List of mosques in Turkey

Last updated

This is a list of mosques in Turkey . As of March 2013, there were 82,693 mosques in Turkey. The province with the highest number of mosques (3,113) was Istanbul and the lowest number (117) was Tunceli Province. [1] This reflected an increase of mosques by 7,324 in the 10-year period since 2003. [1]


Ahmet Hamdi Akseki Mosque Ahmet Hamdi Akseki Mosque, Ankara 01.jpg Ankara 2013
Altunizade Mosque AltunizadeMosque.jpg Istanbul 1865Ottoman mosque
Arap Mosque Istanbul asv2021-10 img03 Arap Mosque.jpg Istanbul 1856Based upon a former Roman Catholic church devoted to Saint Paul and Saint Dominic.
Aslanhane Mosque Ankara asv2021-10 img29 Kale and Arslanhane Mosque.jpg Ankara 1290
Atik Mustafa Pasha Mosque AtikMustafaPashaMosque20072612 02.jpg Istanbul 1059
Atik Valide Mosque Istanbul, uskudar, moschea dell'atik valide, 1577-1583 circa, esterno, veduta della moschea e dei minareti.jpg Istanbul 1583Ottoman mosque
Başdurak Mosque Basdurak Camii.jpg İzmir 1652built by Hacı Hüseyin.
Bayezid II Mosque Bayezid Mosque.jpg Istanbul 1506Commissioned by Beyazıt II
Bebek Mosque Istanbul - Bebek, Besiktas r7 - Sub 2013.JPG Istanbul 1913commissioned by Grand Vizier Nevşehirli Damat Ibrahim Pasha (1666–1730).
Bodrum Mosque BodrumCamii20070529 01.jpg Istanbul 10th century
Burmalı Mosque Burmali Mescit Camii.jpg Istanbul 1550Ottoman mosque
Bursa Grand Mosque Ulucami,Bursa - panoramio.jpg Bursa 1420Largest mosque in Bursa
Çamlıca Mosque Camlica-2018-06-14.jpg Istanbul 2019Post-Ottoman mosque
Defterdar Mosque Defterdar Mosque.jpg Istanbul 1542Ottoman mosque, commissioned by Defterdar Nazlı Mahmut Efendi.
Dolmabahçe Mosque Istanbul Bosphorus Dolmabahce Mosque IMG 7575 1800.jpg Istanbul 1855Ottoman mosque, commissioned by queen mother Bezmi Alem Valide Sultan
Emir Sultan Mosque Emir Sultan Camii 7067.jpg Bursa 1868
Eski Imaret Mosque EskiImaretCamii20070531 03.jpg Istanbul Short before 1087
Eyüp Sultan Mosque Istanbul 6000.jpg Istanbul 1458The tomb and mosque of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari
Firuz Agha Mosque Firuz Aga Camii.jpg Istanbul 149115th-century Ottoman mosque.
Great Mosque of Diyarbakır Great Mosque, Diyarbakir.jpg Diyarbakır 1091
Green Mosque Yesil camii kundekari - panoramio (5).jpg Bursa 1421"Green Mosque" commissioned by Mehmet I
Hacı Bayram Mosque Haci Bayram Mosque 02.jpg Ankara 1428Ottoman mosque, built by Mehmet Bey.
Hagia Sophia Hagia Sophia Mars 2013.jpg Istanbul 537Converted after the Conquest of Constantinople by Sultan Mehmed II, became a public museum in 1935. In 2020, it was made again a mosque.
İsa Bey Mosque Isa Bey Camii.jpg İzmir 1374One of the oldest and most impressive works of architectural art remaining from the Anatolian beyliks.
Kocatepe Mosque Ankara asv2021-10 img40 Kocatepe Mosque.jpg Ankara 1987
Laleli Mosque Istanbul asv2020-02 img06 Laleli Mosque.jpg Istanbul 1783by Sultan Mustafa III.
Little Hagia Sophia Sergius and Bacchus.jpg Istanbul 536
Menüçehr Mosque Ebul Manucehr 3.jpg Kars 1086First mosque in the current borders of Turkey. Built by the Shaddadids.
