Kirti Chakra

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Kirti Chakra

Kirti Chakra ribbon.svg
Kirti Chakra and its ribbon, the second highest peacetime decoration of India
Type Medal
Awarded forAwarded for conspicuous gallantry otherwise than in the face of the enemy. [1]
Country Flag of India.svg India
Presented by Flag of India.svg President of India
  • Officers, men and women of all ranks of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force, of any of the Reserve Forces, of the Territorial Army, Militia and of any other lawfully constituted forces.
  • Members of the Nursing Services of the Armed Forces.
  • Civilian Citizens of either sex in all walks of life and members of Police Forces including Central Para-Military Forces and Railway protection Force. [2]
StatusCurrently Awarded
Established1952;72 years ago (1952)
First awarded1952
Last awarded2024 [3]
Total awarded posthumously198
Total recipients487 (As of 2024) [4]
Next (higher) Param Vishisht Seva Medal ribbon.svg Param Vishisht Seva Medal [5]
Equivalent Maha Vir Chakra ribbon.svg Maha Vir Chakra [5]
Next (lower) Padma Shri Ribbon.svg Padma Shri [5]

The Kirti Chakra (lit.'Wheel of Glory') is an Indian military decoration awarded for valour, courageous action or self-sacrifice away from the field of battle. It may be awarded to civilians as well as military personnel, including posthumous awards. [6] It is the peacetime equivalent of the Maha Vir Chakra. It is second in order of precedence of peacetime gallantry awards, comes after Ashoka Chakra and before Shaurya Chakra. Before 1967, the award was known as the Ashoka Chakra, Class II. [7]



Established as the "Ashoka Chakra, Class II" by the President of India, 4 January 1952 (with effect from 15 August 1947). [8] The statutes were revised and the decoration renamed on 27 January 1967. [9] [10]

To understand the award better, a sample recipient would be No. 18161 Naik Mukhtiar Singh, 4 J. & K. Infantry (to date from 19 March 1956). [11]

"On the night of 18/19 March 1956, the position occupied by our troops on the Bela at Hussainiwala Headworks, near Ferozepore on the Indo-Pakistani Border was attacked. Approximately one platoon of attackers managed to secure a foothold on the Bela from the left flank. On being ordered by his platoon commander to take his section to the threatened flank and stem the advance, No. 18161 Naik Mukhtiar Singh personally led his section through heavy automatic fire. He inflicted two casualties on the attackers, captured their rifles and led his section up to the right Guide Bund and secured his objective. Whilst his section was securing the objective on the Bund, a hand grenade landed near him in the midst of his section. To save his section, he lifted the grenade with his left hand and tried to throw it back on the attackers. The grenade exploded in the meantime and his left elbow was blown off. Though seriously wounded he continued to exhort his men to fight on and refused to be evacuated. No. 18161 Naik Mukhtiar Singh by his high example of personal leadership, courage and complete disregard for his personal safety averted a disaster to his section and to the Bela Position." [12]



Personnel Eligible: The following categories of personnel shall be eligible for the Chakra :-

Conditions of Eligibility: The medal is awarded for conspicuous gallantry otherwise than in the face of the enemy. The decoration may be awarded posthumously. Monetary Allowance. Rs. 1050/- pm and each bar to the decoration will carry the same amount of monetary allowance as admissible to the original award with effect from 1 February 1999.


