List of destroyed heritage

Last updated

This is a list of cultural heritage sites that have been damaged or destroyed accidentally, deliberately, or by a natural disaster. The list is sorted by continent, then by country.


Cultural heritage can be subdivided into two main types: tangible and intangible. Tangible heritage includes built heritage (such as religious buildings, museums, monuments, and archaeological sites) and movable heritage (such as works of art and manuscripts). Intangible cultural heritage includes customs, music, fashion, and other traditions within a particular culture. [1] [2]

This article mainly deals with the destruction of built heritage; the destruction of movable collectible heritage is dealt with in art destruction, whilst the destruction of movable industrial heritage remains almost totally ignored.

The deliberate and systematic destruction of cultural heritage, such as that carried out by ISIL and other terrorist organizations, is regarded as a form of cultural genocide. [3] [4]



The Pyramid of Menkaure was damaged in the late 12th century. Giza Plateau - Pyramid of Menkaure.JPG
The Pyramid of Menkaure was damaged in the late 12th century.
Great Sphinx of Giza Sphinx with the third pyramid.jpg
Great Sphinx of Giza




Postcard showing ruins of the Great Mosque of Djenne in Mali, ca. 1900 Ruins of the Great Mosque postcard.jpg
Postcard showing ruins of the Great Mosque of Djenne in Mali, ca. 1900


European depiction of Benin City in 1668 Ancient Benin city.JPG
European depiction of Benin City in 1668

South Africa

The 2021 Table Mountain fire partially or completely gutted several historical and/or culturally significant buildings and collections in the University of Cape Town. This included:














Original Gambir Station before renovation in 1988 COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Hoofdstation van de spoorwegen aan het Koningsplein (oost) te Batavia TMnr 10013979.jpg
Original Gambir Station before renovation in 1988
Gambir station after renovation Gambir station Jakarta.JPG
Gambir station after renovation



Israel and Palestine

Jordanian Arab Legion in the process of destroying the Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue, May 1948 Tiferesyisrael48.jpg
Jordanian Arab Legion in the process of destroying the Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue, May 1948










The Loon Church before and after the 2013 Bohol earthquake. It has since been reconstructed, adhering as faithfully as possible to the original plans and using the original masonry. Nuestra Sra. de la Luz Parish Church, Loon, Bohol (Before and After 2013 Bohol Earthquake).jpg
The Loon Church before and after the 2013 Bohol earthquake. It has since been reconstructed, adhering as faithfully as possible to the original plans and using the original masonry.

Saudi Arabia


South Korea

Sri Lanka


Minaret of the Great Mosque of Aleppo, destroyed in fighting in 2013 Aleppo-Great-mosque-Alp.jpg
Minaret of the Great Mosque of Aleppo, destroyed in fighting in 2013


Eighty years later, sometime between 2–8 April 2017, the democracy plaque was replaced by a new plaque. Its message read: "To love and respect the Buddhist trinity, one's own state, one's own family, and to have a heart faithful to your monarch, will bring prosperity to the country". Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha dismissed the theft and replacement of the plaque as unimportant. [167] The police insisted they could not investigate the plaque's disappearance because they did not know who owned the plaque. Investigation stalled as all 11 CCTV cameras in the area had been removed days before the plaque was taken. [166] On 20 September 2020, a new updated version of the plaque was installed by democracy activists at Sanam Luang. Within a day of its installation it was removed by persons unknown. [168]







Bosnia and Herzegovina

Stari Most, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and monumental Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy Trinity (white church in the background) were destroyed by Croat forces in the Bosnian War, but were later rebuilt. Mostar1890-1900.jpg
Stari Most, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and monumental Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy Trinity (white church in the background) were destroyed by Croat forces in the Bosnian War, but were later rebuilt.


