Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award

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The Robert F. Kennedy Awards for Excellence in Journalism is a journalism award named after Robert F. Kennedy and awarded by the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights. The annual awards are issued in several categories and were established in December 1968 by a group of reporters who covered Kennedy's campaigns. Winners are judged by more than 50 journalists each year, led by a committee of six independent journalists. The awards honor reporting "on issues that reflect Robert F. Kennedy's concerns, including human rights, social justice and the power of individual action in the United States and around the world. Entries include insights into the causes, conditions and remedies of injustice and critical analysis of relevant public policies, programs, attitudes and private endeavors." [1] The awards are known as the "poor people's Pulitzers" in media circles. [2]



Note: This list of winners is incomplete.



The first awards were presented by Kennedy's widow, Ethel Kennedy. [3] [4]


The second annual awards were presented at the Federal City Club in Washington, D.C., with multiple awardees in each category. [5]

Articles in Series:
  1. "They Live Unwanted, in the Shadows of Society", October 5, 1969 [7]
  2. "A Perpetual Cycle Traps the Migrant", October 6, 1969 [8]
  3. "Squeezing Out a Living", October 7, 1969 [9]
  4. "For $50 a Month: A One-Room Shed, No Toilets", October 8, 1969 [10]
  5. "Migrant Gets What's Left", October 9, 1969 [11]
  6. "An Elderly Migrant Who Waits to Die", October 10, 1969 [12]
  7. "Bubba Boone: A Migrant Out of the Stream", October 11, 1969 [13]
  8. "The County's Effort Expansive But Not Enough", October 12, 1969 [14]

The third annual awards were presented by Ethel Kennedy during a luncheon ceremony held at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C., which was still under construction. [15] [16] Entertainer Bill Cosby was the master of ceremonies, and Tim Wickers of The New York Times gave the keynote speech. [16] The winners were selected from over 275 entries. [17] No awards were given in the Radio and Magazines categories. [17]


The fourth annual awards were presented by Rose Kennedy during a luncheon ceremony at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. [21] [22] Ralph Nader gave the keynote speech. [23] Eligibility was expanded to include high school entries. [24]


The fifth annual awards were presented by Ethel Kennedy with the assistance of her brother-in-law, Senator Edward Kennedy. [32] [33] Harvard psychiatrist Robert Coles gave the keynote address. [34] The awardees were chosen from 418 entries, including 61 high school and 37 college entries. [35]


The sixth annual awards were presented by Ethel Kennedy. [43] Frances Farenthold gave the keynote speech. [44] The awardees were selected from 432 entries. [45]


The seventh annual awards were presented by Ethel Kennedy and Haynes Johnson. [50] Harry Golden gave the keynote address. [51] The awardees were selected from approximately 300 entries. [52]

Articles in Series:
  1. "Discrimination Found In Congressional Jobs Orders", August 18, 1974 [55]
  2. "Justice Department Will Not Investigate Hiring", August 19, 1974 [56]
  3. "Job-Order Forms Termed Authentic", August 20, 1974 [57]
Articles in Series:
  1. "The Bittersweet Harvest", November 24, 1974 [59]
  2. "Selecting the Cane Cutters", November 25, 1974 [60]
  3. "It's Filthy, Back-Breaking Work", November 26, 1974 [61]
  4. "Time Off", November 27, 1974 [62]
  5. "The Economics of a Bittersweet Harvest", November 28, 1974 [63]







The 32nd Annual Awards were awarded in 2000 for coverage in 1999. Award winners were: [69]

Grand Prize and International Print:Peter Finn"Kosovo" The Washington Post
Domestic Print:Todd Richissin"Charlie Squad" The Baltimore Sun
Domestic Photojournalism:Eugene Garcia"In His Brothers Arms" The Orange County Register
International Photojournalism:Essdras M. Suarez"Osveli's Story" Rocky Mountain News
Domestic TV: Geraldo Rivera, Susan Farkas"Women in Prison: Nowhere to Hide" NBC News
International TV: Diane Sawyer "The Unwanted Children of Russia" 20/20 (ABC News)
International Radio: Maria Emilia Martin "The Betrayal of Sister Dianna Ortiz" Latino USA (KUT-FM)
Domestic Radio:John Biewen"The Forgotten 14 Million" American RadioWorks
Domestic cartoon: Ted Rall Universal Press Syndicate
Honorable Mention, Photojournalism:Mona Reeder"A People in Peril" The Arizona Republic
Lifetime Achievement: Jack Nelson The Los Angeles Times

The 33rd Annual Awards were awarded in 2001 for coverage in 2000. Award winners were: [70]