2024 Major Digvijay Singh Rawat 21 PARA (SF)
Major Deependra Vikram Basnet 4 Sikh Regiment
Captain Anshuman Singh 26 Punjab Regiment Posthumous
Havildar Pawan Kumar Yadav 21 Mahar Regiment
Havildar Abdul Majid 9 PARA (SF) Posthumous
Sepoy Pawan Kumar Grenadiers,

55 RR

2023 Inspector Dilip Kumar Das CRPF Posthumous
Head Constable Raj Kumar Yadava CRPF Posthumous
Constable Bablu Rabha CRPF Posthumous
Constable Sambhu Roy CRPF Posthumous
Naik Jitendra Singh Rajput Regiment, 44 RR
Major Shubhang Dogra Regiment, 62 RR
Constable Rohit Kumar Jammu and Kashmir Police Posthumous
Head Constable Shrawan Kashyap Chhattisgarh Police Posthumous
Head Constable Sodhi Narayan Chhattisgarh Police Posthumous
Sub Inspector Deepak Bhardwaj Chhattisgarh Police Posthumous
2022 Naik Devendra Pratap Singh 55 RR
Sub Inspector Paotinsat Guite BSF Posthumous
Constable Sudip Sarkar BSF Posthumous
2021 Constable Vinod Kumar CRPF Posthumous
Constable Altaf Hussain Bhat Jammu and Kashmir Police Posthumous
Head Constable Shyam Narain Singh Yadava CRPF Posthumous
Inspector Pintu Kumar Singh CRPF Posthumous
Deputy Commandant Rahul Mathur CRPF
Subedar Sanjeev Kumar 4 Para (SF) Posthumous
2020 Head Constable Abdul Rashid Kalas Jammu and Kashmir Police Posthumous
2019 Constable Pradip Kumar Panda CRPF Posthumous
Constable Rajendra Kumar Nain CRPF Posthumous
Deputy Commandant Harshpal Singh CRPF
Sapper Prakash Jadhav Indian Army Posthumous
SawarVijay KumarARMD / 22 RRPosthumous
MajorTushar GaubaJat Regiment
2018 Sepoy Vrahma Pal Singh Rajput / 44 RR Posthumous
MajorVijayant Bisht Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry
2017CommandantChetan Kumar CheetaCRPF
CommandantPramod KumarCRPFPosthumous
Lance Havildar Prem Bahadur Resmi Magar 3/1 Gorkha Rifles Posthumous [13]
HavildarGiris GurungPosthumous
MajorRohit Suri 4 Para (SF) [13]
Major David Manlun THE NAGA REGIMENT, 164 INF BN (TA) (HOME & HEARTH) NAGAPosthumous [14] [15]
MajorPreetam Singh KunwarGarhwal Rifles
2016Head ConstableRajesh AtraChhattisgarh Police
ConstableGautam KochAssam PolicePosthumous
SepoyJagdish ChandDefence Security CorpsPosthumous
SubedarMahendra Singh, SM 9 Para (SF)
2015Naib SubedarRajesh KumarMahar RegimentPosthumous
Lieutenant ColonelNectar Sanjenbam, SC 21 Para (SF)
Naib SubedarKosh Bahadur Gurung1 Gorkha Rifles
SubedarAjay VardhanGarhwal RiflesPosthumous
CaptainJaidev Dangi 10 Para (SF) [16]
2014ConstableBhrigu Nandan ChoudharyCRPFPosthumous
Naib SubedarBhupal Singh Chhantel Magar5 Gorkha Rifles
Wing Commander Darryl Castelino Indian Air ForcePosthumous [17]
2013Inspector Lohit Sonowal Assam Police Posthumous
Lieutenant Commander Abhilash Tomy Indian Navy
MajorMahesh Kumar, SMPunjab Regiment
MajorAnup Joseph ManjaliBihar Regiment
2012LieutenantSushil KhajuriaArmy Service CorpsPosthumous
CaptainAshutosh KumarRajputana Rifles
Lieutenant ColonelKamaldeep SinghRajputana Rifles
2011NaikRajinder SinghRajputana Rifles
LieutenantVikas SharmaParachute Regiment
LieutenantVikram Ajit DeshmukhMadras Regiment
MajorRahul GurungThe Corps of Engineers
CaptainDeepak SharmaThe Corps of SignalsPosthumous
2010KumariRukhsana KosserIndian Civilian
