List of lighthouses in Iceland

Last updated


This is a list of lighthouses in Iceland . [1] [2] [3]


Name Admiralty No. LocationYear builtFocal PlaneTower HeightNotesStatusImage
Selvogsviti L4824Suðurland193121 m (69 ft)15 m (49 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Krýsuvíkurviti L4826Suðurnes196561 m (200 ft)5 m (16 ft)Orange cylindrical tower, red lantern house.Active
Krisuvikurberg lighthouse.jpg
Hópsnesviti L4828Suðurnes192816 m (52 ft)8 m (26 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
Faro de Hopsnes, Sudurland, Islandia, 2014-08-13, DD 084.JPG
Reykjanes aukaviti L4468Suðurnes194725 m (82 ft)5 m (16 ft)Orange semi-hexagonal tower, integral lantern house.Active
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Reykjanesviti L4466Suðurnes192973 m (240 ft)31 m (102 ft)White cylindrical tower, red lantern house.Active
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Stafnesviti L4472Suðurnes192516 m (52 ft)11 m (36 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
Faro de Stafnes, Sudurnes, Islandia, 2014-08-13, DD 014.JPG
Sandgerðisviti L4476Suðurnes21 m (69 ft)11 m (36 ft)Yellow square tower, yellow lantern house.Active
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Garðskagaviti (1897) Suðurnes189711 m (36 ft)White square tower, no lantern house, two red horizontal stripes.Inactive
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Garðskagaviti (1944) L4480Suðurnes194431 m (102 ft)28.6 m (94 ft)White conical tower, red lantern house.Active
Hólmsbergsviti L4483Suðurnes195636 m (118 ft)13 m (43 ft)Orange conical tower, red lantern house.Active
Faro de Holmbergs, Sudurnes, Islandia, 2014-08-15, DD 115.JPG
Vatnsesviti L4488Suðurnes195615 m (49 ft)8 m (26 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Gerðistangaviti L4494Suðurnes191811 m (36 ft)10 m (33 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
Faro de Gerhistangi, Vogar, Sudurnes, Islandia, 2014-08-15, DD 112.JPG
Hafnarfjörður L4495Reykjavik13 m (43 ft)6 m (20 ft)Unpainted concrete cylindrical tower integral building.Active
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Hafnarfjörður (1901) L4495.1Reykjavik19016 m (20 ft)White and red horizontal bands on square tower, integral lantern house.Inactive
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Álftanesviti L4499Reykjavík5 m (16 ft)4.7 m (15 ft)Orange rectangular tower, no lantern house, red vertical stripes.Active
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Gróttuviti L4501Reykjavik189724 m (79 ft)23 m (75 ft)White conical tower, red lantern house.Active
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Engeyjarviti L4505Reykjavík15 m (49 ft)8 m (26 ft)Yellow tower.Active
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Reykjavík Norðurgarði L4506Reykjavik7 m (23 ft)4 m (13 ft)Yellow pyramidal tower on breakwater.Active
2019-08-14 Reykjavik Nordurgardi (North Mole) Lighthouse (L4506).jpg
Reykjavík Ingólfsgarði L4508Reykjavik7 m (23 ft)4 m (13 ft)Yellow pyramidal tower on breakwater.Active
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Reykjavík Sæbraut Reykjavik201910.5 m (34 ft)4 m (13 ft)Yellow pyramidal tower.Active
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Reykjavík Skarfagarður L4513.3Reykjavik8 m (26 ft)4 m (13 ft)Yellow pyramidal tower.Active
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Hvaleyrarviti L4516Vesturland19483 m (9.8 ft)Red steel tower/lantern house.Active
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Krossvíkurviti Vesturland13 m (43 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Akranesviti (1918) Vesturland191813 m (43 ft)White square tower, gray lantern house.Inactive
Antiguo faro de Akranes, Vesturland, Islandia, 2014-08-14, DD 014.JPG
Akranesviti (1947) L4520Vesturland194724 m (79 ft)21 m (69 ft)White conical tower, red lantern house, eight buttresses.Active
Faros de Akranes, Vesturland, Islandia, 2014-08-14, DD 017.JPG
Þormóðsskersviti L4526Vesturland194734 m (112 ft)23 m (75 ft)White tower, red lantern, black vertical panels.Active
