SN 1986G

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SN 1986G
Event type Supernova   OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg
DateMay 3, 1986
Constellation Centaurus
Right ascension 13h 25.6m 40s
Declination -43° 02' 16"
Epoch B1950.0
Galactic coordinates unknown
Distanceabout 15,000,000 light-years
Host Centaurus A (NGC 5128)
Progenitor typeF9/A0Ia
Colour (B-V)unknown
Notable featuresOnly SN in NGC 5128 (so far!)
Peak apparent magnitude +13.23
Other designationsSN 1986G, AAVSO 1319-42, EV* N5128 V0018

SN 1986G was a supernova that was observed on May 3, 1986 by Robert Evans. Its host galaxy, Centaurus A, is about 15 million light-years away in the constellation Centaurus. Since Centaurus A is about 15 million light-years away from us, this supernova happened 15 million years ago.[ citation needed ]

SN 1986G was a bright blue-green star in the middle of the left part of the dust belt of Centaurus A. The blue-green color occurs because David Malin could take the red plate used in this composite image only one year after the supernova occurred, and it had faded away at that time.

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