List of heads of government of Romania

Last updated

This is a list consisting of all the heads of government of modern and contemporary Romania (i.e. prime ministers, both in full constitutional powers and acting or ad interim), since the establishment of the United Principalities in 1859 to the present day.


The incumbent prime minister of Romania, as of 26 February 2025, is Ion-Marcel Ciolacu, the current leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), who has been serving since 15 June 2023 onwards.

Ciolacu has been leading a PSD-PNL grand coalition government, as part of and representing the ruling National Coalition for Romania (CNR), since mid June 2023 to the present day. The Ciolacu Cabinet is the second CNR government to date and the only one to be composed of only two major political parties, after the UDMR/RMDSZ was eliminated from the coalition and, consequently, entered in opposition. In addition, the share of governmental power between the two major political parties which constitute this CNR cabinet is equal (i.e. 11 ministries per each constituent political party). For some time however, the stability and cohesion of the incumbent cabinet are both quite debatable.


The political stance of Romanian prime ministers prior to the development of a modern party system is given by the following affiliations in the table below:

  C (Conservative)  MC (Moderate Conservative)
  RL (Radical Liberal)  ML (Moderate Liberal)

The political stance of Romanian prime ministers after the development of a modern party system is given by the following affiliations in the table below:

  PNL = National Liberal Party (historical)/(contemporary)   PC = Conservative Party
  PNR/PNȚ/PNȚCD = Romanian National Party/National Peasants' Party/Christian Democratic National Peasants' Party   PP = People's Party
  PCD = Conservative-Democratic Party   Ind. = Independent
  PND = Democratic Nationalist Party   PNC = National Christian Party
  FRN = National Renaissance Front
(from 1940 PN; Party of the Nation)
  FP = Ploughmen's Front
  PMR = Romanian Workers' Party
(from 1965 PCR; Romanian Communist Party)
  FSN = National Salvation Front
  PDSR = Party of Social Democracy in Romania
(from 2001 PSD; Social Democratic Party)
  Mil. = Military
  PSDR = Romanian Social Democratic Party   Democratic Party/Democratic Liberal Party

Ad interim/acting officeholders are denoted by italics.

List of officeholders

United Principalities (1859–1881)

From 1859 to 1862, the two Romanian principalities (more specifically Moldavia and Wallachia) had their own government each, and a cabinet, seated in Iași and Bucharest respectively. In 1862, Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza changed the Constitution and from then on there has been a single unified central government, permanently seated in Bucharest, the capital of Romania.

ElectionTerm of officePolitical partyCabinetDomnitor
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
Presidents of the Council of Ministers
1 Barbu Catargiu2.jpg Barbu Catargiu
 ?15 February 18628 June 1862 †113 daysCon. Catargiu Alexandru Ioan Cuza - Photo by Carol Popp de Szathmary.jpg
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Apostolos Arsakis 3.jpg Apostol Arsache
acting prime minister
8 June 186223 June 186215 daysCon.
2 Nicolae Cretulescu.jpg Nicolae Crețulescu
24 June 186211 October 18631 year, 109 daysMod. Lib. Crețulescu I
3 Mihail Kogalniceanu utexas.jpg Mihail Kogălniceanu
1864 11 October 186326 January 18651 year, 107 daysMod. Lib. Kogălniceanu
4 Constantin Bosianu.jpg Constantin Bosianu
26 January 186514 June 1865139 daysMod. Lib. Bosianu
(2) Nicolae Cretulescu.jpg Nicolae Crețulescu
14 June 186511 February 1866242 daysMod. Lib. Crețulescu II
5 Ion Ghica 02.jpg Ion Ghica
Apr.1866 11 February 186610 May 186688 daysMod. Lib. Ghica I
Carol I King of Romania.jpg
Carol I
6 Lascarcatargiu.jpg Lascăr Catargiu
11 May 186613 July 186663 daysCon. Catargiu I
(5) Ion Ghica 02.jpg Ion Ghica
Nov.1866 15 July 186621 February 1867221 daysMod. Lib. Ghica II
7 Constantin Al. Cretulescu.jpg Constantin A. Crețulescu
1 March 18674 August 1867156 daysRad. Lib. Crețulescu
8 Stefan Golescu - foto.jpg Ștefan Golescu
1867 26 November 186712 May 1868168 daysRad. Lib. Golescu
9 Nicolae Golescu desen.png Nicolae Golescu
1868 1 May 186815 November 1868198 daysRad. Lib. Golescu
10 Dimitrie Ghica.jpg Dimitrie Ghica
16 November 186827 January 18701 year, 72 daysMod. Con. Ghica
11 Alexandru G. Golescu1.jpg Alexandru G. Golescu
1869 2 February 187018 April 187075 daysMod. Lib. Golescu
12 Manolache Costache Epureanu.jpg Manolache Costache Epureanu
20 April 187014 December 1870238 daysCon. Epureanu I
(5) Ion Ghica 02.jpg Ion Ghica
18 December 187011 March 187183 daysMod. Lib. Ghica III
(6) Lascarcatargiu.jpg Lascăr Catargiu
11 March 187130 March 18765 years, 19 daysCon. Catargiu II
13 Emanoil Ion Florescu 01.jpg Ion Emanuel Florescu
4 April 187626 April 187622 daysCon. Florescu I
(12) Manolache Costache Epureanu.jpg Manolache Costache Epureanu
6 May 18765 August 187691 days PNL Epureanu II
14 Ion C. Bratianu 01.png Ion Brătianu
5 August 187613 March 18814 years, 220 days PNL I. Brătianu IIIIII