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Þjófaklettaviti L4529Vesturland8 m (26 ft)4 m (13 ft)Red cylindrical tower, red lantern house.Active
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Rauðanesviti L4529Vesturland8 m (26 ft)6 m (20 ft)Orange hexagonal tower, integral lantern house.Active
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Kirkjuhólsviti L4531Vesturland195336 m (118 ft)6 m (20 ft)White tower, integral lantern house.Active
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Arnarstapaviti L453218 m (59 ft)3 m (9.8 ft)White tower, integral lantern house.Active
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Malarrifsviti L4534Vesturland194631 m (102 ft)24 m (79 ft)White cylindrical four-buttressed tower, red lantern house.Active
Faro de Malarrif, Vesturland, Islandia, 2014-08-14, DD 053.JPG
Svörtuloftaviti L4538Vesturland193128 m (92 ft)12 m (39 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Öndverðarnesviti L4540Vesturland197311 m (36 ft)5 m (16 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Krossnesviti L4544Vesturland192621 m (69 ft)9 m (30 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Ólafsvíkurviti Vesturland4 m (13 ft)Orange hexagonal tower, integral lantern house.Inactive
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Hnausaviti Vesturland4 m (13 ft)Orange hexagonal tower, integral lantern house.Inactive
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Höskuldseyjarviti L4550Vesturland194813 m (43 ft)10 m (33 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Elliðaeyjarviti L4552Vesturland45 m (148 ft)8 m (26 ft)White triangular tower, red lantern house.Active
Súgandiseyjarviti L4554Vesturland30 m (98 ft)3 m (9.8 ft)Red cylindrical tower/lantern house.Active
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Klofningsviti (Flatey)L4556Vestfirðir192615 m (49 ft)9 m (30 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
2019-08-15 01 Klofningur Lighthouse (also called Klofningsviti) near Flatey Island, Iceland.jpg
Miðleiðarskersviti L4557Vestfirðir19557 m (23 ft)3 m (9.8 ft)Active
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Skarfaklettsviti L4556.5Vesturland19587 m (23 ft)3 m (9.8 ft)Active
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Skorarviti L4558Vestfirðir19547 m (23 ft)5 m (16 ft)Rectangular white tower, integral lantern house.Active
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Bjargtangaviti L4560Vestfirðir194816 m (52 ft)6 m (20 ft)White semi-elliptical tower, integral lantern house.Active
Háanes (Ólafsviti) L4562Vestfirðir194726 m (85 ft)14 m (46 ft)White conical tower, red lantern house.Active
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Kópanesviti L4567Vestfirðir197125 m (82 ft)7 m (23 ft)Orange rectangular structure, white lantern house on roof.Active
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Langanesviti (Arnarfjörður) L4568Vestfirðir195023 m (75 ft)5 m (16 ft)Orange rectangular tower, integral lantern house.Active
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Svalvogaviti L4570Vestfirðir192054 m (177 ft)6 m (20 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Fjallaskagaviti L4574Vestfirðir195419 m (62 ft)12 m (39 ft)Orange conical tower, red lantern roof.Active
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Sauðanesviti (Súgandafjörður) L4575Vestfirðir193430 m (98 ft)3 m (9.8 ft)Active
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Galtarviti (Göltur) L4578Vestfirðir195632 m (105 ft)14 m (46 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Óshólaviti L4580Vestfirðir193730 m (98 ft)6 m (20 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Arnarnesviti L4584Vestfirðir192164 m (210 ft)6 m (20 ft)Orange pyramidal tower, red lantern house.Active
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Æðeyjarviti L4582Vestfirðir194926 m (85 ft)13 m (43 ft)White conical tower, red lantern house.Active
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Sléttueyrarviti (Slettunes)L4600Vestfirðir19497 m (23 ft)5 m (16 ft)Orange semi-hexagonal tower, integral lantern house.Active
