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The Judiciary of the Czech Republic is set out in the Constitution, which defines courts as independent institutions within the constitutional framework of checks and balances. [1]
The whole of chapter four of the Constitution of the Czech Republic is dedicated to defining the role of judicial power in the Czech Republic. It states the main function of courts of law is the protection of rights in a manner defined by legislation, and gives them sole responsibility for determining guilt and administering penalties for criminal offences. [2] Courts are defined as independent, [3] although their administration is in the hands of the Ministry of Justice.
Czech courts are presided over by professional judges, who are named for life by the President and normally may not be recalled or transferred against their will. [4]
The Czech Republic has a four-tier system of courts and two-instance proceedings. [5]
Most of the higher courts are seated in Brno; this is to counterbalance the concentration of power in the capital (pragocentrismus).
While the broad strokes are set out in the Constitution and the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Basic Freedoms, [6] the organization of the judiciary is detailed in the Act No. 6/2002 Coll. on Courts and Judges. [cs 1]
The four tiers of Czech courts are: [5] [7] [8]
There are three different jurisdictions: [7]
The latter two are specialised jurisdictions – if a matter is not assigned to them specifically (by legislation), it will be dealt with the courts of general jurisdiction. [7]
The Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic (Ústavní soud České republiky) stands outside the general courts structure. [5] Its status and powers are enshrined directly in the Constitution of the Czech Republic. [9] It is the judicial body responsible for constitutionality and the protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms that arise from constitutional order [10] of the Czech Republic and to guarantee the constitutional character of the exercise of state power.
This it achieves mainly through its power to annul statutes (or parts of them) if they are in conflict with the constitutional order (most important of them, the Constitution and the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms). This is because laws that are part of the constitutional order are legislative acts of the highest force, their enactment also requires a special majority in the parliament. Any other legislation is subordinate. This process is called the judicial review. Related to this is the power of the court to decide about the conformity with the constitutional order of an international treaty prior to its ratification. [11]
Both criminal and civil cases can start at either a district court or a regional court; in other words, district and regional courts act as courts of the first instance. For example, in criminal proceedings, the district courts would generally hear cases in the first instance. However, when the penalty for the crime in question exceeds 5 years, the case will be tried by a regional court in the first instance. [5]
Boundaries of the district court jurisdictions are, confusingly, non-conterminous with those of the administrative districts. [13]
Of the two high courts, one is seated in Prague with jurisdiction over Bohemia, and the other in Olomouc with jurisdiction over Moravia and Silesia. These handle appeals of cases heard in the first instance by a regional court.
The Supreme Court of the Czech Republic (Nejvyšší soud České republiky), seated in Brno, is the highest judicial authority both in civil (including commercial) and criminal matters, except for issues that fall within the competence of the Constitutional Court or the Supreme Administrative Court. [14] As a court of third instance it works on the principles of cassation (review) and appeal. [15]
Czech administrative judiciary (správní soudnictví) has two layers. The lower one consists of specialised administrative chambers within regional courts, which act as courts of first instance. The court of second and last instance is the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic (Nejvyšší správní soud České republiky), seated in Brno, which, as the name suggests, is dedicated exclusively to administrative justice. [16]
Matters falling within the competence of administrative courts include cases relating to elections, registration of political parties and movements and actions for competence issues between government agencies.
The most important characters in all proceedings are professional judges (soudce) and advocates (advokát), in criminal trials also state prosecutors (státní zástupce), and sometimes lay judges ( přísedící ). Note that other legal professions exist, not directly involved in court proceedings – notaries (notář) and bailiffs (soudní exekutor). [7]
The judge (soudce) is indeed the central figure of the Czech judiciary, as only his position is defined by the Constitution itself. There is no such thing as jury in Czech courts and the judge himself (or a panel of judges) decides both the verdict and the sentence.
The Czech Republic has a system of career judiciary. The Constitution stipulates that judges are appointed for life by the President of the Republic, and cannot normally be recalled. [17] Submitted by the Minister of Justice, the appointments are subject to co-signing by the Prime Minister. The Constitution requires a judge to be a graduate of a law school, a person with full integrity (no criminal record) and states the position is incompatible with political functions. [18] Further regulations specifies he must be at least 30 and go through a three years of specialised training within the courts. [7]
Since the judiciary is to be kept from influences of the executive and the legislator, all disciplinary matters of judges (as well as state prosecutors) are to be dealt with by the judiciary itself, in particular by the disciplinary chambers of the Supreme Administrative Court. [19]
It does not help the reputation of judges, that around 1,000 of them have been members of the pre-1989 Communist Party, according to a list published by the Ministry of Justice. [20] [21] In the socialist legal system, law and judges were tools of the state, dedicated to punishment of its enemies.