Kingdom of Romania (1881–1947)

ElectionTerm of officePolitical partyCabinetKing
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
Presidents of the Council of Ministers
14 Ion C. Bratianu 01.png Ion Brătianu
13 March 18819 April 188127 days PNL I. Brătianu III Carol I King of Romania.jpg
Carol I
15 Dimitrie Bratianu.png Dimitrie Brătianu
10 April 18818 June 188159 days PNL D. Brătianu
(14) Ion C. Bratianu 01.png Ion Brătianu
9 June 188120 March 18886 years, 285 days PNL I. Brătianu IV
16 Teodor Rosetti.jpg Theodor Rosetti
23 March 188822 March 1889364 days PC Rosetti III
(6) Lascarcatargiu.jpg Lascăr Catargiu
29 March 18893 November 1889219 days PC Catargiu III
17 Gheorghe Manu.jpg Gheorghe Manu
5 November 188915 February 18911 year, 102 days PC Manu
(13) Emanoil Ion Florescu 01.jpg Ion Emanuel Florescu
2 March 189129 December 1891302 days PC Florescu II
(6) Lascarcatargiu.jpg Lascăr Catargiu
1892 29 December 189115 October 18953 years, 290 days PC Catargiu IV
18 Dimitrie A Sturdza.jpg Dimitrie Sturdza
15 October 18952 December 18961 year, 48 days PNL Sturdza I
19 Petre S Aurelian.jpg Petre S. Aurelian
2 December 189612 April 1897131 days PNL Aurelian
(18) Dimitrie A Sturdza.jpg Dimitrie Sturdza
12 April 189723 April 18992 years, 11 days PNL Sturdza II
20 Cantacuzino.jpg Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzino
23 April 189919 July 19001 year, 87 days PC Cantacuzino I
21 P.P. Carp.jpeg Petre P. Carp
19 July 190013 February 1901209 days PC Carp I
(18) Dimitrie A Sturdza.jpg Dimitrie Sturdza
1901 27 February 19014 January 19064 years, 311 days PNL Sturdza III
(20) Cantacuzino.jpg Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzino
4 January 190624 March 19071 year, 79 days PC Cantacuzino II
(18) Dimitrie A Sturdza.jpg Dimitrie Sturdza
1907 24 March 19079 January 19091 year, 291 days PNL Sturdza IV
22 Ion I C Bratianu - Foto01.jpg Ion I. C. Brătianu
9 January 190928 December 19101 year, 353 days PNL I.I.C. Brătianu III
(21) P.P. Carp.jpeg Petre P. Carp
1911 29 December 191028 March 19121 year, 90 days PC Carp II
23 Titu Maiorescu - Foto01.jpg Titu Maiorescu
1912 28 March 191231 December 19131 year, 278 days PC Maiorescu III
(22) Ion I C Bratianu - Foto01.jpg Ion I. C. Brătianu [a]
1914 4 January 191428 January 19184 years, 24 days PNL I.I.C. Brătianu IIIIV
King Ferdinand of Romania.jpg
Ferdinand I
24 Alexandru Averescu - Foto01.jpg Alexandru Averescu [a]
29 January 19184 March 191834 days Mil. Averescu I
25 Marghiloman 2.jpg Alexandru Marghiloman [a]
1918 5 March 191823 October 1918232 days PC Marghiloman
26 Constantin Coanda.jpg Constantin Coandă [a]
24 October 191829 November 191836 days Mil. Coandă
(22) Ion I C Bratianu - Foto01.jpg Ion I. C. Brătianu
29 November 191826 September 1919301 days PNL I.I.C. Brătianu V
27 ArturVaitoianu.jpg Artur Văitoianu
27 September 191930 November 191964 days Mil. Văitoianu
28 Vaida-Voevod.jpg Alexandru Vaida-Voevod
1919 1 December 191912 March 1920102 days PNR Vaida-Voevod I
(24) Alexandru Averescu - Foto01.jpg Alexandru Averescu