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Straumnesviti L4604Vestfirðir191930 m (98 ft)24 m (79 ft)Orange pyramidal steel tower.Active
Hornbjargsviti L4606Vestfirðir193031 m (102 ft)10 m (33 ft)Orange square tower attached to coast guard station.Active
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Selskersviti L4608Vestfirðir194723 m (75 ft)15 m (49 ft)White cylindrical two-staged tower, red lantern house.Active
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Seljanesviti Vestfirðir4 m (13 ft)Orange square tower, lantern on top.Inactive
Gjögurviti L4616Vestfirðir192139 m (128 ft)24 m (79 ft)Red skeletal steel tower, red lantern house.Active
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Grímseyjarviti (Steingrímsfjörður) L4620Vestfirðir194982 m (269 ft)10 m (33 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Malarhornsviti L4622Vestfirðir194827 m (89 ft)3 m (9.8 ft)Orange tower, integral lantern room.Active
Malarhorn lighthouse.jpg
Hólmavíkurviti L4626Vestfirðir191512 m (39 ft)3 m (9.8 ft)Yellow octagonal steel tower/lantern house.Active
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Skarðsviti L4628Norðurland Vestra195152 m (171 ft)14 m (46 ft)White conical tower, red lantern house.Active
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Kálfshamarsviti L4635Norðurland Vestra194221 m (69 ft)16 m (52 ft)White square tower, red lantern house, vertical black panels on tower.Active
Skagatáarviti L4636Norðurland Vestra193518 m (59 ft)9 m (30 ft)White church displays light.Active
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Hegranesviti L4644Norðurland Vestra193723 m (75 ft)10 m (33 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Málmeyjarviti L4648Norðurland Vestra193841 m (135 ft)10 m (33 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Straumnesviti nyrðri L4650Norðurland Vestra194220 m (66 ft)10 m (33 ft)White/black vertical striped octagonal tower, red lantern house.Active
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Sauðanesviti L4652Norðurland Vestra193437 m (121 ft)10.5 m (34 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house, integral quarters.Active
2014-04-29 12-34-15 Iceland - Siglufirdi Siglufjordur.JPG
Selvíkurnefsviti L4654Norðurland Vestra193120 m (66 ft)8 m (26 ft)Yellow square tower, yellow lantern house.Active
Selvikurnef lighthouse.jpg
Siglunesviti L4656Norðurland Vestra190851 m (167 ft)12 m (39 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Bríkurviti L4660.6Norðurland Eystra196658 m (190 ft)4 m (13 ft)Concrete tower, white lantern house.Active
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Hrólfsskersviti L4658Norðurland Eystra195118 m (59 ft)16 m (52 ft)Orange conical tower, red lantern house roof.Active
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Hríseyjarviti L4660Norðurland Eystra1920113 m (371 ft)9 m (30 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
Hrisey lighthouse.jpg
Hjalteyrarviti L4666Norðurland Eystra192014 m (46 ft)13 m (43 ft)Red skeletal steel tower, red lantern house.Active
Svalbarðseyrarviti L4668Norðurland Eystra19209 m (30 ft)8 m (26 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
Svalbardseyri lighthouse.jpg
Gjögurtáarviti L4657Norðurland Eystra197028 m (92 ft)4 m (13 ft)White concrete tower, white lantern house.Active
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Grímseyjarviti L4674Norðurland Eystra193727 m (89 ft)9.5 m (31 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Flateyjarviti á SkjálfandaL4576Norðurland Eystra196327 m (89 ft)9.5 m (31 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Húsavíkurviti L4680Norðurland Eystra195649 m (161 ft)12 m (39 ft)Orange semi-elliptical tower, integral lantern house.Active
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Lundeyjarviti á SkjálfandaL4686Norðurland Eystra197746 m (151 ft)4 m (13 ft)White cylindrical steel tower/lantern house on square concrete pad.Active
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Tjörnesviti L4688Norðurland Eystra192933 m (108 ft)13 m (43 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Mánáreyjarviti L4689Norðurland Eystra198238 m (125 ft)4 m (13 ft)White cylindrical steel tower/lantern house, red roof.Active