ShriAjaz AhmedIndian Civilian
ShriBhopal SinghSSBPosthumous
ConstableRel Deo SangmaMeghalaya PolicePosthumous
Superintendent of Police Vinod Kumar Choubey Indian Police Service Posthumous [18]
CaptainDavinder Singh Jass 1 Para (SF) Posthumous
MajorSuresh SuriKumaon RegimentPosthumous
MajorPushpendar SinghRajputana Rifles
2009ParatrooperShabir Ahmad Malik Para SF Posthumous
MajorDeepak TewariEME
MajorAmit Oscar FernandesMaratha Light Infantry
NaikRishikesh GurjarRajput Regiment
SapperV. SathishThe Corps of Engineers
NaikTape YajoAssam Rifles
HavildarRale Santosh TanajiMaratha Light Infantry
SubedarIndra Bahadur Pun Para SF
CaptainParas LimbooAssam Rifles
CaptainZala Ajitkumar Arshibhai Para SF
Lieutenant ColonelOsiris DasKumaon Regiment
Lieutenant Colonel Saurabh Singh Shekhawat Para SF [19]
2008ConstableRoop SinghITBPPosthumous
ConstableAjay Singh PathaniaITBPPosthumous
ShriV. Venkateswara RaoIndian Foreign ServicePosthumous
CaptainSunil Kumar Choudhary, SM11 Gorkha RiflesPosthumous
MajorRajinder Kumar Sharma, SCGrenadiers
MajorSushil Kumar SinghBihar Regiment
MajorNungleppam Buddhimanta Singh, SM Rajput Regiment
Lieutenant ColonelManish Shashikant KadamPunjab RegimentPosthumous
Brigadier Ravi Datt Mehta IntelligencePosthumous
SepoySureshJat RegimentPosthumous
MajorSubhash Chand Punia Para SF
MajorKumandur Prabhakar VinayArtilleryPosthumous
MajorShatrujeet KotwalJat Regiment
2007Sub InspectorDhirendra Nath Pratap SinghCISFPosthumous
ShriDyanand PandeyBashkari Sub Post OfficePosthumous
ShriTarun Kumar DuttaIntelligence OfficerPosthumous
ShriMohd. Shan AhmedJhansi Head Post OfficePosthumous
NaikRadhakrishnan CMadras RegimentPosthumous
CaptainAbhinav HandaMaratha Light Infantry
Lieutenant ColonelPankaj Kumar11 Gorkha Rifles
HavildarManjit SinghSikh Regiment
LieutenantNatarajan ParthibanJammu and Kashmir Light InfantryPosthumous
CaptainVishal BhandralGarhwal RiflesPosthumous
MajorManish Hiraji Pitambare Para SF Posthumous
ColonelGurbir Singh SarnaGrenadiersPosthumous
2006FiremanVijay Pal SinghUttar Pradesh Fire ServicePosthumous
Bank GuardRugha RamPunjab and Sindh BankPosthumous
Sub InspectorSanjeevAndaman and Nicobar PolicePosthumous
MajorJames ThomasSikh Light InfantryPosthumous
SubedarJagat Bahadur Ghale5 Gorkha RiflesPosthumous
2005CaptainSajjan Singh Malik 10 Para (SF) Posthumous
Wing CommanderBalakrishna Pillai Sreebhavan Krishna KumarIndian Air Force
Wing CommanderSudhir Kumar SharmaIndian Air Force
2004Second in CommandNarindra Nath Dhar DubeyBorder Security Force
ConstableC. StanlyBorder Security ForcePosthumous
LieutenantDheerendra Singh AtriArmy Service CorpsPosthumous
LieutenantKanavdeep SinghSikh RegimentPosthumous
Major Ajay Kothiyal Garhwal Rifles [20]
2003Sub InspectorRavi Jee FotedarJammu and Kashmir PolicePosthumous
CommandantVirendra Prasad PurohitBorder Security ForcePosthumous
Rifleman Surjan Singh Bhandari National Security GuardsPosthumous
GrenadierAnil KumarThe GrenadiersPosthumous
SepoySarwan Kumar DhukiyaInfantryPosthumous
Lance NaikSohanvirInfantryPosthumous
SubedarDil Bahadur ThapaInfantry
CaptainDilip Kumar JhaInfantryPosthumous
MajorInderjeet Singh BabbarArtilleryPosthumous