1920 13 March 192016 December 19211 year, 278 days PP Averescu II
29 Take jonescu.png Take Ionescu
17 December 192119 January 192233 days PCD Ionescu
(22) Ion I C Bratianu - Foto01.jpg Ion I. C. Brătianu
1922 19 January 192229 March 19264 years, 69 days PNL I.I.C. Brătianu VI
(24) Alexandru Averescu - Foto01.jpg Alexandru Averescu
1926 30 March 19264 June 19271 year, 66 days PP Averescu III
30 Barbu Stirbey.jpg Barbu Știrbey
4 June 192720 June 192716 days Ind. Știrbey
(22) Ion I C Bratianu - Foto01.jpg Ion I. C. Brătianu
1927 21 June 192724 November 1927156 days PNL I.I.C. Brătianu VII
Michael I of Romania (1927).jpg
Michael I
31 Vintila Bratianu - Foto01.jpg Vintilă Brătianu
24 November 19279 November 1928351 days PNL V. Brătianu
32 Bundesarchiv Bild 183-2000-0518-507, Julius Maniu.jpg Iuliu Maniu
1928 10 November 19286 June 19301 year, 208 days PNȚ Maniu I
33 Gheorghe Mironescu.jpg Gheorghe Mironescu
7 June 193012 June 19305 days PNȚ Mironescu I
Carol II of Romania.jpg
Carol II
(32) Bundesarchiv Bild 183-2000-0518-507, Julius Maniu.jpg Iuliu Maniu
13 June 19309 October 1930118 days PNȚ Maniu II
(33) Gheorghe Mironescu.jpg Gheorghe Mironescu
10 October 193017 April 1931189 days PNȚ Mironescu II
34 Nicolae Iorga.jpg Nicolae Iorga
1931 18 April 19315 June 19321 year, 48 days PND Iorga
(28) Vaida-Voevod.jpg Alexandru Vaida-Voevod
1932 6 June 193219 October 1932221 days PNȚ Vaida-Voevod IIIII
(32) Bundesarchiv Bild 183-2000-0518-507, Julius Maniu.jpg Iuliu Maniu
20 October 193213 January 193385 days PNȚ Maniu III
(28) Vaida-Voevod.jpg Alexandru Vaida-Voevod
14 January 193313 November 1933303 days PNȚ Vaida-Voevod IV
35 Ion Gheorghe Duca - Foto02.jpg Ion G. Duca
1933 14 November 193329 December 1933 †45 days PNL Duca
Constantin Angelescu.jpg Constantin Angelescu
acting prime minister
29 December 19333 January 19345 days PNL Angelescu
36 GheorgheTatarescu.PNG Gheorghe Tătărescu
4 January 193428 December 19373 years, 358 days PNL Tătărescu IIIIIIIV
37 Octavian Goga.jpg Octavian Goga
1937 29 December 193710 February 193843 days PNC Goga
38 Miron Cristia patriach of Romania.JPG Patriarch
Miron Cristea
11 February 19386 March 1939 †1 year, 23 days Ind. Cristea IIIIII
39 Armand Calinescu.jpg Armand Călinescu
1939 7 March 193921 September 1939 †198 days FRN Călinescu
40 Argeseanu Gheorghe2.jpg Gheorghe Argeșanu
21 September 193928 September 19397 days Mil. Argeșanu
41 Constantin Argetoianu. Portret fotografic..jpg Constantin Argetoianu
28 September 193923 November 193956 days FRN Argetoianu
(36) Gheorghe Tatarescu.jpg Gheorghe Tătărescu
24 November 19393 July 1940222 days FRN Tătărescu VVI
42 Ion Gigurtu.jpg Ion Gigurtu
4 July 19404 September 194062 days FRN Gigurtu
43 Romanian Prime Minister Ion Antonescu.jpg Ion Antonescu [b]
4 September 194023 August 19443 years, 354 days Mil. Antonescu IIIIII
Michael I
44 ConstantinSanatescu.jpg Constantin Sănătescu
23 August 19445 December 1944104 days Mil. Sănătescu III
45 Nicolae Radescu.jpg Nicolae Rădescu
6 December 194428 February 194584 days Mil. Rădescu
46 Petru Groza joben.jpg Petru Groza

