Space art

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The Blue Marble, Earth as seen from Apollo 17, 1972 The Earth seen from Apollo 17.jpg
The Blue Marble , Earth as seen from Apollo 17, 1972

Space art, also known as astronomical art, is a genre of art that visually represents the universe through various artistic styles. It may also refer to artworks sent into space. [1]


The development of space art was closely linked to advancements in technology, which enabled more precise observations of the night sky. Some space artists work directly with scientists to explore new ways to expand the arts, humanities, and cultural expression relative to space. Space art may communicate ideas about space, often including an artistic interpretation of cosmological phenomena and scientific discoveries. [2]

For many decades, visual artists have explored the topic of space using traditional painting media, followed recently by the use of digital media for the same purpose. Science-fiction magazines and picture essay magazines were some of the first major outlets for space art, often featuring planets, spaceships, and dramatic alien landscapes. Chesley Bonestell, R. A. Smith, Lucien Rudaux, David A. Hardy, and Ludek Pesek were some of the artists actively involved in visualizing topics such as space exploration and colonization in the early days of the genre. Astronomers and experts in rocketry played roles in inspiring and informing artists in this genre. [1]

NASA’s second administrator, James E. Webb, created the space agency's Space Art program in 1962, four years after its founding. [1] Bonestell's work in this program often depicted various celestial bodies and landscapes, highlighting both the destinations and the imagined technologies used to reach them.

Astronomical art

Trouvelot, The great nebula in Orion (1875). Trouvelot- The great nebula in Orion - 1875.jpg
Trouvelot, The great nebula in Orion (1875).

Astronomical art is a genre of space art that focuses on visual representations of outer space. It encompasses various themes, including the space environment as a new frontier for humanity, depictions of alien worlds, representations of extreme phenomena like black holes, and artistic concepts inspired by astronomy.

Astronomical art emerged as a distinct genre in the 1940s and 1950s. Chesley Bonestell was recognized for his skills in addressing perspective challenges and creating visual representations of astronomical concepts. Contemporary artists continue to contribute to the visualization of ideas within the space community, such as depicting theoretical capabilities for interstellar travel and illustrating hypothetical deep-space phenomena. [3] [4]

Astronomical art is the most recent of several art movements that have explored ideas emerging from the ongoing exploration of Earth. Finding its roots in genres such as the Hudson River School or Luminism, most astronomical artists use traditional painting methods or digital equivalents in a way that brings the viewer to the frontiers of human knowledge gathered in the exploration of space. Such works usually portray things in the visual language of realism extrapolated to exotic environments, whose details reflect ongoing knowledge and educated guesswork. An example of the process of creating astronomical art would be studying and visiting desert environments to experience something of what it might be like on Mars and painting based on such experiences. Another would be to hear of an astronomical concept, and then seek out published articles or experts in the field. Usually, there is an artistic effort to emphasize the favourable visual elements, just as a photographer composes a picture. Notable astronomical art often reflects the artist's interpretation and imagination regarding the subject portrayed.

Science fiction magazines such as Fantasy and Science Fiction , Amazing , Astounding (later renamed Analog ), and Galaxy were platforms for space and astronomical art in the 1950s. Picture essay magazines of the time, such as Life , Collier's , and Coronet, were other major outlets for such art. Today, astronomical art can be seen in magazines such as Sky and Telescope , The Planetary Report , and occasionally in Scientific American . The NASA fine arts program has been an ongoing effort to hire artists to create works generally specific to a particular space project. The program documents historical events in recognizable form for professional artists. The NASA Fine Arts Program operated in an era of forward progress under its first head director, James Dean. [5] Even then, pictorial realism seemed a subset rather than a dominant visual influence.

The works that document space flight situations, such as those referenced above, are similar in concept to government efforts during World War II to send artists to battle zones for documentation, much of which appeared in contemporary Life magazines. Most of today's widely published space and astronomical artists have belonged to the International Association of Astronomical Artists since 1983.


The first photographs of the entire Earth by satellites [6] and crewed Apollo missions [7] brought a new sense of Earth and promoted ideas of the unity of humanity. [8] Photographs taken by explorers on the Moon evoked the experience of being in another world. The Pillars of Creation [9] taken by the Hubble Space Telescope and other Hubble photos often evoke intense responses from viewers; for example, Hubble's planetary nebula images. [10]


Artists have experienced free-fall conditions during flights flown with NASA, the Russian and French Space Agencies, and the Zero Gravity Arts Consortium. Early efforts by artists to have art pieces placed in space have already been accomplished with painting, holography, micro-gravity mobiles, floating literary works, and sculpture. [11]


Land Grant to Hunnubat-Nanaya Kudurru. Susa, Babylonia. (ca. 1186-1172 BC), limestone, 83 cm (32.6 in) x 42 cm (16.5 in) x 33 cm (12.9 in), Louvre. Kudurru Melishipak Louvre Sb23 n02.jpg
Land Grant to Hunnubat-Nanaya Kudurru. Susa, Babylonia. (ca. 1186-1172 BC), limestone, 83 cm (32.6 in) x 42 cm (16.5 in) x 33 cm (12.9 in), Louvre.