NaikTarlok SinghMahar Regiment
HavildarRudal PrasadBihar RegimentPosthumous
2002Head ConstableBijender SinghDelhi PolicePosthumous
Head ConstableGhan ShyamDelhi PolicePosthumous
Head ConstableOm PrakashDelhi Police
Assistant Sub InspectorRam PalDelhi PolicePosthumous
Assistant Sub InspectorNanak ChandDelhi PolicePosthumous
Naib SubedarDev Bahadur Thapa4 Gorkha RiflesPosthumous
Naib SubedarIshwar SinghParachute Regiment
MajorUshnisha Jaitly11 Gorkha RiflesPosthumous
Lance HavildarJora SinghSikh Light InfantryPosthumous
HavildarLashkar SinghSikh RegimentPosthumous
MajorAvinash Singh BhadauriaMadras RegimentPosthumous [21]
MajorSubhash Chand RanaSikh Regiment
2001CaptainPankaj DhyaniDogra Regiment
LieutenantMayekar Narendra AtmaramEMEPosthumous
LieutenantRavinder ChhikaraThe GrenadiersPosthumous
CaptainR Subramanian Para SF Posthumous
Major Pradeep R Tathawade Jammu and Kashmir Light InfantryPosthumous
CorporalAkhilesh Kumar MishraIndian Air Force
Wing CommanderRajiv KothiyalIndian Air Force
2000CaptainAmit SemwalDogra RegimentPosthumous
MajorDeepak Mehra5 Gorkha Rifles
Lance NaikRam Chander Bhatt9 Gorkha RiflesPosthumous
SubedarDaljit SinghDogra RegimentPosthumous
MajorShushil AimaAD ArtilleryPosthumous
MajorJoginder Singh Tanwar3 Gorkha Rifles
1999SepoyBalbir SinghPunjab RegimentPosthumous
NaikTikaram ThapaAssam RiflesPosthumous
NaikNarayan DasAssam RiflesPosthumous
HavildarRaksh PaulDogra RegimentPosthumous
Naib SubedarJagroop SinghPunjab RegimentPosthumous
MajorRaman DadaSikh RegimentPosthumous
SepoySanjeev SinghDogra RegimentPosthumous
NaikGee Varghese KDAssam RiflesPosthumous
HavildarBadri Lal LunawatParachute Regiment
1998ShriBalai Chandra MaityIndian CivilianPosthumous
NaikVishwa KerkettaBihar RegimentPosthumous
NaikGopal SinghKumaon RegimentPosthumous
CaptainAnil KumarDogra Regiment
MajorAshok Kumar SahrawatSikh Light InfantryPosthumous
MajorPadmanabhan SrikumarAD ArtilleryPosthumous
MajorBraj Kishore SharmaArtilleryPosthumous
MajorSukhwinder Jeet Singh RandhawaArtilleryPosthumous
1997RiflemanSanjay SahiGarhwal RiflesPosthumous
SepoyDaya ShankarMechanized InfantryPosthumous
MajorKrishna Murthy BalasubramaniamArtilleryPosthumous
1996ShriPoojari ManikyamSarpanchPosthumous
NaikBhim SinghPioneerPosthumous
Lieutenant ColonelSunil Kumar RazdanParachute Regiment
1995Lance NaikMahaveer Singh RajputRajput RegimentPosthumous
Lance HavildarNek Singh, SCJammu and Kashmir RiflesPosthumous
HavildarDhanaraj MuthappanMadras Regiment
SubedarHem Bahadur ThapaAssam RiflesPosthumous
CaptainDevashish SharmaArmy Medical CorpsPosthumous
CaptainArjun Singh GuleriaArtillery
HavildarShiv Narayan SinghRajput RegimentPosthumous
Company Havildar MajorJagtap Shivaji BaluMaratha Light InfantryPosthumous
Second LieutenantRishi Ashok MalhotraMaratha Light InfantryPosthumous
1994ShriUgrasen SahooSchool TeacherPosthumous
HavildarMadan SarupDogra RegimentPosthumous
SepoySatnam SinghSikh Light InfantryPosthumous
SepoyGurtej Singh GillPunjab RegimentPosthumous
SepoyRam Swaroop GujarRajput RegimentPosthumous
Lance NaikJagjit SinghSikh RegimentPosthumous
NaikNawab Singh TomarSikh RegimentPosthumous
NaikKannalan Kennady VMadras RegimentPosthumous
