List of Magnificat composers

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The Magnificat, in Latin also canticum Beat(issim)ae Virginis Mariae (the song of the (most) Blessed Virgin Mary), is a common part of Christian worship, for instance traditionally included in vespers, evensong or matins. [1] [2] As such it is often sung and was set to music by various composers.



Magnificat in Gregorian chant Magnificat.png
Magnificat in Gregorian chant

In Gregorian chant the Magnificat is sung according to the eight traditional psalm tones:

Composers, or collections of compositions, referring to or using all eight of the traditional Gregorian psalm tone settings of the Magnificat include the Choirbook, D-Ju MS 20 (various composers), the sixteen Magnificats by Palestrina, the Enchiridion utriusque musicae practicae by Georg Rhau, and Johann Pachelbel's Magnificat fugues . [3]

Also the newer psalm tones were used for Magnificat settings:

Apart from the Magnificat sung to the psalm tones, in Gregorian chant there are also the Magnificat antiphons or O Antiphons inspiring composers like Arvo Pärt.

In seventeenth century polyphony no other religious text, apart from the Mass Ordinary, was set more often than the Magnificat. Often only six out of twelve verses of the Magnificat were set in polyphony, performance alternating verses sung in polyphony and verses sung in monody according to the church tone. In such alternatim settings the even verses were chosen more often for setting in polyphony, because they contained the last verse of the doxology, so that the singing of the Magnificat ended with a piece in polyphony. [5]

Odd versesEven verses
1. ( Luke1:46 )Magnificat
anima mea Dominum.
2. ( Luke1:47 )Et exultavit spiritus meus
in Deo salutari meo.
3. ( Luke1:48 )Quia respexit humilitatem ancillae suae
ecce enim ex hoc beatam me dicent omnes generationes.
4. ( Luke1:49 )Quia fecit mihi magna qui potens est
et sanctum nomen ejus.
5. ( Luke1:50 )Et misericordia ejus a progenie in progenies
timentibus eum.
6. ( Luke1:51 )Fecit potentiam in brachio suo
dispersit superbos mente cordis sui.
7. ( Luke1:52 )Deposuit potentes de sede
et exaltavit humiles.
8. ( Luke1:53 )Esurientes implevit bonis
et divites dimisit inanes.
9. ( Luke1:54 )Suscepit Israel puerum suum
recordatus misericordiae suae.
10. ( Luke1:55 )Sicut locutus est ad patres nostros
Abraham et semini ejus in saecula.
11. (doxology)Gloria Patri, et Filio
et Spiritui Sancto.
12. (doxology)Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

Examples of such settings include the sixteen Magnificat settings by Cristóbal de Morales: half of these include only the odd verses ("anima mea" settings), the others only the even verses ("Et exultavit" settings) – both series of eight settings by Morales have one setting per traditional church tone.

Bars 10-13 of Jean Titelouze's second setting of Deposuit potentes from Magnificat primi toni. The subject of this inversion fugue is highlighted with shades of blue. Titelouze-magnificat1toni-deposuit2-10-13.gif
Bars 1013 of Jean Titelouze's second setting of Deposuit potentes from Magnificat primi toni. The subject of this inversion fugue is highlighted with shades of blue.

From around 1600 such Magnificats are also composed for the organ, e.g. Jean Titelouze's 1626 Le Magnificat ou Cantique de la Vierge pour toucher sur l'orgue suivant les huit tons de l'Église (odd versets).

In the Baroque era the "cantata form" for religious compositions originated in Italy: like masses in the Neapolitan style, Magnificats could be set as a succession of self-contained sections in a variety of styles, choruses alternating with arias for solo singers. [6] [7] [8] Francesco Durante's 1752 Magnificat in A minor is an example of a composition in this style.

In Anglicanism a Magnificat is usually combined with a Nunc dimittis in an (Evening) Service, in which case the English translation of the text ("My soul doth magnify the Lord") is used. For example, Orlando Gibbons composed such Services. In Orthodox Christianity the Magnificat, or "Song of the Theotokos", is sung in the Orthros (matins) as part of the Canon. All-night vigils include the Orthros, and a setting of such vigil thus usually includes the setting of a Magnificat, e.g. the "Canticle of the Theotokos" («Величитъ душа моя Господа», Velichit dusha moya Gospoda, "My soul doth magnify the Lord"), No. 13 in Tchaikovsky's All-Night Vigil.


