Missoula floods

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  Cordilleran ice sheet
  maximum extent of Glacial Lake Missoula (eastern) and Glacial Lake Columbia (western)
  areas swept by Missoula and Columbia floods

As the depth of the water in Lake Missoula increased, the pressure at the bottom of the ice dam increased enough to lower the freezing point of water below the temperature of the ice forming the dam. This allowed liquid water to seep into minuscule cracks present in the ice dam.[ citation needed ] Over a period of time, the friction from water flowing through these cracks generated enough heat to melt the ice walls and enlarge the cracks. This allowed more water to flow through the cracks, generating more heat, allowing even more water to flow through the cracks.[ citation needed ] This feedback cycle eventually weakened the ice dam so much that it could no longer support the pressure of the water behind it, and it failed catastrophically. [10] This process is known as a glacial lake outburst flood, and there is evidence that many such events occurred in the distant past.

Flood events

As the water emerged from the Columbia River gorge, it backed up again at the 1 mile (1.6 km) wide narrows near Kalama, Washington. Some temporary lakes rose to an elevation of more than 400 ft (120 m), flooding the Willamette Valley to Eugene, Oregon, and beyond. Iceberg-rafted glacial erratics and erosion features are evidence of these events. Lake-bottom sediments deposited by the floods have contributed to the agricultural richness of the Willamette and Columbia Valleys. Glacial deposits overlaid with centuries of windblown sediments (loess) have scattered steep, southerly sloping dunes throughout the Columbia Valley, ideal conditions for orchard and vineyard development at higher latitudes.

After analysis and controversy, geologists now believe that there were 40 or more separate floods, although the exact source of the water is still being debated. The peak flow of the floods is estimated to be 27 cubic kilometers per hour (6.5 cubic miles per hour). [2] The maximum flow speed approached 36 meters/second (130 km/h or 80 mph). [3] Up to 1.9×1019 joules of potential energy were released by each flood (the equivalent of 4,500 megatons of TNT). For comparison, this is 90 times more powerful than the most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated, the 50-megaton "Tsar Bomba". [11] [9] The cumulative effect of the floods was to excavate 210 cubic kilometres (50 cu mi) of loess, sediment and basalt from the Channeled Scablands of eastern Washington and to transport it downstream. [9] [ needs update ]

Multiple flood hypothesis

During the ice age floods, Dry Falls was under 300 feet (91 m) of water approaching at a speed of 65 miles per hour (105 km/h). Dry Falls WA.jpg
During the ice age floods, Dry Falls was under 300 feet (91 m) of water approaching at a speed of 65 miles per hour (105 km/h).

The multiple flood hypothesis was first proposed by R.B. Waitt Jr. in 1980. Waitt argued for a sequence of 40 or more floods. [13] [14] [15] Waitt's proposal was based mainly on analysis from glacial lake bottom deposits in Ninemile Creek and the flood deposits in Burlingame Canyon. His most compelling argument for separate floods was that the Touchet bed deposits from two successive floods were found to be separated by two layers of volcanic ash (tephra) with the ash separated by a fine layer of windblown dust deposits, located in a thin layer between sediment layers ten rhythmites below the top of the Touchet beds. The two layers of volcanic ash are separated by 1–10 centimetres (0.4–3.9 in) of airborne nonvolcanic silt. The tephra is Mount St. Helens ash that fell in Eastern Washington. By analogy, since there were 40 layers with comparable characteristics at Burlingame Canyon, Waitt argued they all could be considered to have similar separation in deposition time. [15]

Controversy over number and source of floods

The controversy whether the Channeled Scabland landforms were formed mainly by multiple periodic floods, or by a single grand-scale cataclysmic flood from late Pleistocene Glacial Lake Missoula or from an unidentified Canadian source, continued through 1999. [16] Shaw's team of geologists reviewed the sedimentary sequences of the Touchet beds and concluded that the sequences do not automatically imply multiple floods separated by decades or centuries. Rather, they proposed that sedimentation in the Glacial Lake Missoula basin was the result of jökulhlaups draining into Lake Missoula from British Columbia to the north. Further, Shaw's team proposed the scabland flooding might have partially originated from an enormous subglacial reservoir that extended over much of central British Columbia, particularly including the Rocky Mountain Trench, which may have discharged by several paths, including one through Lake Missoula. This discharge, if occurring concurrently with the breach of the Lake Missoula ice dam, would have provided significantly larger volumes of water. Further, Shaw and team proposed that the rhythmic Touchet beds are the result of multiple pulses, or surges, within a single larger flood. [16]

Glacial Lake Missoula high-water mark, 4,200 feet (1,280 m), near Missoula, MT Glacial lake missoula high water mark rock 4200 ft.jpg
Glacial Lake Missoula high-water mark, 4,200 feet (1,280 m), near Missoula, MT

In 2000, a team led by Komatsu simulated the floods numerically with a 3-dimensional hydraulic model. They based the Glacial Lake Missoula discharge rate on the rate predicted for the Spokane ValleyRathdrum Prairie immediately downstream of Glacial Lake Missoula, for which a number of previous estimates had placed the maximum discharge of 17 × 106m3/s and total amount of water discharged equal to the maximum estimated volume of Lake Missoula (2184 km3). Neglecting erosion effects, their simulated water flow was based on modern-day topography. Their major findings were that the calculated depth of water in each flooded location except for the Spokane Valley–Rathdrum Prairie was shallower than the field evidence showed. For example, their calculated water depth at the Pasco Basin–Wallula Gap transition zone is about 190 m, significantly less than the 280–300 m flood depth indicated by high-water marks. They concluded that a flood of ~106m3/s could not have made the observed high-water marks. [17]