Naib SubedarBaldev RajJammu and Kashmir RiflesPosthumous
SubedarRewal SinghJammu and Kashmir Rifles
1993SrimatiNirmal KantaSchool Principal
SepoyGouri Shanker SahBihar RegimentPosthumous
MajorIvan Joseph Crasto 1 Para (SF)
1992Shri Pandillapalli Srinivas Indian Forest ServicePosthumous
SepoySwaran SinghDogra RegimentPosthumous
NaikHari SinghRajputana RiflesPosthumous
Naib SubedarPadam Bahadur ChhatriAssam Rifles
SubedarNopa RamJat RegimentPosthumous
MajorMohinder Singh PathaniaPunjab Regiment
ColonelInderjit Singh, VSMInfantry
Flight LieutenantMysore Krishnaswamy Ramaprasad Indian Air Force
1991Civil EngineerRaj Pal Singh RanaBorder Road Organisation
Lance NaikCharan SinghPunjab Regiment
NaikBansode YMParashute RegimentPosthumous
NaikParkash ChandThe GrenadiersPosthumous
CaptainRakesh RanaBihar Regiment
MajorAnurag NauriyalGorkha RiflesPosthumous
1990OEMG PillaiBorder Road OrganisationPosthumous
OEMAbhimanuBorder Road Organisation
OEMKanshi RamBorder Road OrganisationPosthumous
CH/ManGB PatnaikBorder Road OrganisationPosthumous
KedarnathIndian Civilian
1989ShriAshok Kumar SharmaIndian CivilianPosthumous
OEMSatey SinghBorder Road Organisation
SPR/OEMAjmer AliBorder Road OrganisationPosthumous
Guest House ManagerShakti Sinh Samantdinh VisanaGujrat Forest ServicePosthumous
Jashoda PalIndianCivilian
Range Forest OfficerArvind D HegdeKarnataka Forest ServicePosthumous
Shri Ajit Kumar Doval Indian Police Service
Shri Phu Dorjee MountaineerPosthumous
HavildarPrem Nath RaiEMEPosthumous
ALDKrishan Dev KushwahArmoured CorpsPosthumous
Wing CommanderDaljit Singh MinhasIndian Air ForcePosthumous
1988Naib SubedarPG Ram GopalBorder Road Organisation
DMENaresh KumarBorder Road OrganisationPosthumous
OEMHarjinder SinghRoad Maintenance Platoon
ShriShiv Kumar YadavCivil EngineerPosthumous
Bank GuardHarak Singh Karam SinghUnion Bank of IndiaPosthumous
DaftaryHasmukh Badriprasad ShahBank of India
PeonRajinder Singh PanwarBank of Baroda
Naib SubedarChander SinghAssam RiflesPosthumous
HavildarShivaji Krishna PatilThe Corps of EngineersPosthumous
Wing CommanderMaheshwar DuttIndian Air Force
1987ManagerY Sreehari SarmaAndhra BankPosthumous
ManagerGhulam Nabi MagreyJammu and Kashmir Bank LimitedPosthumous
ShriAjay Kumar KlairIndian CivilianPosthumous
BrigadierManohar Lal Garg, AVSM (Retd.)Indian Civilian
SubedarRam Das (Retd.)Indian Civilian
Second LieutenantPradipta Narayan MohapatraSikh Light Infantry
MajorAshok Kumar Singh, SMThe Corps of Engineers
MajorMahavir Singh Balhara, SMBihar Regiment
Squadron LeaderPradeep SharmaIndian Air Force
1986ShriBundu KhanIndian CivilianPosthumous
RiflemanGopal ChandAssam RiflesPosthumous
HavildarIndra Bahadur GurungArtillery
MajorJai Bahuguna, SM, VSMThe Corps of EngineersPosthumous
1985BR-IIRN GuleriaBorder Road OrganisationPosthumous
ColKarni Singh RathoreRajputana Rifles
ShriBachan Singh SadhraoBorder Road Organisation
CaretakerJai RamAligarh Head Post OfficePosthumous
ShriRB KulkarniCivil Engineer
CaptainAnoop Kumar ChandhokJammu and Kashmir Rifles
Lieutenant ColonelSatya Swaroop SharmaThe Corps of Engineers
ParatrooperJagpal SinghParachute Regiment