Early examples of space art are depictions of celestial bodies in ancient artifacts. The 'Land Grant to Ḫunnubat-Nanaya Kudurru,' a Babylonian limestone artifact from the 12th century BC, features early representations of Venus, the lunar crescent, and the solar disk.

Albrecht Altdorfer's painting The Battle of Issus (1529) shows the curvature of the Earth from a great height. [12] Galileo's sketches of the Moon from the Sidereus Nuncius (1610) were published among other early descriptions of the Moon's topography. In 1711, Donato Creti painted a series of astronomers viewing other planets of the Solar System through a telescope to interest the Vatican in establishing an astronomical observatory.

19th century

In the early 1870s-1900s, Étienne Léopold Trouvelot published a series of Chromolithographs of his pastels of astronomical subjects.

In 1874, James Carpenter and James Nasmyth's work The Moon: Considered as a Planet, a World, and a Satellite included photographs of sculpted models of Lunar features, in the marked vertical exaggeration of the actual relief of the Moon.

In 1877, Paul Dominique Philippoteaux and engraver Laplante illustrated Jules Verne's story Off on a Comet, including an imaginative view looking up at the rings of Saturn from the planet itself.

20th century

In 1918, Howard Russell Butler deliberately made use of the dynamic range of human vision in painting a total eclipse based on direct observation. [13]

In 1927, Scriven Bolten created lunar landscape images for the Illustrated London News using painted photos of plaster models.

In 1937, Lucien Rudaux painted many works for Sur Les Autres Mondes. [14] [15]

In 1944, Chesley Bonestell's paintings of Saturn seen from its different moons appeared in Life magazine, introducing astronomical art to a wide American audience. Books featuring Bonestell's art include The Conquest Of Space (1949), The Exploration Of Mars (1956), and Life's The World We Live In (1955).

The second Hayden Planetarium Symposium on Space Travel, held in New York in October 1952, resulted in a series of widely read space flight articles in Collier's magazine, illustrated by Bonestell and others.

In 1963, Ludek Pesek's paintings filled the large volumes of The Moon And the Planets , and the 1968 volume Our Planet Earth-From The Beginning.

The 1980 Cosmos PBS television show and book used the work of many space artists. Host Carl Sagan used such art in several of his books.

The 21st century expanded to sending art into space.

Art in space

Golden olive branch left on the Moon by Neil Armstrong (Apollo 11) as a symbol of peace. Gold Olive Branch Left on the Moon by Neil Armstrong - GPN-2002-000070.jpg
Golden olive branch left on the Moon by Neil Armstrong (Apollo 11) as a symbol of peace.

First art created in space

The first active artist in space was Alexei Leonov, who produced the first drawing in space onboard Voskhod 2 in 1965, depicting an orbital sunrise. [16]

The first original oil paintings flown into outer space

An art conservation experiment from Vertical Horizons, [17] founded by Howard Wishnow and Ellery Kurtz, was flown aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia STS-61-C on January 12, 1986. Four original oil paintings by American artist Ellery Kurtz were flown in one of NASA's GetAway Special (G.A.S.) containers mounted to a bridge in the shuttle cargo bay. These original works of art are the first oil paintings to enter Earth's orbit. This NASA GAS canister, designated G-481, was the 46th such canister flown aboard a Space Shuttle. The Space Shuttle Columbia orbited the Earth 98 times during its mission duration of 6 days, 2 hours, 3 minutes, and 51 seconds. Columbia was launched from Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida, on January 12, 1986, and landed at the Kennedy Space Center on January 18, 1986.

Zero-G space art

Fallen Astronaut, left on the Moon by David Scott during the Apollo 15 mission Fallen Astronaut.jpg
Fallen Astronaut , left on the Moon by David Scott during the Apollo 15 mission

Small art objects have been carried on several Apollo missions, such as gold emblems and a small Fallen Astronaut figurine that was left on the Moon during the 1971 Apollo 15 mission. Visual observations have been recorded in drawings and commentary by earlier cosmonauts and astronauts of difficult-to-photograph phenomena such as the airglow, twilight colors, and outer details of the solar corona.