Grand prize and domestic TV:Edward Pinder"Master Teacher" Nightline (ABC News)
Domestic photojournalism:Matt Rainey"After The Fire" The Star-Ledger
International photojournalism:Dudley Brooks"Thou Shalt Not Kill" The Washington Post
International print: Steve Coll "Peace Without Justice" The Washington Post
Domestic print:Rick Tulsky"Uncertain Refuge" San Jose Mercury News
Honorable Mention, domestic print:Staff"Paper Shield" York Daily Record
Domestic TV:Edward Pinder"Master Teacher" Nightline (ABC News)
International TV:"Srebrenica / A Cry from the Grave" WNET (Thirteen)
Domestic radio:Katie Davis"Throw That Smoke" This American Life (WBEZ)
Domestic cartoon: Matt Davies The Journal News
International radio:John Biewen, Deborah George"Engineering Crops in a Needy World" Minnesota Public Radio
College:Ivan O'Mahoney, Thomas Loudon, Constanza Santa Maria,"Vieques, Time to Decide" Columbia University
Honorable Mention, collegeBeth A. "Vivi" Abrams"On Deadly Ground" Northwestern University
High School broadcastMatt Johnson"A Day in the Life of a Child with Downs Syndrome" Centennial High School (Circle Pines, Minnesota)
Honorable Mention, High school printAshley Barker"People Taking Action Against Poverty" Greenbrier West High School (Charmco, West Virginia)
Lifetime achievement Herb Block The Washington Post

The 34th Annual Awards were awarded in 2002 for coverage in 2001. Award winners were: [71]

Grand Prize and Domestic Print Sari Horwitz, Scott Higham, Sarah Cohen "The District's Lost Children" The Washington Post
International Print Prize David Finkel "Invisible Journeys" The Washington Post
Domestic TV Morley Safer, Catherine Olian"Schools for the Homeless" 60 Minutes (CBS News)
Domestic TV Christiane Amanpour, Andrew Tkach"Sleeping Sickness" 60 Minutes (CBS News)
Domestic Photojournalism PrizeSheila Springsteen"Witness to His Mother's Murder" Home News Tribune
International Photojournalism PrizeBill Greene"The Lost Boys of Sudan" The Boston Globe
Domestic Radio Prize(Radio Rookies) WNYC
International Radio PrizeSandy Tolan"Roots of Resentment in the Arab World" Homelands Productions
Cartoon Prize Signe Wilkinson Philadelphia Daily News
College PrizeScott Spilky"The Clinic Crash" The Daily Illini (University of Illinois)
High School Print PrizeBonnie Gallagher"Student's Plight Causes Flight from Homeland"Franklin Community High School (Franklin, Indiana)
High School Broadcast Prize
(in partnership with Channel One Network)
Kirk Hadden, Eric Hernando, Erin Neal, Rachel Osborn, and Ashley Reynolds"Poverty in the Ozarks: Cycle of Despair" Hillcrest High School (Springfield, Missouri)
International Photojournalism Honorable MentionHilda Perez, Mike Stocker, and A. Enrique Valentin"Witness to an Epidemic" South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Domestic Print Honorable MentionRuth Teichroeb"Decades of Abuse" The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Domestic Radio Honorable Mention Helen Borten "The Prison Cure" Public Radio International
College Honorable MentionPaul Smith"Swept into Poverty" University Daily Kansan (University of Kansas)
High School Print Honorable Mention
(in partnership with the National Scholastic Press Association)
Rami Daud"Helping the Homeless" Lakewood High School (Lakewood, Ohio)
High School Broadcast Honorable Mention
(in partnership with Channel One Network)
"Miracle on East 9th Street" Columbia Central High School (Columbia, Tennessee)

The 35th Annual Awards were awarded in 2003 for coverage in 2002. Award winners were: [72]

Grand Prize and International Print and Photojournalism Sonia Nazario, Don Bartletti"A Boy Left Behind" Los Angeles Times
Domestic Print Connie Schultz "The Burden of Innocence" The Plain Dealer
Domestic PhotojournalismJ. Albert Diaz"When Minimum Wage Isn't Enough" The Miami Herald
International TV Ted Koppel, Kim Jung-eun "Hidden Lives" Nightline (ABC News)
Domestic TVOfra Bikel"An Ordinary Crime"PBS Frontline
International Radio [73] Kristin McHugh"Kosovo's Pied Piper: The Liz Shropshire Story" [74] Common Ground Radio
Domestic RadioAnthony Brooks"Testing DNA and the Death Penalty: Inside Out" WBUR-FM
CartoonDan Perkins ("Tom Tomorrow")"This Modern World"
CollegeAdam Pracht"Hiding in Plain Sight" University Daily Kansan (University of Kansas)
High School PrintVictoria D. Williams"Overcoming Long Odds"Panther Prints, Duncanville High School (Duncanville, Texas)
High School Broadcast"Opportunities"Texas Senior High School (Texarkana, Texas)
Domestic TV Honorable MentionDenise DiIanni"Eye on Education: A Day in the Life" WGBH-TV
International Photojournalism Honorable Mention John Kaplan "Transcending Torture" St. Petersburg Times
Domestic Photojournalism Honorable Mention Ted Jackson "Leap Year" The Times-Picayune
Domestic Radio Honorable MentionStacy Abramson"Youth Portraits" Sound Portraits
Lifetime Achievement Daniel Schorr National Public Radio