HavildarVarghese MathewMadras Regiment
HavildarChander Pal ThakarDogra RegimentPosthumous
HavildarSarwan SinghBrigade of the GuardsPosthumous
Naib SubedarK George KoshyMadras RegimentPosthumous
SubedarMahavir Singh YadavParachute RegimentPosthumous
SubedarKaruppan Palath Raman RaviMadras RegimentPosthumous
CaptainAnil MalhotraKumaon Regiment
CaptainVinod Kumar NaikGarhwal Rifles
CaptainHardev SinghMechaniseed Infantry
MajorHitesh Kumar PaltaKumaon RegimentPosthumous
Lieutenant ColonelIsrar Rahim KhanBrigade of the Guards
Wing Commander Ravish Malhotra Indian Air Force
Lieutenant ColonelTejindar SinghGarhwal Rifles
1984ShriArvinder Pal SinghIndian Civilian
Deputy Conservator of ForestAshok Kumar SharmaIndian Forest Service
ShriSuresh KumarIndian CivilianPosthumous
ShriMohammed Yakub AliTeacherPosthumous
Lance NaikRamesh SinghKumaon RegimentPosthumous
MajorAjay Nath BahugunaJammu and Kashmir Rifles
SepoyUmesh ChandraKumaon RegimentPosthumous
RiflemanSripal ChandGarhwal Rifles
NaikRam Bahadur ChhetriAssam RiflesPosthumous
NaikTek Bahadur ThapaAssam RiflesPosthumous
CaptainKarni Singh RathoreRajputana Rifles
Major Neelakantan Jayachandran Nair Maratha Light Infantry
Squadron LeaderHari Nath Chaturvedi VMIndian Air Force
1983ShriSurinder SinghIndian Civilian
BrigadierSom Parkash JhingonInfantry
Squadron LeaderVisvanathan NagarajanIndian Air Force
1982BR-IIAK MajiBorder Road OrganisationPosthumous
ShriHara Lal SilIndian CivilianPosthumous
Naib SubedarUmaid Singh Rajputana Rifles
CaptainAjit SinghBihar Regiment
NaikMegh Raj Singh Rajputana Rifles Posthumous
HavildarAmar Singh Rajputana Rifles Posthumous
GranadierGopal SinghThe GranadiersPosthumous
GranadierBajrang SinghThe GranadiersPosthumous
Lance NaikRavi SinghJammu and Kashmir Rifles
MajorRam Singh SaharanJat Regiment
Lieutenant ColonelRama Prasad SinhJammu and Kashmir Rifles
ColonelNarinder Kumar, PVSM, AVSMKumaon Regiment
Flight LieutenantSankara Iyer ChandrasekharIndian Air Force
1981ShriS Bhaga PanickarMechanical Engineer
PioneerRam AdhirGREF
ShriTsangu KhemnunganVillage GuardsPosthumous
HavildarPukhu KhemnunganVillage Guards
Shri Sanjay Chopra Indian CivilianPosthumous
Kumari Geeta Chopra Indian CivilianPosthumous
RiflemanParshotam DassJammu and Kashmir RiflesPosthumous
Flight LieutenantAnil Kumar MathurIndia Air Force
1980MajorSukhdev SinghPunjab RegimentPosthumous
1979Sub OverseerRam Dulare LalGeneral Reserve Engineer ForcePosthumous
ShriNathan SinghIndian Civilian
ShriKayum KhanBus Driver
KumariK BinaIndian Civilian
NaikPratap SinghIntelligencePosthumous
SubedarBakhtawar SinghPunjab RegimentPosthumous
Group Captain Denzil Keelor Indian Air Force
1978ShriKanwar Lal SareenPipeline Engineer
ShriKurpatiIndian Civilian
Squadron LeaderDeepak YadavIndian Air ForcePosthumous
SepoyDhan SinghArmy Medical CorpsPosthumous
SignalmanRama Rao Dattatarya DeshmukhSignalsPosthumous
Lance NaikHoshiar SinghRajputana RiflesPosthumous
NaikNima Dorjee Sherpa3 Gorkha Rifles
NaikAjit SinghThe Corps of EngineerPosthumous
MajorPrem Chand, VSMDogra Regiment
1976ShriMulaoo RawatIndian CivilianPosthumous
Lance NaikAttar SinghArtilleryPosthumous
Company Havildar MajorSusai Pilleei MichealMadras RegimentPosthumous