ComposerBornDiedMagnificat compositions
John Dunstaple c.  13901453Three Magnificats
Guillaume Dufay c.  13971474Three Magnificats, e.g. Magnificat Quinti Toni
Gilles Binchois c. 14001460Magnificats, e.g. Magnificat 3ii Toni
Hugh Kellyk  ?fl.c. 1480Magnificat a 5 – see Eton Choirbook [9]
John Nesbet  ?1488 (?)Magnificat – see Eton Choirbook [9]
William Horwood c. 14301484Magnificat secundi toni a 5 (SATTB) – see Eton Choirbook [9]
Gaspar van
c. 1445after 1516Magnificat
Alexander Agricola 1445 or 14461506Magnificat primi toni; Magnificat secundi toni; Magnificat octavi toni; (doubtful:) two Magnificat quarti toni
Josquin des Prez c.  1450/14551521Magnificat quarti toni; Magnificat tertii toni (both attributed on stylistic grounds), see e.g. Cancionero de Segovia
Edmund Turges c. 1450?1501 or laterOne extant Magnificat in Caius Choirbook ; Three Magnificats lost in Eton Choirbook [9]
Walter Lambe 1450–1?1504 or laterMagnificat in Eton Choirbook [9]
Robert Wylkynson 1450 or later1515 or laterMagnificats (one fragment, one lost) in Eton Choirbook [9]
Monk of Stratford
 ?fl.c. late
15th century
One four-part Magnificat in Eton Choirbook [9]
Pierre de la Rue c.  14521518Eight Magnificats, see e.g. Choirbook, D-Ju MS 20
John Browne 1453 (?)fl.c. 1490One extant Magnificat; Three Magnificats lost – see Eton Choirbook [9]
Jean Mouton c. 14591522Nine Magnificats, see e.g. Choirbook, D-Ju MS 20
Antoine Brumel c. 14601512 or 1513Magnificat primi toni; Magnificat secundi toni; Magnificat sexti toni; (doubtful:) Magnificat octavi toni – see e.g. Cancionero de Segovia ;
Vasco Pires  [ pt ] ?c. 1509Magnificat quarti toni a 2; Magnificat quarti toni a 4
Juan de Anchieta 14621523Magnificat sexti toni; Magnificat tertii toni – See e.g. Cancionero de Segovia
Robert Fayrfax 14641521 Magnificat 'O bone Jesu' a 5 (STTTB); Magnificat 'Regale' (SATTB)
Jerzy Liban 1464after 1546Nine Magnificats in Tonus I–IX (1540)
Pedro de Escobar c. 1465c. 15353vv
Richard Davy c. 14651507Magnificats – see Eton Choirbook [9]
William Cornysh 14651523Magnificat in Caius Choirbook ; Other Magnificat lost
Antoine de Févin c. 14701511 or 1512Three Magnificats, see e.g. Choirbook, D-Ju MS 20
Francisco de
c. 14701528Magnificat primi toni, tertii toni, quarti toni (2), sexti toni, octavi toni (2) – see e.g. Lira sacro hispana
Antonius Divitis c. 1470c. 1530Magnificats, see e.g. Choirbook, D-Ju MS 20
Jean Richafort c. 1480c. 1547Magnificats, one included in Magnificat cum 4 vocibus, Book 1 (Venice, 1542)
Jacquet of Mantua 14831559Magnificats, e.g. two in Magnificat cum 4 vocibus, Book 1 (Venice, 1542)
Loyset Piéton  ?fl.c. 1530Magnificat included in Magnificat cum 4 vocibus, Book 1 (Venice, 1542)
Ludwig Senfl c. 14901543 Magnificats (Tonus I-VIII)
John Taverner c. 14901545Magnificats for 4, 5 or 6 voices
Johannes Galliculus c. 1490c. 1550Magnificat quarti toni (a 4); Magnificat quinti toni (a 4); Magnificat septimi toni (a 4)
Adrian Willaert c. 14901562Two Magnificats in I sacri e santi salmi che si cantano a Vespro e Compieta ... a quatro voci (1555)
Sixt Dietrich c. 14941548Magnificat octo tonorum for four voices (1535)
Nicolas Gombert c. 1495c. 1560 Eight Magnificats for five voices, Tonus I–VIII (1552)
Tugdual Menon before 15021566–68Magnificat included in Magnificat cum 4 vocibus, Book 1 (Venice, 1542)
Cristóbal de
c. 1500155318 Magnificat settings: five published in Venice in 1542; sixteen copied by Zelenka in the 18th century
Mattheus Le Maistre c. 15051577Magnificat octo tonorum (1557)
Thomas Tallis c. 15051585Magnificat (a 4) in Dorian Service
Vincenzo Ruffo c. 15081587Magnificats
Antonio de Cabezón 15101566sets of six or seven Magnificat verses in eight tones
Christian Hollander c. 1510–151568–69Ten Magnificats (using eight tones, two versions in seventh and eight tone)
Cipriano de Rore 1515–161565Magnificats, including Magnificat sexti toni
Hoste da Reggio c. 15201569Eight Magnificats for four voices in all traditional tones (Milan, 1550)
Giovanni Animuccia c. 15201571Magnificats