The only body capable of bringing a criminal court action is the state prosecutor. The State Prosecutors' Bureau (státní zastupitelství) is part of the Ministry of Justice.
All legally educated persons providing legal representation in court (and giving advice and other services) are called advokát. To be allowed to legally practise law in the Czech Republic, an advocate must first obtain a master's degree from a faculty of law, a prospective advocate must complete 3 years of professional training crowned by passing the bar examination. He must then become a member of the Czech Bar Association (Česká advokátní komora). Members of equivalent bodies in other EU member states are also allowed. [22]
Lay judges sit with a professional judge in the first instance of a non-specialized trial. They are appointed by local councils; [7] by municipal councils (zastupitelstvo obce) in district courts, and by regional councils (zastupitelstvo kraje) in regional courts. The whole institution is a bit of a leftover of the communist idea of popularization of justice. [15]
The Czech Republic has a legal system of the continental type, rooted in Germanic legal culture. The main source of law is written legislature. Its main areas are systematically codified, mainly in Civil Code and Criminal Code. The form of court proceeding is prescribed in the Codes of Criminal, Civil and Administrative Procedure. The legal force of different Czech legal sources is hierarchical. [7]
Court proceedings are oral and public, with exceptions stated by law (juvenile justice etc.). The procedure is based on inquisitorial system with features of the adversarial system. There is no jury.
For criminal procedure, the chief regulation is Act No. 141/1961 Coll., the Code of Criminal Procedure. [cs 2] In the chapter on preparatory procedure it sets out the role of the bodies involved in criminal proceedings (orgány činné v trestním řízení, namely the police, the public prosecutor and the court) while preparing the prosecution, such as interviewing the witnesses and gathering evidence. The chapter on court proceedings sets out procedures for criminal charge, trial, and appeal process. Although in force since 1961, the code has been amended many times since 1989, adding radically new features, such as plea bargaining (in 2012). In Act No. 218/2003 Coll., on Juvenile Criminal Procedure, [cs 3] separate procedure has been introduced for minors.
The civil procedure is governed by a number of statutes, most importantly Act. No. 99/1963 Coll., the Code of Civil Procedure. [cs 4]
Administrative justice, deals with claims of natural and legal persons, who seek protection from illegal decisions or action of public authorities. While in many respects similar to civil procedure, the administrative court procedure is different in that the defendant here is not an entity of private law, but a public body. Not being a legal person, such a public body could not be sued otherwise. Administrative matters are usually adjudicated by regional courts, and follow the procedure set out in Act. No. 150/2002, the Code of Administrative Procedure. [23] [cs 5]
Czech president is endowed by the Constitution with extrajudicial power of interfering in criminal proceedings, before, during and after the trial. He can "pardon and mitigate penalties imposed by the court, order not to initiate criminal proceedings and suspend them if they are already initiated, and expunge sentences" (as if they never happened). [24] When he does so en masse, this is called amnesty. This prerogative had been used several times by Václav Havel in order to stress the discontinuity with pre-1989 socialist regime.
In 2013 Václav Klaus gave amnesty to about a third of prisoners disillusioning the public and attracting criticism from many, including senior judges. In the heart of the controversy appeared stopping of serious fraud cases, when the court proceedings had dragged on for more than eight years. Defending the step, Klaus mentioned the critique by the EU for lengthy court proceedings. His critics, on the other hand, argued that he needlessly interrupted delivering of justice in difficult, high-profile cases of serious financial crime, rouge privatisation and corruption. [25] [26] [27] The Senate took a court action against the president, alleging high treason at the Constitutional Court. [28] However, the Constitutional Court rejected the treason charges on the grounds that Klaus could not be charged with constitutional violations - given the fact that the charges came on the eve of the end of Klaus's term. [29]
The report of European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights [30] criticizes the Czech Republic mainly for costs and length of legal proceedings, which is a long-term and endemic problem. It says: "In the Czech Republic, for example, where a considerable length of proceedings is suggested to be de-motivating for victims of discrimination, the average duration of civil proceedings can take several years in one region, yet only a few months in another." It is also said to be the most frequent problem across the EU. [31] Other issues mentioned are that legal aid is not quite sufficient (a new law is being prepared) as well as an imperfect Antidiscrimination Act, which, among other things, stipulates reverse burden of proof in antidiscrimination cases. [32]
Amnesty International's reports on the state of human rights repeatedly bring up the discrimination against Roma, especially in education. [33]
The Czech Republic is a unitary parliamentary republic, in which the president is the head of state and the prime minister is the head of government. Executive power is exercised by the Government of the Czech Republic, which reports to the Chamber of Deputies. The legislature is exercised by the Parliament. The Czech Parliament is bicameral: the upper house of the Parliament is the Senate, and the lower house is the Chamber of Deputies. The Senate consists of 81 members who are elected for six years. The Chamber of Deputies consists of 200 members who are elected for four years. The judiciary system is topped by the trio of the Constitutional Court, Supreme Court and Supreme Administrative Court.