The 36th Annual Awards were awarded in 2004 for coverage in 2003. Award winners were: [75]

Grand PrizeRachel Dretzin, Barak Goodman, Muriel Soenens"Failure to Protect" Frontline (WGBH-TV)
International Print:Joseph Kahn"The World's Sweatshop" The New York Times
International Honorable Mention: Anthony Shadid "The Soul of Iraq" The Washington Post
Domestic Print:Staff Writers"Modern Day Slavery" The Palm Beach Post
Domestic Photojournalism:Brant Ward"Shame of the City" San Francisco Chronicle
International Photojournalism:Bradley E. Clift"The Sacrifice of Ganansol" Hartford Courant
Cartoon: John Sherffius
Domestic Radio:Cameron Lawrence, John Gregory"Sisters in Pain" Kentucky Public Radio
College Print:Sarah Schaffer"Outside the Fence" Capital News Service (University of Maryland, College Park)
High School Print:Alicia Okland"Megan's Story" Century High School (Bismarck, North Dakota)
High School Broadcast:Joe Morgan"What God Had Put on My Heart..." Washington High School (Washington, Missouri)

The 37th Annual Awards were awarded in 2005 for coverage in 2004. Award winners were: [76]

Grand Prize: Tracy Weber, Charles Ornstein, Mitchell Landsberg, Steve Hymon, Robert Gauthier"The Troubles at King/Drew." Los Angeles Times
International Print: Celia Williams Dugger "Helping the Poor" The New York Times
Domestic TV: Ofra Bikel "The Plea" Frontline (WGBH-TV)
International TV: Greg Barker "Ghosts of Rwanda" Frontline (WGBH-TV)
International Photojournalism: Manny Crisostomo "The Leftover People" The Sacramento Bee
Domestic Radio: Daniel Zwerdling "Immigrant Detainees Allege Abuse" National Public Radio
International Radio:Joe Richman, Sue Johnson"Mandela: An Audio History" National Public Radio
Cartoon: Mark Fiore
College Print:Journalism Students"Sovereignty" University of Montana
High School Print:Amanda Blakely"Ms. Mary and the Big Blue House" Crandall High School (Crandall, Texas)
High School Broadcast:Quinci Adams and Carrie Lutz"A Safe Haven" Hillcrest High School (Springfield, Missouri)

The 38th Annual Awards were awarded in 2006 for coverage in 2005. Award winners were: [77]

Grand PrizeKaren O'Connor, Miri Navasky"The New Asylums" Frontline (WGBH-TV)
Domestic Print: Cam Simpson "Pipeline of Peril" Chicago Tribune
International Print:John Lantigua, Christine Evans, Christine Stapleton"A Cloud over Florida: Hidden Pesticide Problems" The Palm Beach Post
Domestic Photojournalism:Steve Liss"No Place for Children: Voices from Juvenile Detention" Time
International Radio: Steve Inskeep, Jim Wallace, Bruce Auster, Kimberly Jones"The Price of African Oil" National Public Radio
Cartoon: John Backderf "The City"
College Print:Kara Couch"I don't want to be a guy" Somerset Community College (Somerset, Kentucky)
High School Print:Samantha Offerdahl"Super Senior" Century High School (Bismarck, North Dakota)
High School Broadcast:Aliy Bossert, Kevin McMillan [78] "Not Bad Kids" Roane County High School (Spencer, West Virginia)

The 39th Annual Awards were awarded in 2007 for coverage in 2006. Award winners were: [79]

Grand Prize: Donald Gerard McNeil, Jr., Celia W. Dugger "Disease on the Brink" The New York Times
Domestic Print: George Pawlaczyk, Beth Hundsdorfer"Lethal Lapses" Belleville News-Democrat
Domestic Photography: Matt Black "From Dust to Dust" The Los Angeles Times
Domestic TV: Diane Sawyer "A Call to Action: Saving Our Children" ABC News
Domestic Radio: Daniel Zwerdling "Mental Anguish and the Military" National Public Radio
International Photography:Mike Stocker, Joe Amon"AIDS Orphans" South Florida Sun-Sentinel
International TV:Renata Simone"The Age of AIDS" Frontline (WGBH-TV)
Editorial Cartoon Clay Bennett Christian Science Monitor
College Print:Ruth Bradley"Lubbock in the Dark" The Daily Toreador (Texas Tech University)
College Radio: Scott Detrow "Treating the Rainbow Nation: AIDS in South Africa" WFUV (Fordham University)
High School Broadcast:Lillian Olive, Rachel Miles"Thread of Hope" Hillcrest High School (Springfield, Missouri)