Bernardino de Ribera c. 1520c. 1571–72Magnificats, see e.g. Lira sacro hispana
Philippe de Monte 15211603Magnificats
Girolamo Cavazzoni c. 1525after 1577In Intavolatura [...] libro primo (Venice, 1543): Magnificat primi toni, octavi toni; In Intabulatura d'organo [...] libro secondo (Venice c.1543–1549): Magnificat quarti toni, sexti toni
Giovanni Pierluigi da
c. 15251594 35 Magnificats
Ludwig Daser c. 152615892 Magnificats [10]
Annibale Padovano 15271575Magnificats
Francisco Guerrero 1527 or 15281599Magnificats in all traditional tones, some with only even or only odd verses – a 4, a 5 or a 6 (Leuven 1563, Rome 1584, Nüremberg 1591, Venice 1597). E.g. Magnificat on the 4th tone (even verses); Magnificats included in Visperas de Reyes and in Lira sacro hispana
Orlande de Lassus 1530 or 15321594 Over 100 Magnificats, e.g. Magnificat Octavi Toni
Jacobus de Kerle 1531 or 15321591Eight odd verse and eight even verse Magnificats in Magnificat octo tonum cum quatuor vocibus (Venice, 1561); Magnificat from Hymni totius anni ... et Magnificat (1558) lost
Hernando Franco 15321585Eight odd verse and eight even verse Magnificats in eight tones in The Franco Codex (third tone ones lost)
Gallus Dressler 1533c. 1585Magnificat octo tonorum ... (Magdeburg, 1571)
Alard du Gaucquier c. 1534c. 1582Magnificat octo tonorum (even verses, four to six voices, 1574)
Ippolito Chamaterò late 1530safter 1592Magnificats
Paolo Isnardi c. 15361596Psalmi omnes ad vesperas ... vna cum tribus Magnificat, quorum vnum tum pari tum plena voce ... quatuor vocum (Venice, 1569); Magnificat omnitoni cum quatuor quinque et sex vocibus ... (Venice, 1582)
Hercules  ?fl.c. 1587 (?)Magnificat omnitonum quatuor vocibus cum completorio, et quatuor antiphonis B. V. M. (Venice, 1587)
Francesco Rovigo 1540/15411597Three Magnificat settings
William Byrd c. 1540/431623Magnificat from Great Service , Second Service , Short Service ; Third Service ; "Tones and Fauxbourdons"
Simone Gatto c. 15451595(Parody) Magnificats
Pedro de Cristo c. 15451618Magnificat secundi, quarti, quinti, sexti, septimi & octavi toni a 4
Balduin Hoyoul 1547-81594Eight four-voice parody Magnificats (Tonus I–VIII)
Tomás Luis de
c. 15481611Magnificats: even verses, Tonus I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII – odd verses, Tonus I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII – all (1600): Tonus I for 8 voices, Tonus VI for 12 voices
Jacobus Flori  [ fr ]c. 1550fl. 1571–1588Cantiones sacrae quinque vocum quas vulgo Motectas vocant quibus adjunctae sunt octo Magnificat secundum octo tonos […] tum omnivario instrumentorum concentui [...] (1599)
 ?fl. before 1600 (?)A set of four-voice Magnificats through the eight tones (?) (1594)
Sebastián de Vivanco c. 15511622Eighteen Magnificats, see e.g. Lira sacro hispana
Giovanni Giacomo
c. 15541609Several Magnificats, e.g. Magnificat an Otto Voci (SATB/SATB, 1601)
Girolamo Diruta c. 1554after 1610Eight organ Magnificats in eight tones (most of them with transpositions), e.g. Magnificat 5to tuono in A Minor
Alonso Lobo 15551617Antiphona ad Magnificat: O quam suavis est, Domine
Giovanni Croce 15571609Magnificat omnium tonorum for six voices (1605)
Giovanni Gabrieli 15571612Magnificats for 8 and 12 voices in Sacrae symphoniae (1597)
Paul Homberger 1559/15601634Magnificat 2 vocum (cycle)
Giulio Belli c. 1560c. 1621Psalmi ad vesperas ... duoque cantica beatae virginis ... (1592); Psalmi ad vesperas ... duoque cantica beatae virginis (1596); Psalmi ad vesperas in totius anni festivitatibus, ac tria cantica Beatae Virginis Mariae (1603)
15601629Full Magnificat cycle for organ (Tonus I-VIII + 'Germanice', 1611); Magnificats a 8 in all traditional Gregorian tones, among which a Magnificat 5. Toni cum canticis Ecclesiasticis (i.e. with Christmas interpolations, 1622)
Aguilera de Heredia
15611627Canticum Beatissimae Virginis Deiparae Mariae (1618): four-, five-, six- and eight-voice settings, each in eight tones, some with even, some with odd verses
Jean Titelouze 1562/31633 Le Magnificat ou Cantique de la Vierge pour toucher sur l'orgue suivant les huit tons de l'Église (1626)
