Public holidays in Belarus

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National holidays in Belarus are classified into state holidays and other holidays and commemorative days, including religious holidays. Nine of them are non-working days. [1]


Public holidays (non-working days)

DateEnglish NameLocal NameRemarks
1-2 January New Year's Day Новы год (Novy Hod)
7 January Orthodox Christmas Каляды праваслаўныя (Kalady pravasłaŭnyja)
8 March International Women's Day Мiжнародны жаночы дзень (Mižnarodny žanočy dzień)
moveable Radonitsa Радунiца (Radunica)9 days after Orthodox Easter
1 May Labour Day Дзень працы (Dzień Pracy)
9 May Victory Day Дзень Перамогi (Dzień Pieramohi)Marks the victory against Nazi Germany in World War II
3 July Independence Day Дзень Незалежнасцi (Dzień Niezaležnasci)Adopted in 1996, in commemoration of the Red Army's 1944 liberation of Minsk during the Minsk Offensive
7 November October Revolution Day Дзень Кастрычніцкай рэвалюцыі (Dzień Kastryčnickaj revalucyi)
25 December Christmas Day Каляды каталiцкiя (Kalady katalickija)

Other holidays


DateEnglish NameLocal NameRemarks
23 February Defender of the Fatherland and Armed Forces Day Дзень абаронцы Айчыны і Дзень Узброеных Сіл (Dzień abaroncy Ajčyny i Dzień Uzbrojenych Sil)
4 March Day of the Police of Belarus Дзень міліцыі Беларусі (Dzień milicyi Bielarusi)
15 March Constitution Day Дзень Канстытуцыi (Dzień Kanstytucyji)Adopted in 1994
2 AprilUnity of Peoples of Russia and Belarus DayДзень яднання народаў Беларусі i Расii (Dzień jadnańnia narodaŭ Biełarusi i Rasii)
Second Sunday in MayState Flag and State Emblem DayДзень Дзяржаўнага Сцяга i Дзяржаўнага Герба (Dzień Dziaržaŭnaha Sciaha i Dziaržaŭnaha Hierba)
17 September National Unity Day Дзень народнага адзiнства

Commemorative and remembrance days

DateEnglish NameLocal NameRemarks
15 FebruaryAfghan War Veterans DayДзень памяці воінаў-інтэрнацыяналістаў (Dzień pamiaci voinaŭ-internacyjanalistaŭ)It commermorates the end of the Soviet-Afghan War.
26 April Chernobyl tragedy commemorative dayДзень чарнобыльскай трагедыі (Dzień čarnobylskaj trahiedyji)
22 JuneDay of Remembrance of the victims of the Great Patriotic War Дзень усенароднай памяці ахвяр Вялікай Айчыннай вайны (Dzień usienarodnaj pamiaci achviar Vialikaj Ajčynnaj vajny)In solemn remembrance of all the victims of the Second World War, and in commemoration of the heroic last stand of Brest Fortress in 1941, on the very country and city (Brest) in which the Eastern Front began.

Traditional holidays

Also, there are a number of traditional holidays.

DateEnglish NameLocal NameRemarks
6-7 July Kupalle Купалле (Kupalle)
2 November Dziady Дзяды (Dziady)
moveable Catholic EasterВялiкдзень каталiцкi (Vialikdzień katalicki)
moveable Orthodox EasterВялiкдзень праваслаўны (Vialikdzień pravasłaŭny)

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  1. "Belarus official holidays"