6 March 194530 December 19472 years, 299 days FP Groza III

Romanian People's Republic/Socialist Republic of Romania (1947–1989)

ElectionTerm of officePolitical partyCabinetHead of state
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
Presidents of the Council of Ministers (informally Prime Ministers)
46 Petru Groza Anefo.jpg Petru Groza

30 December 19472 June 19524 years, 155 days FP Groza IIIIV CI Parhon.jpg
C. I. Parhon [c]
47 Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej1.jpg Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej

2 June 19524 October 19553 years, 124 days PMR Gheorghiu-Dej III Petru Groza Anefo.jpg
Petru Groza [d]
48 Chivu Stoica 1957.jpg Chivu Stoica

4 October 195520 March 19615 years, 167 days PMR Stoica III
Ion Gheorghe Maurer (1967).jpg
Ion Gheorghe Maurer [d]
49 Ion Gheorghe Maurer (1967).jpg Ion Gheorghe Maurer
21 March 196127 February 197412 years, 343 days PCR Maurer IIIIIIIVV Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej1.jpg
Chivu Stoica 1957.jpg
Chivu Stoica [e]
Nicolae Ceausescu.jpg
Nicolae Ceaușescu [f]
50 Manea Manescu.jpg Manea Mănescu

27 February 197430 March 19795 years, 31 days PCR Mănescu III
51 Ilie Verdet.jpg Ilie Verdeț

30 March 197920 May 19823 years, 51 days PCR Verdeț III
52 Constantin Dascalescu 1983b (cropped).jpg Constantin Dăscălescu

21 May 198222 December 19897 years, 215 days PCR Dăscălescu III

Romania (1989–present)

ElectionTerm of officePolitical partyCabinet
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
Prime Ministers
(since 1989)
CFSN Revolution Roumaine.jpg Council of the National Salvation Front
de facto
22 December 198926 December 19894 days FSN Provisional Itself
53 Petre Roman.jpg Petre Roman
(born 1946)
26 December 198928 June 19901 year, 294 days FSN [h] Roman I
Ion Iliescu (2004).jpg
Ion Iliescu
1990 28 June 199030 April 1991 Roman II
30 April 199116 October 1991 Roman III
54 Conventia PD-L 2013 - Theodor Stolojan (2).jpg Theodor Stolojan
(born 1943)
16 October 199119 November 19921 year, 34 days FSN [j] Stolojan
55 Nicolae Vacaroiu.jpg Nicolae Văcăroiu
(born 1943)
1992 19 November 199211 December 19964 years, 22 days PDSR Văcăroiu
56 Victor Ciorbea (1).JPG Victor Ciorbea
(born 1954)
1996 12 December 199630 March 19981 year, 108 days PNȚCD [l] Ciorbea Emil Constantinescu.jpg
Emil Constantinescu
Gavril Dejeu.PNG Gavril Dejeu
(born 1932)
acting prime minister