The 40th Annual Awards were awarded in 2008 for coverage in 2007. Award winners were: [80]

Grand Prize: Dana Priest and Anne Hull "The Other Walter Reed" The Washington Post
International Print: Robyn Dixon "Zimbabwe's Pain" The Los Angeles Times
Domestic Photojournalism:Mona Reeder"The Bottom Line" The Dallas Morning News
International Photojournalism:Mary F. Calvert"Lost Daughters: Sex Selection in India" The Washington Times
Domestic Radio: Alix Spiegel "Stuck and Suicidal in a Post-Katrina Trailer Park" National Public Radio
Domestic TV: Steve Kroft, Ira Rosen, John Solomon"Evidence of Injustice" The Washington Times and CBS News' 60 Minutes
International TV:Kira Kay, Jason Maloney"Uganda's Silent War" PBS NewsHour and HDNet World Report
Cartoon: Signe Wilkinson Philadelphia Daily News
College Broadcast:Rachel Anderson, Megan Carrick, Justin Peterson and Chris Welch"Breaking Down Barriers" University of Nebraska–Lincoln
High School Print:D. J. Shewmaker"Students Show Outstanding Ability" Francis Howell North High School (Saint Charles, Missouri)
High School Broadcast:Brittany Gomes, Mhanivel Moresca, Samuel Balecha, and Laurissa Asuega"Home is Where the Heart Is" Waianae High School (Wai'anae, Hawai'i)

The 41st Annual Awards were awarded in 2009 for coverage in 2008. Award winners were: [81]

Grand Prize (International Photo): Carol Guzy "Birth and Death" The Washington Post
International Print Clifford J. Levy "Kremlin Rules" The New York Times
Domestic PrintStaff Reporters"The Cruelest Cuts" The Charlotte Observer
Domestic Photo Carlos Javier Ortiz "Too Young to Die"Freelance
Domestic TV Sherry Jones "Torturing Democracy" Washington Media Associates
International TVMarc Rosenwasser, Michael J. Kavanagh, Taylor Krauss and Lisa Biagiotti "War in DR Congo" Worldfocus
Cartoon Jack Ohman The Oregonian
College PrintCronkite Depth Reporting Class"Divided Families" Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Arizona State University
College BroadcastSue Kopen Katcef"Out of the Shadows" WMUC-FM (University of Maryland, College Park)
High School BroadcastJacqui Powell and Laura Pait"More Than Just Food" Elizabethtown High School (Elizabethtown, Kentucky)
High School PrintRyan Firle"Cancer Cannot Silence Dr. Bob's Courage" Francis Howell North High School (Saint Charles, Missouri)



The 42nd Annual Awards were awarded in 2010 for coverage in 2009. Award winners were: [82]

Grand Prize (International TV) Rebecca Cammisa "Which Way Home"Home Box Office:
Domestic Print Laura Bauer, Mike McGraw, and Mark Morris "A New Slavery: Human Trafficking in America"Kansas City Star:
International Print Farnaz Fassihi "Hearts, Mind, and Blood: The Battle for Iran"The Wall Street Journal
Domestic Photography Carol Guzy "No Greater Love"The Washington Post
International Photography Sarah Voisin "In Mexico's war on drugs, battle lines are drawn in chalk"The Washington Post:
Domestic TV Diane Sawyer "A Hidden America: Children of the Mountains"ABC News 20/20:
International Radio Rachel Krantz "In the Kennel – Uncovering a Navy Unit's Culture of Abuse"Youth Radio Staff, and NPR's All Things Considered Staff
Domestic Radio Miguelina Diaz, Keith Tingman, & Amon Frazier "This is the South Bronx"WNYC Radio Rookies:
Cartoon Bill Day

Series of cartoons,

United Feature Syndicate
College PrintDavid Kempa"Crossing Lines"ASU News 21:
High School PrintIsaac Stanley-Becker"The Sad Story of How a Gay High School got Derailed"U-High Midway

The 43rd Annual Awards were awarded in 2011 for coverage in 2010. Award winners were: [83]