1975ShriSwarn Singh BoparaiIndian Civilian
HavildarJogendra Singh Sen, VrC9 Gorkha Rifles
Naib SubedarKalyan SinghAssam Rifles
CommandantZuheto SwuBorder Security Force
1974Petty Officer TAS-1Gur Iqbal SinghIndian NavyPosthumous
1973ShriPati RamIndian Civilian
ShriShriKrishna KirarIndian Civilian
ShriPritam KirarIndian Civilian
ShriHazariIndian Civilian
MajorMohinder Singh KadyanJat Regiment
Naib SubedarDaya NandJat Regiment
CaptainHarpal Singh AhluwaliaJat RegimentPosthumous
NaikMohammad DarPNR
1972ShriMN SinghCivil Engineer
ShriSuresh Dwarka Nath GavaskarIndian Civilian
ShriPV PuranikCivil Engineer
ShriMahendra Narain SinghIndian Civilian
ShriHanumant SinghIndian Civilian
ShriRabindra Nath GuptaForeman
MajorShachindra Kumar SharmaThe Corps of Engineers
Flight SergeantMoj Parkash PuriIndian Air Force
Flight LieutenantKuldeep Kumar SharmaIndian Air Force
1971CaptainRansher Singh RanawatBrigade of the Guards
NaikJagbir SinghRajput RegimentPosthumous
ShriVila Pralie Angami, SCPosthumous
1970ShriSham SunderIndian Civilian
ShriSurajIndian Civilian
ShriNattheIndian Civilian
ShriKallooIndian Civilian
ShriGopiIndian Civilian
1969ShriVishwanath SinghIndian Civilian
ShriMahadev SinghIndian Civilian
ShriKashiram SinghIndian Civilian
ShriBabu SinghIndian Civilian
ShriAjab SinghIndian Civilian
ShriRam NathIndian Civilian
ShriRam BharoseIndian Civilian
NaikTek Bahadur ChhetriAssam Rifles
SubedarDhian SinghSikh Regiment
CaptainDinesh Prasad MathurThe Brigade of the Guards
PNRMool SinghPioneerPosthumous
SepoyGorakh Nath SinghBihar RegimentPosthumous
Lance NaikJitendra BiswasArmy Service Corps
CaptainSreeram Raju KosuriAssam Rifles
1968ShriBishal SinghIndian CivilianPosthumous
SubedarChalhnuna LushaiAssam Rifles
CaptainAllah Noor KathatAssam RiflesPosthumous
CorporalSukumar GhoshIndian Air Force
1966ShriTilak Raj KhannaIndian Civilian
ShriSatish SoodIndian Civilian
ShriPreet Pal SinghIndian Civilian
ShriArun KhannaIndian Civilian
ShriKirpal Singh DhingraIndian Civilian
ShriJia Lal GuptaElectrical Engineer
ShriPartapaIndian Railways
Squadron LeaderVishwanath Balkrishna SawardekarIndian Air Force
1965ShriPatric Edward CrizzleIndian RailwaysPosthumous
SubedarZhevishe SemaVillage Guard
ShriAngamiIndian Civilian
1964ShriSamiran Kumar RoyIndia SteamshipPosthumous
ShriAlan Fredrick RichtorIndia Steamship
ShriAbdul RazakaliIndia SteamshipPosthumous
ShriHaran Chandra MisraIndia SteamshipPosthumous
ShriMedandra Krishna KumarIndia SteamshipPosthumous
ShriSureshwar DattaIndia SteamshipPosthumous
ShriRazo Sopu AngamiVillage Gusrd
MajorDwarka Nath KanwarpalAssam Rifles
Lance NaikKarna Bahadur GurungAssam Rifles
NaikKarna Bahadur RaiAssam RiflesPosthumous
Second LieutenantPreminder SinghThe Corps of EngineersPosthumous
1963ShriAllika Venkata RaoIndian RailwaysPosthumous
NaikRanjit SinghDogra RegimentPosthumous
1962Flight LieutenantJagannath VijayaraghavanIndian Air ForcePosthumous
Flight LieutenantKaran Sher Singh KalsiaIndian Air ForcePosthumous
Flight LieutenantMadhusudan RayIndian Air ForcePosthumous
Flying OfficerVaidyanathan GanesanIndian Air ForcePosthumous
Flight LieutenantBalkrishan DesoaresIndian Air Force