30 March 199817 April 199818 days PNȚCD
57 Radu Vasile(2).tif Radu Vasile
17 April 199813 December 19991 year, 240 days PNȚCD Vasile
Alexandru Athanasiu
(born 1955)
acting prime minister
13 December 199922 December 19999 days PSDR [n]
58 Mugur Isarescu 17 February 2025 (cropped).jpg Mugur Isărescu
(born 1949)
22 December 199928 December 20001 year, 6 days Ind. [p] Isărescu
59 Adrian Nastase3.jpg Adrian Năstase
(born 1950)
2000 28 December 200021 December 20043 years, 359 days PSD Năstase
Ion Iliescu (2004).jpg
Ion Iliescu
5. Reuniunea BPN al PSD - 17.03.2014 (13216493103) (cropped).jpg Eugen Bejinariu
(born 1959)
acting prime minister
21 December 200428 December 20047 days PSD EPP Summit; Meise, Dec. 2013 (11449226465) (cropped 2).jpg
Traian Băsescu
60 Calin Popescu-Tariceanu 2005-10-26.jpg Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu
(born 1952)
2004 29 December 20045 April 20073 years, 359 days PNL [r] Tăriceanu I
5 April 200722 December 2008 Tăriceanu II
61 Emil Boc 2011-06-23.jpg Emil Boc
(born 1966)
2008 22 December 200823 December 20093 years, 46 days PDL [t] Boc I
23 December 20096 February 2012 Boc II
Catalin Predoiu, la ceremonia de semnare a contractului de finantare din PNRR a unei noi constructii a Spitalului de Urgent (cropped).jpg Cătălin Predoiu
(born 1968)
acting prime minister

6 February 20129 February 20123 days Ind. [v]
62 Mihai Razvan Ungureanu (nov 2013) (cropped).JPG Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu
(born 1968)
9 February 20127 May 201288 days Ind. [w] Ungureanu
63 Victor Ponta debate November 2014.jpg Victor Ponta
(born 1972)
7 May 201221 December 20123 years, 46 days PSD [x] Ponta I
2012 21 December 20125 March 2014 Ponta II
5 March 201417 December 2014 Ponta III
17 December 201422 June 2015 Ponta IV
Klaus Iokhannis (52539721210).jpg
Klaus Iohannis
Gabriel Oprea 2011-10-20.jpg Gabriel Oprea
(born 1961)
acting prime minister
22 June 20159 July 201517 days UNPR
(63) Victor Ponta debate November 2014.jpg Victor Ponta
(born 1972)
9 July 201529 July 201520 days PSD
Gabriel Oprea 2011-10-20.jpg Gabriel Oprea
(born 1961)
acting prime minister
29 July 201510 August 201512 days UNPR
(63) Victor Ponta debate November 2014.jpg Victor Ponta
(born 1972)
10 August 20155 November 201587 days PSD
SorinCimpeanu2015 (cropped).jpg Sorin Cîmpeanu
(born 1968)
acting prime minister
5 November 201517 November 201512 days ALDE [y]
64 Dacian Ciolos (cropped).jpg Dacian Cioloș
(born 1969)
17 November 20154 January 20171 year, 48 days Ind. [z] Cioloș
65 Sorin Grindeanu in Geneva - 2018 (25019917997) (cropped).jpg Sorin Grindeanu
(born 1973)
2016 4 January 201729 June 2017176 days PSD Grindeanu
66 Mihai Tudose 2018.jpg Mihai Tudose
(born 1967)
29 June 201716 January 2018201 days PSD [aa] Tudose
Mihai Fifor (cropped).jpg Mihai Fifor
(born 1970)
acting prime minister
16 January 201829 January 201813 days PSD
67 Viorica Dancila June 2019.jpg Viorica Dăncilă
(born 1963)
29 January 20184 November 20191 year, 279 days PSD [ab] Dăncilă
68 Ludovic-Orban (cropped).jpg Ludovic Orban [ad]
(born 1963)
4 November 201914 March 20201 year, 33 days PNL [ae] Orban I
14 March 20207 December 2020 Orban II
Nicolae-Ciuca (cropped).jpg Nicolae Ciucă
(born 1967)
acting prime minister
7 December 202023 December 202016 days PNL
69 Florin Citu (cropped).jpg Florin Cîțu [af]
(born 1972)
2020 23 December 202025 November 2021337 days PNL Cîțu
70 Nicolae-Ciuca (cropped).jpg Nicolae Ciucă [ah]
(born 1967)
25 November 202112 June 20231 year, 199 days PNL Ciucă
Catalin Predoiu, la ceremonia de semnare a contractului de finantare din PNRR a unei noi constructii a Spitalului de Urgent (cropped).jpg Cătălin Predoiu
(born 1968)
acting prime minister
12 June 202315 June 20233 days PNL
71 Marcel Ciolacu (20 February 2025) (cropped).jpg Marcel Ciolacu
(born 1967)
15 June 202323 December 20241 year, 256 days PSD Ciolacu I
2024 23 December 2024Incumbent Ciolacu II