International Print Joe Mozingo, Scott Kraft, and Tracy Wilkinson "Disaster in Haiti" The Los Angeles Times
Domestic Print Carol Rosenberg "Guantanamo Bay" The Miami Herald
Domestic Photo Laura Antrim Caskey "Dragline"Freelance
Domestic TV James Gandolfini "Wartorn" HBO
International TV Dan Rather and Jenny Nordberg, Dan Rather Reports"The Price of an Afghan Bride" HDNet
Cartoon Gary Varvel "The Path to Hope" The Indianapolis Star
College PrintStudent Reporting Team of University of Mississippi"The Roads of Broken Dreams: Can a New Delta Arise from the Rot of the Old South?"Meek School of Journalism and New Media
High School PrintBenjamin Breuner and Michael Weinstein"Targeting Teens"The Redwood Bark Redwood High School (Larkspur, California)
High School BroadcastAaron Oshiro, Cody Kau, Michael Gooch, and Jenna Munoz"Farming Knowledge" Waianae High School (Wai'anae, Hawai'i)

The 44th annual award winners: [84]

Grand Prize and International TV May Ying Welsh (Cinematographer, Writer, & director), Hassan Mahfood (Field Producer), and Jon Blair (Executive Producer)"Bahrain: Shouting in the Dark"Al Jazeera English
Domestic TV Yoav Potash "Crime After Crime"The Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN)
Radio Laura Sullivan and Amy Walters "Native Foster Care Lost Children, Shattered Families" byNational Public Radio (NPR)
International Photography Michael Robinson Chavez "Broken Promise: Gold Mining in Peru's High Andes"The Los Angeles Times Magazine
Domestic Photography Katie Falkenberg A Lasting TollThe Los Angeles Times
International Print Tom Lasseter "China: Living Under the Yoke"McClatchy Newspapers
Domestic Print Meg Kissinger "Imminent Danger"Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Cartoon Stephanie McMillan "The Beginning of the American Fall and Code Green"South Florida Sun-Sentinel
College"Stateless in the Dominican Republic"Arizona State University, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism & Mass Communication
High School PrintAnna Sturla and Daniel Tutt"A Light on Latinos"Davis Senior High School
High School Broadcast Jared Iler and Anna Reed "The Power of One"Cody High School

The 45th annual award winners: [85]

Grand Prize/Domestic Print Ames Alexander, Karen Garloch, Joseph Neff, David Raynor, Jim Walser, and Steve Riley "Prognosis: Profits" The Charlotte Observer and The News & Observer
International TV Catherine Olian and Natalie Morales "Lobster Trap" NBC News/ Rock Center with Brian Williams
Domestic TV Jezza Newman "Poor Kids" PBS/ Frontline
New Media Kenneth Weiss and Rick Loomis "Beyond 7 Billion" Los Angeles Times
Radio Bob Edwards "An 'Occupational Hazard': Rape in the Military" The Bob Edwards Show , SiriusXM
Photography Marc Asnin "Embracing Uncle Charlie" CNN Photos
International Print Charles Duhigg "The iEconomy" The New York Times
Cartoon Jen Sorensen
CollegePatricia Thompson"M-Powered: University of Mississippi Students Learn through Service in Belize" University of Mississippi
High School PrintAlexis Christo"Cheering Through It All"North Star, Francis Howell North High School

The 46th annual award winners: [84]

Domestic TV Andrés Cediel, Lowell Bergman, Lauren Rosenfeld, Bernice Yeung, Susanne Reber, Grace Rubenstein, Stephanie Mechura, Raney Aronson, Juan Rendon, Isaac Lee "Rape in the Fields/ Violación de un Sueño,"UC Berkeley IRP, CIR, FRONTLNE, and Univision
International TV Anjali Kamat, Laila Al-Arian, Mathieu Skene, Warwick Meade, Tim Grucza, Andy Bowley and Fault Lines Staff"Made in Bangladesh,"Al Jazeera
Domestic Print Debbie Cenziper, Michael Sallah, and Steven Rich "Homes for the Taking: Liens, Loss and Profiteers,"The Washington Post
International Print Michael Smith, Tim Culpan, Alex Webb, Anatoly Kurmanaev, Jonathan Neumann "Tungsten's Tainted Trail, "Bloomberg Markets
Domestic Photography Rick Loomis "Private Wars,"Los Angeles Times
International Photography Robin Hammond "CONDEMNED: Mental Health in African Countries in Crisis,"
Radio Quil Lawrence, Bruce Auster, and Marisa Peñaloza "Life After War: Coverage of Veterans,"NPR News
New Media Thomas Mucha, Solana Pyne, David Case, Patrick Winn, and Jonah Kessel "Myanmar Emerges",Los Angeles Times
Cartoon David Horsey "Portfolio by David Horsey,"Los Angeles Times
College Varsha Ramakrishnan "A Broken Promise: Dowry Violence in India,"Johns Hopkins Public Health Magazine
High School BroadcastKaley Prier, Savanna Steffen, John Harmon, Kara Mullen, Kelsey Williams, Caleb Brown, Cody House, Ryan Lindsey, and Breanna Feemster"Homeless in the Heartland,"Hillcrest High School, Springfield, MO
High School PrintLinda Sankat and Autumn Spanne"Stop-and-Frisk: Time for a Change,"Youth Communication, YCteen