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Kópaskersviti L4690Norðurland Eystra195121 m (69 ft)14 m (46 ft)White square tower, red lantern, vertical black stripes.Active
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Rauðanúpsviti L4696Norðurland Eystra195866 m (217 ft)8 m (26 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Hraunhafnartangaviti L4649Norðurland Eystra195121 m (69 ft)19 m (62 ft)White square tower, red lantern room vertical black panels.Active
Raufarhafnarviti L4700Norðurland Eystra193133 m (108 ft)10 m (33 ft)Orange tower, red lantern house.Active
Raufarhofn lighthouse.jpg
Raufarhafnarradíóviti L4702Norðurland Eystra9 m (30 ft)3.5 m (11 ft)Orange building, light displayed from day mark on roof.Active
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Melrakkanesviti L4706Norðurland Eystra195623 m (75 ft)12 m (39 ft)Yellow tower.Active
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Grenjanesviti L4710Norðurland Eystra194525 m (82 ft)19 m (62 ft)White square tower, red lantern house, black vertical panels on tower.Active
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Langanesviti L4712Norðurland Eystra195053 m (174 ft)10 m (33 ft)White cylindrical tower, red lantern house.Active
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Digranesviti L4714Norðurland Eystra194728 m (92 ft)19 m (62 ft)White square tower, red lantern, black vertical stripes.Active
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Kolbeinstangaviti L4716Austurland32 m (105 ft)20 m (66 ft)Gray square concrete tower, vertical black stripes, white lantern house.Active
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Bjarnareyjarviti L4721Austurland194431 m (102 ft)8 m (26 ft)Orange square buttressed tower, red lantern house.Active
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Kögurviti L4722Austurland195119 m (62 ft)8 m (26 ft)White square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Glettinganesviti L4724Austurland193125 m (82 ft)20 m (66 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Brimnesviti L4726Austurland193812 m (39 ft)7 m (23 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
Seydisfjordur - Hofn, light house (6808906477).jpg
Dalatangaviti (1895) Austurland18955 m (16 ft)White building, light shown from roof.Inactive
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Dalatangaviti (1959) L4730Austurland195919 m (62 ft)10 m (33 ft)Orange rectangular tower, integral keepers house, red lantern house.Active
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Norðfjarðarhornsviti L4730.6Austurland14 m (46 ft)4 m (13 ft)Unpainted concrete tower, integral lantern house.Active
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Norðfjarðarviti L4731Austurland38 m (125 ft)8 m (26 ft)White square tower, integral lantern house.Active
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Seleyjarviti L4733Austurland195627 m (89 ft)14 m (46 ft)White conical tower, red lantern house.Active
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Gríma L4735Austurland196122 m (72 ft)3 m (9.8 ft)Red cylindrical lantern house on concrete pad.Active
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Vattarnesviti L4734Austurland195726 m (85 ft)12 m (39 ft)Orange cylindrical tower, red lantern house roof.Active
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Grímuviti L4735Austurland196122 m (72 ft)3 m (9.8 ft)Red steel cylindrical tower on large white concrete pad.Active
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Hafnarnesviti L4473Austurland193717 m (56 ft)6.5 m (21 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Landahólsviti L4743Austurland195323 m (75 ft)8 m (26 ft)White rectangular tower, integral lantern house.Active
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Kambanesviti L4744Austurland192226 m (85 ft)11 m (36 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Selnes lighthouse L4746Austurland12.5 m (41 ft)9 m (30 ft)Gray square tower and lantern house.Active