Note: Romania used the Julian calendar prior to 1919, but all dates are given in the Gregorian calendar.


Marcel CiolacuFlorin CîțuNicolae CiucăLudovic OrbanViorica DăncilăMihai FiforMihai TudoseSorin GrindeanuDacian CioloșSorin CîmpeanuGabriel OpreaVictor PontaMihai Răzvan UngureanuCătălin PredoiuEmil BocCălin Popescu-TăriceanuEugen BejinariuAdrian NăstaseMugur IsărescuAlexandru AthanasiuRadu VasileGavril DejeuVictor CiorbeaNicolae VăcăroiuTheodor StolojanPetre RomanList of members of the National Salvation Front CouncilConstantin DăscălescuIlie VerdețManea MănescuIon Gheorghe MaurerChivu StoicaGheorghe Gheorghiu-DejPetru GrozaNicolae RădescuConstantin SănătescuIon AntonescuIon GigurtuConstantin ArgetoianuGheorghe ArgeșanuArmand CălinescuPatriarch Miron of RomaniaOctavian GogaGheorghe TătărescuConstantin AngelescuIon G. DucaNicolae IorgaGheorghe MironescuIuliu ManiuVintilă BrătianuBarbu ȘtirbeyTake IonescuAlexandru Vaida-VoevodArtur VăitoianuConstantin CoandăAlexandru MarghilomanAlexandru AverescuTitu MaiorescuIon I. C. BrătianuPetre P. CarpGheorghe Grigore CantacuzinoPetre S. AurelianDimitrie SturdzaGheorghe ManuTheodor RosettiDimitrie BrătianuIon BrătianuIon Emanuel FlorescuManolache Costache EpureanuAlexandru G. GolescuDimitrie GhicaNicolae GolescuȘtefan GolescuConstantin A. KretzulescuLascăr CatargiuIon GhicaConstantin BosianuMihail KogălniceanuNicolae CrețulescuApostol ArsacheBarbu CatargiuList of heads of government of Romania