The 47th annual award winners: [84]

High School Broadcast:John Alpert and Team"Our Cameras, Our Stories,"Downtown Community Television Center, New York
High School Print: Gwyneth Henke "Eyes on Ferguson,"The Globe, Clayton High School, Clayton, MO
College: Alec Klein and Team"Wrongful Convictions,"Medill Justice Project, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Cartoon: Darrin Bell "Darrin Bell 2014 Editorial Cartoons,"The Washington Post Writers Group
New Media: T. Christian Miller and Jonathan Jones "Firestone and the Warlord,"ProPublica and PBS Frontline
Radio: Carrie Johnson, Marisa Peñalosa, and Beth Donovan

"Boxed In: When the Punishment No Longer Fits the Crime,"

NPR News
Domestic Photography: Michael Robinson Chavez "California's Dust Bowl,"The Los Angeles Times
International Photography: Michel du Cille "Ebola: A Desperate Struggle,"The Washington Post
Domestic Print: Julie K. Brown "Cruel and Unusual,"Miami Herald
International Print: Richard Marosi and Don Bartletti"Product of Mexico,"The Los Angeles Times
Domestic TV: Daniel Edge "Solitary Nation," ,PBS Frontline and WGBH
International TV: Jeremy Schaap, Beein Gim, Andy Tennant, Michael Baltierra, and Tim Horgan "Qatar's World Cup,"ESPN E:60

The 48th annual award winners: [84]

High School BroadcastBecca Kristofferson, Jacob Jaeger, Dylan Goodman, and Seamus Levin,"The Jellybean Jar of Life: Nick's Story,"Mexico High School, Missouri
High School PrintAnthony Kristensen"What One Family Can Never Forget,"North Star, Francis Howell North High School, Missouri
College JournalismDepth Reporting Class"Land of Broken Promises,"Meek School of Journalism and New Media, University of Mississippi
Domestic Print Jessica Silver-Greenberg, Michael Corkery, Robert Gebeloff, and Christine Kay "Beware the Fine Print,"The New York Times
International Print Martha Mendoza, Margie Mason, Robin McDowell, and Esther Htusan "Seafood from Slaves,"The Associated Press
Domestic Photography Matt Black "The Geography of Poverty,"MSNBC
International Photography Carolyn Cole "Europe's Migrant Crisis,"Los Angeles Times
Radio Daniel Zwerdling "Injured Nurses,"NPR News
New Media Neela Banerjee, John Cushman, Jr., David Hasemyer, and Lisa Song "Exxon: The Road Not Taken",InsideClimate News
Cartoon Angelo Lopez "Editorial Cartoons,"Philippines Today
Domestic TV Laura Poitras "Citizenfour,"HBO
International TV Edward Watts, Raney Aronson, John Bredar, Andrew Metz, and Evan Williams "Escaping Isis,"FRONTLINE/WGHB

The 49th annual award winners: [86]

High School BroadcastJosh Horned, Chloe Durham and Rachel Pfeifer"A Whole New World,"HTV Magazine, Hillcrest High School, Springfield, Missouri
High School PrintAnthony Kristensen"A Ball, A Team, A War and a Dream,"Francis Howell North High School, St. Charles, Missouri
College JournalismAmber Baesler, Lauren Brown-Hulme, Jake Crandall, Vanessa Daves, Matt Hanson, Calla Kessler, Alyssa Mae, Marcella Mercer, Natasha Rausch, James Wooldridge"Wounds of White Clay: Nebraska's Shameful Legacy,"University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Nebraska
Print - Domestic Josh Salman, Emily le Coz and Elizabeth Johnson "Bias on the Bench,"Sarasota Herald Tribune, Florida
Print - International Ben Taub "The Assad Files,"The New Yorker
Photography - Domestic Laurie Skrivan "Toxic Stress: A Cycle of Poverty and Gun Violence,"St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Missouri
Photography - International Daniella Zalcman "Signs of Your Identity,"Various Publications
Radio Fernanda Echávarri, Marlon Bishop and Maria Hinojosa "The Strange Death of José de Jesús,"Latino USA
New MediaUnivision News Digital"Vacation in No Man's Sea,"
Cartoon Mike Thompson "The Flint Water Scandal,"Detroit Free Press
TV - DomesticExecutive Producer Keith Summa; Senior Producer: Nina Alvarez; Producer: Alissa Figueroa; Associate Producer: Alcione Gonzales; Correspondent: Natasha Del Toro; Supervising Producer: Justine Gubar "The Naked Truth: Rigged,"Fusion
TV - Internationalproduced and directed by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy "A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness,"HBO
Media Advocacy Award Bill Moyers Executive Editor—Bill Moyers. Executive Producer -- Judy Doctoroff O'Neill