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Streitisviti L4749.2Austurland198417 m (56 ft)12 m (39 ft)Black/white alternating vertical stripes on hexagonal tower.Active
Lighthouse at Streiti DSCF4288.jpg
Karlstaðatangaviti L4750Austurland192211 m (36 ft)5 m (16 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Æðarsteinsviti L4754Austurland192212 m (39 ft)6 m (20 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Djúpavogsradíóviti L4756Austurland1974Active
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Ketilflesjarviti L4760Austurland194618 m (59 ft)12 m (39 ft)White conical tower, red lantern house.Active
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Papeyjarviti L4762Austurland192257 m (187 ft)8 m (26 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Hvalnesviti L4764Austurland195527 m (89 ft)12 m (39 ft)Orange tower, orange lantern house.Active
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Stokksnesviti L4766Austurland194630 m (98 ft)19 m (62 ft)White pyramidal two-staged tower, red lantern house.Active
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Hellisviti L4768.4Austurland17 m (56 ft)6 m (20 ft)Yellow trapezoidal tower, integral lantern house.Active
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Hvanneyjarviti L4768Austurland192215 m (49 ft)8 m (26 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Hrollaugseyjarviti L4770Austurland195424 m (79 ft)16 m (52 ft)White cylindrical tower, red lantern house.Active
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Ingólfshöfðaviti L4772Suðurland194875 m (246 ft)10 m (33 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Skaftárósviti L4774Suðurland195320 m (66 ft)20 m (66 ft)Red skeletal steel tower, red lantern house.Active
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Skarðsfjöruviti L4775Suðurland195925 m (82 ft)18 m (59 ft)Red skeletal steel frame, red lantern.Active
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Alviðruhamraviti L4776Suðurland192933 m (108 ft)18 m (59 ft)Orange square tower, red lantern house.Active
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Dyrhólaeyjarviti L4780Suðurland1927123 m (404 ft)13 m (43 ft)White square tower, red lantern house, integral quarters.Active
Faro de Dyrholaey, Sudurland, Islandia, 2014-08-17, DD 135.JPG
Bakkafjöruviti L4781Suðurland198415 m (49 ft)7 m (23 ft)Active
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Stórhöfðaviti L4784Vestmannaeyjar1906125 m (410 ft)7 m (23 ft)White building, red lantern house, integral quarters.Active
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Faxaskersviti L4782Vestmannaeyjar195012 m (39 ft)6 m (20 ft)Orange pyramidal structure, light mounted on pole.Active
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Urðaviti L4786Vestmannaeyjar198630 m (98 ft)7 m (23 ft)White lantern house supported by piles and stairway.Active
Faro Urda, Heimaey, Islas Vestman, Sudurland, Islandia, 2014-08-17, DD 072.JPG
Geirfuglaskersviti L4800Vestmannaeyjar55 m (180 ft)3 m (9.8 ft)Rusty guyed tower, light mounted on pole above roof.Active
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Þrídrangaviti [4] L4802Vestmannaeyjar194234 m (112 ft)4 m (13 ft)White square tower, red lantern house.Active
Knarrarósviti L4804Suðurland193930 m (98 ft)22 m (72 ft)White square two-staged tower, red lantern house, black vertical panels.Active
Knarrarosviti Lighthouse.jpg
Þorlákshafnarviti L4820Suðurland195112 m (39 ft)8 m (26 ft)White rectangular tower, integral lantern house.Active
Hafnarnes lighthouse.jpg

See also


  1. Siglingastofnun Íslands | Forsíða " Starfssvið " Vitar og leiðsaga " Vitar eftir landshlutum [ permanent dead link ]
  2. Rowlett, Russ. "The Lighthouse Directory". University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
  3. "Icelandic Coast Guard, List of Lights (2010)" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-03-03. Retrieved 2013-12-07.
  4. Watch: Incredible video from the stunning Þrídrangar lighthouse, South Iceland Iceland Magazine (, 24 July 2015. Retrieved 2019-01-09