Duarte Lobo c. 15651646Magnificat primi, secundi, tertii, quarti, quinti, sexti, septimi & octavi toni
Manuel Cardoso 15661650"Cantica Beatae Mariae Virginis" (1613)
Christoph Demantius 15671643Trias precum vespertinum, qua continetur canticum B. Mariae Virginis, (etc.) (Nuremberg, 1602)
Claudio Monteverdi 15671643Two Magnificats included in Vespro della Beata Vergine (1610) and two in Selva morale e spirituale (1640–41)
Adriano Banchieri 15681634Magnificats
Paul Sartorius 15691609Eight Magnificats a 6 in Chorbuch W.b. XIV (Salzburg, 1601)
Jakob Hassler 15691622Magnificat 8 tonorum for four voices, even verses (1601)
Melchior Vulpius c. 15701615Canticum Beatissimae Virginis Mariae (Jena, 1605)
Giovanni Paolo Cima c. 15701622In Concerti Ecclesiastici (SATB and continuo, 1610): No. 42 Magnificat Quinti Toni, No. 43 Magnificat Sesti Toni
Michael Praetorius 1571 (?)1621Several Magnificats, e.g. Magnificat "Ut re mi fa sol la", Magnificat "In te, Domine, speravi" and Magnificat "Chorale melos germanicum" included in Megalynodia Sionia (1611); Magnificat Primi Toni (organ)
Filipe de Magalhães c. 15711652"Cantica Beatissimae Virginis" (1636)
Estêvão Lopes Morago c. 15751630Magnificat primi, tertii, quarti & octavi toni
Johann Stadlmayr c. 15751648Among others, ten Magnificats (seven of them parodies) in Sacrum Beatissimae Virginis Canticum (1603)
Erhard Bodenschatz 15761636Das schöne und geistreiche Magnificat der hochgelobten Jungfrauen Mariae (...) auf die zwölf modos musicales in ihrer natürlichen Ordnung unterschiedlich mit vier Stimmen gesetzt. (Leipzig, 1599)
Stefano Bernardi c. 15771637Several Magnificat settings, including Magnificat for 4 voices, Magnificat for 5 voices, Magnificat for 6 voices
Melchior Franck c. 15791639Laudes Dei vespertinae (Coburg, 1622)
Orlando Gibbons 15831625Magnificat ("My soul doth magnify the Lord") in Short Service (SATB), in Second Service (voices and organ)
15831643 Magnificat primi toni, Magnificat secundi toni and Magnificat sesti toni in Secondo libro di toccate (organ, 1627)
Heinrich Schütz 15851672 One Latin Magnificat (1665 or earlier), five German Magnificats (three extant: in Symphoniae sacrae II, 1643; in Zwölf geistliche Gesänge, 1657; in Swan Song, 1671)
Johann Hermann
15861630 Magnificat, odd verses, ST and continuo, No. 26 in Opella nova (1618); "Meine Seele erhebt den Herren", four-part harmonization of Luther's German Magnificat in Cantional oder Gesangbuch Augspurgischer Confession (1627, 1645)
Jacob Praetorius 15861651Magnificat cycle, Magnificat Primi Toni (organ)
Antoine Boësset 15871643Magnificat
Samuel Scheidt 1587165418 Magnificats, e.g. in Tabulatura Nova (organ, 1624): Canon a 3 "Et exultavit" SSWV 122–123 and Magnificat 1–9 toni SSWV 140–148; in Geistliche Konzerte: three Magnificats with German interpolations, e.g. SSWV 299 for Christmas (SSATTB, 1635), and a German Magnificat, SSWV 331 (SATB and basso continuo, 1640)
Heinrich Pfendner c. 15881631Magnificat
Jacob Schedlich 15911669 Magnificat et intonationes precum verspertinarum (1613)
Melchior Schildt 1592 or 15931667Magnificat I. toni (organ)
c. 15951663Magnificats for organ: Tonus I (WV 14),II (WV 15),III (WV 16),IV (WV 17),V (WV 18),VI (WV 19),VII (WV 65),VIII (WV 20, 66)
Giovanni Rovetta 15961668Magnificats in Salmi concertati, Op. 1 (1626) and in Vespro solenne (1639)
Giovanni Giacomo
15971675Magnificat in Salmi [...] con vn Magnificat A Cinque voci concertate & due violini, Op. 9 (1663)
Johann Crüger 15981662Meine seele erhebet den Herren
Giovanni Battista
c. 15981664Organ Magnificats in eight tones in Annuale, Op. 8
Thomas Selle 15991663Meine seele erhebet den Herren
Francesco Cavalli 16021676Magnificats, e.g. Magnificat à 8 in Musiche Sacre 1656; Magnificats in 1675 vespers
Francesco Foggia 16041688Magnificats, e.g. in Psalmodia Vespertina; Magnificat for 5 voices and continuo; Magnificat concertata con instromenti di 6 tono for SSATB/SATB choir (1665)
Henry Dumont 16101684Magnificat for chorus and instruments