Producers—by Marc Levin, Mark Benjamin, and Rolake Bamgbose

"Rikers"Schumann Media Center and Brick City TV in association with Public Square Media

The 50th annual award winners: [87]

High School BroadcastJessie Nguyen, Carlin Bills, and Surya Hendry"I Wasn't Comfortable: Being a Student of Color in Garfield High's Advanced Classes"KUOW Puget Sound Public Radio
High School PrintSarah Zimmerman"One Incredible Goal"Francis Howell North High School, St. Charles, Missouri
College JournalismMark Boyle, Quanny Carr, Michael Errigo, Abby Mergenmeier, Jenna Milliner-Waddell, John Powers, Talia Richman, Jacob Taylor, Naema Ahmed, Ana Hurler, Helen Lyons, and Daniel Trielli"Home Sick"Capital News Service and Baltimore Urban Affairs Reporting Class
Print - Domestic Jodi Kantor, Megan Twohey, Emily Steel, Michael S. Schmidt, Susan Chira, Catrin Einhorn, Katie Benner, Rachel Abrams, Ellen Gabler, Susan Dominus, Jim Rutenberg, Steve Eder, Melena Ryzik, and Cara Buckley"Harassed"The New York Times
Print - InternationalTodd Pitman, Kristen Gelineau, Robin McDowell, Esther Htusan, Muneeza Naqvi, Maye-E Wong, Rishabh Raj Jain, Bernat Armangue, Gemunu Amarasinghe, and Dar Yasin"Rohingya Exodus"Associated Press (with support of The Pulitzer Center)
Photography - Domestic Matt Black "Maria's Bodies"New York Magazine
Photography - InternationalMichael Robinson Chavez, Joshua Partlow, Nick Kirpatrick, and MaryAnne Golon "Mexico's Misery"The Washington Post
RadioPat Duggins, Stan Ingold, and Alex AuBuchon"Help Wanted: Alabama's Rural Health Care Crisis"Alabama Public Radio
New Media Ty McCormick, Nichole Sobecki, Peter Tinti, Jill Filipovic, Cameron Abadi and staff"Europe Slams its Gates"Foreign Policy
Cartoon Ruben Bolling, Andrews McMeel Syndication, Boing Boing, Daily Kos, and GoComics"Tom the Dancing Bug"Syndicated by Andrews McMeel Syndication
TV - Domestic John Ridley, Jeanmarie Condon, Fatima Curry, Melia Patria, and Colin Rich"Let it Fall: Los Angeles 1982-1992"ABC News, Lincoln Square Productions
TV - International Ramita Navai, Paddy Wells, Raney Aronson, Dan Edge, Andrew Metz, Eamonn Matthews, Monica Garnsey, Mais Al-Bayaa, Natalie Triebwasser, John Moratiel, Ella Newton, and Steve Audette"Iraq Uncovered"FRONTLINE in association with Channel 4

The 51st annual award winners: [88]

High School BroadcastEmily Peebles, Ellen Fountain, Hayden Pyle, Kaylinn Clotfelter, and Sophia Vaughn"A Bay 11 Podcast Special: Wildfire"Bay 11 Podcast, Hillcrest High School, Springfield, Missouri
High School PrintJacob LaGesse, Michael Bernard, and Gracie Morris"Trafficked"The Globe, Clayton High School, Clayton, Missouri
College Journalism"Hate in America"Carnegie-Knight News21, Arizona State University
Print - Domestic"Torn Apart: Immigration in the Era of Trump"Associated Press
Print - International"Saudi Arabia's Tragic War in Yemen"The New York Times
Photography - Domestic Carolyn Van Houten "The Road to Asylum: Inside the Migrant Caravans"The Washington Post
Photography - InternationalMarcus Yam and Alan Hagman"The Great March of Return"The Los Angeles Times
RadioHank Klibanoff, Dave Barasoain and John Haas"Buried Truths"WABE (NPR member station)
New MediaHannah Dreier"Trapped in Gangland"ProPublica, in collaboration with New York magazine, Newsday, This American Life and The New York Times Magazine
CartoonMark Fiore"Mark Fiore editorial cartoons"KQED News and online news websites
TV - DomesticRebecca Cammisa, James B. Freydberg, Larissa Bills, Unseen Hand, Bill Benenson, Laurie Benenson, Rose Villaseñor, Adilia Aguilar, Mary Recine, Olivia Negrón, Sheila Nevins, Sara Bernstein, Madeleine Gavin, Claudia Raschke, and Robert Miller"Atomic Homefront"HBO
TV - International Ramita Navai, Sam Collyns, Dan Edge, Andrew Metz, and Raney Aronson"UN Sex Abuse Scandal"FRONTLINE
Photography - Special Recognition John Moore "Undocumented"Getty Images

The 52nd annual award winners: [89]