The WWII Monument to the people-hero of Slavonia destroyed by the Croatian Army in February 1992 Vojin Bakic, Spomenik pobjedi revolucije naroda Slavonije, Kamenska.JPG
The WWII Monument to the people-hero of Slavonia destroyed by the Croatian Army in February 1992


Czech Republic




Notre-Dame de Paris fire Incendie Notre Dame de Paris.jpg
Notre-Dame de Paris fire


The remains of the Berlin Palace in 1950 Bundesarchiv Bild 183-07964-0001, Berlin, Berliner Schloss, Ruine.jpg
The remains of the Berlin Palace in 1950




(Destroyed buildings of Budapest and Destroyed buildings of Hungary, both in Hungarian)

Numerous historical buildings in Budapest were damaged or destroyed during World War II, including the Hungarian Parliament Building, the Chain Bridge, and the Sándor Palace.




Ruins of the church of San Sebastiano, Verona after it was destroyed by aerial bombardment in 1945 S. Sebastiano VR.jpg
Ruins of the church of San Sebastiano, Verona after it was destroyed by aerial bombardment in 1945


During the Yugoslavia period there was destruction of Albanian heritage endorsed by the state. [208] A number of Albanian cultural sites in Kosovo were destroyed during the Kosovo conflict (1998–1999) which constituted a war crime violating the Hague and Geneva Conventions. [209] 225 out of 600 mosques in Kosovo were damaged, vandalised, or destroyed alongside other Islamic architecture and Islamic libraries and archives with records spanning 500 years. [210] [211] Additionally 500 Albanian owned kulla dwellings (traditional stone tower houses) and three out of four well preserved Ottoman period urban centres located in Kosovo cities were badly damaged resulting in great loss of traditional architecture. [212] [213] Kosovo's public libraries, in particular 65 out of 183 were completely destroyed with a loss of 900,588 volumes. [214] [215] During the war, Islamic architectural heritage posed for Yugoslav Serb paramilitary and military forces as Albanian patrimony with destruction of non-Serbian architectural heritage being a methodical and planned component of ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. [213] [216]

During World War II, a number of Serbian Orthodox religious sites were damaged or destroyed. [208] During the 1968 and 1981 protests, Serbian Orthodox religious sites were the target of vandalism. This continued during the 1980s. [208] NATO bombing in March–June 1999 resulted in some accidental damage to churches and a mosque. Revenge attacks against Serbian religious sites commenced following the conflict and the return of hundreds of thousands of Kosovo Albanian refugees to their homes. [217] Serbian cultural sites in Kosovo were systematically destroyed in the aftermath of the Kosovo War [218] [219] [220] [221] and 2004 ethnic violence. [222] [223] According to the International Center for Transitional Justice this includes 155 destroyed Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries as well as Medieval Monuments in Kosovo, which were inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger. [224] [225]


Teatru Rjal, Malta 1911.jpg
Pjazza Teatru Rjal.jpeg
The Royal Opera House in Valletta in 1911, and its ruins in 2016. The building was destroyed by aerial bombardment in 1942.







This 1890s building in Moscow was demolished in September 2008. The property developer was fined $1,500. Moscow, Rusakovskaya 13 2008.jpg
This 1890s building in Moscow was demolished in September 2008. The property developer was fined $1,500.


A photograph of the site of the National Library of Serbia, bombed on 6 April 1941 on the order of Adolf Hitler himself. Around 500.000 volumes and all collections of the library were destroyed in one of the largest book bonfires in European history. Bombed National Library Belgrad.JPG
A photograph of the site of the National Library of Serbia, bombed on 6 April 1941 on the order of Adolf Hitler himself. Around 500.000 volumes and all collections of the library were destroyed in one of the largest book bonfires in European history.