  1. 1 2 3 4 Due to World War I, the Romanian government served in refuge at Iași, between 3 December 1916 and 29 November 1918.
  2. From 14 September 1940, the Prime Minister title was styled Conducător for as long as Marshal Ion Antonescu remained in power as head of the Romanian government.
  3. President of the Provisional Presidium of the Republic (1947–1948); President of the Presidium of the Great National Assembly (1948–1952)
  4. 1 2 3 President of the Presidium of the Great National Assembly
  5. President of the State Council
  6. President of the State Council (1967–1974); President of Romania (1974–1989)
  7. Served as ad interim (i.e. acting) PM until 20 June 1990, following the 1990 general election held on 20 May.
  8. Roman is currently a PSD member.
  9. Stolojan joined the National Salvation Front (FSN) at the time he took office as Prime Minister back in 1991.
  10. Stolojan is currently a PNL member.
  11. From 10 July 1993.
  12. Subsequently adhered to the PNL and was a member of this party between 2012 and 2014. Currently, Ciorbea is politically unaffiliated.
  13. Dejeu was the first post-1989 acting/ad interim Prime Minister of Romania and the first such Prime Minister since Constantin Angelescu of the PNL who very briefly served in this position for only 5 days during the interwar period (more specifically between late December 1933–early January 1934).
  14. Athanasiu is currently a PSD member.
  15. The first politically non-attached/non-partisan fully technocratic Prime Minister of post-1989 Romania at the time he acceded to governance (despite past ties as undercover informer for the Securitate). Currently, Isărescu is non-affiliated politically and still the Governor of the National Bank of Romania (BNR).
  16. Yet somewhat affiliated with the Romanian Democratic Convention (CDR) as he was later on the official presidential candidate of the revamped CDR 2000 in the 2000 Romanian general election
  17. PSDR and PDSR merged into the PSD on 16 June 2001.
  18. Subsequently quit the PNL and co-founded ALDE before switching to Ponta's PRO Romania in a short-lived merger of ALDE and the former party which lasted between 2020 and early 2021. Currently, Tăriceanu is politically non-affiliated.
  19. Until 4 December 2006.
  20. Boc is currently a PNL member.
  21. Cătălin Predoiu is the all time Romanian ad interim/acting Prime Minister of Romania who served the fewest number of days in office.
  22. Prior to becoming an independent ad interim/acting Prime Minister of Romania, Predoiu was a PNL-AT member during the early 1990s and afterwards a PDL and subsequently PNL member. He subsequently served as ad interim/acting Prime Minister in 2023 for the same number of days as in 2012.
  23. Prior to becoming an independent ad interim/acting Prime Minister of Romania, Ungureanu was a PNL member and later on the president of Civic Force (FC) and a PDL member.
  24. Subsequently quit the PSD and founded his own centre-left party, namely PRO Romania, which he has been presiding to this day.
  25. Subsequently quit ALDE and joined Ponta's PRO Romania. Eventually, he also quit PRO Romania to join the PNL of which he has been a member to the present day.
  26. Subsequently founded his own party, PLUS, then briefly became USR president, and is currently associated with REPER.
  27. Subsequently quit the PSD and switched to Ponta's PRO Romania in 2019 before eventually re-joining the PSD in early 2020.
  28. Subsequently quit the PSD and became the president of the NOI party in 2022.
  29. until 27 August 2019.
  30. The Orban government was the first entirely national liberal government of Romania in 82 years, after the one previously led by Gheorghe Tătărescu during the interwar period, more specifically from 1934 to 1937. [1]
  31. Subsequently quit the PNL in late 2021 with a group of followers (more specifically 13 deputies and 3 senators at parliamentary level) to establish his own centre-right party, namely Force of the Right (FD), which he has been presiding since December 2021 to the present day.
  32. After he was dismissed by a record-voted motion of no confidence passed with 281 votes on 5 October 2021, Florin Cîțu still served as ad interim/acting Prime Minister in charge of a minority PNL-UDMR/RMDSZ government between October and November 2021. He had previously served as acting/ad interim Prime Minister since September 2021, just after USR PLUS (now USR) decided to leave government.
  33. to 7 September 2021.
  34. Although he had formally become a politician in 2020, Nicolae Ciucă was the first military leader (more specifically general, albeit retired) to serve as Prime Minister of Romania (both acting/ad interim and in full constitutional powers) since the end of World War II. Additionally, he was the only Romanian Prime Minister to date to have initially served as acting head of government and then as head of government proper (i.e. in full constitutional powers).

See also


  1. Alexandra Tănăsescu (5 November 2019). "Guvernul Orban este primul guvern liberal după 82 de ani. Povestea ultimului guvern liberal – Gheorghe Tătărescu". Cultura la dubă (in Romanian). Retrieved 23 April 2022.
