Lie groups and Lie algebras |
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In mathematics, the finite-dimensional representations of the complex classical Lie groups , , , , , can be constructed using the general representation theory of semisimple Lie algebras. The groups , , are indeed simple Lie groups, and their finite-dimensional representations coincide [1] with those of their maximal compact subgroups, respectively , , . In the classification of simple Lie algebras, the corresponding algebras are
However, since the complex classical Lie groups are linear groups, their representations are tensor representations. Each irreducible representation is labelled by a Young diagram, which encodes its structure and properties.
Let be the defining representation of the general linear group . Tensor representations are the subrepresentations of (these are sometimes called polynomial representations). The irreducible subrepresentations of are the images of by Schur functors associated to integer partitions of into at most integers, i.e. to Young diagrams of size with . (If then .) Schur functors are defined using Young symmetrizers of the symmetric group , which acts naturally on . We write .
The dimensions of these irreducible representations are [1]
where is the hook length of the cell in the Young diagram .
Examples of tensor representations:
Tensor representation of | Dimension | Young diagram |
Trivial representation | ||
Determinant representation | ||
Defining representation | ||
Symmetric representation | ||
Antisymmetric representation |
Not all irreducible representations of are tensor representations. In general, irreducible representations of are mixed tensor representations, i.e. subrepresentations of , where is the dual representation of (these are sometimes called rational representations). In the end, the set of irreducible representations of is labeled by non increasing sequences of integers . If , we can associate to the pair of Young tableaux . This shows that irreducible representations of can be labeled by pairs of Young tableaux . Let us denote the irreducible representation of corresponding to the pair or equivalently to the sequence . With these notations,
Two representations of are equivalent as representations of the special linear group if and only if there is such that . [1] For instance, the determinant representation is trivial in , i.e. it is equivalent to . In particular, irreducible representations of can be indexed by Young tableaux, and are all tensor representations (not mixed).
The unitary group is the maximal compact subgroup of . The complexification of its Lie algebra is the algebra . In Lie theoretic terms, is the compact real form of , which means that complex linear, continuous irreducible representations of the latter are in one-to-one correspondence with complex linear, algebraic irreps of the former, via the inclusion . [5]
Tensor products of finite-dimensional representations of are given by the following formula: [6]
where unless and . Calling the number of lines in a tableau, if , then
where the natural integers are Littlewood-Richardson coefficients.
Below are a few examples of such tensor products:
Tensor product | ||
In the case of tensor representations, 3-j symbols and 6-j symbols are known. [7]
In addition to the Lie group representations described here, the orthogonal group and special orthogonal group have spin representations, which are projective representations of these groups, i.e. representations of their universal covering groups.
Since is a subgroup of , any irreducible representation of is also a representation of , which may however not be irreducible. In order for a tensor representation of to be irreducible, the tensors must be traceless. [8]
Irreducible representations of are parametrized by a subset of the Young diagrams associated to irreducible representations of : the diagrams such that the sum of the lengths of the first two columns is at most . [8] The irreducible representation that corresponds to such a diagram is a subrepresentation of the corresponding representation . For example, in the case of symmetric tensors, [1]
The antisymmetric tensor is a one-dimensional representation of , which is trivial for . Then where is obtained from by acting on the length of the first column as .
For example, the irreducible representations of correspond to Young diagrams of the types . The irreducible representations of correspond to , and . On the other hand, the dimensions of the spin representations of are even integers. [1]
The dimensions of irreducible representations of are given by a formula that depends on the parity of : [4]
There is also an expression as a factorized polynomial in : [4]
where are respectively row lengths, column lengths and hook lengths. In particular, antisymmetric representations have the same dimensions as their counterparts, , but symmetric representations do not,
In the stable range , the tensor product multiplicities that appear in the tensor product decomposition are Newell-Littlewood numbers, which do not depend on . [9] Beyond the stable range, the tensor product multiplicities become -dependent modifications of the Newell-Littlewood numbers. [10] [9] [11] For example, for , we have
Since the orthogonal group is a subgroup of the general linear group, representations of can be decomposed into representations of . The decomposition of a tensor representation is given in terms of Littlewood-Richardson coefficients by the Littlewood restriction rule [12]
where is a partition into even integers. The rule is valid in the stable range . The generalization to mixed tensor representations is
Similar branching rules can be written for the symplectic group. [12]
The finite-dimensional irreducible representations of the symplectic group are parametrized by Young diagrams with at most rows. The dimension of the corresponding representation is [8]
There is also an expression as a factorized polynomial in : [4]
Just like in the case of the orthogonal group, tensor product multiplicities are given by Newell-Littlewood numbers in the stable range, and modifications thereof beyond the stable range.
In particle physics, the Dirac equation is a relativistic wave equation derived by British physicist Paul Dirac in 1928. In its free form, or including electromagnetic interactions, it describes all spin-1/2 massive particles, called "Dirac particles", such as electrons and quarks for which parity is a symmetry. It is consistent with both the principles of quantum mechanics and the theory of special relativity, and was the first theory to account fully for special relativity in the context of quantum mechanics. It was validated by accounting for the fine structure of the hydrogen spectrum in a completely rigorous way. It has become vital in the building of the Standard Model.
In mathematical analysis, Hölder's inequality, named after Otto Hölder, is a fundamental inequality between integrals and an indispensable tool for the study of Lp spaces.
In mathematics and theoretical physics, the term quantum group denotes one of a few different kinds of noncommutative algebras with additional structure. These include Drinfeld–Jimbo type quantum groups, compact matrix quantum groups, and bicrossproduct quantum groups. Despite their name, they do not themselves have a natural group structure, though they are in some sense 'close' to a group.