High School JournalismNina Lavezzo-Stecopoulos"Black Students Nearly Two Times as Likely to be Suspended as White Peers in the ICCSD"The Little Hawk, Iowa City High School, Iowa City, Iowa
College JournalismStaff of News21"State of Emergency"Carnegie-Knight News21, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Domestic PrintMichael Keller, Gabriel J.X. Dance, Nellie Bowles and Kholood Eid"Exploited"The New York Times
International Print Craig Whitlock "The Afghanistan Papers"The Washington Post
Domestic PhotographyRicky Carioti"One More Year on the Farm: A Minnesota Farm Family Fights to Save Its Land"The Washington Post
International PhotographyRodrigo Abd"Venezuela on the Edge"Associated Press
RadioStaff of In the Dark "In the Dark: The Path Home"APM Reports (American Public Media investigative unit)
New MediaA.C. Thompson, Ginger Thompson, Melissa del Bosque, Jeff Ernsthausen, Robert Moore, Susan Schmidt, Maryam Jameel, Lucas Waldron, Katie Campbell and Dara Lind"Inside the Border Patrol"ProPublica
CartoonJD Crowe"JD Crowe 2019 Work"Alabama Media Group
International Television and John Seigenthaler Courage in Journalism AwardStaffs of FRONTLINE, Channel 4 and ITN Productions"For Sama"FRONTLINE (PBS) and WGBH (NPR affiliate)
Domestic Television and Grand Prize"Broken Trust" staff, notably Maren Machles, Carrie Cochrane, Angela Hill, Suzette Brewer"A Broken Trust"Newsy



The 53rd annual award winners: [90]

High School Print and New Voices for JusticeSatchel Walton, Cooper Walton and Payton Carns"Bigoted Badges: How Hate and Violence are Embedded in Kentucky Law Enforcement Training"Manual RedEye, duPont Manual High School, Louisville, Kentucky
High School BroadcastGrant Johnson, Kacey Boston, Cristina Folsom and Maggie Hale"The Pandemic Program"Eagle Nation News, Prosper High School, Prosper, Texas
College JournalismStaff of News21Kids ImprisonedCarnegie-Knight News21, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Domestic Print and Grand PrizeMichael Anastasi and Mark Russell"The Confederate Reckoning"USA Today Network in the South
International Print Margie Mason and Robin McDowell"Fruits of Labor"Associated Press
Domestic PhotographyAndré Chung"We Keep Us Safe" VII Photo Agency
RadioAmy Brittain, Reena Flores and Bishop Sand"Canary: The Washington Post Investigates"The Washington Post
New MediaThomas Brennan, Kelly Kennedy and Ben Kalin"Gag Order: How Marine Corps Culture Silenced a Victim of Sexual Assault"The War Horse
Cartoon"In/Vulnerable: Inequity in the Time of Pandemic"Reveal (Center for Investigative Reporting podcast)
Domestic TelevisionStaff of MTV News, notably Steve Liss, Ben Hurvitz and Lily Neumeyer"16 and Recovering"MTV News
International Television and John Seigenthaler Courage in Journalism Award David France "Welcome to Chechnya"HBO
Criminal Justice ReformStaff of Reuters, notably Peter Eisler, Jason Szep, Linda So, Grant Smith and Ned Parker"Dying Inside"Reuters

The 54th annual award winners: [91]

College Journalism"Being Black In Lincoln"University of Nebraska Lincoln College of Journalism
High School PrintOwen Auston-Babcock"Unlivable Wages"The Globe, Clayton High School
High School BroadcastJaela Burris"The Talk"Bay 11 Podcast, Hillcrest High School
Domestic Print and Grand Prize Carol Marbin Miller, Daniel Chang and Emily Michot"Birth and Betrayal"The Miami Herald and ProPublica
International Print Raffi Khatchadourian "Ghost Walls"The New Yorker
Domestic PhotographyJoshua Lott"Social Injustice"The Washington Post
International PhotographyMarcus Yam"The Fall of Afghanistan"The Los Angeles Times
New MediaStaff of The New York Times"Airstrikes Gone Wrong"The New York Times
Cartoon Clay Jones "Clay Jones Cartoons" and CNN Opinion Newsletter
Domestic TelevisionJennifer Gollan, Amina Waheed and Adrienne Haspel"Unrelinquished: When Abusers Keep their Guns"Al Jazeera English Fault Lines and Reveal (Center for Investigative Reporting podcast)
International Television Ramona Diaz "A Thousand Cuts"FRONTLINE (PBS)
Criminal Justice ReformGina Barton, Daphne Duret, Brett Murphy and Jarrad Henderson"Behind the Blue Wall"USA Today
John Seigenthaler Courage in Journalism AwardStaff of The New York Times"Airstrikes Gone Wrong"The New York Times

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