know Your Enemy: Japan
  441. Knud Børge Martinsen
  442. Knud Degn
  443. Knut Hamsun
  444. Knut Haugland
  445. Knut Haukelid
  446. Knut Rød
  447. Knut Schmidt-Nielsen
  448. Ko-hyoteki-classsubmarine
  449. Ko Willems
  450. Koča Popović
  451. Kočevski Rog massacre
  452. Kobylisy Shooting Range
  453. Kodama Gentarō
  454. Koji Ariyoshi
  455. Koko Tanimoto-Kondo
  456. Kokoda (film)
  457. Kokoda Front Line
  458. Kokoda Track campaign
  459. Kokura
  460. Kokusai Ku-7
  461. Kokusai Ku-8
  462. Kolberg (film)
  463. Kolesnikov-Tsibin KC-20
  464. Koli Point action
  465. Kolkau
  466. Kolmannen valtakunnan vieraana
  467. Kommando Nowotny
  468. Kommando
  469. Kompanieführer
  470. Komsomolets armored tractor
  471. Konfederacja Narodu
  472. Kong Xianrong
  473. Kongō-classbattlecruiser
  474. Kongsberg Colt
  475. Konrāds Kalējs
  476. Konrad Dannenberg
  477. Konrad Guderski
  478. Konrad Henlein
  479. Konrad Hirsch
  480. Konrad Huber
  481. Konrad Lorenz
  482. Konrad Nonn
  483. Konrad Rudnicki
  484. Konrad Stäheli
  485. Konrad von Preysing
  486. Konstantin Feoktistov
  487. Konstantin Hierl
  488. Konstantin Leselidze
  489. Konstantin Muraviev
  490. Konstantin Pankov
  491. Konstantin Rakutin
  492. Konstantin Rodzaevsky
  493. Konstantin Rokossovsky
  494. Konstantin von Neurath
  495. Konstantinos Davakis
  496. Konstantinos Koukidis
  497. Konstantinos Logothetopoulos
  498. Konstanty Troczyński
  499. Koolama
  500. Korczak (film)
  501. Korechika Anami
  502. Korematsu v. United States
  503. Koreshige Inuzuka
  504. Korherr Report
  505. Korpsabteilung
  506. Korpsführer
  507. Korsun-Cherkassy Pocket
  508. Kortelisy
  509. Koshirō Oikawa
  510. Kosovo Operation (1944)
  511. Kosta Mušicki
  512. Kosta Pećanac
  513. Kotoku Sato
  514. Kotwica
  515. Košice attack
  516. Kouji Sakai
  517. Kristian Løken
  518. Krøkebærsletta
  519. Krafft Arnold Ehricke
  520. Krag-Jørgensen
  521. Kragujevac massacre
  522. Kraków-Płaszów concentration camp
  523. Kraków Army
  524. Kraków Cavalry Brigade
  525. Kraków District
  526. Kraków Ghetto
  527. Kraków Uprising (1944)
  528. Kranji War Cemetery
  529. Krasny Kavkaz
  530. Kreisau Circle
  531. Kremenets
  532. Kriegsmarine
  533. Kriegsschule
  534. Kriminalpolizei
  535. Kristallnacht
  536. Kristiansand Airport, Kjevik
  537. Kristoffer Nilsen
  538. Kronach Lorin
  539. Kronprinz Wilhelm
  540. Kronshtadt-classsubmarine chaser
  541. Krsto Zrnov Popović
  542. Krupp K5
  543. Krupp Protze
  544. Krupp Trial
  545. Krystyna Skarbek
  546. Krzyż Oświęcimski
  547. Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński
  548. Krzyz Walecznych
  549. Ksawery Wyrozemski
  550. Károly Bartha
  551. Károly Fogl
  552. Károly Kárpáti
  553. Ku Klux Klan
  554. Kuban Shield
  555. Kubuś
  556. Kuehn Family
  557. Kugelblitz
  558. Kugelpanzer
  559. Kuma-classcruiser
  560. Kumiko Sato
  561. Kuniaki Koiso
  562. Kuomintang
  563. Kure Naval Arsenal
  564. Kure Naval District
  565. Kuroda Kiyotaka
  566. Kuroki Tamemoto
  567. Kurt-Bertram von Döring
  568. Kurt Becher
  569. Kurt Blome
  570. Kurt Bühligen
  571. Kurt Brändle
  572. Kurt Daluege
  573. Kurt Diebner
  574. Kurt Dittmar
  575. Kurt Doerry
  576. Kurt Franz
  577. Kurt Freiherr von Liebenstein
  578. Kurt Gerron
  579. Kurt Gerstein
  580. Kurt Grasshoff
  581. Kurt Gruber
  582. Kurt Hahn
  583. Kurt Herbert Adler
  584. Kurt Huber
  585. Kurt Jahn
  586. Kurt Julius Goldstein
  587. Kurt Knispel
  588. Kurt Kuhlmey
  589. Kurt Mahler
  590. Kurt Meyer (Panzermeyer)
  591. Kurt Nehrling
  592. Kurt Plenzat
  593. Kurt Sanderling
  594. Kurt Schlosser
  595. Kurt Schmitt
  596. Kurt Schneider (aviator)
  597. Kurt Schneider
  598. Kurt Student
  599. Kurt Tank
  600. Kurt Ubben
  601. Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord
  602. Kurt von Ruffin
  603. Kurt von Schleicher
  604. Kurt von Tippelskirch
  605. Kurt Vonnegut
  606. Kurt Wahle
  607. Kurt Weill
  608. Kurt Welter
  609. Kurt Wüthrich
  610. Kurt Wolff (aviator)
  611. Kurt Zeitzler
  612. Kustaa Pihlajamäki
  613. Kusunose Yukihiko
  614. Kutini-Payamu (Iron Range) National Park
  615. Kuzma Nikolaevich Derevyanko
  616. Kvænangen concentration camp
  617. KW-line
  618. Kwacho Hironobu
  619. Kwantung Army
  620. Kyūjō Incident
  621. Kyushu J7W
  622. Kyushu K11W
  623. Kyösti Karhila
  624. KZ - Nebenlager Bretstein
  625. KZ Gusen
  626. Kåre Olav-Berg

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