In comment on the Komatsu analysis, Brian Atwater and colleagues observed that there is substantial evidence for multiple large floods, including evidence of mud cracks and animal burrows in lower layers which were filled by sediment from later floods. Further, evidence for multiple flood flows up side arms of Glacial Lake Columbia spread over many centuries have been found. They also pointed out that the discharge point from Lake Columbia varied with time, originally flowing across the Waterville Plateau into Moses Coulee but later, when the Okanagon lobe blocked that route, eroding the Grand Coulee to discharge there as a substantially lower outlet. The Komatsu analysis does not evaluate the impact of the considerable erosion observed in this basin during the flood or floods, although the assumption that the flood hydraulics can be modeled using modern-day topography is an area which warrants further consideration. Earlier narrower constrictions at places such as Wallula Gap and through the Columbia Gorge would be expected to produce higher flow resistance and correspondingly higher floods. [18]

The current understanding

The dating for Waitt's proposed separation of layers into sequential floods has been supported by subsequent paleomagnetism studies, which support a 30–40 year interval between depositions of Mount St. Helens' ash, and hence flood events, but do not preclude an up to 60 year interval. [10] Offshore deposits on the bed of the Pacific at the mouth of the Columbia River include 120 meters of material deposited over a several thousand-year period that corresponds to the period of multiple scabland floods seen in the Touchet Beds. Based on Waitt's identification of 40 floods, this would give an average separation between floods of 50 years. [19]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Giant current ripples</span> Depositional forms in channeled scablands

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A pendant bar is a large, streamlined, fluvial bar that is typically composed of gravel which occurs just downstream of a bedrock obstruction within a river channel or floodway that has been scoured by either an outburst flood, megaflood, or jökulhlaup. They are often associated with giant current ripples. Malde introduced this to refer to streamlined mounds of gravel deposited by the Bonneville Flood that lie downstream of bedrock projections on the scoured valley floor of the Snake River. They are most common type of bar found within the Channeled Scablands created by the Missoula floods. The obstruction for the initiation of pendant bars in the Channeled Scablands is typically either a knob of basalt or the relict bend of a pre-flood meandering valley.


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  12. "Ice Age Floods Study of Alternatives Background". NPS. Archived from the original on 2015-06-11.
  13. Waitt, R.B. Jr (1980). "About 40 last-glacial Lake Missoula jökulhlaups through southern Washington". Journal of Geology. 88 (6): 653–679. Bibcode:1980JG.....88..653W. doi:10.1086/628553. S2CID   129144773.
  14. Waitt, R.B. Jr (1984). "Periodic jökulhlaups from Pleistocene Glacial Lake Missoula—New evidence from varved sediment in northern Idaho and Washington". Quaternary Research. 22 (1): 46–58. Bibcode:1984QuRes..22...46W. doi:10.1016/0033-5894(84)90005-X. S2CID   128700879.
  15. 1 2 Waitt, R.B. Jr (1985). "Case for periodic, colossal jökulhlaups from Pleistocene glacial Lake Missoula". Geological Society of America Bulletin. 96 (10): 1271–1286. Bibcode:1985GSAB...96.1271W. doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1985)96<1271:CFPCJF>2.0.CO;2.
  16. 1 2 Shaw, J; Munro-Stasiuk, M; Sawyer, B; Beaney, C; Lesemann, J.-E.; Musacchio, A.; Rains, B.; Young, R.R. (1999). "The Channeled Scabland: Back to Bretz?". Geology. 27 (7): 605–608. Bibcode:1999Geo....27..605S. doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1999)027<0605:TCSBTB>2.3.CO;2.
  17. Komatsu, G; Miyamoto, H; Ito, K; Tosaka, H; Tokunaga, T (June 2000). "The Channeled Scabland: Back to Bretz?: Comment and Reply". Geology. 28 (6): 573–574. Bibcode:2000Geo....28..573K. doi:10.1130/0091-7613(2000)28<573:TCSBTB>2.0.CO;2.
  18. Atwater, Brian F.; Smith, Gary A.; Waitt, Richard B. (June 2000). "The Channeled Scabland: Back to Bretz?: Comment and Reply: COMMENT". Geology. 28 (6): 574. Bibcode:2000Geo....28..574A. doi:10.1130/0091-7613(2000)28<576:TCSBTB>2.0.CO;2.
  19. Brunner, Charlotte A.; Normark, William R.; Zuffa, Gian G.; Serra, Francesca (1999). "Deep-sea sedimentary record of the late Wisconsin cataclysmic floods from the Columbia River". Geology. 27 (5): 463–466. Bibcode:1999Geo....27..463B. doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1999)027<0463:DSSROT>2.3.CO;2.

Further reading

Missoula floods
Wpdms nasa topo missoula floods.jpg
Glacial Lake Columbia (west) and Glacial Lake Missoula (east) are shown south of the Cordilleran ice sheet. The areas inundated in the Columbia and Missoula floods are shown in red.
CauseIce dam ruptures