Mersin Grand Mosque Grand Mosque of Mersin.jpg Mersin 1898
Mihrimah Mosque Istanbul - Mesquita de Mihrimah.JPG Istanbul 1565Commissioned by the daughter of Suleyman I
Mimar Sinan Mosque Mimar Sinan Camii.jpg Istanbul 2012
Muğdat Mosque Mugdat Mosque, Mersin.jpg Mersin 1988
New Mosque New Mosque - Istanbul, Turkey - panoramio.jpg Istanbul 1665Also known as Yeni Cami.
Nuruosmaniye Mosque Nuruosmaniye Camii.jpg Istanbul 1755Commissioned by Mahmut I, completed during the reign of Osman III
Ortaköy Mosque Istanbul asv2020-02 img60 Ortakoy Mosque.jpg Istanbul 1854Officially the Büyük Mecidiye Camii. The current mosque was built between 1854 and 1856.
Pertevniyal Valide Sultan Mosque Istanbul asv2021-11 img28 Aksaray PVS Mosque.jpg Istanbul 1872 Ottoman imperial mosque in Istanbul
Pertev Pasha Mosque Yeni cuma camii (1) 06.jpg Izmit 1579One of the oldest and most impressive works of architectural art remaining from the Anatolian beyliks.
Red Minaret Mosque Aksaray Leaning Minaret 3114.jpg Aksaray 1221-1237built during the reign of Alaeddin Keykubad
Rüstem Pasha Mosque New Mosque (Istanbul) view.jpg Istanbul 1563Commissioned by Rüstem Pasha
Sabancı Mosque SabanciMosque meyavuz 20081226 06.JPG Adana 1998
Salepçioğlu Mosque TR Izmir asv2020-02 img56 Salepcioglu Mosque.jpg İzmir 1905Ottoman mosque, built by Salepçizade Hoca Ahmed Efendi.
Selimiye Mosque Edirne 7333 Nevit.JPG Edirne 1575Commissioned by Selim II
Sultan Ahmed Mosque Exterior of Sultan Ahmed I Mosque, (old name P1020390.jpg).jpg Istanbul 1609–1616Largest mosque in İstanbul, commissioned by Ahmet I
Süleymaniye Mosque Istanbul asv2020-02 img49 Suleymaniye Mosque.jpg Istanbul 1557Second largest mosque of Istanbul, commissioned by Süleyman I
Şehzade Mosque Sehzade Mosque DSCF3262.jpg Istanbul 1548Dedicated to Şehzade Mehmet (son of Suleyman I)
Tarsus Grand Mosque Ulucami, Tarsus, Mersin Province.jpg Tarsus, Mersin 1579
Üç Şerefeli Mosque BurmaliCamiEdirne (3).JPG Edirne 1547Commissioned by Murat II
Yavuz Selim Mosque Istanbul - Yavuz Selim Camii - Mart 2013 - r2.JPG Istanbul 1522Completed during the reign of Suleyman I, bears the name of Selim I
Yıldız Hamidiye Mosque Istanbul asv2021-10 img15 Yildiz Hamidiye Mosque.jpg Istanbul 1886 Ottoman imperial mosque.
Yivli Minaret Mosque Yivli Minaret Mosque Antalya.jpg Antalya 1230Historical mosque built by the Anatolian Seljuk Sultan Kay Qubadh I.
Zagan Pasha Mosque Zaganos Pasa Mosque.jpg Balıkesir 1461
Zeyrek Mosque Molla Zeyrek Camii.jpg Istanbul Before 1136


The list below contains historical Ottoman mosques in modern-day İzmir, Turkey.

The table

In the table below the first column shows the name, the second column shows the location, the third column shows the commissioner, the fourth column shows the architect and the fifth column shows the duration of construction.

NameDimensions in mCommissionerArchitectYears
Hisar Mosque 25x20Aydınoğlu Yakup Bey1598
Başdurak Mosque 15x15Hacı Hüseyin1652
Kestanepazarı Mosque 20x20Ahmet Ağa1668
Yalı Mosque 10x10Ayşe Hanım1755
Salepçioğlu Mosque 15x20Salepçizade Hacı Ahmet Efendi1905

Other Ottoman Mosques

See also
