List of art looted by Napoleonic armies

Last updated


Unreturned artworks


Salome Receiving The Head of Saint John, Guercino Guercino Salome.jpg
Salome Receiving The Head of Saint John, Guercino


Madonna della Vittoria, Mantegna Madonna della Vittoria by Mantegna.jpg
Madonna della Vittoria , Mantegna



Maesta, Cimbaue, c. 1280, Louvre Cimabue - Maesta du Louvre.jpg
Maestà, Cimbaue, c.1280, Louvre
The Visitation, Domenico Ghirlandaio Domenico ghirlandaio, visitazione, 1491, da cappella di lorenzo tornabuoni in s.m. maddalena de' pazzi a fi, 02.JPG
The Visitation , Domenico Ghirlandaio




Parma, Piacenza, and Guastalla


Rome and the Papal State

Pieta with Saint Francis and Saint Mary Magdalene, Annibale Carracci Annibale Carracci - Pieta with Sts Francis and Mary Magdalen - WGA4443.jpg
Pietà with Saint Francis and Saint Mary Magdalene , Annibale Carracci


Veneto and Venezia

Other locations

Diagram from da Vinci's Codex Atlanticus Codex Atlanticus - 000R-5.jpg
Diagram from da Vinci's Codex Atlanticus


Repatriated artworks


Apollo Belvedere Apollo del Belvedere.jpg
Apollo Belvedere
Madonna with the Long Neck, Parmigianino Parmigianino - Madonna dal collo lungo - Google Art Project.jpg
Madonna with the Long Neck , Parmigianino

Austrian Empire


Others nations

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