The judiciary of Germany is the system of courts that interprets and applies the law in Germany.
The Judicial Yuan is the judicial branch of the government of Taiwan. It runs a Constitutional Court and oversees all systems of courts of Taiwan, including ordinary courts like the supreme court, high courts, district courts as well as special courts like administrative courts and disciplinary courts. By Taiwanese law, the Judicial Yuan holds the following powers:
The Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland is the supreme court of the Swiss Confederation and at the head of the Swiss judiciary.
Macau law is broadly based on Portuguese law, and therefore part of the civil law tradition of continental European legal systems. Portuguese law is itself highly influenced by German law. However, many other influences are present, including Chinese law, Italian law, and some narrow aspects of common law.
The judicial system of Turkey is defined by Articles 138 to 160 of the Constitution of Turkey.
In most legal jurisdictions, a supreme court, also known as a court of last resort, apex court, and highcourt of appeal, is the highest court within the hierarchy of courts. Broadly speaking, the decisions of a supreme court are binding on all other courts in a nation and are not subject to further review by any other court. Supreme courts typically function primarily as appellate courts, hearing appeals from decisions of lower trial courts, or from intermediate-level appellate courts. A Supreme Court can also, in certain circumstances, act as a court of original jurisdiction, however, this is typically limited to constitutional law.
The judiciary of Portugal is a system of courts that together constitute one of the four organs of Sovereignty as defined by the Portuguese Constitution. The courts are independent from the other three Portuguese organs of Sovereignty.
The legal system of Azerbaijan is based on civil law. As the country was a republic of the Soviet Union until 1991, its legal history has also been influenced heavily by socialist law. However, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Azerbaijan became independent by enactment of the constitutional act of national independence on 18 October 1991. Azerbaijan adopted a Constitution in 1995 which is the foundation of the legislative system of the modern country.
The Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic is the supreme constitutional court in the Czech Republic and the de facto highest and most powerful court in the land.
The Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic is the court of the highest authority on issues of judicial review of executive action. It also has jurisdiction over competence disputes and many political matters, such as the elections, the formation and closure of political parties, the eligibility of persons to stand for public office, etc. It also adjudicates in disciplinary proceedings against judges and state prosecutors.
The Supreme Court of the Czech Republic is the court of highest appeal for almost all legal cases heard in the Czech Republic. As set forth in the Constitution of the Czech Republic, however, cases of constitutionality, administrative law and political jurisdiction are heard by other courts.
The Judiciary of Spain consists of Courts and Tribunals, composed of judges and magistrates (Justices), who have the power to administer justice in the name of the King of Spain.
Czech law, often referred to as the legal order of the Czech Republic, is the system of legal rules in force in the Czech Republic, and in the international community it is a member of. Czech legal system belongs to the Germanic branch of continental legal culture. Major areas of public and private law are divided into branches, among them civil, criminal, administrative, procedural and labour law, and systematically codified.
The judiciary of Croatia is a branch of the Government of Croatia that interprets and applies the laws of Croatia, to ensure equal justice under law, and to provide a mechanism for dispute resolution. The legal system of Croatia is a civil law system, historically influenced by Austrian, Hungarian and Yugoslav law, but during the accession of Croatia to the European Union, the legal system was almost completely harmonised with European Union law. The Constitution of Croatia provides for an independent judiciary, led by a Supreme Court and a Constitutional Court. The Ministry of Justice handles the administration of courts and judiciary, including paying salaries and constructing new courthouses. It also administers the prison system.
The law of Cyprus is a legal system which applies within the Republic of Cyprus. Although Cypriot law is extensively codified, it is still heavily based on English common law in the sense that the fundamental principle of precedent applies.
The Supreme Court of the Dominican Republic is the highest court existing in the Republic and is, therefore, the head of the judiciary in the country.
The Judiciary of Azerbaijan exercises judicial power in Azerbaijan. Although the Azerbaijan constitution nominally guarantees judicial independence, the executive firmly controls prosecutors and judges. Judges and prosecutors collaborate in Azerbaijan to repress political opponents.
The Judiciary of Mexico officially the Judicial Power of the Federation is one of the three branches of government in Mexico, and the sole federal judiciary power. It is composed of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, which serves as its highest court, the Federal Judiciary Council, the Federal Electoral Tribunal, regional courts, circuit and appellate collegiate courts, and district courts.
Kateřina Šimáčková is a Czech judge who served on the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic since 2013. On 28 September 2021, she was elected a judge of the European Court of Human Rights with respect to the Czech Republic, replacing Aleš Pejchal. Šimáčková remains with the Czech Constitutional Court until 13 December 2021 at which point she will go to Strasbourg.