Soviet Union

The Cathedral of Christ the Savior being demolished in 1931 Christ saviour explosion.jpg
The Cathedral of Christ the Savior being demolished in 1931


A photograph of Torre Nueva in Zaragoza in 1876 Torre Nueva, Zaragoza, VN-03331 P.jpg
A photograph of Torre Nueva in Zaragoza in 1876

Because of the Ecclesiastical confiscations of Mendizábal, secularization of church properties in 1835–1836, several hundreds of church buildings, monasteries, or civil buildings owned by the Church were partly or completely demolished. Many of the art works, libraries and archives contained were lost or pillaged in the time the buildings were abandoned and without owners. Among them were important buildings as Santa Caterina convent (the first gothic building in Iberian Peninsula) and Sant Francesc convent (gothic too, one of the richest in the country), both in Barcelona, or San Pedro de Arlanza Roman monastery, near Burgos, now ruined.




St. George's church in the Sviatohirsk Lavra complex after Russian shelling in May 2022 Dolyna (Kramatorsk Raion) after Russian invasion (2022-12-05) 09.jpg
St. George's church in the Sviatohirsk Lavra complex after Russian shelling in May 2022

United Kingdom

13th–17th centuries

  • Dunwich, the historic capital of East Anglia, and a major port city of medieval England, has largely fallen into the sea due to gradual coastal erosion following two great storms in 1287. Eight churches present in the 13th century and 400 houses have been swept into the sea. A popular local legend says that at certain tides church bells can still be heard from beneath the waves. [272]
  • Hastings Castle was originally built as a wooden motte and bailey castle in 1066, after William the Conqueror first landed in England, and was rebuilt as a stone fortified castle in 1070. It was dismantled on the orders of King John, who feared it being taken by French Dauphin Louis. [273] It was then rebuilt and refortified by King Henry II around 1220 to 1225. [273] In the South England flood of February 1287, the cliff supporting the castle's south wall collapsed due to a violent storm, causing a large portion of the wall to fall into the North Sea, then in 1337 and 1339 it was attacked by French troops. [274] The destroyed remains of the castle were excavated in the 1820s when the sandstone cliff was cut back to make room for the construction of the neo-classica Pelham Arcade. [275] It last suffered damage as a target for bombs during World War II. [276]
The ruins of Glastonbury Abbey Glastonbury Abbey - - 3800533.jpg
The ruins of Glastonbury Abbey
  • The Dissolution of the Monasteries in the 1530s led to many monasteries, relics, and books being destroyed, such as Glastonbury Abbey, Fountains Abbey, Walsingham Priory, Waltham Abbey, Rievaulx Abbey and Furness Abbey. Some monastic churches survived in use as parish churches or cathedrals, as for example at Bath, Romsey and Gloucester, some monasteries were converted to houses, like Coombe Abbey and Lacock Abbey, some fell into ruin and some disappeared completely. In total around 900 monasteries were closed. In addition, the abolition of chantries in 1547 and the conversion to Protestantism led to iconoclastic destruction of artwork in many churches. For a complete list of dissolved monasteries, see List of monastic houses in England and List of monastic houses in Wales.
  • In Scotland, the Reformation happened later, in 1560, and the monks were generally not evicted, but merely left in their monasteries to die out. [277] By the 1590s most monks had died, and in the early 17th century King James VI reconstructed the monastic estates as temporal lordships. The new owners then either destroyed the derelict monasteries or converted them to residential use.
  • In the English Civil War, many castles and stately homes were destroyed in sieges (an example being Old Wardour Castle) or slighted or demolished by the victorious Parliamentarians. This was done both to render them militarily untenable and as a symbolic destruction of the old order. Parliament could not afford to garrison al the many castles in England against Royalist insurgents, and an ungarrisoned castle could easily be used as a base by supporters of King Charles. This happened at Pontefract Castle, where the castle was left standing after the first civil war, was retaken by a party of Royalists, and had to be taken again in a lengthy siege. [278] To prevent this recurring, the castle was thoroughly demolished. Raglan Castle was an example of a punitive demolition the Marquis of Worcester had held out long after every other castle except Pendennis. As punishment his castle was ransacked and, in contrast to the preservation of that at Oxford, his library was deliberately burnt. [279] Examples of destroyed or damaged castles include Corfe, Winchester, Pembroke, Aberystwyth, Helmsley, Bolton and Basing. The walls of the city of Coventry were also destroyed.
A drawing of Old St Paul's before its destruction John Wycliff, last of the schoolmen and first of the English reformers - OLD ST. PAUL'S EXTERIOR.png
A drawing of Old St Paul's before its destruction