Magnificat anima mea for double chorus and orchestra

Hieronymus (III)
16141629Magnificat I. toni (organ, formerly attributed to Hieronymus (I) Praetorius)
Johann Erasmus
16161655Intonatio Magnificat 4. Toni and Magnificat Octavi Toni in Harmonia Organica (1645) 6th verse (Gloria) of Magnificat Octavi Toni
Matthias Weckmann 1616 (?)1674Magnificat II. toni (organ)
Isabella Leonarda 16201704Magnificat op. 19 no. 10]
Johann Caspar Kerll 16271693 Modulatio organica super Magnificat octo ecclesiasticis tonis respondens (Munich, 1686)
João de Figueiredo
 [ pt ]
 ?1674Magnificat sexti toni a 8; Magnificat septimi toni a 8
Nicolas Lebègue 16311702 Livre d'orgue No.2 (1678), containing "...versets de Magnificat dans les 8 tons ecclésiastiques"
Dietrich Buxtehude c. 1637/391707Chorale preludes (organ): two Magnificat primi toni (BuxWV 203–204) and Magnificat noni toni (BuxWV 205); Attributed: Magnificat for SSATB, two violins and continuo, BuxWV Anh. 1
Cristoforo Caresana c. 16401709Magnificats a 4, a 5, a 8 and a 16, e.g. Magnificat for SAATB (1683)
16431704Ten Magnificats, e.g. Magnificat for soloists, chorus, 2 treble instruments and continuo H 72 (1670?); Magnificat for ATB, two treble instruments and continuo, H. 73 (1670–71); Magnificat à 8 voix et 8 instruments, H. 74 for soloists, double chorus, double orchestra and double continuo (1680); Magnificat à 3 dessus for 3 voices and continuo H 75; (1683–85); Magnificat à 4 voix sans instruments, H. 76 (1688–90) ; Magnificat for soloists, chorus, flutes, strings an continuo H 77 (1680–90); Magnificat for soloists, chorus flutes, strings and continuo H 78 (1680-90 ?); Troisième Magnificat à 4 voix avec instruments for soloists, chorus, flutes, strings and continuo H 79 (1690); Magnificat for 4 voices and continuo H 80(1690); Magnificat pour le Port-Royal for soloists, chorus and continuo H 81(1690–1700).
Jacques Boyvin c. 16491706 Organ Suites for the Magnificat
Johann Pachelbel 16531706 Magnificats, e.g. in D major (P. 246); Magnificat fugues (organ); Chorale preludes: Meine Seele erhebt den Herren (Magnificat peregrini toni)
Henry Purcell 16591695Magnificats ("My soul doth magnify the lord"): in B-flat major, Z 230/7 (before 1682) and in G minor, Z 231/1
Johann Kuhnau 16601722Magnificat in C major for SATB soloists, SSATB chorus and orchestra
Friedrich Wilhelm
16631712 Cantata Meine Seele erhebt den Herren  [ scores ]
Pietro Torri c.16651737 Magnificat in C major à 15 et più (arranged by J. S. Bach: BWV Anh. 30) [11]
Antonio Caldara 16701736 Magnificat in C major  [ scores ] [12] (arranged by J. S. Bach: BWV 1082) [13]
16761749Magnificat, C. 136; Magnificat du 1er ton, C. 154
Nicola Fago 16771745Magnificats for SSATB/SSATB & instruments in G minor, in F minor (1710), for SSATB & orchestra in D major
Antonio Vivaldi 16781741 Magnificat (RV 610/610a/610b/611) [14] RV 610: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9
Melchior Hoffmann c. 16791715 Meine Seele erhebt den Herren (Hoffmann); (or J. S. Bach?) Meine Seele rühmt und preist, BWV 189
Jan Dismas Zelenka 16791745Magnificats: in A minor (ZWV 106, lost), in C major (ZWV 107, c. 1727); in D major (ZWV 108, 1725)
Jean-Adam Guilain c. 1680after 1739Eight Magnificats in Pièces d'Orgue pour le Magnificat (1706), of which the first four are extant (Tonus I-IV)