The representation theory of groups is a part of mathematics which examines how groups act on given structures.
In mathematics, the representation theory of the symmetric group is a particular case of the representation theory of finite groups, for which a concrete and detailed theory can be obtained. This has a large area of potential applications, from symmetric function theory to quantum chemistry studies of atoms, molecules and solids.
In mathematics, a Young symmetrizer is an element of the group algebra of the symmetric group, constructed in such a way that, for the homomorphism from the group algebra to the endomorphisms of a vector space obtained from the action of on by permutation of indices, the image of the endomorphism determined by that element corresponds to an irreducible representation of the symmetric group over the complex numbers. A similar construction works over any field, and the resulting representations are called Specht modules. The Young symmetrizer is named after British mathematician Alfred Young.
The Lorentz group is a Lie group of symmetries of the spacetime of special relativity. This group can be realized as a collection of matrices, linear transformations, or unitary operators on some Hilbert space; it has a variety of representations. This group is significant because special relativity together with quantum mechanics are the two physical theories that are most thoroughly established, and the conjunction of these two theories is the study of the infinite-dimensional unitary representations of the Lorentz group. These have both historical importance in mainstream physics, as well as connections to more speculative present-day theories.
Verma modules, named after Daya-Nand Verma, are objects in the representation theory of Lie algebras, a branch of mathematics.
In mathematics, a Brauer algebra is an associative algebra introduced by Richard Brauer in the context of the representation theory of the orthogonal group. It plays the same role that the symmetric group does for the representation theory of the general linear group in Schur–Weyl duality.
A vertex model is a type of statistical mechanics model in which the Boltzmann weights are associated with a vertex in the model. This contrasts with a nearest-neighbour model, such as the Ising model, in which the energy, and thus the Boltzmann weight of a statistical microstate is attributed to the bonds connecting two neighbouring particles. The energy associated with a vertex in the lattice of particles is thus dependent on the state of the bonds which connect it to adjacent vertices. It turns out that every solution of the Yang–Baxter equation with spectral parameters in a tensor product of vector spaces yields an exactly-solvable vertex model.
In 3-dimensional topology, a part of the mathematical field of geometric topology, the Casson invariant is an integer-valued invariant of oriented integral homology 3-spheres, introduced by Andrew Casson.
Schur–Weyl duality is a mathematical theorem in representation theory that relates irreducible finite-dimensional representations of the general linear and symmetric groups. It is named after two pioneers of representation theory of Lie groups, Issai Schur, who discovered the phenomenon, and Hermann Weyl, who popularized it in his books on quantum mechanics and classical groups as a way of classifying representations of unitary and general linear groups.
In mathematics, the Littlewood–Richardson rule is a combinatorial description of the coefficients that arise when decomposing a product of two Schur functions as a linear combination of other Schur functions. These coefficients are natural numbers, which the Littlewood–Richardson rule describes as counting certain skew tableaux. They occur in many other mathematical contexts, for instance as multiplicity in the decomposition of tensor products of finite-dimensional representations of general linear groups, or in the decomposition of certain induced representations in the representation theory of the symmetric group, or in the area of algebraic combinatorics dealing with Young tableaux and symmetric polynomials.
In mathematics, Kronecker coefficientsgλμν describe the decomposition of the tensor product of two irreducible representations of a symmetric group into irreducible representations. They play an important role algebraic combinatorics and geometric complexity theory. They were introduced by Murnaghan in 1938.
Affine gauge theory is classical gauge theory where gauge fields are affine connections on the tangent bundle over a smooth manifold . For instance, these are gauge theory of dislocations in continuous media when , the generalization of metric-affine gravitation theory when is a world manifold and, in particular, gauge theory of the fifth force.
In combinatorial mathematics, the hook length formula is a formula for the number of standard Young tableaux whose shape is a given Young diagram. It has applications in diverse areas such as representation theory, probability, and algorithm analysis; for example, the problem of longest increasing subsequences. A related formula gives the number of semi-standard Young tableaux, which is a specialization of a Schur polynomial.
In mathematics, the tensor product of representations is a tensor product of vector spaces underlying representations together with the factor-wise group action on the product. This construction, together with the Clebsch–Gordan procedure, can be used to generate additional irreducible representations if one already knows a few.
In mathematical physics, Clebsch–Gordan coefficients are the expansion coefficients of total angular momentum eigenstates in an uncoupled tensor product basis. Mathematically, they specify the decomposition of the tensor product of two irreducible representations into a direct sum of irreducible representations, where the type and the multiplicities of these irreducible representations are known abstractly. The name derives from the German mathematicians Alfred Clebsch (1833–1872) and Paul Gordan (1837–1912), who encountered an equivalent problem in invariant theory.
In the theory of Lie groups, Lie algebras and their representation theory, a Lie algebra extensione is an enlargement of a given Lie algebra g by another Lie algebra h. Extensions arise in several ways. There is the trivial extension obtained by taking a direct sum of two Lie algebras. Other types are the split extension and the central extension. Extensions may arise naturally, for instance, when forming a Lie algebra from projective group representations. Such a Lie algebra will contain central charges.
The partition algebra is an associative algebra with a basis of set-partition diagrams and multiplication given by diagram concatenation. Its subalgebras include diagram algebras such as the Brauer algebra, the Temperley–Lieb algebra, or the group algebra of the symmetric group. Representations of the partition algebra are built from sets of diagrams and from representations of the symmetric group.
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