Holidays in Poland are regulated by the Non-working Days Act of 18 January 1951 (Ustawa z dnia 18 stycznia 1951 o dniach wolnych od pracy; Journal of Laws 1951 No. 4, Item 28). The Act, as amended in 2010, currently defines thirteen public holidays.
Note: The table below lists only public holidays, i.e. holidays which are legally considered to be non-working days.
Date | English Name | Official Local Name (Informal Local Name) | Remarks |
1 January | New Year's Day | Nowy Rok | |
6 January | Epiphany | Objawienie Pańskie (Trzech Króli) | In effect since 2011. |
Movable Sunday in Spring | Easter Sunday | pierwszy dzień Wielkiej Nocy (Niedziela Wielkanocna) | |
Monday following Easter Sunday | Easter Monday | drugi dzień Wielkiej Nocy ( Poniedziałek Wielkanocny or Lany Poniedziałek) | |
1 May | May Day | Święto Państwowe ( Święto Pracy ) | This holiday is officially called the State Holiday (Święto Państwowe). However, it is unofficially called Labour Day (Święto Pracy), and coincides with International Workers' Day. It is also EU Accession Day marking the 2004 accession of Poland as a member of the European Union. |
3 May | Constitution Day | Święto Narodowe Trzeciego Maja (Święto Konstytucji 3 Maja) | Celebrated on the anniversary of the adoption of the first constitution in Europe - the Constitution of 3 May 1791. Coincides with the Day of Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Poland. |
Seventh Sunday after Easter | Pentecost Sunday | Zesłanie Ducha Świętego ( Zielone Świątki ) | As this holiday always falls on a Sunday, it is not widely known that it is considered a non-working day, as all Sundays are already non-working days and holidays falling on Sunday do not give the right to another free day. |
Ninth Thursday after Easter | Corpus Christi | Uroczystość Najświętszego Ciała i Krwi Chrystusa (Boże Ciało) | Catholic holiday. |
15 August | Assumption Day | Wniebowzięcie Najświętszej Maryi Panny ( Święto Wojska Polskiego ) | This is also Armed Forces Day (Święto Wojska Polskiego), celebrating Polish victory in the Battle of Warsaw (1920). |
1 November | All Saints' Day | Uroczystość Wszystkich Świętych (Wszystkich Świętych) | This day is traditionally celebrated by visiting the graves of deceased family members because All Souls' Day ( Zaduszki or Święto Zmarłych), which falls the day after, is not a public holiday. |
11 November | Independence Day | Narodowe Święto Niepodległości (Dzień Niepodległości) | Celebrated on the anniversary of regaining independence on 11 November 1918. |
24 December | Christmas Eve | Wigilia Bożego Narodzenia | In effect from 2025. [1] [2] |
25 December | Christmas Day | pierwszy dzień Bożego Narodzenia | |
26 December | Second Day of Christmas | drugi dzień Bożego Narodzenia | This holiday coincides with St. Stephen's Day. |
Under communist rule, 1 May was celebrated as Labour Day with government-endorsed parades, concerts and similar events. The holiday carried over to present day Poland as State Holiday, albeit without any formal connection to International Workers' Day. In addition, 3 May was reinstated as 3 May Constitution Day. The May holidays (1, 2 and 3 May) are called "majówka" in Polish (roughly translated as May-day picnic [3] ).
The following are national and state holidays in Poland, although they are normally working days unless declared a public holiday.
In the past, there were public holidays newly established by the communist authorities after the Second World War. These were intended to replace discontinued original national holidays such as the National Independence Day and the 3 May Constitution Day and to serve propaganda purposes. All were canceled after the fall of communism in Poland.
The following are holidays declared by statute in Poland. These holidays are declared in statute and as such they form a part of law in Poland. However, these holidays are not granted the distinction of national or state holidays. These are normally working days, unless coinciding with a public holiday.
The following are holidays declared by parliamentary resolution in Poland. These holidays are declared by a resolution of Sejm. These holidays do not form a part of law in Poland, and consequently are not granted the distinction of national or state holidays. These are normally working days.