Johann Mattheson 16811764Deutsches Magnificat a due cori (eight voices and orchestra, 1718)
Georg Philipp
16811767TWV 1:1104–1108 cantatas, e.g. Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn; Magnificat anima mea for SATBB and orchestra, TWV 9:17; Das deutsche magnificat for SATB and orchestra, TWV 9:18
c. 16821738 Pièces d'orgue, Livre 1 (1739): 6 Suites in major and minor keys, each containing a six-movement Magnificat, e.g. Magnificat I from Organ Suite in D Major
Johann David
16831729Magnificats: in G major (S. 89),in A major (S. 90),in F major (S. 91/92),in B flat major (S. 93/94/95),in E flat major (S. 96)
Christoph Graupner 16831760 Magnificat, GWV 1172/22 (1722); Visitation cantatas "Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn": GWV 1171/19, 1171/46
Francesco Durante 16841755Magnificats e.g. in B-flat major (sometimes misattributed to Pergolesi), in A minor (1752)
Johann Sebastian
16851750 Magnificat BWV 243a (1723, with Christmas interpolations) – BWV 243 (1733) Gloria Patri, movement 12 of BWV 243 ; Cantata Meine Seel erhebt den Herren, BWV 10 (1724); Chorale harmonizations BWV 323 – 324; Schübler Chorale No. 4, BWV 648 (organ)
Nicola Porpora c. 16861766Magnificat in A minor
Johann Friedrich
16881758Magnificat, FWV H:G1
František Tůma 17041774Magnificat in C major [15]
Baldassare Galuppi 17061785Four Magnificats
Bernard Aymable
17071789Grand Magnificats No. 22, No. 23, No. 24
Michel Corrette 17071795Organ Magnificats: four in Premier Livre d’Orgue, Op. 16 (1737), four in Deuxième Livre d’Orgue, Op. 26 (1750)
Franz Xaver Richter 17091789Magnificat in C major for soloists, choir and orchestra
Johann Ludwig
17131780 (or J. S. Bach?) Chorale prelude "Meine Seele erhebet den Herren", Fuga sopra il Magnificat, BWV 733 BWV 733
Gottfried August
17141785Four Magnificats
Carl Philipp Emanuel
17141788 Magnificat in D major (Wq 215 – H. 772, 1749)
Johann Ernst
Bach II
17221777Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn cantatas, e.g. 1764
Claude Balbastre 17241799Magnificat du 1er ton (organ)
17341794Organ Magnificats: 3 Magnificats, Op. 7 (c. 1777); In Journal d’orgue: No. 3 (1784), No. 9 (1784), No. 11 (1785)
Johann Christian
17351782 Magnificat a 8 in C major (W E20 – unfinished), Magnificat a 8 in C major (W E21), Magnificat a 4 in C major (W E22)
Anselm Viola i Valentí 17381798Magnificat for Six Voices, Magnificat for Seven Voices
Guillaume Lasceux 17401831Organ Magnificats (tonus I-VIII) in Annuaire de l’Organiste (1819)
Nikolaus Betscher 17451811Magnificat in D major
Antonio Salieri 17501825Magnificat in C major (1815); Magnificat in F major (1815)
Wolfgang Amadeus
17561791 Magnificat, K. 193/186g (1774); included in vespers: Vesperae solennes de Dominica, K. 321 (1779) and Vesperae solennes de confessore, K. 339 (1780)
Franz Schubert 17971828 Magnificat, D. 486 (1816)
Healey Willan 18001968Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in B-flat major (1906), Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in E-flat major (1912)
Felix Mendelssohn 18091847 Magnificat in D major (1822); Mein Herz erhebet, No. 3 of Three Motets, Op. 69 (1847)
Franz Liszt 18111886 Dante Symphony: Magnificat (S.109/2b) and Magnificat (pf, S.182a)
18181886Magnificats, e.g. for organ in Le service de chapelles, Op. 274 (Paris, 1868)
