Public holidays in the Czech Republic

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Public holidays in the Czech Republic are defined by Act No. 245/2000, on national (public) holidays, on other holidays, on significant days and on days off from work. In addition to public holidays, this law also defines other holidays and significant days . Public holidays and other holidays are non-working days, significant days are working days (unless they fall on a Saturday or Sunday). Public holidays (unlike other holidays) "should remind citizens of the traditions, noble goals and historical twists and turns on which Czech statehood is built". [1] [2]


On some national and other holidays, the opening hours of some stores are limited by law.

DateEnglish NameCzech NameRemarks
1 January Restoration Day of the Independent Czech State, New Year's Day Den obnovy samostatného českého státu; Nový rok Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Two days before Easter Good Friday Velký pátekGood Friday has been a public holiday since 2016.
Day after Easter Easter Monday Velikonoční pondělí
1 May May Day Svátek práce
8 May Victory Day Den vítězství1945, the end of the European part of World War II.
5 July Saints Cyril and Methodius DayDen slovanských věrozvěstů Cyrila a MetodějeIn 863, Church teachers St. Cyril (Constantine) and Metoděj (Methodius) came from the Balkans to Great Moravia to propagate Christian faith and literacy.
6 July Jan Hus DayDen upálení mistra Jana HusaThe religious reformer Jan Hus was burned at the stake in 1415.
28 September Statehood Day  [ cs ]Den české státnostiIn 935, St. Wenceslas, Duke of Bohemia, now patron of the Czech State, was murdered by his brother.
28 October Independent Czechoslovak State Day Den vzniku samostatného československého státuIndependence Day and Creation of Czechoslovakia in 1918.
17 NovemberStruggle for Freedom and Democracy Day and International Students' Day Den boje za svobodu a demokraciiCommemorating the student demonstration against Nazi occupation in 1939, and the demonstration in 1989 that started the Velvet Revolution.
24 December Christmas Eve Štědrý den Christmas is celebrated during the evening of the 24th.
25 December Christmas Day 1. svátek vánoční
26 December Second Day of Christmas 2. svátek vánoční

Restrictions on sales on public holidays

Since 2016, stores over 200 square meters must remain closed on New Year's Day, Easter Monday, Liberation Day (8 May), Statehood Day (28 September), Independent Czechoslovak State Day (28 October) and both Christmas Days (25 and 26 December). They must also close at noon on 24 December because this day most Czechs celebrate Christmas.

The closures do not apply to all stores. Small minimarkets and grocery stores with area smaller than 200 square metres (~2153 square feet) can remain open. Pharmacies, gas stations, shops at railway stations (including Prague's Hlavní nádraží), airports and hospitals are exempt.

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  1. "Act No. 245 of 1 April 2019, Act on State Holidays, Other Holidays, Important Days and Days of Rest, § 1. [cit. 2019-07-08]". Zakoni Pro Lidi [Laws for the people] (in Czech). Retrieved 17 November 2023.
  2. "Bank holidays in the Czech Republic". Czech National Bank. Archived from the original on 5 February 2017. Retrieved 19 December 2016.