18th–20th centuries

21st century

  • The original Wembley Stadium was closed in October 2000 for redevelopment, and demolition commenced in December 2002, completing in 2003. The top of one of the twin towers was erected as a memorial in the park on the north side of Overton Close in the Saint Raphael's Estate.
  • The Carlton Tavern, an historic pub in Kilburn, London and the only building on its street to survive the Blitz during World War II, was demolished by its owner without prior permission in April 2015. [286] The pub was subsequently rebuilt and re-opened following a community campaign and planning appeals. [287]
  • Clandon Park House, a historic mansion in Surrey, was severely damaged by fire on 29 April 2015, leaving the house "essentially a shell" and destroying thousands of historic items, including one of the footballs kicked across no-man's land on the first day of the Battle of the Somme in 1916. [288]
  • The Royal Clarence Hotel in Exeter, considered England's oldest hotel, was almost destroyed by fire on 28 October 2016. [289]
  • The Mackintosh Building of the Glasgow School of Art was extensively damaged by fire in May 2014, including the destruction of the artistically significant Mackintosh library; but as restoration was completed and nearing reopening a far more devastating fire broke out on the night of 15 June 2018, destroying the building's interior. Alan Dunlop, the school's professor of architecture, said: "I can't see any restoration possible for the building itself. It looks destroyed." [290]
  • The Beehive Mills, in Bolton, Lancashire, a Grade II Bolton listed building built in 1895, was demolished by agreement of the local authority in 2019 for the building of 121 houses.
  • The Crooked House, a historic 18th-century pub and former farmhouse in Staffordshire, was destroyed by fire in August 2023, and the ruins demolished. [291]
  • Liverpool Maritime Mercantile City lost its designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2021 following the decision to build the new Everton Stadium. It is one of only three former World Heritage Sites.[ citation needed ]

North America



Centre Block ablaze in 1916 Parliament Ottawa in fire.jpg
Centre Block ablaze in 1916




On the left is the church of La Limpia de la Inmaculada Concepcion, nowadays disappeared Image taken from page 157 of 'The Capitals of Spanish America ... Illustrated' (11290260895).jpg
On the left is the church of La Limpia de la Inmaculada Concepción, nowadays disappeared



United States

The main waiting room of New York City's Pennsylvania Station c. 1911. The station was largely demolished in 1963. Pennsylvania Station, NYC, Waiting Room, Cassatt Statue.jpg
The main waiting room of New York City's Pennsylvania Station c.1911. The station was largely demolished in 1963.


Garden Palace at the Sydney International Exhibition (1879) The Australian International Exhibition Building at Sydney. Engraving c1879.jpg
Garden Palace at the Sydney International Exhibition (1879)
Melbourne's Federal Coffee Palace, demolished in 1971 Federal Coffee Palace, Melbourne, Australia.jpg
Melbourne's Federal Coffee Palace, demolished in 1971
The APA Building, Melbourne APA Australia Building in Melbourne.jpg
The APA Building, Melbourne
Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, Christchurch, demolished in 2021 ChristchurchBasilica Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament.jpg
Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, Christchurch, demolished in 2021


New Zealand

South America


Ortiz Basualdo Palace in Buenos Aires circa 1910. Demolished in 1969. Palacio Ortiz Basualdo ca 1910 (AGN).jpg
Ortiz Basualdo Palace in Buenos Aires circa 1910. Demolished in 1969.


The main building of the National Museum of Brazil in 2011, before it was destroyed by a fire Palacio de Sao Cristovao.jpg
The main building of the National Museum of Brazil in 2011, before it was destroyed by a fire


An Incan quipu Inca Quipu.jpg
An Incan quipu



See also


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Further reading