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Light dark matter, in astronomy and cosmology, are dark matter weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPS) candidates with masses less than 1 GeV (i.e., a mass similar to or less than a neutron or proton). [1] These particles are heavier than warm dark matter and hot dark matter, but are lighter than the traditional forms of cold dark matter, such as Massive Compact Halo Objects (MACHOs). The Lee-Weinberg bound [2] limits the mass of the favored dark matter candidate, WIMPs, that interact via the weak interaction to GeV. This bound arises as follows. The lower the mass of WIMPs is, the lower the annihilation cross section, which is of the order , where m is the WIMP mass and M the mass of the Z boson. This means that low mass WIMPs, which would be abundantly produced in the early universe, freeze out (i.e. stop interacting) much earlier and thus at a higher temperature, than higher mass WIMPs. This leads to a higher relic WIMP density. If the mass is lower than GeV the WIMP relic density would overclose the universe.
Some of the few loopholes allowing one to avoid the Lee-Weinberg bound without introducing new forces below the electroweak scale have been ruled out by accelerator experiments (i.e. CERN, Tevatron), and in decays of B mesons. [3]
A viable way of building light dark matter models is thus by postulating new light bosons. This increases the annihilation cross section and reduces the coupling of dark matter particles to the Standard Model making them consistent with accelerator experiments. [4] [5] [6]
Current methods to search for light dark matter particles include direct detection through electron recoil.
In recent years, light dark matter has become popular due in part to the many benefits of the theory. Sub-GeV dark matter has been used to explain the positron excess in the Galactic Center observed by INTEGRAL, excess gamma rays from the Galactic Center [7] and extragalactic sources. It has also been suggested that light dark matter may explain a small discrepancy in the measured value of the fine structure constant in different experiments. [8] Furthermore, the lack of dark matter signals in higher energy ranges in direct detection experiments incentivizes sub-GeV searches.
Due to the constraints placed on the mass of WIMPs in the popular freeze out model which predict WIMP masses greater than 2 GeV, the freeze out model must be altered to allow for lower mass dark matter particles. [9]
The Lee–Weinberg limit, which restricts the mass of dark matter particles to >2 GeV may not apply in two special cases where dark matter is a scalar particle. [2]
The first case requires that the scalar dark matter particle is coupled with a massive fermion. This model rules out dark matter particles less than 100 MeV because observations of gamma ray production do not align with theoretical predictions for particles in this mass range. This discrepancy may be resolved by requiring an asymmetry between the dark matter particles and antiparticles, as well as adding new particles. [4]
The second case predicts that the scalar dark matter particle is coupled with a new gauge boson. The production of gamma rays due to annihilation in this case is predicted to be very low. [4]
The thermal freeze in model proposes that dark matter particles were very weakly interacting shortly after the Big Bang such that they were essentially decoupled from the plasma. Furthermore, their initial abundance was small. Dark matter production occurs predominantly when the temperature of the plasma falls under the mass of the dark matter particle itself. This is in contrast to the thermal freeze out theory, in which the initial abundance of dark matter was large, and differentiation into lighter particles decreases and eventually stops as the temperature of the plasma decreases. [10]
The freeze in model allows for dark matter particles well under the 2 GeV mass limit to exist. [11]
Observations show that the density of dark matter is about 5 times the density of baryonic matter. Asymmetric dark matter theories attempt to explain this relationship by suggesting that the ratio between the number densities of particles and antiparticles is the same in baryonic matter as it is in dark matter. This further implies that the mass of dark matter is close to 5 times the mass of baryonic matter, placing the mass of dark matter in the few GeV range. [12]
In general, the methods for detecting dark matter which apply to all heavier dark matter candidates also apply to light dark matter. These methods include direct detection and indirect detection. Dark matter particles with masses lighter than 1 GeV can be directly detected by searching for electron recoils. The greatest difficulty in using this method is creating a detector with a low enough threshold energy for detection while also minimizing background signals. Electron beam dump experiments can also be used to search for light dark matter particles. [13]
XENON10 is a liquid xenon detector that searches for and places limits on the mass of dark matter by directly detecting electron recoil. This experiment placed the first sub GeV limits on the mass of dark matter using direct detection in 2012. [14]
SENSEI is a silicon detector capable of measuring the electronic recoil of a dark matter particle between 500 keV and 4 MeV using CCD technology. [15] The experiment has been working to place further rule out possible mass ranges of dark matter below 1 GeV, with its most recent results being published in October 2020. [16]
In astronomy, dark matter is an invisible and hypothetical form of matter that does not interact with light or other electromagnetic radiation. Dark matter is implied by gravitational effects which cannot be explained by general relativity unless more matter is present than can be observed. Such effects occur in the context of formation and evolution of galaxies, gravitational lensing, the observable universe's current structure, mass position in galactic collisions, the motion of galaxies within galaxy clusters, and cosmic microwave background anisotropies.
Weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) are hypothetical particles that are one of the proposed candidates for dark matter.
An axion is a hypothetical elementary particle originally theorized in 1978 independently by Frank Wilczek and Steven Weinberg as the Goldstone boson of Peccei–Quinn theory, which had been proposed in 1977 to solve the strong CP problem in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). If axions exist and have low mass within a specific range, they are of interest as a possible component of cold dark matter.
In physics, mirror matter, also called shadow matter or Alice matter, is a hypothetical counterpart to ordinary matter.
The DAMA/NaI experiment investigated the presence of dark matter particles in the galactic halo by exploiting the model-independent annual modulation signature. Based on the Earth's orbit around the Sun and the solar system's speed with respect to the center of the galaxy, the Earth should be exposed to a higher flux of dark matter particles around June 1, when its orbital speed is added to the one of the solar system with respect to the galaxy and to a smaller one around December 2, when the two velocities are subtracted. The annual modulation signature is distinctive since the effect induced by dark matter particles must simultaneously satisfy many requirements.
The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) is a series of experiments designed to directly detect particle dark matter in the form of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles. Using an array of semiconductor detectors at millikelvin temperatures, CDMS has at times set the most sensitive limits on the interactions of WIMP dark matter with terrestrial materials. The first experiment, CDMS I, was run in a tunnel under the Stanford University campus. It was followed by CDMS II experiment in the Soudan Mine. The most recent experiment, SuperCDMS, was located deep underground in the Soudan Mine in northern Minnesota and collected data from 2011 through 2015. The series of experiments continues with SuperCDMS SNOLAB, an experiment located at the SNOLAB facility near Sudbury, Ontario, in Canada that started construction in 2018 and is expected to start data taking in early 2020s.
The Belle experiment was a particle physics experiment conducted by the Belle Collaboration, an international collaboration of more than 400 physicists and engineers, at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation (KEK) in Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. The experiment ran from 1999 to 2010.
The XENON dark matter research project, operated at the Italian Gran Sasso National Laboratory, is a deep underground detector facility featuring increasingly ambitious experiments aiming to detect hypothetical dark matter particles. The experiments aim to detect particles in the form of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) by looking for rare nuclear recoil interactions in a liquid xenon target chamber. The current detector consists of a dual phase time projection chamber (TPC).
DEAP is a direct dark matter search experiment which uses liquid argon as a target material. DEAP utilizes background discrimination based on the characteristic scintillation pulse-shape of argon. A first-generation detector (DEAP-1) with a 7 kg target mass was operated at Queen's University to test the performance of pulse-shape discrimination at low recoil energies in liquid argon. DEAP-1 was then moved to SNOLAB, 2 km below Earth's surface, in October 2007 and collected data into 2011.
In particle physics, hexaquarks, alternatively known as sexaquarks, are a large family of hypothetical particles, each particle consisting of six quarks or antiquarks of any flavours. Six constituent quarks in any of several combinations could yield a colour charge of zero; for example a hexaquark might contain either six quarks, resembling two baryons bound together, or three quarks and three antiquarks. Once formed, dibaryons are predicted to be fairly stable by the standards of particle physics.