Charles Gounod 18181893My soul doth magnify the Lord (Magnificat in D major) for SATB choir and organ in An evening service (1872); Magnificat for soprano solo, choir and organ (1874)
César Franck 18221890Magnificats in Pièces posthumes for organ/harmonium
Anton Bruckner 18241896 Magnificat WAB 24 (1852)
Peter Benoit 18341901 Magnificat for three voices and organ
Alexandre Guilmant 18371911Six versets sur le Magnificat en sol majeur, No. 2 in L’Organiste pratique , Livre 2, Op. 41 (1874)
Josef Rheinberger 18391901 Organ Sonata No. 4, Op. 98 cites the tonus peregrinus
Pyotr Ilyich
18401893«Величитъ душа моя Господа» (Velichit dusha moya Gospoda – "My soul doth magnify the Lord"), Canticle of the Theotokos, No. 13 in All-Night Vigil (1882)
John Stainer 18401901 Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in B flat, Service No 3, Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in E flat, Magnificat in F
Hubert Parry 18481898Magnificat, for Soprano Solo, Chorus and Orchestra, composed for the Hereford Musical Festival, 1897
Charles Villiers
18521924Magnificat and Nunc dimittis settings: in B-flat major, Op. 10, in A major, Op. 12, in F major, Op. 36, in G major, Op. 81, in C major, Op. 115,in F major "Queens' Service" (1872),in E-flat major (1873),on the 2nd and 3rd Gregorian Modes (1907); Magnificat for Eight-part Chorus, Op. 164 (1918)
Charles Wood 18661926 Evening Services and/or Magnificat and Nunc dimittis compositions
T. Tertius Noble 18671953Evening Services in B minor and A minor (SATB and organ)
Louis Raffy 18681932 (?)Magnificat (Six versets en F major), Op.39 in La Lyre Sacrée (Organ/Harmonium, c. 1924)
Charles Tournemire 18701939 Postludes libres pour des Antiennes de Magnificat, Op. 68 (1935, for organ)
Vaughan Williams
18721958 Magnificat (1932)
Sergei Rachmaninoff 18731943Величитъ душа моя Господа (My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord), No. 11 in All-Night Vigil (1915)
John Ireland 18791962Evening Services and/or Magnificat and Nunc dimittis compositions, e.g. in C major, in F major
Arnold Bax 18831953Magnificats: song with piano (1906), SATB choir (1948)[ citation needed ]
George Dyson 18831964Evening Services in D, F (SATB and organ) and C minor (unison voices and organ)
Herbert Howells 18921983Evening Services including: Evening Service in G (1920), Collegium Regale (1945), Gloucester Service (1947), St Paul's Service (1951)
Herbert Sumsion 18991995A major, for SATB choir and organ, D major, for trebles or SATB choir and organ, G major, for SATB choir and organ, G Major, for ATB choir and organ, G Major, for treble choir and organ
Krzysztof Penderecki 19302020 Magnificat (Penderecki) (1974)
Sven-David Sandström 1942Magnificat (2005) [16] [17]
John Rutter 1945 Magnificat (1990) [18]
Peter Klatzow 1945Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis for SATB Choir with Organ [19]
Marty Haugen 1950Annunciation/Magnificat for Holden Evening Prayer (1985–86) [20]
Peter Bannister 1966Ökumenisches Magnificat / Ecumenical Magnificat (2016) [21]
Peter Reulein 1966 Laudato si - Ein franziskanisches Magnificat (2016) [22]
Philip Stopford 1977Truro Evening Canticles, [23] Belfast Evening Canticles, [24] Short Service (2007), [25] St Polycarp Service (2013 [25]