Flight LieutenantRaj Kumar MehtaIndian Air ForcePosthumous
Ordinary SeamanBechan SinghIndian NavyPosthumous
Senior Commissioned GunnerNoel KelmanIndian Navy
Ordinary SeamanVijendraI Pal Singh TomarIndian NavyPosthumous
RiflemanBir Singh NegiGarhwal Rifles
1961ShriImti MayangVillage Guards
ShriPercival Douglas CarrollIndian RailwaysPosthumous
Squadron LeaderAyappan SudhakaranIndian Air ForcePosthumous
RiflemanHans RajJammu and Kashmir RiflesPosthumous
MajorParayil BhaskaranMadras Regiment
1960SubedarPfudilhu AngamiVillage Guards
CaptainSampuran Singh GrewalIndian Airlines
Lieutenant ColonelJamshed Bhurjorji DorabjiAssam Rifles
SepoyChuhar SinghSikh Light Infantry
SubedarSat Lal Pun8 Gorkha Rifles
Second LieutenantRaj Mohan SharmaJammu and Kashmir Light Infantry
1959SepoyAyomo LothaVillage Guard
ShriMakhimongIndian Civilian
Squadron LeaderReginald Azariah RufusIndian Air Force
RiflemanJut Bahadur Thapa8 Gorkha RiflesPosthumous
RiflemanMadho Singh NegiGarhwal RiflesPosthumous
NaikLal SinghRajput Regiment
CaptainGraman Kastrurirangam Krishna IyengarThe Corps of Engineers
CaptainHarbans SinghAssam Rifles
RiflemanBhim Bahadur Khattri9 Gorkha Rifles
RiflemanJaman Singh GusainGarhwal Rifles
MajorDanchand Singh Pratap3 Gorkha Rifles
1958Wing CommanderNedyam Bhaskar MenonIndian Airforce [22]
Wing CommanderEdul Jahangir DhatigaraIndian Air Force
RiflemanDan Singh Pun3 Gorkha Rifles
RiflemanTara Prasad Gurung3 Gorkha Rifles
RiflemanJailal Adhikari9 Gorkha Rifles
SepoySuraj SinghRajput Regiment
SepoyRam DevaRajput RegimentPosthumous
Lance NaikRan Bahadur Gurung5 Gorkha Rifles
NaikKarnail SinghPunjab RegimentPosthumous
SubedarSohan SinghPunjab RegimentPosthumous
Lieutenant ColonelJaswant Singh Rajput Regiment
1957 Shri Manasser Johannes Indian Railways Posthumous
Lance Naik Pandit Mane Maratha Light Infantry
Major Amar Sen Assam Rifles
Major Inder Singh Rawat Assam Rifles
Major Denzil Herbert D'Cruz Assam Rifles
Sepoy Mohinder Singh Sikh Light Infantry
Sepoy Parmal Singh Rajput Regiment Posthumous
Jemadar Kulwant Singh Sikh Regiment Posthumous
Subedar Nasib Singh Sikh Light Infantry
Captain Mehta Singh Sikh Light Infantry Posthumous
Naik Mukhtar Singh Jammu and Kashmir Rifles
Sepoy Babu Lal Rajput Regiment Posthumous
1956 Jemadar Sheopujan Singh Bihar Regiment
Jemadar Sham Bahadur Singh Bihar Regiment Posthumous
1955 Flight Attendant Gloria Eva Berry Air India Posthumous
Havildar A SomiahEME
1954 Major General Shankarrao Pandurung Patil Thorat Indian Army
1953 Flight Lieutenant Raizada Harbans Chawdhry Indian Air Force
1952 Shri B.B.L. DattIndian Civilian
Flight Sergeant O. Sundaressiya Indian Air Force
Sergeant Dev Raj Singh Indian Air Force
Sergeant Ram Chandra Dua Indian Air Force
Flight Lieutenant Ulrich Anthony D'Cruz Indian Air Force
Sowar Prithi SinghArmoured Corps (3rd Cavalry) [23]
Major Gurcharan Singh Artillery (26 Light A.A. Regiment) [23]
Sepoy Daryao The Grenadiers
Sepoy Sewa Singh Sikh Regiment
Naik Hardial Singh Sikh Regiment Posthumous
Havildar Amar Singh Punjab Regiment
Captain Joginder Singh Gharaya Bihar Regiment



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