The chameleon is a hypothetical scalar particle that couples to matter more weakly than gravity, postulated as a dark energy candidate. Due to a non-linear self-interaction, it has a variable effective mass which is an increasing function of the ambient energy density—as a result, the range of the force mediated by the particle is predicted to be very small in regions of high density but much larger in low-density intergalactic regions: out in the cosmos chameleon models permit a range of up to several thousand parsecs. As a result of this variable mass, the hypothetical fifth force mediated by the chameleon is able to evade current constraints on equivalence principle violation derived from terrestrial experiments even if it couples to matter with a strength equal or greater than that of gravity. Although this property would allow the chameleon to drive the currently observed acceleration of the universe's expansion, it also makes it very difficult to test for experimentally.
The DAMA/LIBRA experiment is a particle detector experiment designed to detect dark matter using the direct detection approach, by using a matrix of NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors to detect dark matter particles in the galactic halo. The experiment aims to find an annual modulation of the number of detection events, caused by the variation of the velocity of the detector relative to the dark matter halo as the Earth orbits the Sun. It is located underground at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) in Italy.
In astrophysics and cosmology scalar field dark matter is a classical, minimally coupled, scalar field postulated to account for the inferred dark matter.
Fuzzy cold dark matter is a hypothetical form of cold dark matter proposed to solve the cuspy halo problem. It would consist of extremely light scalar particles with masses on the order of eV; so a Compton wavelength on the order of 1 light year. Fuzzy cold dark matter halos in dwarf galaxies would manifest wave behavior on astrophysical scales, and the cusps would be avoided through the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The wave behavior leads to interference patterns, spherical soliton cores in dark matter halo centers, and cylindrical soliton-like cores in dark matter cosmic web filaments.
The Particle and Astrophysical Xenon Detector, or PandaX, is a dark matter detection experiment at China Jinping Underground Laboratory (CJPL) in Sichuan, China. The experiment occupies the deepest underground laboratory in the world, and is among the largest of its kind.
The dark photon is a hypothetical hidden sector particle, proposed as a force carrier similar to the photon of electromagnetism but potentially connected to dark matter. In a minimal scenario, this new force can be introduced by extending the gauge group of the Standard Model of Particle Physics with a new abelian U(1) gauge symmetry. The corresponding new spin-1 gauge boson can then couple very weakly to electrically charged particles through kinetic mixing with the ordinary photon and could thus be detected. The dark photon can also interact with the Standard Model if some of the fermions are charged under the new abelian group. The possible charging arrangements are restricted by a number of consistency requirements such as anomaly cancellation and constraints coming from Yukawa matrices.
SooKyung Choi is a South Korean particle physicist at Gyeongsang National University. She is part of the Belle experiment and was the first to observe the X(3872) meson in 2003. She won the 2017 Ho-Am Prize in Science.
ANAIS is a dark matter direct detection experiment located at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (LSC), in Spain, operated by a team of researchers of the CAPA at the University of Zaragoza.
Direct detection of dark matter is the science of attempting to directly measure dark matter collisions in Earth-based experiments. Modern astrophysical measurements, such as from the cosmic microwave background, strongly indicate that 85% of the matter content of the universe is unaccounted for. Although the existence of dark matter is widely believed, what form it takes or its precise properties has never been determined. There are three main avenues of research to detect dark matter: attempts to make dark matter in accelerators, indirect detection of dark matter annihilation, and direct detection of dark matter in terrestrial labs. The founding principle of direct dark matter detection is that since dark matter is known to exist in the local universe, as the Earth, Solar System, and the Milky Way Galaxy carve out a path through the universe they must intercept dark matter, regardless of what form it takes.
Daniel S. Akerib is an American particle physicist and astrophysicist. He was elected in 2008 a fellow of the American Physical Society (APS).