Date | English name | Local name | Remarks |
1 January | New Year's Day | Nova Godina | |
2 January | 2nd day of the New Year | Drugi dan Nove Godine | |
6 January | Epiphany | Bogojavljenje (Sveta Tri kralja) | |
7 January | Orthodox Christmas | Božić (Божић) | |
9 January | Republic Day | Dan Republike | The Bosnian Constitutional Court declared the annual holiday unconstitutional [1] |
14 January | New Year's Day | Nova godina (Нова година) | According to the Julian calendar |
1 March | Independence Day | Dan nezavisnosti | |
... | Easter | Uskrs | Easter always falls on a Sunday from 22 March to 25 April inclusive. |
... | Easter Monday | Uskrsni ponedjeljak | Easter Monday always falls on a Monday from 23 March to 26 April inclusive. |
... | Easter | Vaskrs (Васкрс) | |
1 May | Labour Day | Dan rada | |
2 May | 2nd day of the Labour Day | Drugi dan Dana rada | |
60 days post Easter | Corpus Christi | Tijelovo (Tijelo i Krv Kristova) | |
9 May | Victory Day | Dan pobjede | |
15 August | Assumption of Mary | Uznesenje Blažene Djevice Marije (Velika Gospa) | |
28 August | Assumption of Mary | Velika Gospojina (Велика Госпојина) | |
1 November | All Saints Day | Svi Sveti | |
2 November | All Souls Day | Dušni dan | |
21 November | Dayton Agreement Day | Dan uspostave Opšteg okvirnog sporazuma za mir u Bosni i Hercegovini | |
25 November | Statehood Day | Dan državnosti | This holiday is celebrated in all cantons of the Federation entity except West Herzegovina |
25 December | Catholic Christmas | Božić | |
26 December | St. Stephen's Day | Stipandan (Stjepandan) | |
10th day of Dhul Hijja | Eid ul-Adha | Kurban Bajram | Religious holiday for 4 days |
1st day of Shawwal | Eid ul-Fitr | Ramazanski Bajram | Religious holiday for 3 days |