Another work, later brought to Earth orbit sometime in the mid-80s, was a study of the golden sunlight on a Soviet space station by Russian artist Andrei Sokolov, carried aboard the Soviet Mir space station starting with modules in February 1986. In 1984, Joseph McShane and Lowry Burgess had their conceptual artwork flown aboard the Space Shuttle utilizing NASA's 'Get Away Special' program. [18] The first sculpture specifically designed for human habitat in orbit was Arthur Woods' Cosmic Dancer [19] [20] which was sent to the Mir station in 1993. In 1995, Arthur Woods organized Ars ad Astra, the first art exhibition in Earth orbit. [21] consisting of 20 original artworks from 20 artists and an electronic archive also took place on the Mir space station as part of ESA's EUROMIR'95 mission. In 1998, Frank Pietronigro flew Research Project Number 33: Investigating the Creative Process in a Micro-gravity Environment, where he created 'drift paintings' and danced in microgravity space. In 2006, the artist returned to micro-gravity flight to create three new works, one in collaboration with Lowry Burgess; Moments in the Infinite Absolute, Flags in Space!, and a new form of microgravity mobile.

The Slovenian theater director Dragan Živadinov staged a performance called Noordung Zero Gravity Biomechanical during a parabolic flight organized through the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center facility in Star City in 1999. The UK arts group The Arts Catalyst, with the MIR consortium (Arts Catalyst, Projekt Atol, V2 Organisation, Leonardo-Olats), organized a series of parabolic 'zero gravity' flights for artistic and cultural experimentation with the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre, as well as with the European Space Agency, between 2000 and 2004, including Investigations in Microgravity, [22] MIR Flight 001, [23] and MIR Campaign 2003. [24] [25] [26] [27] Artists who participated in these flights and visits to Russia and ESA have included the Otolith Group, shortlisted in 2011 for the Turner Prize, Stefan Gec, Ansuman Biswas and Jem Finer, Kitsou Dubois, Yuri Leiderman, and Marcel·li Antunez Roca.

Richard Garriott visited the International Space Station, via the Soyuz TMA-13 on October 12, 2008, where he displayed an art exhibition, Celestial Matters, during his 12 days in orbit. Celestial Matters included works by ten American artists as well as work Garriott created himself while in orbit, honoring his heritage in art and science. The art was later exhibited at the Charles Bank Gallery in New York City in October 2011. [28] Garriott also exhibited Astrogeneris Mementos, two small works, somewhat reminiscent of memento mori or hairwork, containing locks of hair from Richard Garriott and Owen Garriott sealed in chambers by Steve Brudniak, the first assemblage sculptures exhibited in outer space. [29] [30] [31]

In 2009, NASA astronaut Nicole Stott having brought watercolor paint and watercolor paper with her for the long-duration Expedition 21 mission to the International Space Station became the first astronaut to paint in space. [32]

The Mexican artist and musician Nahum directed the art and science project Matters of Gravity (La Gravedad de los Asuntos in Spanish), a project reflecting on gravity in its absence. The first mission consisting only of Latin American artists was executed in a zero-gravity flight at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in 2014. The participating artists include Tania Candiani, Ale de la Puente, Ivan Puig, Arcángelo Constantini, Fabiola Torres-Alzaga, Gilberto Esparza, Juan Jose Diaz Infante, Nahum, and Marcela Armas. The project included the participation of Mexican scientist Miguel Alcubierre and curators Rob La Frenais and Kerry Anne Doyle.

Performance art has also occurred in space, as with Chris Hadfield's 2013, edited performance of David Bowie's 1969 song "Space Oddity and Thomas Pesquet's 2017 edited performance of "L'Art de la joie par les Spacelatorz" ." [33] [34]

Sojourner 2020 project onboard the International Space Station

In the Sojourner 2020 project from MIT, the Space Exploration Initiative took nine selected artists to develop art projects on board the International Space Station. Sojourner 2020 was a 1.5U size device (100mm x 100mm x 152.4mm) that was launched into low Earth orbit between March 7 and April 7 during the COVID-19 pandemic. It featured a three-layer telescoping structure that simulated three different "gravities": zero gravity, lunar gravity, and Martian gravity. Each layer of the structure rotated independently. The top layer remained still in weightlessness, while the middle and bottom layers spun at different speeds to produce centripetal accelerations that mimicked lunar gravity and Martian gravity respectively. Each layer carried six pockets that held the projects. Each pocket was a container with a diameter of 10 mm and a depth of 12 mm. The artist proposed and accomplished artworks in a variety of different mediums, including carved stone sculptures by Erin Genia, liquid pigment experiments by Andrea Ling and Levi Cai, sculptures made of transgender hormone replacement medicines by Adriana Knouf, and living organisms, like marine diatoms of the genus Phaeodactylum Tricornutum , by Luis Guzmán. [35]

The nine artist groups selected onboard Sojourner 2020 were:

Moon Gallery viewed from the ISS Cupola Moon Gallery onboard the ISS.jpg
Moon Gallery viewed from the ISS Cupola

Artworks launched into outer space

Humans have engaged in many cultural activities in space, particularly on space stations, recontextualizing terrestrial culture and art. [40]

ISS crew watching a movie in orbit. Expedition 54 watching The Last Jedi.jpg
ISS crew watching a movie in orbit.