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  1. Lowther Clarke 1922.
  2. Taft 1986, p. 128.
  3. Wiering 2013, pp. 265–296.
  4. Lundberg 2012, pp. 10–11.
  5. Porter 2008, pp. 63-.
  6. Roche & Lingas 2011.
  7. Franz 1863, p. 6.
  8. Kretzschmar 1921, p. 395.
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 BNF   43039821v
  10. Politoske 2001.
  11. Thielemann 2012, pp. 217–224.
  12. "Work 8841". Bach Digital . Leipzig: Bach Archive; et al.
  13. "Work 1268". Bach Digital . Leipzig: Bach Archive; et al.
  14. Talbot 2011, p. 23.
  15. Magnificat in C at
  16. "Sven-David Sandström". Indiana University Bloomington . 15 April 2012. Archived from the original on 2012-04-15.
  17. Indiana University, Program 2007–2008, no. 420: OCLC   291046339
  18. Stephen Moss: Sing a song of Christmas The Guardian , 22 December 2000.
  19. Smith 2004, pp. 1–11.
  20. Haugen 1986.
  21. "Zum Ökumenischen Magnificat von Peter Bannister" [On the Ecumenical Magnificat by Peter Bannister]. Evangelische Kirchenmusik Heilbronn-Böckingen (in German). 2017. Retrieved 29 October 2020.
  22. Reulein & Schlegel 2016, p. 230.
  23. Stopford, Philip. "Truro Evening Canticles". MorningStar Music Publishers. Retrieved 29 October 2020.
  24. Stopford, Philip. "Belfast Evening Canticles". MorningStar Music Publishers. EAN   0688670563102 . Retrieved 29 October 2020.
  25. 1 2 "Magnificat". Philip Stopford. Retrieved 29 October 2020.