See also

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  2. "What Is Space Art?". ATX Fine Arts. Retrieved 2024-09-17.
  3. Schuetz, Melvin H. (1999). A Chesley Bonestell Space Art Chronology. Universal-Publishers. ISBN   978-1-58112-829-1.
  4. Melvin H. Schuetz (1999). Chesley Bonestell Chronology.
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  9. 'Pillars Of Creation'
  10. Planetary Nebula
  11. Malina, Roger (1991). "In Defense of Space Art: The Role of the Artist in Space Exploration". Light Pollution, Radio Interference, and Space Debris. 17 (ASP Conference Series, IAU Colloquium 112): 145–152. Bibcode:1991ASPC...17..145M via Astrophysics Data System.
  12. "Smarthistory – Albrecht Altdorfer, The Battle of Issus". Retrieved 2024-08-24.
  13. Lawrence, Jenny; Richard Milner (February 2000). "A Forgotten Cosmic Designer". Natural History. Retrieved 27 March 2012.
  14. Miller, Ron (17 January 2012). "The first science artist to draw accurate pictures of Mars and the Moon". io9. Retrieved 2019-04-17.
  15. "Authors : Rudaux, Lucien : SFE : Science Fiction Encyclopedia". Archived from the original on 2019-04-17. Retrieved 2019-04-17.
  16. Brown, Mark (31 August 2015). "First picture drawn in space to appear in cosmonauts show in London". the Guardian. Retrieved 26 August 2021.
  17. "Home".
  18. "Art into Space" Archived 2011-07-17 at the Wayback Machine by Robert Horvitz, Whole Earth Review, fall 1985, pages 26-31.
  19. "Cosmic Dancer: A space art project by Arthur Woods". Retrieved 18 November 2014.
  20. "Home".
  21. "Home".
  22. Investigations in Microgravity
  23. MIR Flight 001
  24. MIR Campaign 2003
  25. "Ars Astronautica - AstroArtist Arthur Woods - Space Art Interventions".
  26. "Art, Science and "the True Mistakes of metaphor"" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-07-24. Retrieved 2011-04-24.
  27. HighBeam
  28. Chow, Denise. 2011. Space Art Launching from NYC Gallery This Weekend. NBC News, Oct. 14, 2011, 11:48 AM CDT (Source: Accessed June 15, 2024.
  29. Gupta, Anjali (editor), 2013. The Science of Surrealism - Assemblage Sculpture of Steve Brudniak. Merrid Zone. Austin, Texas. 198 pp. (see pages 159-162) ISBN   978-0-615-75370-6
  30. Brannon, Mike, 2018. Profile, Steve Burdniak: Psychedelic Surrrealism Texas Style. 71 Magazine, Jan/Feb 2018: 66-75 pp. (see page 71). Accessed June 15, 2024.
  31. Challenger Center, Youtube: Richard Garriott Space Video Blog, 2009: Conservation of Momentum . (Brudniak’s Astrogeneris Mementos [two black squares framed in silver] can be seen at the top of the green bulletin board on the left). Accessed June 15, 2024.
  32. Shah, Vikas. "A Conversation with the First Astronaut to Paint in Space, Nicole Stott". Thought Economics. Retrieved 19 September 2024.
  33. Fleishman, Glenn (22 May 2013). "How does copyright work in space?". The Economist . Retrieved 29 May 2013.
  34. "Thomas Pesquet – astronaut, saxophonist and back in space". Retrieved 17 September 2024.
  35. Liu, Xin. "Sojourner 2020 | An international art payload to ISS". MIT Media Lab. MIT.
  36. Liu, Xin. "Sojourner 2020 | An international art payload to ISS". MIT Media Lab.
  37. 1 2 "The artworks floating above the Earth". BBC. 14 December 2018. Retrieved 18 March 2021.
  38. Robert Z. Pearlman (2022-02-21). "'Moon Gallery' prototype arrives at space station with 64 works of art". Retrieved 2022-09-05.
  39. Mori, Akihico (2024-06-23). "DNAを月へと打ち上げる!? アートが探求する、死後に「遺すもの」の可能性". (in Japanese). Retrieved 2024-08-24.
  40. Maldonado, Devon Van Houten (2018-12-14). "The artworks floating above the Earth". BBC Home. Retrieved 2024-03-28.

Further reading